122 User Reviews
Apple Cider Vinegar
Anyways, my Dad used to always harp on about ACV and I always thought he was nuts, because he's a nutty individual lol.
I do not have medical insurance, I'm worn down, cran tablets, cran extract with stevia and candida tablets DID NOT WORK. Not eating any carbs, sugar or refined foods for several days, flushing with water. My condition worsened still. I guess I had a persistent case of UTI. With the burning sensation of my uretha, coupled with the terrible back pain, fever, swollen abdomen, being hot alternatiing with being cold I knew I could not waste too much time as my UTI would persist and I am not one to want to waste precious time when I know its possible to be enjoying life without feeling really awful.
After visiting this site and trying a good few remedies, I can honestly say "STOP!" Stop what you are doing, dont waste your time with sugar laden cran juice - Drink lots of water to flush and I say a SHOT GLASS full of ACV in a 500 ml bottle of purified, chilled water.
Do not waste your time with the store shelf aecetic acid version of apple cider vinegar - use ____ with the Mother in it and the results are far more amazing and quicker than the brownish yucky after taste garden variety cider vinegar which I think is effective, but crappy next to the highly effective ____ version.
Do the shot glass mix of ACV in the bottled water and refrain from consuming sugars and refined carbs for at least a couple of days, eat fresh and drink your acv mix.
I think the ACV akalizes the body and causes the bacteria in the urinary tract to die off at a rapid rate. It also helps balance your body PH levels so that your body starts to function well and fight off nasty invaders itself.
Unfortunately, our modern diets laden with foods that change our PH levels to become too acidic make it hard for the body to fight infection.
With continued use of ACV you start to get more energy with little or no come down, your body metabolizes fat better so a side effect is gradual weight loss with little or no change in one's habits - but most importantly its a great natural fix when you're feeling really run down from a UTI -
Im so happy to have re-found ACV in my life. Im happy my Dad the nut still recommends it and that mostly IT WORKS!!! Good luck to your low cost cures! Roni
Apple Cider Vinegar
I poured 8 ozs of water into a glass, and put in two tablespoons of ACV. I drank it down real fast. When I urinated about 1/2 hour later, it wasn't painful anymore. I drank 8ozs of water every hour all day, and about every 4th glass contained the ACV. I also monitored my urine's pH balance with pH sticks. I wanted to make sure I was staying alkaline. I had a low grade fever all day, and I rested and tried to nap most of the day. Before bed, I drank another 8 ozs of water with two tablespoons of ACV. I woke up this morning after sleeping through without waking up a full 7 hours. When I urinated there was no pain at all. I don't have a low grade fever this morning. Thanks to you all and your posts, I stayed away from coffee and sweets all day yesterday as well. I'm sure that helped tremendously. I'm going to continue drinking water and alternating with ACV today and probably tomorrow too, just to make sure the bacteria is gone. Thank you so much for your information on this site, you all are awesome!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Sparta, Tennessee)
Hi I was reading your comments on here and noticed you mentioned you started going after sex, and starting wipeing correctly along with the ACV. What do you mean you started going after sex? Does this do something for the bladder infections? Cause I never heard this. Thanks Jessica
EC: Robin probably means that she immediately went to the bathroom to pee after having sex (a recommendation most docs will make re bladder infections).
(Auckland, Nz)
I drink Apple Cider Vinegar water EVERY day as a normal health tonic to keep my PH right and I drink home made Kombucha ( probiotic tonic) to keep me healthy. I love it!
I got a bladder infection, and I decided to really up the amount/ strength of drinking ACV per day, to attack it. I took an ACV bath. Yes, It took away the serious immediate pain quite soon, but it never got me cured. It MASKED the worst symptoms for 4 days, where one just feels on and off, a bit of a fever, drinking loads of fluids to flush, some extra sleep..still thinking I was going to get on top of it. And then the pain/ infection grew, bang! With a vengeance. I had to go to A and E at night, after 5 days, with a serious full blown bladder infection, white pee, which showed its severity within just a few hours. I had to get intravenous antibiotics.
I was on ACV, ACV and baking soda remedy, tried 2 tsp of sea salt in a glass of water, then half a tsp of baking soda in water several times...but after 5 days my bladder got really sick.
This is the second time this has happened, where ACV helps yes, getting rid of FIRST real painful signs. It gives one time to think and act...but it never cured me for good. I always need antibiotic help after 4 or 5 days, because infection is growing out of control silently, then blows up really fast and is excruciating. In the end I have lost a week feeling not great, and still need antibiotics.
Maybe ACV doesnt help with my UTI because my body is always alkaline due to ACV use every day? I do not understand why I never have good results.
I do not like using antibiotics, but it did a necessary job twice.
First call for me is always Earthclinic, and it has helped my family and pets heaps over the years. Thank you!
Apple Cider Vinegar
This morning after suffering for three days, I recalled the ACV cures, added some to my morning OJ, then more at lunch to my Iced Tea, then added an extra or two teaspoon for one more gulping. I drink it from a straw so that its tart taste is avoided as much as possible.
Within 2 hours, literally the pain was gone, the need to void, completely diminished - no tingles when I did void.
This is my first time adding to EarthClinic.com comments, but seriously, ACV is great for so many things.
I will most certainly go back to adding it to my drinks. Thank you, thank you and thank you some more!
(Chicago, IL)
So happy to hear someone speak of the "tingling" sensation. I tried to describe it to my doctor the last time I had a UTI, and he looked at me like I was insane. Started feeling miserable yesterday, so I dragged out the cranberry pills and started drinking all the water I could tolerate ~ very difficult since I have a horrid cough, too. No relief after 24 hours, just a lot of time wasted stiing on the toilet. Vaguely remembered someone saying something about vinegar and UTIs and happily I found this site. Took 2 tablespoons of ACV in an 8 oz glass of VERY cold water, held my breathe, and chugged. Quickly took a couple bites of banana to eliminate the aftertaste in my mouth. I was stunned that I began feeling better within an hour. I am going to repeat the treatment several times a day for the next few days especially before I go to bed. From now on, I will always keep ACV in the house!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I tried Apple Cider Vinegar it cure my bladder infection..
Two table spoons with eight onz. of water.. once a day..
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
I'm VERY glad I found the Earth Clinic site and wish I'd found it sooner. I use it to research natural remedies and I tell everyone about it (when the subject of illness or nutrition comes up). What a resource!!!! Keep sending in your feedback, folks. Knowledge is power!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
This truly works. I should have known there was a 'natural' cure. Eight years ago I was told I would only live a year if I didn't undergo chemo/radiation for breast cancer. I refused and instead, I juiced myself into total remission. This bladder infection is the only "illness" I've had in 8 years and still didn't need a doctor! Thank you for this website.
Apple Cider Vinegar
A few notes to mention to those suffering with bladder infection: I think the reason why the bladder infection came roaring back in the middle of the night was that my pH plummeted from alkaline to acid. So I suggest that people do test their urinary pH and take the remedies according to their pH levels. When you have a bladder infection, you can swing from alkaline to acidic very rapidly!
Finally, after reading those D-Mannose testimonials on the bladder page, I have to say that most are FOR SURE written by an outside company and not readers of Earth Clinic. They often say the same thing over and over! But I still went with it and bought the supplements nonetheless. I think they did help overall.
Sorry for the lengthy email, but hopefully this will help someone going through the excruciating pain of a bladder infection in the middle of the night!
(New Kent, Virginia, United States)
I'm a 64 year old woman. The reason I mention this is because a lot of women my age don't experience UTI symptoms the way younger women do, which can lead to a severe bladder infection without even knowing it. I had nausea, vomited a couple of times and thought I had h. Pylori. I took my husband's Prevacid and forgot about it, although I had a lot of pain under my ribs. Then I experienced dark urine, bought OTC urine test strips and it was positive for UTI. Went to the doc and was given antibiotics. Took the first pill and it really made me sick. Tested my urine the next day and no UTI. I started using ACV 3X day plus Uva Ursi as well as D-mannose before bed. I went on about my merry way. Still had a swollen stomach (up high under my ribs) that sent me to the doc again. They did tons of bloodwork and a urine test. The UTI was back. Tried 2 different antibiotics and they didn't work.
Finally sent the urine out for sensitivity testing. Got the results 2 weeks later) and found only one antibiotic would work. All the while I had none of the usual UTI symptoms.. Just felt shaky and weak and no energy. No burning when I went pee.. I was severely allergic to the only antibiotic that would kill the e. Coli. So what do I do? I decided to take 1/2 Benadryl with the antibiotic. It worked and I managed to take 3 pills. It went away but came back in 4 days. Took 6 pills and it came back in 5 days. This has been going on for 8 months, if you can believe it.
Somehow, at this point, I have managed to de-sensitize my body to the antibiotic, although it gives me a headache. I am taking it for 10 days. The shaky feeling and swollen stomach are gone. My point is.. If the infection is really deep-seated and has been going on for months like mine has, none of the natural cures will work. I had such faith in them and hated to go to the doc in the first place and certainly didn't want an antibiotic. I hadn't taken any of those in 25 years.
I would say to any older women, get some Urinanlysis test strips (you can get them MUCH cheaper online) and check yourself once a week if you feel odd. If it gets out of hand, these cures won't work. When I know I am free of infection, I will go back to using the ACV every day to make sure all is clear. I truly believe that had I not taken the ACV, the long standing infection would have gone into my kidneys. My doc is surprised it hasn't. Hope this helps someone out there who suspects there is something wrong, but doesn't have the common symptoms.
Apple Cider Vinegar