Apple Cider Vinegar
I kept a large 1.5 L bottle of water at work and I would add about two or three tablespoons of ACV in it. I would drink it throughout the day. Well I noticed almost immediately that my symptoms subsided. I was still getting discomfort at night but nothing like before. The improvement was about 70%.
On the days I would forget to drink the ACV, the pain returned with a vengeance at night. One night before going to bed u panicked because I realized I had forgotten to drink the ACV earlier. I panicked and grabbed a tall glass of water with ACV in it and just chugged it down before going to sleep. That night I had zero pain. I realized that the key was to drink it within 20 minutes of going to sleep. I now sleep painlessly! It's a miracle. I use organic acv.
I hope this helps someone.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Take these
Singhanad guggulu tablets twice a day af ( for pain and inflammation)
Chitrakadi Vati tablets twice a day af ( this is for proper metabolism and digestion, since all most all the diseases have there roots from stomach because of improper digestion which leads to accumulation of toxins in between joints causing inflammation)
Curcumin tablets( turmeric) twice a day af ( works excellent for inflammation and pain)
Vatari Churna powder 1/2 tsp twice a day af ( for pain and inflammation )
Shilajit tablets twice a day ( for maintaining high energy levels)
Liv52 tablets 2 tablets 40 minutes before food
Apple cider Vinegar 2 tsp with 2tsp of Manol tonic morning 30 mins before food
Omega 3 tablets 500 mg twice a day
B Active multivitamin tablets twice a day.
Rejoint ( Glucosamine ) tablets twice a day along with food.
Take trice a day ginger tea ( boil raw ginger and add 1tsp of honey) after food. This is a natural pain killer and anti inflammatory.
All these above mentioned are Ayurvedic medicines and Supplements with zero side effects.
Along with I take..
Sulfasalazine SD tablets 1000mg + Voveran Sr 75 mg twice a day.
Folitrax 20 mg once a week.
I do 2 hours of weight trading exercises 5 days a week which very much keeps me fit and mobile, as you know that more muscle mass in your body will helps in better metabolism.
I also do 30 minutes of Pranayama Kapalbhati and Anulomb vilomb each daily.
Drink at least 10 glasses of water every day and sleep for at least 8 hours a day only in the night. Sleeping during day time will impair your metabolism and digestion which is agin a cause of all types of arthritis. Have your food in a fixed time every day.
Sit calm for alteast 15 mins a day only focussing on your breath, you will see how you automatically start breathing deeply.
Avoid these...
Gluten, Milk, Fried food, Sugary food, white flour, Smoking, Drinking, Cold water bath, cold weather. Unwanted stress ( mild stress is in fact good for human beings) and negative people and thoughts.
Try following this regime and have patience for the results will start showing.
I am almost leading a normal active life now, my sex life is also very active.
(Nagpur, India)
Is the white flour you mentioned means Maida or Wheat flour (Wheat aata, which normally we use in India)
Borax, Ashwagandha, Dietary Changes
OK I wanted to share my story. I'm 46 male and have suffered from back pain for years. For those of limited attention here's my verdict: it works! I can't tell you what a relief it is to have MULTIPLE days pain-free. I wake up thinking I will be in pain but it's just not there anymore. This after 15 years of constant pain. I'm almost hesitant to report it because I don't want to jinx myself.
Anyway, at about 30 I was diagnosed with herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, and possible ankylosing spondylitis. I was told that I would have to learn to live with arthritis pain and take NSAIDs. I did this for years and finally upgraded to narcotics. This didn't last long because I didn't like falling asleep all the time.
A few years ago my dad had back surgery and was diagnosed with AS so I'm sure I have the gene too. I have suffered from back pain since a young kid but was told I was just chubby and to suck my tummy in. That was an actual diagnosis from a doctor too!
So I learned to grin and bear it. Literally I took nothing for years - not even NSAIDs because they were ineffective. But every year the pain got worse. So somehow I stumbled on EC.. I don't even remember how but I just started reading and was hooked.
I found the baking soda remedy and tried it with limited effectiveness. Then I kept reading EC and learned about black strap molasses and ACV...VitaminShoppe and GNC became my new hangouts. I tried lots of cures for pain/inflammation and had some success. But what I am currently doing has been nothing short of miraculous and I will tell you exactly my regimen further along. I am so happy I made the investment of time in order to learn about my ailments. I could have done it without EC but it would have been so much harder on my own. I owe a debt of gratitude to EC for putting this together for people like me.
MY Ailments:
Arthritis - lower back and SI joints
What I tried:
Apple Cider Vinegar pills (careful with these)
Bragg's ACV
Baking Soda (temporary relief)
Vit D
Fish Oil
My current regimen:
Boron 12Mg daily (until relief - currently not taking)
Borax 1/4 tsp per day diluted (every day not just 5 days)
Bragg's ACV 2 TBSP diluted x 2-3 per day
Ashwagandha x 3 per day
5-HTP 1 x per day
Low starch diet
BSM 1 tsp in my coffee
Copper 3 x per day for my gray hair... still under review
What was effective for my arthritis:
Ashwagandha - awesome for inflammation
After reading up on the borax cure I realized that you need high doses in order to be effective. Please do your own research but 10-30Mgs will not hurt you. Yes it tastes like crap. I mix mine with only a limited amount of HOT water. If you mix it into cold it does not dissolve completely. Then I mix it into juice or iced tea and do a shot, followed by a H2O chaser. This is how I like my ACV too. Get it into you and chug water. I don't know about all this "can I sip it throughout the day" people out there... I don't like it short-term why would I like it long-term? I'm getting off track...
My pain kept me laying on the floor most of the day and it was a real hardship to do anything. After 3-5 days of taking high levels of borax I found relief. At first I thought it was just OK... and waiting for symptoms to return. But they only came back when I abuse myself. That is - I either stop taking my supplements or I break my diet. The other day I ate a really starchy meal that was served to me. I flared up and for me it starts in my feet... everyone is different. But I know the cause and that is POWERFUL. I can control my disease now.
So, while Borax has been effective for me, I can't discount the effect of diet. Anyone suffering from arthritis should review the effect of diet on inflammation. I am currently trying to do a low-starch diet and this was only after talking to people on EC. Good luck being starch free in this world - everything you look at is made from it. And wheat of some form. Ugh.
Anyway. Google it - but what I found was that there is a school of thought that arthritis pain is caused by a microbe living in the lower intestine. They are there naturally but when your diet consists mostly of wheat and starch the population explodes! The idea is - reduce the wheat/starch that feeds these microbes and you will lessen your arthritis pain. So far it's working for me!
Any questions I will be happy to answer...
Hi bro, thank you for sharing your experience. I'm also suffring from Ankylosing Spondyitis, pls help me im in same condition. I want your suggestion about this. I'm eagerly waiting for your reply. Pls help other to get out from this hell. Thank you
Hi Jatin,
Mike and others have explained their problems and how they have contained them, very well. So now it is up to you to follow to get relief from your problem. if I have to suggest you any thing to get relief from your problem, then at least stop eating any starchy food immediately. Also start taking Borax 1/4 tea spoon in one ltr. of water with one crystal of sodium thiosulphate (if possible). Drink this solution outside the meal time daily and observe how you are progressing and then you should add other things explained by them.
Good Luck. Baldev (09322887066)
(Bridgeton, Nj)
Thanks for the info! When it comes to diet I am confused...I have read where some say eat black beans and other sites say no black beans....some say eat low carbs and other sites say low carbs will only work in the short long have you been on your diet and do you eat beans?
I am suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis for the past 15 years. Test resulted as HBL27. Daily I am taking medicines and spending high from my meagre salary. For few years I took indocap it was quite helpful as it is pain killer. Later on shifted to Ayurveda and taking medicines. Somehow for the past 1.5 years I included Chapatis in my dinner. I don't know for what reason, my spine is slightly bent and unable to sleep and turn left or right. I am really suffering with a lot. Can anyone tell me since my case HBL 27 what diet I should take. I am purely veg. My weight has come down and skin is showing wrinkles. I am 57 now. Vitamin D, Potasium, Aswagandha are enough? I want to stop taking medicines immediately. Can some one advise me please. Thanks.
Raghavendra, A lot of people who cured this diseases have already answered both above and below your reply... Read what they are saying - avoid gluten (wheat. barley etc. ) and other starch foods... any food that you don't digest properly will give you trouble... what food may give trouble to one person may not give trouble to another person so you will have to find out this yourself but mostly gluten and starchy foods give trouble to almost everyone...
Other than that, take supplements - multi vitamins minerals, cod liver oil etc. and a cleansing herb like oregano oil in case the root cause of this disease is a bacterial or fungal infection...
Avoid all kinds of stress and take proper sleep so that the body can repair itself with the nutrients/supplements you are taking.
(New Delhi)
Hi Baldev,
I have been diagnosed with AS and put on NSAID. However, I want to try the natural way.
Can you let me know where can one get Borax and sodium thiosulphate?
Hi Abhi,
Get in touch with some chemist in Delhi who should guide you to the whole sale market of generic medicines and chemicals, like we in Mumbai have Princes street.There you will have to search as to who is keeping Borax and sodium thio sulphate. It may be quite painful, but you will get it.
Thank you for your response. In fact I have stopped taking wheat or barley etc. My weight has come down. I am taking Chintaluru Venkateswara Ayurvedic Medicines. My body became and fatigue.
Your daily dose of boron is 113 mg (1/4 teaspoon borax) + 12 mg that is 125 mg daily. I hear max permissible amount is 20 mg / day - no one in internet can answer this question.
EC: Thousands of people worldwide have been taking Ted's 1/4 teaspoon or 1/8 teaspoon borax in 1liter water since he wrote about it in 2004.
Hi EC, many thanks for the quick reply, so obviously the max permissible amount written in the medical literature is far too conservative. I'll start Ted's method :-)
Cod Liver Oil
I do take issue with the posters who say Cod Liver Oil is bad. My husband has Ankoloysing Spondolitis (sorry not sure of spelling) arthritis of the spine. This first came on when I first knew him age 29. Sometimes he could hardly walk for the pain. He read about cod liver oil and started to take it off of the spoon. Within 3 months the pain had gone and he has taken it every day since and he is now 70 years old.
D3 +
At the same time I am taking red algea (lithothamnion calcareum) 500mg, twice a day (taken at same time as red algea). Before trying this, talk to your Dr, not everyone is vitamin D difficient. I avoid the sun as I am fair skinned and burn easily.
Dietary Changes
Many folks with AS test a piece of food with iodine (do not eat test piece). If it turns from amber brown to black it is starchy and then you do not eat it. If the food does not change color then it is not starchy.
I have read many testimonials about how a no or low starch diet is helpful. Beans are starchy and might cause inflammation.
Dietary Changes
A.S. is an auto-immune disorder. It has everything to do with a bacterial imbalance in the gut. And of course our genetic sensitivity for this disease. Getting diagnosed with this doesn't mean we cannot change anything. We can. I proved it to myself and I am happy as a child now!! I can walk again, ride my bike. No more pain and misery. I want to ask people with A.S.: please give it a try! Read more at
(New Orleans, La)
The nsd has not worked for me. I'm at wits end. I read here about apple cider vinegar, which I have sporadically taken, but that changed yesterday. Met with a naturopath yesterday and I am on a new regiment of supplements. Totally discouraged and feeling hopeless. Want to go to away to a clinic that treats AS naturally. Suggestions? I've been juicing and eating clean for two months.
(Toronto, Canada)
What I am about to quote is from the book "Ayurvedic & Herbal Remedies for Arthritis" by Dr. Narendra Jain. I am quoting two passages on Ankylosing Spondylitis. Hope that helps.
General Management
1. Firm bed and sleep in prone position or supine without a pillow.
2. Range of motion exercises for neck and spine are essential to maintain mobility.
3. Breathing exercises two to three times a day to maintain chest expansion and rib mobility.
4. Strengthening exercises to keep muscles erect and upright. Always keep your back straight.
5. Swimming, physiotherapy.
6. Stop smoking and encourage active lifestyle. Avoidance of excess mechanical stress from daily activities.
7. Inflammation of the eye should be treated accordingly.
8. Pulmonary infection, if present, should be promptly treated.
9. Surgery like osteotomy of the spine may be indicated for severe deformity.
Drug of Choice
Simhananda guggulu is used in a dose of two to four tablets four times a day. Usually hot water or hot milk is given to the patient after the administration of this medicine.
Oil for External Application
Mahavishgarba taila is used for external application. It should be massaged gently over the affected area.
Other Useful Medicines
1. a) Triphala Guggulu Dose: 250 mg t.i.d.
b) Mahayogaraj Guggulu Dose: 125 mg. t.i.d.
c) Maharasnadi Quath Dose: 15 ml t.i.d.
2. a) Yogaraj Guggulu Dose: 250 mg b.i.d.
b) Rasnadi Quath Dose: 30 ml b.i.d.
Note: b.i.d = twice a day
t.i.d. = thrice a day
My suggestion would be that you visit an Ayurvedic practicioner instead of a naturopath. I would trust Ayurveda because it has thousands of years of experience.
(Sarasota, Fl)
I started taking Humira for Ankylosing Spondylitis about 8 weeks ago. Although it's helping with my symptoms, I'd prefer to try to kill the Klebsiella bacteria that is thought to be the source of my illness. I'm not supposed to take an antibiotic while on Humira, but does anybody know anything about taking Oregano Oil or some other natural antibiotic? I have also cut all starches and sugar 8 weeks ago, but it's hard to know if it's the Humira or the diet that is reducing my symptoms. Is it naive of me to think that I can put myself into remission with diet and supplements alone? I'd love to be off of Humira as soon as possible.
Dietary Changes
Really interesting to hear your stories.
I have been treating my Ankylosing Spondylitis - drug free with diet for over 22 years. I am now 48.
I fully subscribe to the Klebsiella theory of Ebringer... but the work by Dr. Fasano regarding tight-junctions in the gut and gluten has made we see that control of gut permeability is "everything" to this disease. I can eat most foods but avoid gluten based foods (including drinks, beer / lager) like the plague - in recent years (last 2) - I have taken not 1 single NSAID - even when I have had a headache / migraine.
I take Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium and Manganese.
I am in the best shape regarding controlling my AS than I have been for over 10 years.
Knowing what I know and my result - I can see that low-starch / modified paleo is a gold-standard but start with reducing foods that cause leaking gut and then progress to the stricter regime if you need to.
BTW - I got here searching for PRONASE - as I had read a medical study about Streptococcus infections. I have a friend with Psoraisis and Psa.
I read too that Pronase can inhibit the immune response to Strep that can fuel some forms of auto-immune disease. But again... gut barrier is always key.
I must concur with Sean on the low starch diet. I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) at the age of 20 and was on daily NSAIDs (Nabumetone) for 20 years. The worse pain was in the first few years and centered around the lumber and SI joints - classic AS. Since then, the desease has progressed to the Thoracic and axial vertebrae (middle back and neck) and the rib cage, making it hard to breath.
Anyway, for the last 3 years I have been on a low starch diet and have been almost totally drug free. I say almost, because I have had flair ups now and then - which I attribute to me being sloppy with the diet - and have had to take NSAIDs for a couple of days, to get me over it. A side effect, I suppose, is that I am now ultra sensitive to starch. As long as I don't take any, I'm pain free. But within a few hours of ingesting a starchy food (normally inadvertently, since as Mike points out, most processed food is stuffed with this cheap filler), I get symptoms - stiff neck, sciatica, forward pressure on my spine, inability to take deep breaths due to a restricted rib cage.
One other tip. I have found that working out - NOT the cardiovascular type (running, cycling, rowing, etc), although that is of course very good for your heart and lungs - but weights (in my case, heavy weights), is essentially to being pain free. I tend to work out 5 days a week, Mon-Fri for about an hour. No only does this keep me from feeling old :-), it appears to hold back the progression of the disease (I believe this effect is well documented). As a bodybuilder, I'm one of the bigger guys in the gym - not boasting, just stating how unusual this is for someone with AS - normally associated with being somewhat crippled. If you saw me, you would never know I had the disease. I attribute that accolade entirely to daily exercise and the diet.
In terms of supplementation, I take a high dose multivitamin and mineral tablet, Omega 3 Fish Oil capsules, Vitamin C tablets and Glucosamine + Chondroitin + MSM + Hyaluronic Acid capsules. On reading the above, I also plan on trying potassium.
I hope this is helpful to other sufferers and gives them hope. Remember though, of all the things I recommend (based entirely on personal experience), it is the diet that has the most profound effect. It is also the hardest to maintain, but well worth the effort, and after "falling off the wagon" a few times and paying for it in pain, you will soon realize that you have no choice.
Still hoping for that gene therapy one day though - if only so I can enjoy my wife's amazing home made pizza again...
(Salt Lake City, Ut)
Hello Darius,
Of the supplements that you mentioned that you're currently taking to help curb A.S., what is the amount that you take per day including measurement?
Thanks for any help that you can render & best of luck w/ your diagnosis!.
- Ryan
Dietary Changes
I have had Ankylosing Spondylitis for well over a decade now. It gots so bad at times that I would think about my bleak future, that I didn't want to live that way in constant pain and unable to move... well, I just wanted out if you know what I mean.
One day, quite a few years ago, after having terrible food poisoning I couldn't keep my food down so I decided to fast on water until things calmed down. I was puking and getting bad diarrhoea too. My body just cleared everything out of my gut in both directions. There is a stark memory of me throwing up one last time and there being nothing left in my system.. minutes later the pain and inflammation in my obdy started to clear!
This pain had been my constant companion for years, and only strong drugs could ease it. In fact the disease had gotten so bad that even potent anti-inflammatories (NSAID class) could only do so much for me as the dosage becomes too toxic at higher doses, so there was a limit to how much I could take.
Well, that experience of no pain after clearing my gut out was fascinating to say the least, as was the physical, emotional and mental effects of fasting (all good! ). And when I started eating food again the pain came back :-( Well, to cut this long story short, my experiences proved to me that food was somehow triggering the disease.
It has taken years of carefully observing my body to really understand what works best for me. But to put the diet in simple terms:
== I can't eat these ==
Starchy foods (including buckwheat, quinoa, spelt, etc); All grains (flour, wheat, corn, oat, except oddly enough glutinous rice); Potato, Bread, Starchy legumes such as peas and lentils; Beer :-(
== Safe foods ==
All oils, All leafy greens, All meats, including seafood, Soy sauce (starch gets fermented), Most vegetables - broccoli, carrot, garlic, onion, ginger, long green beans..., Tofu (starch is removed in traditional processing), Coconut
(Emerald City, The Land Of Oz)
If anybody wants help with their spondylitis from someone who has beat it into submission, feel free to ask away.. or if you want to email me in person just use zarkers at gmail.
I'm suffering from AS, since last 3 years. Tell me breifly, how can I get rid from this.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Ismail,
Re your Ankylosing Spondylitis...
If you google "Ankylosing Spondylitis virus" you will find a PubMed scientific study, the conclusion of which is, "...these findings suggest the possibility that Ankylosing Spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis might be virus induced diseases."
So if me, I'd be on anti virus like Colloidal Silver. Both orally for six months and topically, mixing CS with DMSO and applying topically to most sensitive spots.
Also go to Earth Clinic's "Ailments" site and find "Ankylosing Spondylitis" and you'll find lots of good remedies that help with symptoms...pain relief re inflammation.
(Emerald City)
Hi Dave,
I'm open to the idea of a viral cause. I did a bit of a search via google scholar and didn't find much good evidence though. At the moment the overwhelming evidence, both scientific and from personal experiences of those suffering, is that the condition is caused by a dysbiosis of the gut.
== Molecular Mimicry ==
Klebsiella is the most likely pathogen since its antigens cross react with HLAB27 genotype. The theory here is called "molecular mimicry", but also look up "reactive arthritis" on wikipedia for more background. Fungal infections of the gut also are likely a contributing factor as this allows bacterial antigens to cross the gut into the blood stream, and this really aggravates the immune system terribly.
== AS Diet ==
I have put together a blog to help people get started using diet to control their symptoms.
I have found something else that works for me recently, but will write about this in a separate post.
(Emerald City)
Not just Klebsiella.. also H. Pylori infection may play a major role in AS.
I have posted research abstracts regarding pathogens and AS here:
There are too many abstracts to post here, but I will post some of the most interesting below:
"90% AS patients suffer from Hp infection"
Arthritis Res Ther. 2012; 14(Suppl 1): P74.
Published online Feb 9,2012. doi: 10.1186/ar3675
Helicobacter pylori infection in rheumatic diseases
[... snip ...]
Patients of rheumatic diseases were significantly more likely to be Hp infection than health control (89 vs 42%, P < 0.01). The study revealed that 88% of RA patients and 90% AS patients suffer from Hp infection. RA patients carried a diagnosis of Hp, a higher prevalence of the value of CRP was associated with the DAS28(Disease Activity Scor-28) (r = 0.287, P = 0.034). AS patients carried a diagnosis of Hp, a higher prevalence of the value of MMP-3(matrix metalloproteinase-3, MMP-3) was associated with the BASDI(Bath AS Disease Activity Index) (r = 0.435, P = 0.009).
Patients of RA and AS are associated with a high prevalence of Hp infection rate. Hp infection may be play an important role in RA and AS.[... snip ...]
"H. pylori showed the highest percentage of positivity in all 3 patient groups (66.7% in the AAU, 73.3% in the SpA and 80% in the AAU+SpA group)"
"H. pylori affected GI permeability in both SpA and EndG patients...SpA patients taking chronic NSAID had increased gastroduodenal permeability only when H. pylori-positive ...Eradication therapy may help to maintain epithelial barrier function and possibly influence clinical improvement in patients with SpA."
This study showed Klebsiella having a "modifying factor" reacting with HLA-B27 lymphocytes and other cells. "Pronase and papain destroyed the modifying factor activity whereas trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin degraded the factor into smaller fragments without destroying its ability to modify B27 AS- lymphocytes."
Hum Immunol 1986 Nov;17(3):224-38
Upfold LI, Sullivan JS, Geczy AF.
Biochemical studies on a factor isolated from Klebsiella K43-BTS1 that cross-reacts with cells from HLA-B27 positive patients with ankylosing spondylitis.
A component of the cell walls of certain enteric bacteria has been identified that cross-reacts with an HLA-B27-associated cell-surface structure on lymphocytes and other cell types from patients with ankylosing spondylitis. This component, or "modifying factor, " from one particular organism, Klebsiella K43-BTS1, has been studied in detail. [... snip ...]. Pronase and papain destroyed the modifying factor activity whereas trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin degraded the factor into smaller fragments without destroying its ability to modify B27 AS- lymphocytes. Neuraminidase did not affect the modifying factor itself but did affect B27 AS- lymphocytes such that they became unresponsive to modification. Sugar inhibition studies suggested that sugar groups are probably not involved in the function of the modifying factor. The availability of purified modifying factor should permit more detailed chemical analyses as well as functional studies to determine the significance of this molecule to the pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis.
PMID: 3539895 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
(New York)
HP may also have something to do with heart diseases based on studies done in Spain.
Dietary Changes
Anyway I finally caved in yesterday and went to a naturopath who truly believes that the triggers are probably the wheat and dairy for I was so young when I contracted this affliction. At 5 I had no stress, no mercury fillings, no toxic mold, no nothing. Talking to my mother yesterday she said when I was 2 years old I was allergic to milk. Well with my perserverance and the help of the n.d., I damn well hope I am about to turn the corner. I want to say goodbye to 2011 the worst year of my life even though I learned so much about candida, leaky gut you name it.
If I could do the holistic approach over again my first step would be to see an allergist then a naturopath. Sometimes reading so much can set you off course. Day 2 no dairy no wheat absolute cake walk. I am expected to see results in a month and substantial results in two months said the n.d. Well thanks for all who read this, love E.C.- read everyday and 2012 gonna keep it simple and spirits are high. God bless and screw big pharma.
(Hastings, Mi.)
I was checking to see if the changes that you made have helped? Thanks, Karen
(Emerald City, The Land Of Oz)
Hi Brad,
Please consider trying the No Starch Diet (or the very similar Paleo diet, minus the starchy yam and sweet potato). This diet did wonders for me, it really works well. You can get assistance with this diet over at kickas dot org (I hope admin are ok with adding the website here as it is non-commercial and they help people like us out for free). Cheating does not work with this diet, for example if I eat one starchy food it takes 3 days for the pain to go away, and for some people it takes longer!
Thought I better clarify something though - Although Psoriatic Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis can occur together due to both being associated with the HLAB27 gene. They aren't actually the same, and one often occurs without the other. For instance, I have Ankylosing Spondylitis but I do not have Psoriatic Arthritis. Hope you don't mind me correcting you there.
Take care brother.
Neem Tea
1-2 cups of Strong steeped Neem tea organic only. out of all the remedies this is the one thing I would take. Also chlorella is also very good at keeping gut bacteria in check. I feel like leaky gut could be a big culprit. slippery elm is great at preventing leaky gut.
Serrapeptase, Nattokinase
(Minneapolis, MN)
What quantities of Serrapeptase and Nattokinase are recommended for a large man, 280 lb. suffering with AS?
Vitamin D
Dear J; All three are related in one way, a vitamin D deficiency. Usually taking about 20,000 I.U. of D4 per day for a period of only a month should help relieve joint pain.
However, D4 is very expensive or unobtainable, so the next best thing is to get D3 which are relatively cheaper. If luck doesn't have it the next best lower quality substitute is a D2. For a vitamin D to work properly. Magnesium and Potassium will help. Magnesium chloride 250 mg./day, or magnesium citrate, magnesium gluconate are o.k. However for irritable bowel syndrome magnesium chloride is the preferred choice.
For potassium you should consider Potassium chloride or potassium citrate are acceptable. However you should obtain almost immediate relief just taking 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt plus 1/2 teaspoon of potassium chloride to 1/2 glass of water.
There is a study that people with IBS have a potassium deficiency and another study showed vitamin D deficiency, while problems due to hips and joints are all usually related vitamin D.
Checking your urinary pH will reveal something also, acid urinary pH below 6. If this is true, the body cannot retain the calcium due to acidic pH. It is therefore wise to take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid (or one whole lemon) in 1/2 glass of water twice a day. When urinary pH is normal, calcium will no longer be leached from the bones.
In my own home, the joint pain was of another cause. I have seen instances, that if you also have joint pain and also some muscle pain but not every time, it is also a sign of copper toxicity in your body.
I found that out after developing my own heavy metal tester (commercial ones don't work) and found the source of the toxicity came from the rusty old water faucets from my water filters and connections. Therefore I would obviously changed the faucets, connections and wash the water filter with a couple tablespoons of disodium EDTA to remove the toxic metals from in my water filter device. In this case my water filter is more toxic than an unfiltered faucet water.
I have also relieved this problem by adding 100 mg.-300 mg per liter disodium EDTA of drinking water to rid of the heavy metal free radical copper and zinc.
As a result of using this I also experienced complete recovery of joint pains also. Of course once the body have so much of this stuff, it will take a while to remove them completely from your body due to years of drinking contaminated water.
All external conditions have various causes, it is just a matter of detective work and lots of time! Our doctors today are no longer doing any detective work, but simply medicine dispensers and this makes me worry a lot that they are missing the point that you must treat the cause and not the symptoms.
(Delhi, India)
Hi Ted,
Thanks for your prescription of treating joint problems.
I too am suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis. Please let me know whether this presciption "treats" this disorder i.e. by this treatment, the patient is cured of the Ankylosing Spondylitis?
One more question i want to ask you is that can i use hydrogen peroxide treatment as well with this treatment of yours for treating the auto-immune disorder?
I completely agree with you here that the present day docs aim at merely removing the symptoms and not actually curing the disease!!
Many many thanks once again!
(S.f. Bay Area, California, Usa)
Hi Sachin,
I just found this site and it is really great. Regarding Ankylosing Spondylitis. It is uncureable but manageable. The best "main stream" medications are TNF-A Blockers; they're incredibley expensive and have major potential side effects. A popular "non-main stream" treatment is the "no starch diet" also called the "london as diet". Look up a man called Professor Ebringer.
(Sydney, Nsw)
The "no starch diet" (NSD) works quite well, although is so strict that it takes quite a bit of determination. The level of relief for me is better, and also more reliable, than with NSAID's. The NSAID's had too many undesirable side effects for me to continue using them :( hence my switching to using diet to control symptoms. The best website for info on the no starch diet (NSD) is "Kick-AS" (
My motto now must be: Eat to live, not live to eat..
Thanks, this is a great Forum, I have been diagnosed with AS a year ago, my doctor is tempting me to go on Humira injections, but I am worried, I want to try the no starch diet but I hear it only works for some people, AS gets you really down and I feel helpless, any advice would be appreciated!!!
Ps. just ordered some Potassium tablets and Ashwaghanda to see if that helps!!
(Clearwater, Fl)
I'm considering trying ashwaghanda, did you have good results?