Prostate - Enlarged
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Enlarged Prostate Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Corn Husk Cure

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Becky (Asheville, NC) on 01/22/2007

Corn Husk Tea: Boil 8 corn husks in 2 pints of water for about 30 min. Strain and Drink and you have corn silk tea. Pour 2 cups of boiling water of 1tbl corn silk let simmer for 5 min. strain and sweeten. Drink as often as can save the silk from the corn when you make corn-on-the-cob. Both recipes are for the prostate problems.

Replied by Phil
(Dearing, Ga)

So I tried cooking up this drink tonight and I do not see how just two pints of water boiling for thirty minutes and 8 corn husk will work.

This simply is not enough water... The water is gone before the boil is done...

Anyone else know about this?

Replied by Mariah
(Atlanta, Ga)

Phil from Dearing GA : When water start boiling reduce heat to low and then start counting the 30 minutes

Replied by Seattleite
(Seattle, Wa)

hello, can we make the Corn Husk Tea from the dried husks? something that I can buy from Amazon for example. thanks!

Replied by Paul

Corn husk and corn silk are different things, can someone clarify this post from 2007?

Pay It Forward
62 posts

It says 'CORN SILK'... 'Pour 2 cups of boiling water of 1tbl corn silk let simmer for 5 min. strain and sweeten.' You can buy corn silk tea at many Asian grocers and online including Amazon. It is also beneficial for...

1. Good Source of Antioxidants

Stigma maydis is rich in phenolic compounds, especially flavonoids. Studies on the plant fiber show that it provides strong antioxidant activity by inhibiting free radical scavenging.

Animal studies show that corn silks have anti-inflammatory effects and can be used to suppress pro-inflammatory mediators. Researchers believe that the silks may be useful for the treatment of inflammatory diseases related to oxidative stress.

2. Rich in Nutrients

We know that the nutritional value of corn is impressive, but its silks are also rich in macro- and micronutrients. It contains:

  • proteins
  • carbohydrates
  • vitamins
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • sodium salts

It also features volatile oils and steroids, including sitosterol and stigmasterol, alkaloids, and saponins.

3. Improves Cholesterol Levels

There's evidence to suggest that consuming the flavonoids in Stigma maydis can help improve cholesterol levels.

In one study, administration of flavonoids from corn silk extract resulted in significantly lowers levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. There was no difference in HDL cholesterol levels, but the data shows that the silks may have potential anti-hyperlipidemic effects.

4. Reduces Blood Pressure

Although more clinical trials are needed, there's some research indicating that corn silk tea is useful for patients with hypertension. The main outcome of drinking the tea was total blood pressure lowering, but researchers note that using the tea plus antihypertensive drugs may be more effective.

5. May Reduce Blood Sugar

Studies indicate that consuming these corn threads has anti-diabetic effects, and they've been proven to improve glucose tolerance in rats. Although more research involving humans is necessary, the animal studies demonstrate corn silk's anti-diabetic benefits.

6. May Work as a Diuretic

Research suggests that corn silk soothes and relaxes the lining of the bladder and urinary tubules, so it may be helpful in reducing irritation and increasing urine secretion.

The silks have been found to have diuretic effects and urine flow increased after consumption. Because it works as a diuretic, eating this part of the corn plant can also decrease potassium levels.

Stigma maydis was also used in traditional medicine to treat urinary tract infections. Although research on this possible corn silk benefit is limited, its diuretic properties may support urinary tract health.

7. May Help Improve Depression

Although more research involving humans is needed, this is evidence involving mice suggesting that corn silk has anti-depressant activity and can improve the “excitation spirit” and lengthen activity time.

8. May Aid Weight Loss

There's evidence from studies conducted on mice to support corn silk's benefits for weight loss, but human trials are needed.

In one study, researchers concluded that corn silk extract inhibited fat accumulation and fat synthesis, while promoting the expression of genes involved in fat oxidation. The silks may reduce body fat accumulation, at least in animals.

Corn Husk Cure
Posted by Kenneth (Lexington, OH) on 01/21/2007

If the dried variety of Corn Silk Tea is not available it can be prepared easily from the fresh silk of sweet corn. Take the silk from one sweet corn, wash thoroughly and chop finely. Put the chopped Corn Silk into a tea pot and cover with boiling water. Secure the lid and allow the infusion to steep for between 2 to 5 minutes. Strain and drink. * Corn Silk combines well with other herbs such as couch grass, bearberry and yarrow for the treatment of cystitis.

Corn Husk Cure
Posted by Ray (Yonkers, NY) on 03/02/2006

My grand father had an enlarged prostate. He drank the tea from the corn husk and the prostate decreased back to its normal state. I'm writing this to add to some of the cures listed. My grandmother used this cure from an herbal book for my grandfather.

Replied by Jacob
(Salem, India)

How long this Corn Husk Tea needs to be taken to shrink the prostate ? Life long or some days. Kindly share your experince. Jacob

Cream of Tartar

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 03/26/2017

I find Cream of Tartar very helpful in treating prostate inflammation. Dissolve in hot water between an eighth to one quarter teaspoon of Cream of Tartar (CoT), then add this to your juice. Do this morning and night.

CoT is very high in potassium and this is great for the renal system. It works quickly, within an hour or so. Make sure to dissolve in hot water as instructed as it doesn't dissolve well in cold water. If you don't dissolve it the granules are a bit too acidic as they are (I can get a canker sore), and it is also likely to not work as well.

Dark Chocolate

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/22/2023

Dark Chocolate for Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) weak urine stream and need to urinate frequently

My friend Burt (63) has BPH. As many as 90% of men in their 70s and 80s have enlarged prostates. Many men with BPH have no symptoms. In men with symptoms, the most common include needing to urinate frequently (during the day and night), weak urine stream, and leaking or dribbling of urine. These symptoms are called lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).

I remember a book called “Dead Doctor's Don't Lie” by Dr JD Wallach. He said to eat 1 square of a dark chocolate bar every day for the next 2 months to improve urine flow. I told Burt about this so he decided to give it a try.

It's been over a month now and Burt came over and while we were talking, I asked how his BPH was. He said the dark chocolate daily has greatly improved his urine flow and he doesn't get up but once maybe twice during the nite now to go too the bathroom which is a great improvement. He is going to continue it for the next month to see if it improves more.

He was pleased with this simple remedy.

Dietary Changes, Supplements

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ron (Milwaukee, WI) on 01/31/2023

Cure for enlarged Prostate or urinary blockage.

First you have to know the cause of an enlarged Prostate. In my case, it was due to calcium oxalate. One needs calcium for strong bones up to about age 30 or so. After that, it is a hindrance. I had complete urinary blockage; and when the catheter was removed after a week, the small kidney stones came out for days.

So in your diet you have to look for low oxalate alternatives. Avoid all dairy that contains cholesterol and calcium oxalates. Avoid all saturated fats, salt, sugar, alcohol, caffeine and even tap water with high mineral content. Avoid when you can, but otherwise reduce the intake and use substitutes. Various foods and drinks have labels showing levels for calcium and cholesterol content. Not only can these bad substances have a worsening affect on the Prostate, but they are also bad for the heart.

Each day I take zinc, magnesium, and Ibuprofen. I like coffee and drink about 1 -- 2 mugs in the morning. The rest of the day is decaffeinated. Another thing to consider is that cattle are fed antibiotics and growth hormones. This also contributes to an enlarged prostate and possible breast cancer in women. Avoid fast food when possible because it is heavily salted.

DIY Prostate Massage

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Caterina (Maryland) on 03/07/2021

Link for prostate massage for treatment of BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate gland) due to age.

I wanted to let men know about this technique and website. Having to get up multiple times a night and not being able to fully empty the bladder wrecks havoc on mens' quality of life. I hope this will be helpful to someone.

Hopefully, one day, our doctors will be taught to help their patients with natural remedies instead of drugs whose side effects are so destructive.

Replied by Vanillablooos

That is not a valid website.

Replied by Earth Clinic

The website was taken down, but we found a snapshot with old text on Wayback Machine. This information dates back to 2003.

Beginner's Guide To Do-It-Yourself Prostate Drainage

By Ron K

RonK's Disclaimer:

I am not a doctor and am relating only my own personal experience and opinions. Do-it-yourself prostate drainage is an experimental technique which is helping some sufferers. I take no responsibility if you try this and hurt yourself somehow. Neither, I'm sure does the Prostatitis Foundation. If you experience a fever or other serious illness within 24 hours of a drainage you should see a doctor immediately.

  • This article covers the following frequently asked questions:
  • What is prostate drainage?
  • Why would I want to do it myself?
  • Can anybody do it?
  • My arms are too short. Is there any other way?
  • What benefits can I expect?
  • Can't I get the same benefits from just taking antibiotics?
  • Couldn't I just ejaculate normally instead of having my prostate drained?
  • Is the improvement permanent?
  • What are the possible drawbacks to do-it-yourself drainage? Can I hurt myself?
  • How do I know I am doing it right?
  • How exactly does Dr. AEF. do it?
  • What do I need in the way of supplies and where do I get them?
  • Do I need any preparation?
  • Ejaculation? Do you mean I have to masturbate?
  • Can't I just skip the ejaculation?
  • How do you do it?
  • How long will it take before I see some results?
  • What happens if I miss a day or two?
  • How will I know when I'm cured?
  • How often should I do the drainage?
  • Why can't my uro do it for me?
  • Can I email you if I have any other questions?
  • 2003 Update

What is prostate drainage?

Prostate drainage is an essential part of Dr. AE Feliciano's treatment for prostatitis. This drainage must be done every two days or the whole treatment may fail. The rest of the treatment consists of several cultures of seminal fluid to determine the cause(s) of the infection and to determine the best antibiotic or antifungal to take, followed by a course of the appropriate antibiotic or antifungal.
Prostate drainage is an advanced version of the digital rectal exam (DRE). The doctor inserts his gloved finger into your rectum and presses on portions of the prostate in an attempt to drain all of the trapped fluid.

Why would I want to do it myself?

Ideally, you don't. It would be nice if every uro was as skilled and knowledgeable as Dr. AEF (and open on weekends). However, there's only one of him and it's a long expensive plane ride to the Philippines. Until the treatment becomes widespread this may be the only option.
Also, are you really looking forward to spending a good chunk of every other day in the waiting room of your friendly uro just so he can do a five minute massage on you? Of course, there is also the matter of his fee which your insurance company is not too interested in paying for yet.

Can anybody do it?

No. You need to be fairly flexible and have long enough arms. Short stubby fingers might also be a problem. You also have to have enough courage to do it. It's kind of frightening the first time but gets to be routine after a while.

My arms are too short. Is there any other way?

There might be. Dr. Tarfusser uses his ultrasonic probe to reach where he can't. You might experiment with something like a long thin dildo if you can find one stiff enough. If it is too flexible that wouldn't work and you wouldn't want to use something that could break. It would also need to be easily sterilized.
You can also try to talk your wife or significant other into helping you. (Good way to find out if they really love you!)

What benefits can I expect?

There is no guarantee that do-it-yourself drainage will help, especially without the cultures and the antibiotics/antifungals, however, if done properly it may result in draining the clogged up pockets in the prostate (called acini). This draining of the swollen acini is necessary in order to allow the replacement of the infection saturated fluid with fresh antibiotic/antifungal laden fluid.
My own experience, even without the use of any antibiotics has been that regular drainage has resulted in a reduction or elimination of all symptoms. My prostate has actually shrunk in size since I began the regular drainages and I find that I no longer have any sitting pain or discomfort when urinating. Urine flow has also improved. The spot left by "the last drop" on my underwear has shrunk from bigger than a silver dollar down to smaller than a dime.

Can't I get the same benefits from just taking antibiotics?

No. The antibiotics cannot reach the infection when the acini are clogged. Only when they are drained regularly does the antibiotic get where it needs to go in sufficient quantities to do some good. Without the drainage all you do is breed your own supply of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Couldn't I just ejaculate normally instead of having my prostate drained?

No. Once the acini clog up, a normal ejaculation does not drain them. If it did we wouldn't all be suffering from prostatitis.

Is the improvement permanent?

We don't know yet. Dr. AEF.'s full treatment appears to completely cure the patient. Do-it-yourself may only help to ease the symptoms until Dr. AEF.'s treatment becomes more easily available. You may need to continue on a regular schedule until then. It is too soon to tell.

What are the possible drawbacks to do-it-yourself drainage? Can I hurt myself?

The major drawback so far has been a slightly sore wrist due to the extreme angle required but this goes away quickly and after a while your wrist adjusts. It is conceivable that you could possible spread the infection to your urinary tract but so far that has not happened. See the warning in the disclaimer. There is a small chance that you could cut yourself with a fingernail but if you keep them short and wear a glove this should not happen.

You will probably feel an increase in the burning sensation in the region between your prostate and your penis after a drainage. There may also be some itching at the tip. This is caused by the high alkalinity of the infected fluid. Always urinate immediately after the drainage to wash the fluid away. I take 1000 mg of Vitamin C every twelve hours in order to make the urine more acidic to help neutralize the alkaline fluid.

Some people have reported that this seems to make their burning sensation worse Perhaps their infection actually turns it acidic instead (though supposedly this has only been seen in dogs and not humans). Anyway, if Vitamin C doesn't help I would experiment with antacids to see if that helped but it may just be that the urethra has been so irritated by the infection that the salt in the urine is enough to make it burn. Only solution then is to cut back on salt and take plenty of fluids.

There may be a short term reduction in flow but this usually clears in an hour or so.

Per Dr. AEF. drainage of the prostate has no negative effect on the prostate, though a bruised feeling is common at first. I suppose if you really tried you might do something dreadful like puncture your colon but this would take some doing.

Another poster (Scott) has been told to do this same drainage by his uro so at least one doctor thinks that it's not too dangerous. The worst I've had was a slight bruised feeling which faded quickly. No worse than what I got from some DREs.

How do I know I am doing it right?

You can feel the movement of fluid. If you get enough fluid movement you will see a few drops at the end of your penis but don't feel that you are a failure if you don't. It's a long way from the acini to the tip of your penis. If the burning sensation increases after a drainage then that is also a good sign that you have managed to get some out. Don't worry. You will get better and braver with practice.

How exactly does Dr. AEF. do it?

The following is from a post by Dave T. one of the first sufferers in our group to be cured by Dr. AEF written in response to my question.
How did Dr. AEF. drainage you? Was there anything special? Was it from one side to another? Did much fluid come out? Did he push hard to eradicate all fluid or was it a gradual process in which if a blockage didn't come out today, he didn't worry because it would come out later, etc.

Can the prostate be damaged by drainage?

His drainage starts by inserting his right hand index finger and finding the middle of the prostate. (There must be either a ridge or indentation there that he can feel.) Then he prepares to counteract the pressure of the push on the prostate by putting his left had around your waist and onto your belly beneath the navel. He moves his finder to the right to the side of the lobe and pushes down as hard as he can. (He only uses 50% of his strength at first on sensitive prostates and then works up to 100% as your sensitivity lessons. As you can surmise, he pushes very hard.)

While holding down his finger down as forcefully as he can he slowly moves it towards the center. I never timed this but I would guess that the total pressing time is around 7 or 8 seconds. Then he finds the middle again and performs the same procedure on the left side. If you can stand it a second time he may repeat one or both sides depending upon whether the prostate feels hard (meaning it still contains fluid) or if too little prostatic fluid is extracted. (In my case he would often redo the left side saying that it needed more work.) The entire drainage procedure takes no more than a minute. He stops to collect a drop of prostatic fluid on a slide after each side is drained.

He is so good at feeling the prostate that he can detect when he is opening up blockages. And sometimes you can even feel them opening up yourself. (It's incredible!)
The pain isn't as bad as the above description would make it sound. In my case, I kind of groaned barely audibly during the first week or so of treatment while he was pressing. It was *nothing* near the type of pain that would make you scream out. The pain never got any worse as he went from 50% to 100% pressure during the first week. As your prostate heals and you get used to the drainage the pain reduces to nearly nothing. By the third week it was a piece of cake.

If you want to read more of Dave's postings, many are linked from the " Philippine Treatment " page at the prostatitis website

What do I need in the way of supplies and where do I get them?

Disposable gloves and KY jelly are a must. Gloves so you won't have to worry about scratching yourself with a fingernail or introducing new germs and so there is less mess, KY because Vaseline is almost impossible to wash off and isn't really as slippery. I use Kleenex to catch any discharge and to clean up with afterwards. Of course you also want to keep your fingernail cut back so as not to risk tearing the glove.

You can get everything you need at most pharmacies. I get my supplies at Wal-mart and use their Equate brand jelly.

Do I need any preparation?

I find that a hot bath followed by an ejaculation is the best preparation. The ejaculation clears out most of the fluid which is not trapped. The hot bath seems to open up more of the prostate and causes the ejaculation to produce as much fluid as possible. I also recommend 1000mg of Vitamin C every 12 hours starting at least the day before. This is to counteract the alkalinity of the discharge and also to make the urine less hospitable to bacteria.
I used to feel that a bowel movement just before the bath was necessary but I've since learned that it is not. The area where your finger goes appears to stay fairly clear all of the time.

Ejaculation? Do you mean I have to masturbate?

Not if you have an available partner, but if you don't, that's about the only way I know to ejaculate. Be warned that if you have a partner the infection can be passed back and forth so you should use a condom. If you have problems with masturbating a trip to your friendly neighborhood adult bookstore can help inspire you.

Can't I just skip the ejaculation?

Sure, Dr. AEF. doesn't require that his patient's ejaculate first. Ejaculation just lets you concentrate on the stuff that won't come out on its own. I think it works better this way but it's up to you.

How do you do it?

I find it's easiest for me to lay down on the bed on my left side (I'm right handed) and try to work my index finger into position. I generally start by bringing my right knee up towards my chest and then straightening up after entry. Note that the hand goes behind your back, not through your legs. (You can try it that way if you like but I don't think you will get good results.)
I usually start by massaging the opening a little and then inserting a finger in the easiest way with a little back and forth movement until I can feel that I have dilated enough. Then I insert my index finger so that the fingernail side is up toward my head. (This is the hardest part. You have to bend your wrist backwards as far as it will go to get it in.) You need to get the finger inserted this way. It's a lot easier the other way but then you don't have the strength or the reach that you need. This is really the hardest part and may be impossible for some people but I have long arms and it's not too bad though it does put some strain on my wrist.

Once you get your finger in place you will have no problem finding the culprit. It's that bump on the floor about an inch and a half in. Don't be surprised if it's bigger than an walnut. Mine was about the size of a small apple. Ideally you should be able to feel a depression in the middle but often because of the infection it will not be apparent. It may or may not hurt to touch it. This depends on how badly swollen it is. If it does hurt you may want to take some ibuprofen an hour before trying the drainage. If it really hurts and feels warm see a doctor before going any further.
Don't be in a hurry and don't press too hard at first. Move your finger around and learn your way around. Press lightly in each area and you will probably find an area where you can feel some fluid. This is the "boggy" feeling you may have heard your uro refer to.

You may also find some really hard areas. These are probably areas where the acini are so swollen that there is no give left. If the whole prostate is not infected you may also find a spongy area which is softer than hard area but doesn't feel like there is any fluid. This is what your whole prostate should feel like.

You may also find hard lumps. These are probably calcifications. (The body tries to isolate the infection by covering it with calcium sort of like the oyster does with sand to make a pearl. Luckily they don't get as hard as a pearl and can pass out of the prostate without pain.)

You should probably start with the boggy areas as these seem to be the easiest to drain. Press down gently using the pad of the first joint of your finger or the side of your finger. Don't use the tip. Kind of stroke it toward the center or the back. Take your time and don't scare yourself by pressing too hard. It's more important the first time that you get used to the idea. You may feel some movement internally. If you do, concentrate on that area for a while. Slow continuous pressure is better than sharp hard pressure.

With time you will learn your way around and it will get easier and you can apply more pressure and follow Dr. AEF.'s technique more closely. Don't be disappointed if you don't get any drops out of your penis. It's a long way from the prostate so takes quite a bit of fluid to get that far. I find that I have more luck pressing around the base on the left side and at the back so I assume that is where most of the my clogging is.

If you have really long fingers and are really determined you can also reach the seminal vas. Off to the left and right of the big bump and as far back as you can reach you may find a fluid filled area which can be drained in the same way. It also drains through the prostate and gets blocked because of the infection. If you can drain this area you might be able to reduce that pain or discomfort in your testicles.

Afterwards be sure to urinate immediately so as to wash out any infectious material you may have knocked loose. You don't want it lying around. Keep drinking a lot of liquid so as to keep washing out the infection. If the burning gets really bad try some more Vitamin C or some ibuprofen.

How long will it take before I see some results?

I noticed an improvement within 3 drainages but it will depend on your own prostate and your own skill. It's been almost 4 weeks now but I have seen a big change in my prostate. Where it was once swollen up like a ball it now has an almost normal left lobe and the central depression is there again. The right side is still hard so I'm not done yet but every day I get a little better.

What happens if I miss a day or two?

From my own experience you don't want to do that. I went four days without a drainage and lost a lot of my progress.

How will I know when I'm cured?

The only sure way is to have a culture done after a drainage. I would think that if your prostate has returned to normal and you haven't had any symptoms for at least two weeks that you might be over the worst of it. Even then I would recommend a periodic drainage just to be sure that the infection has not returned.

How often should I do the drainage?

At least every other day. You can do it more often if you like. It won't hurt anything. On weekends when I have the time I actually do two drainages every day.

Why can't my uro do it for me?

He could but he was taught that drainage is about on a par with bleeding the patient to get out the bad humors. It will take some time before we can reeducate the medical powers that be. This includes not only the teaching hospitals but also the insurance companies.

Can I email you if I have any other questions?

Sure. But first make sure you first read through Dave's stuff (Manila Reports). He's the best source of general information on Dr. AEF.'s methods. Dr. AEF. has also written an article which has just been posted. It's pretty technical but worth wading though especially if you are planning to do it yourself. I can be reached at: [email protected]

Anchor2003 Update

I guess the original DIY article was written back in 1996 and it's now 2003. Thought I'd add a little update on my condition. I'm still doing the massage but am down to about once a week or maybe every 10 days. My prostate feels totally normal to my doctor. The only symptom I still have is a tendency to a split stream but that usually goes away for a while after a massage. I recently had a complete rectal examination with camera and there was no damage or other sign that I'd been there. So I'd have to say it's a safe effective treatment – at least for me.
Over the years I have made a few changes in the procedure. I've switched to Walgreen's brand gloves size Large since they fit better than the Wal-Mart gloves (one size doesn't fit all) which seemed to shrink when they changed suppliers. Still use Wal-Mart's version of KY Jelly. I've tried other types of lubricant like Astroglide but they are not slippery enough. I now do the massage standing up with one leg up on a toilet or sink. Goes faster and seems a little easier and I can apply more pressure. I stroke the area a few times to relax it then dilate by inserting my thumb. (I can just barely reach the beginning of my prostate with the thumb. It has a little more power than my finger and does a better job on the small section it can reach.) I pull out the thumb and then insert my pointer finger (the one next to the thumb) with the thumb pointed up then press with the side of my finger. I find that dilation with the thumb makes it easier to get the finger in and doesn't tire the finger as much. I know most doctors are taught to use their middle finger since it is longest but I have tried both and the pointer finger has better reach – at least for me.

I recently started taking guaifenisen for a sinus condition. Shortly after my first dose of 800 mg (2 400 mg pills) I noticed a feeling similar to the burning I get after a good massage. I think it managed to loosen up a few blocked acini all by itself so it might actually make the drainage a bit more productive by thinning out the mucus. I got it off the web from one of the links at without a prescription. ( It seems it is supposedly a good treatment for a variety of other diseases. For those of you not familiar with it, it is an expectorant found in many over the counter cough syrups.

For what it's worth I tried Saw Palmetto extract and it definitely increased the amount of fluid that comes out but it makes my prostate feel uncomfortably full so I don't take it. For those of you who measure the success of the massage by the amount of fluid you get out you might appreciate it. My feeling is that it definitely increases the amount of prostate secretion but if your acini are not draining as they should this might not be a good thing.



2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Luis (Valle) on 01/07/2017

I suffered a chronic prostatitis with abdominal pain and frequent urination for three months. I think it was due to retaining ejaculation for an excessive time. A urologist recommended me a prostate massage (after a negative urine culture and test) and a batch of a couple of antibiotics for two weeks I did not experience any improvement and I stayed the same.

On my own I started doing abdominal exercises by lifting my legs and bringing them to my chest. This greatly moderated abdominal pain.

Without a solution in sight, and already without hope, on my own I experienced drinking a teaspoon of DMSO 70%, and at the same time I was massaging the pubis with this liquid. I began to feel better from the first session, with reduced pain and moderation of urine at night.

Afterwards, I then decided to rub the liquid directly into the glans first in the nights, and then in the mornings too, after asepsis with soap and water, and then the relief was quicker. Today in the fourth month since the onset of chronic prostatitis I am free of it.

Yesterday I had the prostate antigen PSA taken and the result was 1.6, excellent for a man 65 years old.

Replied by John

Luis, what DMSO do you use. Buy off Amazon, Ebay. Where did you get yours. And it is the DMSO 70 percent 30% distilled water? Thanks in advance Luis

(Aventura, FL)

The DMSO that I bought is from Heiltropfen, 70% DMSO & 30% Aloe, on glass bottle (that is important).

Replied by Albert

Can DMSO be used to treat a swollen prostate? What is the dosage? will it help with frequent urination?

EC: Please see the post from Louis in 2017 that we attached this to.

(Overland Park KS (USA))

Hi Albert.

Prostate issues mean you're chronically deficient in vitamin D3, iodine, vitamin C, magnesium chloride and zinc. Get you some liposomal vitamin D3, some high quality nascent iodine, zinc and quercetin (to get zinc inside the cells). If you can, get these and start supplementing every single day. Besides this one guy from a group I am part of reported having reversed his dad's prostate troubles by putting him a regular lemon water enema for 3 months straight. He also has his father take Saw Palmetto every day according to him his dad is now free from that which was troubling him. Hope this helps.

Replied by Fern.

Let me tell you my situation. I have problem with swollen prostate, PSA high, low pressure of urine flow, little pain, bladder with thick internal wall, reducing the capacity of urine, low testosterone. I am try many procedures presented in this EarthClinic.

By my bladder issue, I did many research, and I am going to ask the doctor to give me a catheter Color Black = French 10 (Fr.10) = 3.3 mm or White = Fr.12,4.0 mm and prescription of RIMSO-50 (dimethyl sulfoxide = DMSO). That is for me to do self bladder installation. As I read: During the bladder instillation, a solution is inserted into the bladder through a catheter. The solution of RIMSO-50 remains in place for about 10 to 15 minutes before it's drained naturally, pissing. It say that the treatment can be done by a urologist or with self-catheterization at home. -- The only bladder instillation solution approved by the FDA is dimethyl sulfoxide. It's believed that this solution works by increasing bladder capacity and relaxing pelvic and bladder muscles. It helps to reduce inflammation and discomfort.

Folks, DMSO is a miracle too. You have to buy "all books" to learn..., I have many, the most practical one is "The DMSO Handbook for Doctors", Archie H. Scott. Only in this book I learned that I can ingest DMSO with many drops, or teaspoonful. DMSO is extracted from tree pulp. Chapters in this book about: Amyloidosis, Alzheimer's and other Dementia, Arthritis, Athletic Injuries, Brain Injuries, Burns, Treating Cancer Patients, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Diabetes, Ear & Hearing problems, Eye Problems, Fibromyalgia, Fungus Infections, Hair/Scalp Problems, Headache, Infections, Inflammation, Interstitial Cystitis, Lupus, Mental Illness, Mental retardation, Multiple Sclerosis, Pain, Protection from Radiation Damage, Respiratory Problems, Scleroderma, Shingles & Herpes, Spinal Cord Injuries, Skin Problems, Stroke, Tooth/gum Disease.

Replied by John
(Cornwall, UK)

Hi Luis, thank you for sharing your experience. When you said you rubbed the DMSO directly onto the glans, did you mean the prostate? How did you do that? Thanks, John

Dried Figs

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ahmed (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) on 10/01/2006

Dry Figs cures Gall Stone and Prostate. If consumed 50 Gms daily, will ease passing urine in 3 days. (It's my personal observation) To clear gall stone, do this 2 months continuously. (I read this in a book and my sister got cured by this as confirmed by before/after ultrasounds) Thanks.

Replied by RAFI


Replied by Zark
(Emerald City, The Land Of Oz)

Figs have a strong alkalising effect on the renal system. I believe that is the likely reason figs are working for you. I have had similar observations when a diet that alkalises the urine, ie by eating lots of fruit and veg, and little protein/refined sugar.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Mir Ar (Montreal, Canada) on 02/10/2007

re: How my 'hated' remedy freed me from the prostate discomfort. Hi, For the last 2 months I have been suffering from sleeplessness caused by my prostate disorder. I started reducing consumption of liquids closer to evenings; thinking I would not be going to the toilet 3 or 4 times during the night. It did not help.

Recently, for 2 consecutive nights I was forced to go to the toilet 5 and 6 times. My sister reminded me of a grain used in the Afghan cuisine and as well for kidney problems. It is known in Farsi as 'Shanbalila' in Arabic al-holba'. This grain's name in English is Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum). I bought a small package of 200g. (Imported from India) in an Afghan variety store in Montreal for 2 dollars. Since my childhood' I did not like the smell of the thing and the day my mother put some of it into a sweet rice dish I refused to eat it at all and invited myself to my aunt's place to avoid being forced to eat.

After my 2 troubled nights, I looked into a book of remedies published in Iran in Persian language. I found this Fenugreek recommended for my kind of problem. According to the simple instruction, I put approximately 2 teaspoons of the grain in a pot of boiling water and turned the heat off shortly and left the infusion for the evening. Before going to bed I drank a cup of the liquid and started wondering what kind of a 3rd night will I be going through. At the early hours of that night,

I woke up twice for the toilet, each time after an hour of shallow sleep. Afterward I woke up around 7 in the morning without any pressing need to the toilet. Apparently the infusion took a few hours to start working. I used this remedy for 3 more days and with 2 -3 cups per day. Now, I wake up only twice in the night, if I don't drink a lot of liquids in the afternoon. Whether it cured an infection somewhere in my body or else, it did something good to me and I sleep well enough at nights now. The only aftermath of the fenugreek is an unpleasant odder (for me) in the armpits that does not go away after 2-3 showers. One has to use a strong deodorant for a few days even after the treatment.

Good luck!

Posted by Mir Ar (Montreal, Canada) on 02/10/2007

re: How my 'hated' remedy freed me from the prostate discomfort. Hi, For the last 2 months I have been suffering from sleeplessness caused by my prostate disorder. I started reducing consumption of liquids closer to evenings; thinking I would not be going to the toilet 3 or 4 times during the night. It did not help. Recently, for 2 consecutive nights I was forced to go to the toilet 5 and 6 times. My sister reminded me of a grain used in the Afghan cuisine and as well for kidney problems. It is known in Farsi as 'Shanbalila' in Arabic al-holba'. This grain's name in English is Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum). I bought a small package of 200g. (Imported from India) in an Afghan variety store in Montreal for 2 dollars. Since my childhood' I did not like the smell of the thing and the day my mother put some of it into a sweet rice dish I refused to eat it at all and invited myself to my aunt's place to avoid being forced to eat. After my 2 troubled nights, I looked into a book of remedies published in Iran in Persian language. I found this Fenugreek recommended for my kind of problem. According to the simple instruction, I put approximately 2 teaspoons of the grain in a pot of boiling water and turned the heat off shortly and left the infusion for the evening. Before going to bed I drank a cup of the liquid and started wondering what kind of a 3rd night will I be going through. At the early hours of that night, I woke up twice for the toilet, each time after an hour of shallow sleep. Afterward I woke up around 7 in the morning without any pressing need to the toilet. Apparently the infusion took a few hours to start working. I used this remedy for 3 more days and with 2 -3 cups per day. Now, I wake up only twice in the night, if I don't drink a lot of liquids in the afternoon. Whether it cured an infection somewhere in my body or else, it did something good to me and I sleep well enough at nights now. The only aftermath of the fenugreek is an unpleasant odor (for me) in the armpits that does not go away after 2-3 showers. One has to use a strong deodorant for a few days even after the treatment. Good luck!

Flor de Mashua +

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Aus (Liverpool UK) on 06/14/2022

Hello, I'm 74 years young and have recently had the worst prostate enlargement for at least the last 20 plus years. Thankfully the symptoms are improving and I'd like to share my healing treatment that it may help others.

Firstly, having tried it over the years, Saw Palmetto didn't do it for me but this time I've thrown just about everything at it. The following is a list of what has definitely helped this time.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), a teaspoonful in water morning and night.
  • Pumpkin seeds, a handful (soaked overnight in spring water).
  • Stinging nettle root as a tea, I make a pot in the morning and drink it throughout the day.
  • Quercetin and zinc.
  • Lycopene, from organic fried tomatoes.
  • Beta sitosterol.
  • Pygeum Africanum.
  • Intermittent fasting.

Flor de Mashua

I feel all of these together have helped BUT, I truly believe the biggest difference has been the thing I have taken these last few weeks, Flor de Mashua, which is made from the flowers of the Mashua plant that grows in South America. This can be bought at Alpha Omega Labs based in Ecuador. A short video about Flor de Mashua by the late, great herbalist Greg Caton can be viewed at I put a spoonful of this tincture into my nettle root tea as I make it, this helps to steam off some of the alcohol.

One thing I should mention, the prostate enlargement I have had could have been caused by taking too much Vitamin E tocotrienols, taken for my vascular system. In a YouTube video, Thomas de Lauer said that older men should not take too much Vit E because of the possibility of it causing prostate cancer. This I have now reduced to a minimum.

I hope this helps some of you guys out there. Good luck. Aus

Grape Seed Extract

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Art (California) on 07/19/2022 2370 posts

I was talking with a friend who told me he was having urinary tract issues. I asked him what type of issues he was having, to which he replied that he was having a hard time getting his urinary flow to get started, and then once it started, it stopped and started quite a bit or, as he put it, it was like Morse code. He further mentioned that he was having to urinate more often and even at night, Whereas previously, he usually slept through the night.

I told him that these symptoms are normally seen in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(BPH), but he did not have a medical diagnosis as such. I suggested that he consider trying high dose Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract (GSPE) for its anti inflammatory and antioxidative stress qualities. I asked him to keep me posted on how it worked for him.

He stopped by three weeks later and said he was back to normal! Here is the supplement he took at the recommended label dose each day.

I don't know if this will work for all men, but it definitely did work for him and very quickly!


High Intensity Focused Ultrasound

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO) on 01/08/2009

Just 3 weeks ago my husband had HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound) for prostate cancer. He is completely back to his old self, and never felt any pain or discomfort, never had the threat of maybe he would be incontinent or impotent. It was so easy!

HIFU, as it is called, is in clinical trials in the USA, but your urologist won't tell you about it, ours tried to discourage us, by telling us it wasn't approved by the FDA, but after much searching and studing--we knew it was the right decision! No cutting!

HIFU has been used in Europe for 16 years with a 94% cure rate. It would be 100% except if the cancer has spread outside the gland too far, then it cannot get it all, neither can surgery though, chemo is the choice then, but HIFU can be done first.

There are two HIFU machines, the Albatherm only has one size setting, so if your gland is larger than the setting it also may not get all the cancer. But the Sonablade500 can be adjusted to accomodate all sizes and if the gland moves during the procedure then so can the ultrasound beams. The Sonablade500 is made in the USA, while the Albatherm is made in Europe.

Because HIFU hasn't finished clinical trials in the USA it isn't FDA approved, so you must go outside the US to have it done. We went to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We met Dr. S. Scionti ( ) and his team of nurses, anathiesologist and mechanics for the machine the night prior to the treatment at Xavier Hospital, which was spotlessly clean. The treatment took 2 hours, then we waited for husband to come out of his sleep, and we went back to the hotel, we had dinner out, and life was good! A supra-pubic catheter is installed, it is needed as the doctor uses it to clean him out prior to treatment, then there are tiny particles of prostate that must leave the body and the catheter makes this easier, or they could clog up the urethra. The catheter was a bummer, stayed in 12 days, but I understand you get the catheter with surgery too. Radiation causes other cancers, like bladder and renal.

HIFU is the answer! For complete info here is a website from the Prostate Cancer Research Institute, an independent research charity which explains it:

Dr. S. Scionti is the most experienced in HIFU outside Europe, over 400 treatments. He lives in Hilton Head, South Carolina. 888-874-4384

It just makes me sick that the rest of the world has this easy treatment and we've never heard of it!

The Japanese use HIFU for bone, liver, kidney, pancreatic, prostate and breast cancer.

Replied by Dee
(Hill Country, Tx, Usa)

Your statement, "HIFU has been used in Europe for 16 years with a 94% cure rate. It would be 100% except if the cancer has spread outside the gland too far, then it cannot get it all, neither can surgery though, chemo is the choice then, but HIFU can be done first, " reminded me of tomography (search online). A friend said that in one visit tomography cured the tiny seed tumors that arose throughout his step-father's body some time after surgery.

Horsetail Tea

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by John (Trang, Thailand) on 07/13/2009


For the slow urinating people, I drank HORSETAIL tea [equestrium avense] for 2 - 3 days then stopped and everything was lovely. From then on I only drank whenever things slowed and usually it only needed one cup and I was back to normal, whatever that is.

Replied by Ronnie
(Bucharest, Romania)

yeah.. Horse tail works.. I cured with a tea that is made out of 16 plants wich includes horse tail I think it can roll back cancer at some point and stop any infections.. Ppl ar so ignorant.. They are taking pills and that flow max stuff with diet coke.. Which is poison for the bladder and prostate.. U get large prostatis cos of the agresions bladder endures.. Ps srry for my bad english.

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