PS/ You may edit my poor English if you want to publish my experience.
Max from Costa Rica
Apple Cider Vinegar Spray
I had her take nettle tincture that I made a few months ago. I usually put a dropper full into a couple of ounces of water, but twice today she just put a dropperful (about 1/4 t.) into her mouth without diluting it. She held in in her mouth for a minute.
Her relief was nearly instant. She did take several doses today and will probably continue for a while.
We have usually used capsules and they work well, but not as fast as the tincture worked today.
~Mama to Many~
Nettle and Horseradish Tincture
I take a tsp in a 16 Oz glass of water and ice and as soon as I first sip my sinus clear, my mold caused frog voice is gone. I use it for seasonal allergies, as well as our mobile home had serious mold issues that we have removed, and I used it to help with my severe mold allergy.
I original bought Simpliers Nettle and Radish tincture for many years since it was readily available in Sonoma County CA where they are based and where I grew up. After moving to Northern NV last year, I could not find it anywhere and was upset since I never paid more then $5.99 for an Oz. The only tincture I could locate was at Whole Foods at $15.99 an Oz. Not the same brand. I began making my own this past Springs after coming home from a month in a hospital and having been hit by a car as a pedestrian. My hospital room had moldy ceiling tiles, I was given meds I'm allergic to, was given a bi-polar med when I'm not nor have ever been bipolar.
It's very simple and very effective. I don't use a dropper since it isn't big enough in the beginning of treating my allergies. I do it every few hours as I develop symptoms. I finally after a week I become able to go much longer in between doses. With seasonal allergies, 2-3 weeks usually did me until the following year.
If you know someone who takes anticholinergic drugs daily, please pass on the following sites. You could be helping someone's future tremendously.
MyWay :D
I have been taking local honey for years and just recently moved to the great state of Maine and have begun a regimen of local raw honey here.
I use to suffer from allergy problems most severely, I took most sugar out of my diet and replaced it with local honey. Not only am I allergy free, I do not get colds or flu- even as my children were growing up and bringing home all kinds of contagious ailments from school, social activities- folks could be around me dropping like flies from viruses, colds etc.(For many years I worked in an orthodontic office dealing mainly with children with all kinds of germs floating about) I did not succumb because I believe local honey boosted my immune system to the point of immunity from most common ailments. I am 47 years old and have not gone a day without consuming local honey- I cannot recall the last time I became ill with a cold or flu. I believe in this statement most whole heartedly-Local Honey cures allergies. (I do believe it should be local honey consumed and all the better- raw local honey.)Also- raw honey cures many skin ailments, slow healing sores covered with raw honey heal more speedily and have little scarring.
I should mention that I am a sustainable farmer, growing most of the food I eat- I do not have health insurance and have relied on natural aids to healing. I have had lacerations that should have required stitches heal up well before the physicians of today would recommend by using raw honey and epsom salt soakings. I am a firm believer in natural cures- not because of what ifs but because of what is...all that the earth naturally provides can cure most ailments. One last comment- I would not be without Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in my cupboard. It cures almost everything from headaches to sinusitis to dry skin.
Thank you for this wonderful alternative site to RX's that cost an arm and a leg and often provide horrible side effects. To get to the root of any ailment, one should start naturally...
Take care-
Black Seed Oil
Baking Soda
All the best,
EC: Neti Pot recipe:
- 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda (to buffer the solution and make it gentle on the nasal passages)
- 1 cup of lukewarm distilled water (or previously boiled water that has cooled to a lukewarm temperature)
Bee Pollen
Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne
Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric, Local Honey
Apple Cider Vinegar Pickles
Recipe looks delicious too, thanks for posting ♥
Bee Pollen
I am extremely lucky to know a bee keeper who suffers as I do from allergies. It comes loose, rather than in capsules, and is from bees about 45 minutes from my home. Local pollen is very important to me.
While symptomatic, I use 1/2 tsp. in oatmeal or in an all-fruit smoothie daily. Otherwise, take 1/2 - 1 tsp every 2-3 days. Once I began two years ago, I have not had a single sinus headache or post nasal drip. The first time I tried it, I used a little more because I'd been ill for almost a month. The wad of phlegm that sat in my throat was gone overnight after taking my first 1 Tbl dose in a smoothie. After 3 days of taking 1 tsp daily, all symptoms were gone.
step 1. take hot water mixed with salt, baking soda, lemon juice gargle, clean, wash your toungue, throat, upper part of inside of your mouth, it will make you want to throw up almost, eyes will be so red, but you feel relieved so much, this is cleansing the mouth.
Step 2. put some oil inside your both nostrils almond oil or may be olive oil (we in Southern India use coconut oil) you have to use your fingers as much deep you can reach to do this, then take hot water in a plastic mug which is pointed on one side (or if you can find NETI POT wich is shaped like Alladin's lamp use it) put the hot water inside of one nostril after another tilting your head and drain it out, you will find all the dirt - mucus come out at once, (some water may come into your mouth or through another nose), this you can do two times a day, this is keeping your drainage clean. you will find great relief in your head, eyes, even in shoulders, if the allergy cold is so severe.
Step 3. Take hot boiling steaming water into a wide mouthed vessel, add Vicks or drops of eucalyptus oil (Nilgiri oil) into it, bend your face into it, cover your head surrounding the vessel with a thick towel, inhale the steam as much heat you can take, your forehead, eyes, ear start to feel so much better, this is steam therapy.
I had been to a doctor, who is not able to diagnose my allergy sinus cold properly, instead when he is asking me questions like 'are you feeling depressed' I felt he needs to be sent to a therapy session on how to treat his patients well and listen carefully what they say.
Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Please note: spraying HP in nostrils is really irritating. But spraying it insides of the mouth/ under the tongue, can literally stop and allergy attack. ( It has at least in my case). With allergy symptoms under control, I feel I have more energy and need less sleep, get less tired. Apart from spraying, I am also taking like 2 drops of 35% HP in a glass of water in the morning. I really wanna kill all the bugs out there. I am really impressed... thankyou.
Lemon Juice