5 User Reviews
I was totally better the next day in this case. Starting early makes a big difference.
I used a teaspoon several times a day of a top rated brand. I also could not afford to keep buying it so I bought 2 Canadian silver dollars and made my own machine. I am an electronics tech and did well in my college chemistry so it seemed obvious how to build a device that would yield a higher percentage of true colloidal over an ionic solution. You MUST use distilled water and shiny clean electrodes. I heated my water and drove off the dissolved gasses. I used a 30V square wave at about 50kHz to theoretically dislodge microscopic particals of silver into the solution. After about 4-6 hours the electrodes start showing some corrosion and have used that as my finish point. It has worked as well as the store bought solution at a fraction of the cost. I have been giving out bottles to people I'm starting to know and to date, none of them have gotten sick from the flu this year.
(Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia, Canada)
it is not good using silver coins since they have other metals in them, some are undesirable and could be toxic this could lead to Argyria or other more serious problems, always use 99.99% silver can get rods of this quality and only use distilled water, never use tap water, again other metels are found in tap water, be smart and be safe!
(Bluffton, In)
Dude - canadian silver dollars are 99.99% silver.
95% the mint say's these days bro.
(Vernal, Utah)
A friend gave me some colloidal silver for an eye infection that I had (pink eye). I applied a drop in the eye about every two hours, about four times that day, and the next day all symptoms were gone. A few months later I noticed that I was getting a stuffy nose. I bought a spray bottle of Colloidal silver from the doctor and used it (sniffed a spray) and the stuffy nose was gone. I have a history of sinus infections, but I have not had one in over four years now, because if I feel a cold or flu starting, I turn to my silver. I bought a colloidal silver(CS) generator and learned how to apply CS to different things.
I appreciate the knowledge to help myself with a product that is cheap and easy to make. And as regards the so called dangers of it, maybe we should look at the real dangers of using antibiotics and other medications. There are times that some medications are useful, so we must make knowledgeable decisions.