6 User Reviews
Lung Issues
Lung Issues
I 100% believe in naturpathic and herbal medicine but my lungs hurt me. I am trying nebulizing colloidal silver after taking cayenne pepper in water. I believe it could be working but I've got pain in my chest. My doctor refuses to do an xray so the matter is my hands. Please anybody advise me. I've just taken the bicarb and maple syrup remedy to see if it help. ANYBODY ON HERE, PLEASE ADVISE AND PLEASE TED CAN YOU ADVISE ME, THANKS
(Somewhere, Europe)
Teejay, read up on Bill Munroe's h2o2 inhalation. Or, for a start, squirt a bit into the water of a humidifier near you.
(Portland, Maine)
Up your vitamin d 3. I have not been sick since I take 5000 iu every day. I used to get bronchitis 3 x a year. Not since.
(Sebring fl 33872)
Hello Teejay,
I am a Nutritionist of 22 years and I agree with the person who told you to take 5000 iu of vitamin d3 it is based on weight 150 pound for 5000 iu. So a 200 pound person would have to take 10000 iu. So if you're not taking it start now. It will take a few months to raise your blood level to be where it has to be. it's also great for pain only at these levels and dose is the proper dose. I learned it from a Doctor by the name of Dr. Richard Becker. I hope this will help you don't give up and keep trying to help yourself and God Bless take care
Lung Issues
Lung Issues
Lung Issues
This discovery has been a God-send to me because I am so susceptible to sinus infections dropping to lungs.
(Walnut Creek)
Is this real? Does it work?
The question here is, are we talking about true colloidal silver or ionic silver? Much of the stuff sold as colloidal silver is, in fact, ionic silver, not suitable for internal use at all. True colloidal silver is a bright golden colour. Ionic silver is clear.
Thank you for this distinction. I was not aware. I recently purchase new CS not even knowing there is a difference and it is golden where as the older CS I had was not. I refilled my spray bottle with the new stuff so essentially mixed the two together. Should I throw it out and just fill it with the new CS or is it ok that I mixed it? It is probably 70/30 with the 30 being ionic.
Hi Madelyn,
In case you don't here back from the original poster, I believe Earth Clinic sells the yellow/gold silver in their merchandise shop here :
You can't see the color because EC puts their CS in a brown glass bottle. A picture of it in a clear glass illustrates the yellow/gold color very well. Maybe they will add a picture like that someday as part of the product image! Their colloidal gold is the ruby red color, as it should be and an image of that in a clear glass would be helpful also!
Dear Art, thank you for that information! This, along with all of your posts, is so very helpful. You are such a kind and generous man. I pray all is well with you and your family.
Hi Madelyn,
Thank you very much for the well wishes and I hold the same for you and your family!
Lung Issues
Whatever methods used high dose vit c should be in the mix. A friend of mine did 50 gms a day to rid a case of pneumonia in 3 days.
Lung Issues
(Columbia, Mo)
Can I nebulize CS and still use my Advair, Spiriva Respimat, and nebulizer my duo med?