Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Anxiety

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Cordell (Minto, New Brunswick, Canada)

I would like to share a remedy I successfully used to cure schizophrenic thoughts. I was always shy as a kid, and little bit "paranoid" I guess you could say. But when I turned 24 I gradually began to have more paranoia, coupled with anxiety, and sometimes felt I was hearing voices. No, not the audible kind that people usually hear, but more or less I felt there were more thoughts in my head than my own; too many to deal with at once. Some very hateful thoughts had emerged and I sometimes became obsessed over certain angry thoughts, feeling like I couldn't relax and eventually would have a panic attack and feel out of control, possibly cry from too much stimulation etc. I soon found myself trying to figure my thoughts out, but they often made no sense, and I would play psycho-analytical games with other people thinking I really knew what they were thinking about me. I was always suspicious, and eventhough I didn't want to feel this way that's what happened.

Anyway, I know there are others out there that share a similiar story: how they once felt normal than started having some sort of mental illness, be it brain fog (which I also had from the obsessive paranoia), or adhd or whatever it may be. Niacinamide could be the answer to your problems. On the advice of Ted, a famous contributor to this site, I began taking 2000mg - 3000mg of Niacinamide (niacin can be used, but the flushing may become too annoying at such doses for some people). I noticed within a couple days my excessive paranoid thoughts dimnished almost completely, but I continue to take 500mg tablets everytime I feel them coming back.

I also continue to take at least one B 50 tablet a day to prevent deficiencies. It works~! I realize not every form of schizophrenic thoughts may be cured this way, but its worth a try for anyone seeking help like I did. High doses of niacinamide have cured my excessive anxiety, paranoia, and schizophrenic thoughts and even helped to solve stomach ailments I have had for years along with keeping myself more alkaline.

The alkaline remedy I used with most success in over-acidity was 1/4 sodium bicarbonate, and 1/4 potassium citrate (a 99mg tablet) in a glass of water 3x a day. This also helps to keep me much more stable. When I added sodium carbonate to this mixture sometimes it also helped with over-anxious thought patterns, and to calm the brain down. I hope this helps someone like it did for me.

Peace and love. Cordell

Replied by Tom
(Regina, Sk)

The Linus Pauling institute agrees! Go here:
Then click on the molecule to get the Archives:

VOLUME 20 3Q 2005 Issue:

Supplemental Niacinamide Mitigates Anxiety Symptoms: Three Case Reports

Also 2005 Article P 227:
Saying Goodbye after 55 years of Psychiatric Practice
Abram Hoffer, M. D. , Ph. D.

And 2003 Article OCD, Anxiety, ADHD, Arthritis, etc. :

And 2004 Article P104 Anxiety B3 dosage:
Niacinamide's Potent Role in Alleviating Anxiety: a Case Report

Replied by Janice
(Coloma, Mi)

Thanks to both of you for all the valuable information.

Peanut Butter

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Adam (Tucson, Arizona) on 12/19/2009

Add another Yea! to peanut butter --and bananas too! I am currently overcoming my anxiety, very successfully using natural foods, medicines, and remedies. I have to add that, sitting down and eating 2-3 bananas with peanut butter is one of my all-time favorite past-times. It's like ambrosia, so I say go for it!

I only recently began eating bananas again, because I was allergic to them for several years.(?) I missed them, so much, especially with peanut butter. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Feeling calm and being healthy has never tasted so good.

I'd also like to reply to 'Joyce from Joelton, Tn', that the arginine found in peanuts is very very healthy for you. There is no link between herpes and the arginine found in peanuts. That is a fallacy.

There IS a link between consuming LESS arginine in your food intake for people that have herpes and spreading their herpes during an outbreak. This is limited to people with herpes, it does in NO WAY cause herpes. I just wanted to point that out so no one gets scared and quits eating delicious peanuts and peanut butter, because I LOVE it and it's AWESOME! Thanks E.C.!

Peanut Butter
Posted by Doris (Murfreesboro, Tennessee) on 05/19/2008

Anxiety Remedies: I saw Ryan's comment about peanut butter and it reminded me of when I had anxiety for five months in 1993. I couldn't eat, sleep, or do anything. I was as nervous as a cat and had to take a leave of absence from working with school children. I lost about 30 lbs. I didn't have a computer at that time so couldn't look anything up about my condition. (I was too nervous to look anything up, anyway.) All I could eat was a peanut butter sandwich or toast with peanut butter. I couldn't even drink coffee because it felt like it was taking my breath away. My medical doctor wanted me to see a psychiatrist, but I wouldn't because I was not going to get hooked on pills with all the side effects. With a lot of prayer I finally got better and went back to work. When I got my computer three years later, I read that peanut butter has lots of magnesium and is good for anxiety. I believe the magnesium is what my body needed to get better (not drugs). I've never had anxiety again and I make sure I take magnesium supplements everyday.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

Hi, glad you figured out what helped get out of the doldrums. In the future keep in mind that bananas are also an excellent source of magnesium and that the arginine in peanuts has been linked to herpes! If you should have the same problem again, consider it an alert to improve your diet by getting rid of junk foods/drinks & as I told a psychiatrist one night: "I consider a good stress tab at meal times and bedtime the best nerve pill in the world". Her reply was: "Shhh - you'll put us out of business".

Peanut Butter
Posted by Ryan (Lasalle, Quebec) on 02/05/2007

Peanut Butter cured a anxiety panic attack. When I am having a panic attack or feeling one coming on; I just eat 1 or 2 table spoons of peanut butter (right off the spoon) and I feel calm almost instantly.

Replied by ROSINA

Hi Ryan,

i have been on here for quite some hours reading through the people who have put what they use etc, and almost had to laugh when I saw peanut butter! I threw an almost new jar out, due to reading something online about the dangers of it, something in it, it has to be a certain peanut butter, not the ones full of stuff that shouldn't be in it. Cant recall what it is, I did refrigerate mine and it was awful, all slimy at the top, and yes I looked online and it stated about be careful about what peanut butter you buy? I looked at mine and it said do not refrigerate! Hence all this strange slimy stuff, it tasted awful. So all who are eating peanut butter, might be a good idea to check online and ask what sort of peanut butter you should be buying and which ones you shouldn't? I didnt take a lot of notice, all I knew was the one I had bought wasn't really any good? I believe I bought mine from lidls. It might be curing you all of anxiety etc, but if you're going to eat it for long periods of time, might be a good idea to check up, I cant recall what it said, except it was not a good thing to eat, unless it was something or other, etc. Of course maybe it's not applying to the ones you are all using? But yeah I def read some warnings about it. Glad its cured you of your anxiety. I was so happy to buy some only to find I had to throw it out lol. Rosina x

Peppermint Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Iñaki (Toronto, Ont) on 01/06/2014

I seem to have panic attacks only in winters, maybe the lack of D3; who knows. The only natural thing that works for me so far is Peppermint tea. When I feel there is a PA in its way, I run and either prepare or buy ( if I am outside) a peppermint tea and the effect is inmediate. Is this a placebo effect or there is a compound in the mint tea that fights the panic attack? Honestly I dont know, but as long as it avoid a PA I will continue to try it. Hope this advice can help someone.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Zander (Columbus, Ohio) on 07/26/2014

I have suffered from acute anxiety on and off for much of my life. Today and yesterday were especially severe and left me feeling helpless & hopeless, as well as agitated, no less. I had just received a Phosphatidylcholine formulation for liver and brain function which I took this evening with no thought to its possible effect on my anxious state. Much to my pleasant surprise, 20 minutes or so later I was feeling completely at peace and had regained interest in the book I had been reading and no longer had a feeling of hopelessness and dread. I did not make the connection to the supplement right away but I know myself well enough to know that this had been a sudden as opposed to the usual gradual improvement. I deduced that it might have something to do with the supplement. Sure enough, one of the properties of Phosphatidylcholine is its ability to tonify and support the nervous system. Yes, I'm capitalizing it. I'm very relieved and grateful--please make this available to others who may experience relief. I think that this Lecithin variant deserves its own heading in the anxiety section. Thank you, Earth Clinic!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kobus (Roodepoort, South Africa) on 04/06/2012

After suffering for years with palpitations, anxiety and panic attacts I read on a (afrikaans) forum that it might be a shortage of potassium. I`ve bought a supplement of potassium... And started eating foods like banana etc rich in potassium. I also supplement with magnesium and calsium. I feel so much better.

May this also help you!

Replied by Groovy
(Tampa, Fl)

I am glad you mentioned this. I am on a new medication that depletes my potassium and my levels are low. Never thought that might be a spike in panic attacks for me. I will have to get more because the low levels may be affecting me more than I knew!


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Good Advise Wife (Los Angeles, Ca) on 07/08/2016

The reason for anxiety is because the intestinal tract does not have enough good bacteria to create the B12 or serotonin needed to calm the nervous system. Taking probiotics will encourage good bacteria in the intestinal tract. Taking supplements or drugs are a temporary fix but they will work in an emergency situation. A good film to watch is: The Gut; Our Second Brain. It explains it perfectly.

Posted by Alisha (Boston, Ma Usa) on 03/03/2012

I suffered with crippling anxiety for about 9 years (at first it was just feeling sick when I was out in a place I knew I couldn't just leave... Then it turned to agoraphobia). I was put on every anti anxiety med at one point or another throughout those years. I tried yoga, therapy, herbal remedies and a few self help programs. Finally, I went to see a naturopathic doctor for the first time. She realized that, while I didn't feel sick to my stomach all the time, my anxiety was caused by imbalances of the gut. Enter a broad spectrum enzyme at meals and probiotics (I started with 50 BILLION dose and now I take a maintenance dose of 16 Billion). That really helped my particular anxiety.

However, while I was waiting for my gut to heal and these two treasures to do their thing, she also had me taking 200 mg of L-theanine, a component found in green tea in smaller doses. This is the most reassuring little supplement! It takes about 15 minutes to kick in and you just feel more in control. It worked better than any anxiety med I was taking and it has no side effects. I highly recommend it - it's worked for the rest of my family and a few friends. Look it up on the web - there's lots of good third party sites about the effects.


14 User Reviews
5 star (11) 
4 star (1) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by Vee (London) on 11/02/2022

Rhodiola has really helped me with overall mood and has lowered anxiety.

Posted by Katie (Missouri) on 01/18/2017


Rhodiola for Panic Attacks and Anxiety worked within 25 minutes. I took 100mg last. I felt very peaceful. Downside I got am icky stomach that has continued I to the morning. Manageable. It was still worth taking though!

Posted by Dutchie (Toronto/Amsterdam) on 09/18/2014

I can vouch for the Rhodiola. Made my occasional panic attacks and general anxiety go away within a few hours.

I take 180 mg twice daily, once in morning and once at night. Works even better than Lorazepam in my opinion.

FYI Rhodiola also goes by the name "Arctic Root"

Replied by Tony
(Tenn., US)

One word of caution for those wanting to try Rhodiola. I tried it for my panic attacks & anxiety but I got worse.

After doing extensive reading about Rhodiola, I found out the reason why. If you have adrenal issues the supplement will make you actually worse with these symptoms.

There is a way at home to test the adrenal glands. You ain't gonna get this from any traditional medicine doctor.

Take your BP 3 times within 10 minutes. Set down somewhere & relax for about 5 minutes. Take your BP. Wait 5 minutes & do it again. Immediately stand up & take it again. If your BP doesn't go up at least a few points for both top(systolic) & bottom(diastolic) then you have adrenal issues.

You need to do this for a few consecutive days though to get a good adrenal tests. Your BP should actually go up around 10 points for both. The less the numbers go up then the more serious the adrenal issues. If the numbers go down then you're in pretty serious adrenal crisis.

My adrenals have been in pretty bad shape for a while. I used this very testing to determine the seriousness of my adrenal issues. If you're in adrenal fatigue, taking rhodiola will only make matters worse.

First, you will need to take something for the adrenals like cortisol or hydro-cortisone(preferably bio-identical) to help support the adrenals along with Vit. C or find a supplement for the adrenals that have these nutrients. Let me just tell you straight up folks.

Once the adrenals get fatigued/in crisis then they are hard to get back the functioning. I'm a living & walking witness for this folks! Stress has taken a toll on my adrenals. We have to find ways to deal with stress properly because sooner or later the adrenals will crash & then you're in even bigger trouble.

Once you get the adrenals under control then you can add rhodiola for the treatment of panic attacks & anxiety. I too found out that theraputic doses of iodine caused me more trouble than benefit. This was because my adrenals were fatigued. Every time I tried higher doses of iodine I would get worse with anxiety & panic attacks.

Supplements can be good for a lot of things but there are factors that need to be addressed before actually diving into taking them. I've learned a lot here at EC but by investigating myself has helped me even more. Even though Bill here at EC advised me to take iodine in higher doses he didn't know how serious of an adrenal problem I was going through so we have to look into matters more thoroughly ourselves before making an even bigger mistake. Thanks & God Bless you guys!

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

In cases of extreme free radical or oxidative stress I think it fair to say that it's more than hormonal problem. The very cell integrity is compromised all over the body. The need for antioxidant nutrition is critical, but one nutrient stands out in my mind as very effective in restoring cell integrity & energy production and that's Quercetin. Another nutrient that is gaining popularity for antioxidant & energy at the cell level is PQQ or Pyrroloquinone Quinone. Other nutrients for energy production are Ribose, DMG, Tyrosine, Inosine, CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and NADH or Coenzyme 1.

For adrenal glands specific, supplement Pantothenic Acid, Ginseng Root, Raw Adrenal Substance. I personally take either a Raw Pituitary Glandular or a Multi-male Glandular daily. Of course one can take Raw Bovine Adrenal Glandular for restoration.

Replied by Tony
(Tn, US)

Hello again Tim. I was just basing my reply on personal experience & what information I gathered from multiple sources. Glandulars are certainly another possibility for restoring the adrenals but they did me very little good.

Once I switched to the bio-identical hydo-cortisone then things started to get better but it has happened slowly. I'm still battling to get my adrenals back in order even though I started treating them last July(2013).

I started out a low dose though to be safe & worked my way up to 40mg daily. I've been on that dosage for months now but my adrenals still aren't back to good functioning. I do have a multitude of other health issues going on so it's not just about the adrenals for me.

The main point in my previous post was to inform people to make sure the adrenals are in proper working order before going on Rhodiola for anxiety & panic attacks. The adrenals not working properly will only make matters worse supplementing with rhodiola. If a person doesn't get them under control then the supplement is a waste & will even make them worse. The BP tests that I mentioned are very reliable to check for adrenal problems at home.

My doctors told me numerous times that I didn't have any adrenal problems. I knew better from the stress & cares of life getting to me & just how I felt. I know others on this board are going through the same thing with doctors so I wanted to let them know there's an at home way to check the adrenal glands without medical evaluation from doctors.

BTW, you're right Tim! Hormones are going to play a major role here as well. I have thyroid issues which is another precursor to hormone problems. My hormones are all out of whack. I have absolutely no sex drive to go along with numerous other hormonal issues as well Thanks!

Posted by Yell (U.k) on 04/13/2014

Been taking rhodiola for a week 1 tablet mid day with main meal and find that's I can't keep awake about an hour late an hour later. Just doze for about 10 15 minutes I suffer from anxiety panic and agoraphobia and am 90 years old. Pretty fit apart from the above.Cant visit the dr because of the agoraphobia. Didn't usually feel so tired after dinner have seen othe instructions for taking rhodiola on an empty stomach.Also I am bored out of my mind at this point of the day. Any advice please. Thank you

Replied by ROSINA LOCK

Hi Yell, I am also from the United Kingdom. I don't know if you will be around on Earth clinic, and just in case there are others who maybe cannot get out, and get bored because they have to stay in so much, like me, you said you get bored etc. I never get bored because I have so many things to keep myself occupied. If you like doing crosswords? I have the very book you would abs. love! I never buy magazines but this one is abs. brilliant. There is a family group who created this book quite some years ago. It is called LOVATTS CROSSWORD AND PUZZLES. It was created by Christine Lovatt, her hubby, two sons and a daughter who all help to do the books. These books are abs. fantastic so crossword fantatics if you've never heard of these magazines, you wont be sorry! As far as I know in the UK they are only available in W.H.Smiths, I order two online so they come through my letterbox. One comes out once every month, another comes out every 2 months, and the briliant one comes out once every 3 months. All available for subscription. Loads of fantastic competitions and prizes. Printed on beautiful paper, with classy covers and these crossword puzzles can be up to 300 clues across and down, so full page crosswords, the 3 monthly one has a gigantic blue one doubled up! Abs fantastic, one side is the biggest crossword in the world I believe and on the other side is where Christine and her family give you a few letters, and yoi compile the crossword yourself, they even allow you to make up one crossword and send it in for possible publication. So for all the lonely, isolated people, these crossword books are a Godsend. You also get at least 4 to 6 weeks to complete anything! They cost abou £3.50 each. I do have lots of other things I do, but they more for ladies lol. So hope this might be of help to you Yell. providing your eyesight is good! I wear specs, use a gigantic .......... forgot what they are called lol and a jewellery lamp!! This type of book that can while away some boring hours can be a Godsend for lonely isolated people. Blessings Rosina from london x

Posted by Mary (Los Angeles, California) on 11/18/2013 50 posts

I just bought "Rhodiola" from Gaia Herbs, it is 249 mg. Can anyone tell me if they have used this brand and if it helped you? I have severe panic attacks where the adrenaline lingers on way after the attack. I do not drive and waking is hard too because I feel like I am walking to the side. As though I am going to fall. Can anyone please help me?

Replied by Nanowriter
(Hotspot, Texas)

Mary, I have tried Rhodiola for anxiety and did not see any change. I do have a thought about the whole anxiety, difficulty walking issue that you may want to explore with a therapeutic massage therapist. My therapist told me that some of my muscles were out of balance, meaning one was too tight and the other too loose. It pulls the body out of balance. In my case I was hunched over, unable to straighten up fully when the attacks were at their worst. I suspect when we are out of "true" like this, it may put pressure on certain glands and cause anxiety. I am now working to unlock those tight muscles as well as do more muscle work to stay balanced.

Replied by Mike 62
(Denver, Colorado)

Mary: Regular food does not provide enough nutrition for the tissues. Cells send signals to the brain via stress hormones. Cooking denatures many nutrients like B-6. B-6 activates B-1 and B-2. Conventionally grown foods lack special substances like humic/fulvic acids and xeronines. Raw food has enzymes. Organic and grass fed foods have more trace minerals. The body requires 80% carbs, 5%fiber, both insoluable and soluable, 5% oils by weight, and 10% protein. The carbs are for fuel. Raw sugar, from whole cane, honey, and fruit is superior to cooked starches. Oils are for the cellular walls. The proper ratio of omega 3-6-9 is 2-3-5. Half of the oil is saturated. Expellar pressed coconut oil is best. Protein is for structure, enzymes, and neurotransmitters. Cooking destructures many proteins like acetyl carnitine. 1/3 of the proteins are glutamate. Glutamate gives strength to the tissues.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Mary;

Re your panic attacks...

My absolute first go-to remedy for panic attack disorders is MAGNESIUM!!!

Google: "Dr. Sircus magnesium deficiency symptoms and diagnosis" for a myriad of ailments that mag deficiency causes. Among them is panic attacks.

In fact, virtually everyone is deficient in magnesium unless on a supplement of the same. Magnesium is the King of minerals and controls much of the electrical interplay on the cellular level. The lack of mag is often associated with cardio problems and is a predictor of diabetic problems.

There are dozens of health issues relative to magnesium deficiency.

Really, this is a big deal.

Do not underestimate the power of magnesium. And....that we do NOT get enough in the diet of most every American given the state of agriculture...soil depletion.

I have seen dozens of medical problems reversed almost instantly with adequate consumption of magnesium.

Mary, am I saying that mag intake will cure your panic attacks. No, but I'd sure eliminate the low hanging fruit as a possible cause: Mag deficiency.


Replied by Angie

Do you have any food allergies or thyroid issues... I've had that walking to the side thing too.

Posted by Angelika (Schaumburg, Il) on 09/09/2010

I take Rhodiola in instances where I feel anxious or a bout of anxiety is taking over. Rhodiola is amazing! I do not like taking prescription medication and this is a wonderful alternative!

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