Colloidal Silver
Health Benefits

Colloidal Silver Health Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Coughing And Choking At Night

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Posted by Art (California) on 02/24/2023 2370 posts

A friend recently asked me about an issue he was having where when he would try to go to sleep, it felt like mucus was some how leaking down to his throat and it would wake him up either coughing or choking and he said this had been happening for more than a year and it was not allowing him to get good sleep. He also told me that he could only lay on his right side to get some semblance of relief. He said that if he slept on his back or left side, he would cough and choke frequently, which would wake him up every time. He also told me that if he swallowed shortly after laying down, the situation seemed to be worse.

I told him it might be a sinus infection of some type and suggested colloidal silver might help if it is an infection. I gave him two, 2 ounce spray bottles of 20 ppm colloidal silver so he could try it out. He started using it right away at 3 times per day with two sprays in each nostril for a total of 12 sprays per day. He told me that that was similar dosing to some nasal sprays he had tried so he would use the CS in a similar manner.

I recently saw him and asked if the silver had helped him. He didn't answer me right away and looked like he was thinking about it. He finally answered with a yes. He said he hadn't even thought about it lately, but realized he could now sleep in all three positions with no coughing or choking. He said it must have gone away very gradually because he hadn't even realized that the problem was gone!

Not the most severe health issue by any means, but I love a happy ending!


CS Ultrasonic Delivery Method

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Posted by Earth Clinic (Los Angeles, California) on 01/04/2018

Don't miss EC's new video on the most effective way to inhale colloidal silver and instructions on how to do it.

Appreciation and a giant THANK YOU to Art for his informative posts on the subject. We've been testing this ultrasonic humidifier delivery method for a few months now and it's very effective.

Replied by Donna
(Summers, Arkansas)

Thank you so much for the info on colloidal silver and a cool mist ultrasonic humidifier! Am looking to buy one now as well as the yellow colloidal silver. What about children? Would it be safe at the same amount of 2 oz? Like children 3-8.



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Posted by Anon (Anon) on 09/25/2017

I was feeling really tired and cranky since yesterday. I thought I was just tired. On a whim I took a few teaspoons of colloidal silver in some water and within maybe half an hour felt much better. I vote CS a miracle supplement. :)

Replied by Marika
2 posts

Can someone recommend a good brand of colloidal silver the real deal? Thank you.

(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

If I wasn't making my own, I'd probably use MesoSilver. But now I'm glad I'm making my own so I can use the savings to buy colloidal GOLD - which I don't think I want to try making until there are more personal experience references. Or, maybe never. It's not like silver. People have been making, using and curing themselves and their families with some pretty nasty examples of colloidal silver for decades, with no ill effects, but gold is a whole other animal. It doesn't share silver's unique relationship with water.

Both gold and copper are very different than silver so I'm thinking one could probably get the best benefits with just the minutest amounts which we probably still get in what we eat. That said, gold is pretty harmless while copper is...less...I can't think of the word I want. It's not benign - or AS benign as gold or silver - plus it's only half of a copper/zinc relationship and I want to do the simpler, "can't-mess-it-up" gold thing before I dig into that.

Should have the gold by Friday so...we'll see what happens!

(Hartford, CT)

what do you use to make your colloidal silver, can you recommend a maker that is easy to use and not too expensive? The silvertron elite is no longer available. Thanks.

(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

I have 2 pre-made generators and a bunch of electronics I'm playing with. The two I chose are "the nano-particle generator" from and a little "silver puppy" from

The nano-particle generator is bigger and has the air tube which makes it a little more cumbersome but it's a lot quicker. I've only just made a batch with the silver puppy and haven't used any yet but it took a long time and still shows at only half the strength of the other so, we'll see. I'm working out a low-tech test to see if it's as effective as it's been reported to be "stronger" at lower ppm due to current-flipping circuitry when you use AC power so...we'll see! I haven't made any using the DC, battery adapter.



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Posted by Whisperingsage (Northern California) on 07/14/2019 45 posts

I suffered a perforated bowel last September, I think now, due to Round Up in the food supply ( it's widespread in conventional raised crops) , and have a temporary colostomy ( it's been 10 months now), I have an abdominal fistula draining right next to it, near the navel. The drainage has been down to 30 ml or so since the 5th month but has remained so sometimes putting out Frank blood. Getting the colostomy reversed depends on getting the fistula healed. I tried ionic silver and squeezed two droppersful into the fistula hole, and the drainage is much less. I'm very pleased. I'll do this twice a day and report back. Fistulas are famous for being hard to heal. (They are a tunnel through the bowel area.)

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

I use a lot of supplements, herbs and thoughts to try to steer my ship back toward life abundantly. It's been a journey. Recently , I have studied comfrey. Here a few things I have read. When it goes in the compost pile, it speeds up the composting. When you make a tea fertilzer out of it the plants flourish. When you put it on a wound , it can heal the wound at insane rates. When you drink the tea it begins working on every area there was a wound inside the body. Women used it in sitz baths to speed recovery after childbirth. It supposedly heals leaky gut. A poultice on a broken bone heals it rapidly(nicknamed knit bone). Before they villified it with fake studies, it was used in green drinks and salads for hundreds of years and was a friend to man. You can buy roots to grow, dried leaves by the pound, tinctures, creams, and I have used a lot of it. I plan to use a lot more. I give most things a year before I try some new things. I hope to encourage others to get past the scare tactics and apply some old wisdom to recover their lives. Blessings, Charity

Genital Herpes

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Posted by EssND (Australia) on 12/10/2021

Topical Application of Colloidal Silver for Herpes

I used a $30 bottle of colloidal silver from my local pharmacy with great success. I caught herpes from my first partner and it was unfortunately recurrent plus it began to worsen over the past five years. I am amazed at how effective this is. After all that money wasted on useless medication and stress over the condition, all it took was a month of topical application and I haven't had a symptom since. I highly recommend!

GERD, Sinus Infections

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Posted by Dave (Wichita Kansas) on 04/01/2022

I have gerd and reoccurring sinus infections that turn into ear infections. I started using colloidal silver a couple of months ago and cannot believe the difference in my sinuses it actually helps me control them and keep them at bay.

Homemade Colloidal Silver Issues

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Posted by Fatih (Istanbul) on 10/02/2019

Hello, This is Fatih from Istanbul, Turkey. I've been dealing with ionised & colloidal silver water for 5 years. Recently, I've problems. I prefer generally just deionised water and Na2Co3 solution as electrolyte. Then I use pure C6H12O6 as reducing agent. But, The production I make in this way, produces bluish clouds (I guess it is Silver Oxide). Do you have any idea about this? If you may have some time to answer me, I'll be very very glad.

Replied by Will

It sounds like you are making your own. Use 99.999 silver wires, distilled water, and a 1 amp battery charger 12vdc. Plenty of videos on youtube. Good luck!

Replied by Teresa
(Louisiana, USA)

How did this work for you. I see your comment is from 2019.

How to Test PPM

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Posted by Marci (Fairbanks, Alaska) on 08/16/2023

We have been making CS by the gallon, and just recently watched the Earth Clinic videos on how to make it. We do everything as directed, check the ppm with a TDS meter. We use the electrolyte solution and the reducing agent to get the CS. We get the correct color of the CS. The CS will drop in ppms dramatically as it sits overnight, say from 18ppm down to 5ppm, though. Has it lost potency, or is there a different gauge or meter that we need to test the potency of our CS?

Replied by Art
2370 posts


A TDS meter will not accurately measure the parts per million of CS, but it will tell you if your distilled water is suitable for making the CS. Here is an article that explains this :


HPV - Genital Warts

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Posted by Brittany (Miami) on 06/01/2018

I was diagnosed with HPV in September 2017. I've had genital warts since then and they were hideous. I tried the Apple Cider vinegar, however it burned like hell and it seemed to just bring more warts. I stumbled across Colloidal Silver and decided to give it a try. This was the best decision I've ever made in my entire life!!! I soaked cotton pads and placed them over the warts every night for about a week (I left them on overnight). And within the first 3 days they were disappearing. It has been a month since I used the Colloidal Silver and I haven't seen an outbreak since then.

Replied by Sanu

Hi what silver did you use x


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Posted by Techie girl (new mexico) on 12/21/2022

Colloidal Silver for INFECTION A MUST

Colloidal Silver is the way to go for works like you would not believe. Silver has been around for hundreds of years...I brew my own and just put it in their water and boom! If you really want to know more and proof........... go to that is where the facts are.

EC: Hello, are you referring to infection in your pets? Please provide a bit more info if you read this. Thanks.


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Posted by Dvan34 (Calexico, CA) on 06/26/2024

My. wife is in Yuma region Medical Center a huge, beautiful hospital due to an injury on her foot and a serious infection. Today they cleaned the wound and applied a a patch which contained colloidal silver directly to the wound. Now that amazes me for around 30-40 years I used colloidal silver. Recently I went online to WEBMD and read a review where they said that there is no substantial evident that colloidal silver works. Ain't that interesting?

ViveCare Silver Calcium Alginate Wound Dressing - Sterile 4x4 Medical Gauze Pad - Wound Care for Burns, Cysts and Ulcer Treatment - Highly Absorbent Individual Patch - Non-Stick Padding

by Vive Care

Available from AMAZON

Replied by Art
2370 posts

Hi Dvan34,

As always, consider the source! Imo, if you want critical scientific evidence, you may want to try other sources.


Replied by Katzie
(Cancun, Mexico)

Hello Dvavn. Please always remember, there is NO MONEY to be made from healthy people! Look up the Flexner Report. Holistic medicine (natural healing) was replaced with petro-chemical based drugs. You should also note that these new drugs treat only symptoms, but NOT the condition. Again, there's no profit in curing, but treating a "condition" for years, heck yeah!! Cha-ching cha-ching!!

Replied by Katzie
(Cancun, Mexico)

Also - look up Dragon's Blood. My neighbours here tell me it can heal skin issues in a day or two!! I have an order on mercado libre (our amazon down here) ready to go for tomorrow. They swear by it!

Joint Pain, Cyst, Liver Spots

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Posted by Will (California) on 11/17/2019

In 2016 my wrist joints hurt, I had a quarter sized cyst on my left wrist, and noticeable liver spots on the top of my hands. Other joints were also getting stiff. I was 54. I learned about how to make colloidal silver and studied the benefits. I make my own in concentrations of about 20 ppm tp 100 ppm. I decided to cleanse my body, consuming a gallon a week for a month. The results were quite remarkable.

The pain in my joints went away, the cyst went away, and the liver spots are gone.

I use it in nasal spray form and humidifier during flu season, and do a 1 gallon cleanse once a year now (a gallon in one week). I havent been sick at all, walk over 30 miles a week, eat right, take nascent iodine, and my physical this year was excellent with normal bloodwork and BP. My wife also takes it when she feels something coming on and it helps tremendously. Have also used it on scrapes and cuts with no issues. I keep 6 gallons in stock in dark jugs. This is our go to medication. And it wont turn me blue.

Replied by Sandra

What ppm did you take , and how much? Thank you will

Replied by Michelle

For a cleanse, what PPM do you use? How do you determine to PPM to use in different situations?

Replied by Michelle

How do you determine to PPM to use in different situations?

Replied by Charlotte Reavis

What a blessing you have had with Colloidal Silver! Can it be used topically on a skin infection? Thanks!

Replied by jane

I Guess my main question would be ..surely it kills all bacteria off, so the good bacteria in the gut would be killed off?

Nebulizing Colloidal Silver

1 User Review

Posted by Renee (Iowa) on 04/08/2021

Any advice for after nebulizing colloidal silver and breaking out in extreme itching? I used 2-1/2 dropper's full with a little bit of distilled water.

Scalp Flaking, Chest Congestion

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Posted by Ms B (Houston) on 11/25/2023

I know there are many aspects to being or becoming healthy. The journey with me was a discovery of a Colloidal Silver shampoo and a Colloidal Silver Conditioner as I searched for the answer to my severe scalp flakiness. All the over the counter preparations with zinc as its active ingredient only worked for 1 day. I became grateful that I was able to wear head caps during the pandemic. Then, one day, as I perused through the online service, I got this nudge as I came across the colloidal hair products and said “why not I've tried everything else” and bought some to try. I've never seen so much improvement from the first wash, no more flakes, hair has become more softer, fuller and manageable…….made me a HAPPY CAMPER and I haven't looked back since 09/2023!!!! So being so pleasantly surprised at the outcome of the hair, I've since ordered the Colloidal Silver liquid for the persistent chest congestion that was labeled as bronchitis and non responding to the prescribed treatment which made it a recurring situation along with an ear infection that took 1 year to get an appt so the doctor could even look into my ear. Last time they looked into the canal, they said “it looked mushy in the canal ” but I couldn't hear out of the ear. After being reffered for getting hearing aids…..I followed that nudge again and found the Colloidal Silver products. …”why not, the other colloidal products worked real well” and I tried that too. I'm so happy I followed the nudge because now I can take a deep breath in without having any audible lung sounds and the cough is gone as well. My ear has gotten where I can hear better out of it now and it no longer feels hot or clogged up.

I AM SO GRATEFUL for the journey to this path of wellness and want to thank you for your work!


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Posted by Mary ([email protected]) on 05/15/2019

I have been taking c/s since 1998. I had shingles on my face headed to the eye and c/s completely eliminated it BUT you must take it internally for 6 months for it to be effective. Take only 1 tablespoon full a day swallow for gut under tongue or on top of the tongue for the blood.

Replied by D

Hi Mary! Did this completely eradicate the shingles virus (herpes)? Also what c/s do you recommend? Many thanks

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