Coral Calcium
Some people have intolerance of calcium by just 1/4 of a teaspoon one single dose. Some people who take even a small amounts coral calcium it made their conditions worse, although initially it did give them relief.
Apparently too much calcium causes some clumping of blood cells as calcium is one of the minerals, in excess helps the blood clots that may lead to some circulation problems of the heart, especially if the person has weakness. Most heartburn remedies I used tend to avoid this such as 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon of potassium citrate, in 1/2 glass (if a person can't drink too much water) to 1 glass of water. That's taken twice a day. Sometimes a sharp pain can be possible whenever a blood clots and caused heart problems from consuming coral calcium, as in a sharp pains to the left upper arm, which is one sign of heart attack or possibility of a circulatory problems.
A magnesium on occasion also helps. In general, calcium alkalizes the blood, but it's often too slow for many people as calcium carbonate are converted to calcium bicarbonate, too slow and has poor bioavailability. Minerals if that's to be desired in a coral calcium, I believe I can get better minerals source from a dead sea salt, or and sea salt that's unprocessed. A deep sea salt, which has a better mineral comes from sea salt told to fish aquarium are also better as they have clearly labeled minerals in back of their packages. It takes about a week to get the heartburn to be reduced significantly, but I believe it's a fungal like organism and tends to worsen with more calcium. It's possible to actually extract most of the salt from a sea salt by adding some sodium carbonate to the sea salt solution of 20% by adding 1 tablespoon per 500 cc of 20% sea salt solution and precipitates the minerals to the bottom, for example, by waiting for a couple of hours, then decant the liquids, and wash this by not removing the precipitate about 4 times, and then take them directly. A simpler way is one cup of sea salt and added 4 cups of water, then add sodium carbonate until the pH becomes 9 or 10, or until no more additional precipitate forms. What you have here is calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, plus a minerals in the precipitate. If a carbonated water or soda water is added after the resultant precipitate that's wash, what you get is calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate, plus many minerals also. This is an alternative form of coral calcium without too much calcium as sea salt have a tendency to have more magnesium than a coral calcium. In any event, a magensium chloride or magnesium citrate might be more convenient of sea salt method of extraction is inconvenient. Or I can prepare a water with added sodium thiosulfate to dechlorinate the water, and then add a small pinch of fulvic acid, or in a one liter of water (dechlorinate) i might add 1/8 teaspoon of fulvic acid and then may consume 1/4 or 1/2 glass, one dose to get some minerals also. Certain minerals, as in chromium, vanadium, molybdenum for example is helpful in reducing the blood sugar and generally starve the fungal like organisms that causes heartburn as they are generally resistant to acid, and hence a mineral from sea salt or just sea salt plus some baking soda and potassium and some magnesium is a preferred method of ridding of heartburn. I don't get heartburn since I am practically been alkalizing all my life, most from baking soda, but I have modified the alkalizing remedies of the years.
I therefore have reservations of coral calcium, especially for certain people with other conditions such as lupus, allergy, morgellon's often make the conditions worse with the coral calcium. A sea salt such as 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in one liter of drinking water plus baking soda and potassium mentioned, twice a day is a preferred method and it helps to take some magnesium supplements as in 500 mg a day. If weakness is indicated from a heartburn, then a B complex if often taken to restore that. On the otherhand if a sharp pain from the condition then I might take baking soda with aspirin, where baking soda I have added is used to buffer the acidity of the aspirin to prevent blood clotting, but that's only if I have a sharp pain.
Therefore, the use of coral calcium is an individual decision and I can't say what is best but this is simply my experience from their use. I am sure everyone has different experience.
Dietary Changes
Digestive Enzymes and Sauerkraut
Also eating fermented foods such as sauerkraut is hugely beneficial.
Eat Slowly
This does make sense. Chewing food adequately gets the digestion process started off right. Saliva helps with breaking down of the food.
Eating fast will also make you more likely to eat more that your need, which also contributes to heartburn.
I find that if I am stressed or in a hurry, my food does not sit well with me. I am better off waiting until I can eat slowly and enjoy my food.
~Mama to Many~
Eliminate Coffee
Eliminate Sugar
Food and Beverage Separation Method
I am using the more serious method that no drink in the morning until two hours after dinner. I am taking alternate lunch for first two months, then every three months. So, have no lunch one month and have lunch in the next month. Then have no lunch for three months and have lunch for the next three months. Now it is my fourth month since I started. My stomach problem never appear again and I lost ten pounds. I can eat whatever I want now. I don't know how long will I last this method but separation drink and food will stay with me for long term.
This method suggests not taking any honey, sugar, and no soup, no pork, no cold drinks or cold food, and no water melon. Once a while, I also violated the rules like eating snack, drink little water, etc. It depends on you how serious you want to take. The method also suggests cancer patients to take two meals a day. So I thought it must be worked for me because I don't have cancer.
It's principle is that the body has its strength to cure any disease as long as it has the heated chi. Digestion required a lot of energy. So the chi was used most of the time for digestion and can't go to cure other organs or any other part of the body. So, the key is separation of food and drink, and don't overeat.
Ginger Ale
It may work because of the carbonation and not the ginger. If that is so then any carbonated beverage ( ie root beer, cola, etc. ) would work. Please try these alternatives and let me know. Thanks.
Ginger, Honey, Aloe Vera or Baking Soda
(London, UK)
L- Glutamine
What you do is take a small glass, and just fill the bottom of the glass with Lemon Juice, then dilute it with about a half or a quarter full with water. Then gulp it down in one go. It works like a charm for me, and I must admit I have tried almost every other remedy out there, most of which only gave temporary relief.