Apple Cider Vinegar
(Phoenix, AZ)
How much Apple Cider Vinegar do you take 3x/day?
(Hastings, Michigan)
I would like to know how much ACV you used and was it all by itself or with water or---
(Hastings, Mi)
1 shot glass 3x a day.
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Ontario, Calif)
(San Bernardino, California)
(Vancouver Bc, Canada)
I have noticed a lot of people aking what dosage of ACV to take.
I use 2 tbls in a glass and add 1/4 teaspoon to it and let it fizz off or rest for 5 minutes or so. This takes the acidic bite out of it. I then add 1/4 glass of flavoured water to get it down with because the taste of the ACV makes me heave. I do this every morning after breakfast except Sat. and Sun. Those two days are under Ted's recomendation to let the body return to its normal state.
Now this has worked well for me for burning hip pain and depression but did nothing for my prostrate infection. A strong anti-biotic knocked that out. I hope this helps .
(Brampton, Ontario)
In regards to all of the gentlemen who are suffering from prostate issues I'm aware the earth clinic is great for using natural cures. For those men and wives who care to do a little research, look into google , check out Roger Mason and his research regarding natural Prostate cures. His research found that conclusively the only people who have prostate issues are men who's testosterone levels are consistently low. It is the testosterone that controls estrogens that run amuk creating the prostate to grow.
If I am not mistaken, Testosterone is measured as "free" levels. One of the problems of aging is the body becomes unable to properly use the Testosterone that's available in the blood and is destroyed by Albumin. The Prostate Gland accumulates Testosterone metabolites and thus becomes inflamed. The herbs Stinging Nettles and Avena Sativa help the body use Testosterone.
For T boosting, in addition to the above herbs, I also take either DHEA or Pregnenalone, Maca, Tribulus terrestris. Horny Goat Weed and Mucuna prurienes is also recommended for T boosting.
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Hastings, MI)
I would like to know the missing details---how much you used, etc. Thanks. Bob
(Tilden, Nebraska, Usa)
I tried apple cider vinegar and it did help some but made me constipated. Blackstrap molasses also helps some, but not great either. The best thing I have found for prostate is Quercetin along with Pollen extract and Z----d, an herbal formula that supports a healthy inflammatory response. Do a web search or find them at
(Nc, Usa)
Don't understand the constipation bit. ACV is actually suggested as a quick (within 15 minutes) way to get your colon moving stuff out. For all ACV references, you must be using an unfiltered vinegar with the "mother" in it. That is all the sludge you will see at the bottom of the bottle.
(Tyler, Tx)
My husband was extremely constipated because his bladder pushed up the intestines, thereby constipating him. The ER staff kept pushing Miralax. It contains petroleum. We are not putting that into our bodies. I made him a turkey dinner, with my mom's ethnic stuffing (lots of garlic). He doesn't have that problem now!
Apple Cider Vinegar
(North Carolina)
David, my hubby wants to know do you have more info about avc & tomatoes eaten together. Do you eat it right away or allow it to marinate for little while. Do you have a link to share where more details can be read? Thank you
EC: Sorry Olivia, that post is 10 years old, he'll probably never see it! Perhaps someone else can advise...
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
I've had a swollen prostate for over a year now and I've tried most of the natural remedies, like ACV with bicarb, saw palmetto, willow herb and molasses with bicarb I also take MSM (Organic Sulphur) with vit C (calcium ascorbate) everyday. I am constantly waking throughout the night to urinate from 4 to 6 times a night. None of the above apart from the ACV and bicarb have had any relieving effect.
My problem now is that after I've urinated, for several minutes I have a sort of urinary incontinence not a lot but quite a few drips running down my leg. Do you have any solutions?
Yours Gratefully, Peter
Try the herb Stinging Nettles for awhile, this helps reduce the hormone buildup in the P gland.
What will likely help most will be to clean the Urinary system by taking Crannbery Softgels fallowed by Dr Christopher's Kidney/Bladder formula.
Pumpkin Seeds or Zinc supplementation is a must for Prostate health.
As it is the season, do eat lots of Watermelon to help clear the urine system. Natural diuretics like Coffee & Tea will help.
(Somewhere, Europe)
Peter, read up on the watercure2 site about taking a few grains of salt with your glass of water. I've seen it help for reducing frequent urination, especially at night, even with taking less water than what they advocate.
Peter/Australia, I started keeping an empty Folger's coffee can made of plastic, by side of bed to avoid burning out my adrenals from constantly getting up to go pee. [ the adrenals need 5 hrs of rest without getting up to be fully rested and recovered] so I just roll over, pick up container, empty, set down container, and go back to sleep. I'm trying all kinds of combinations to slow down the need to pee....hopefully soon.
(Spartanburg S.c.)
Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap Molasses
(Hackensack Nj)
Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap Molasses
My search lead me to BLACK STRAP MOLASSES (BSM) and APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (ACV). I immediately tried ACV that evening and noticed that night better rest and less trips to bathroom. I got excited. For the next 3 days I took 2 table spoon BSM in morning and 2 ACV at night. I began to see an immediate change in urination flow and less bathroom trips, but at night I was still getting up every 2 hours to pee. But I immediately saw a difference. I now could see light at the end of the tunnel.
I decided to experiment. I decided to stop taking 2 TBS of ACV AND 1 TBS of BSM at night. I have been taking 2 TBS BSM & 1 TBS ACV in the morning only. This has been nothing short of a miracle. BSM along with small amount of ACV has cured me. I not completely sure what was wrong me, but the symptoms are all but gone. Last night I slept 6 hrs straight for the first time in yrs. I have accomplished all this in less than 2 weeks. OH yea...I left out the most important ingredient, Prayer and Jesus Christ.
Thanks for reading, I will give more information soon on my recovery from prostate problems. Michael
(South Africa)
(Puerto Villarta, Jalisco, Mexico)
Hello Michael, do you take it straight or mix it with something. I am 70 years old now and have the same symptoms you had.
(Hackensack, Nj)
I read about this and added a heaping tsp of vitamin c crystals to the Apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses and after a week or so it's working wonders. It started working by the 2nd day and I was very bad off.
Apple Cider Vinegar With Saw Palmetto Honey
Bee Pollen, Propolis, Royal Jelly, Nettle
This is the remedy I use everday for enlarged prostate with concurrent infections I have had this problem for 7 years now and this is the first thing that has made feel 85% better good luck hope it helps someone.
Bee Pollen will cure almost any prostate problem you have in about 1 to 3 months. Be sure you are not allergic to it before you start taking it.
Blackstrap Molasses
I have been taking a tablespoon of molasses in the morning and right before I go to bed for the last month. I am sleeping 4 to 5 hours straight with a much stronger stream. Might even help you in the ED department:)
(Cape Hatteras)
I am taking Grandmas Molasses:)
Blackstrap Molasses
Blackstrap Molasses
I took 3 tablespoons, mixed with a little hot water, and added milk. Looked like a cafe au lait, tasted like old school licorice candy. Not as horrible as I thought it would be.
If your prostate is giving you pain, then try molasses immediately.
(New York)
I would like to try black strap molasses for my bph [Benign prostatic hyperplasia]. I have type 2 diabetes. Can I still take 3 tbls 2-3 times a week or less than 3 tablespoons? Please advise, thank you.
Donald/NY, You may wish to keep reading and add ACV, it just may help your diabetes as well.
Blackstrap Molasses
A friend of mine even had PAIN in the prostate and refused what the doctor wanted to do and give. I told him how this worked for me and encouraged him to try it. With in four 4 days, he had relief from some pain and within 2 weeks, the pain was gone and shrinking had happened.
Blackstrap molasses is a must have for me! I use BSM once to twice a week to help myself. My Flow is 80 to 90 percent back!!
Please take it from me --- Mohel Castorena. IT WORKS!!
P.S. I found this out just on a craving. As a child I remember my mother, of blessed memory, would let me try a teaspoon every now and then. Other than that, when my wife got some to make cookies it sat in the refrigerator.
Well, one day I took a teaspoon. That turned into several teaspoons and I found out to my surprise and delight my flow had improved! I tried many over the counter items - All failed!
A family member has had this condition a few years. He took terazosin and passed out (it lowered his already low blood pressure) on his face. He suffered severe facial and jaw injuries. So beware. He stills suffers with bph. What type of Blackstrap Molasses or Apple Cider Vinegar should he try? Are organic brands better? Are the unfiltered (Bragg) brands of Apple Cider Vinegar better or worse?
(New York)
Mohel, I have had a chronic prostate condition for 30 years. (Not a misprint.) I want this to work. I did as you suggested about 5 hours ago. I will report back in 2 weeks since that was the time indicated to reduce enlargement. I will be the acid test. I hope this works!!! (I'm optimistic.)
I have done this for several months without benefit. So there is at least one male who has not gotten relief.
Blackstrap Molasses
(Chicago, Il)
(Chicago, Il)
Liquid Iodine supplementation is extremely helpful with male prostate. You will however need to take between 3-6 dropper fulls. When you squeeze the dropper, whatever fills up is considered a dropper full. Its a little confusing but a dropper full is never a FULL dropper. Please let me know how this helps. Also supplement with Selenium and get a good complete mineral supplementation. Take the Iodine daily. You should begin seeing really results in a matter of days. Life-Flo is a good brand choice for your liquid Iodine supplementation. Do not worry about taking a higher dose of Iodine, you will urinate out what your body doesn't use. Though every cell in your body needs Iodine to produce the proteins or carbohydrates in your blood, which is why higher dosage is needed to make sure the body has enough to direct it over to where you want it to go. Please let me know how this is working for you when you try it.
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
(Ma, US)
Everybody says blackstrap molasses works. What I would like to know is how long before I see results. Does it really shrink your prostate? And how can I tell?
May the Blackstrap Molasses be taken with coffee and creamer and still help with an enlarged prostate?
Dear Keith,
Some people find that Blackstrap taken in coffee works well for them; it would be worth a try.
If the iron from the blackstrap is what helps with enlarged prostrate though, I don't think it will work. Either the coffee or cream affect the iron absorption. (I was taking blackstrap in coffee and it did not help me when I was anemic.)
~Mama to Many~
Blackstrap Molasses
I have suffered with enlargement I have tried ACV with no help. But I have found that blackstrap molasses Fixed Me up and every other day 3 Tbs in 8 oz of yogurt and milk has done it for me. A friend of mine had his prostate in the stage of pain and VERY SLOW FLOW! He did not want to do the Doctor thing I told him about blackstrap molasses and in 5 days flow was better and pain started to subside. In a Month Much better! He is continuing with blackstrap molasses. It Cured him and Myself.
(Chiredzi, Masvingo)
Blackstrap Molasses. What is it made out of? Can ordinary Molasses from sugarcane be of any use and whai is the difference if any?
(Somewhere, Europe)
Mugandani: Blackstrap molasses IS ordinary molasses from sugar cane, just make sure it's the really BLACK thick stuff, not the brown liquidy syrup they call molasses.
To; Mugandani, The real thick stuff is, ORGANIC BSM, the regular blackstrap is pretty runny.
(HaEmet California)
It is now 2024 still doing BSM in my 70's now. Still good numbers at the Doctors.
i love updates! Thank you!