Bartholin Cysts
Natural Remedies

Bartholin Cysts - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Bartholin Cysts. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Epsom Salt

Posted by Kim (Montreal, Canada) on 09/22/2021

Editor's Choice

I discovered I had a Bartholin cyst two weeks ago. It was the size of a grape. I read up on DIY home remedies and tried several things like applying a clay paste, apple cider vinegar compresses castor oil with tea tree essential oil massages and sitz baths. These seemed helpful at first because the swelling seemed to reduce during the night but suddenly, the cyst got really hard and painful. (Now I realize that it must have been in its way to bursting which is the goal) I did more research and decided to try epsom salt baths and magnesium sulfate paste application. That did the trick. After my first sitz bath with half a cup of epsom salt followed by an application of the paste, the cyst burst a couple of hours later. Then I took another bath to disinfect and applied more paste.

The cyst is gone but there is still some hardness or tension in that area. I'm not sure If it's the gland or just ligaments. Hopefully, my gland will heal, the duct will be unclogged and the infection will subside.

Castor Oil

Posted by Charlotte (Uk) on 09/19/2017

Editor's Choice

Bartholin Cyst:

I used just castor oil not even on a pack. Just repeatedly applied it throughout the day maybe 4 times or more depending on when I went to the toilet. My cyst had got so big and infected it was going to need surgery to have it removed. It had gone solid. It couldn't be drained. I took antibiotics the doctor gave me for 2 weeks and used garlic, tea tree and salt sits baths for 3 weeks with next to no change... but pain had lessended. then I decided I had 2 options... castor oil or cbd oil. I read that also works well.

The moment I got home from being told I needed surgery I started applying castor oil and stopped the other treatments. (I was trying everything too, Apple cider vinegar which burnt me. Turmeric packs, silica and raspberry leaves. As well as the sits baths and hot flannels) I also had to deal with thrush from antibiotics which I cured with creme and natural yogurt.

Within 3 days of starting the castor oil it went down dramatically and after a week it almost went. It still hasn't completely returned to normal after but I'm in no pain and don't need surgery anymore. It's less then a pea now. Even if it stays like this it's still 100 times better then the plum size it was before. I also noticed my emotional well being had a part to play in the healing process. When emotional or over whelmed it would be uncomfortable and seemed to be inflammed again or more. But when happier and in a good energy space I seemed to heal better and faster. I hope this helps in anyways or I hope you find a remedy that works for you. Xx


Posted by Suzanne (Norman, Ok) on 03/13/2017

Editor's Choice

Tumeric for Bartholin cyst

Take 1,000 mg turmeric capsules orally daily until swelling subsides. It took about 5 days for me and the cyst is almost gone.

Tea Tree Oil

Posted by Brooke U (New York) on 07/29/2016

Editor's Choice

Bartholin cyst: I had a marsupilzation done in November. After this terribly painful procedure I believed the cyst would not come back, it came back ten folds about four days ago. I did not want to go back to have this done again, so I googled natural cures and found Earth Clinic. This was the best thing I could have done!

I started with the tea tree oil rubbing it on the cyst with a cotton ball, then taking baths with Epsom salts. I stayed in the bath for about an hour due to the severe pain I was in. I put castor oil on a wash cloth, plastic over that( it did does stain) and boiling water in a water bottle, and propped my butt up on a pillow, applied the washcloth, then the plastic and then the water bottle to the cyst and went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I was in severe pain. I took another Epsom salt bath, and then rubbed the castor oil right on the cyst, and covered it with medicated white tape. I suggest letting this come off in the shower or bath. It's quite painful to just rip it off.

That afternoon I was in so much pain I decided I had to go to the Dr, just as I was on my way out the door, the cyst started draining.I took a cotton ball and started pushing lightly all over my golf ball sized cyst, and it was instantly so much relief! I used the castor oil pack that night, and then again in the morning took another Epsom salt bath, only 20 minutes this time, and rubbed the castor oil right on it again. The cyst drained again. This was a miracle for me, way better then an awful procedure, at least 3 days of recovery, and in my case no sex for 5 weeks.

The natural cures took 3 days with none of the terrible after math. I do have a dr appointment in a few days just to make sure, but that's just a safety precaution. If I had done this the first day I had noticed the cyst instead of when it was awful, I could have avoided all the pain. I am so happy this information is available, and I do not have to go through torture every time I get one.

Sitz Bath

Posted by Annas (Littleton) on 06/23/2016

Editor's Choice

Okay so I have had Bartholin cysts for about 10 years. One grew the size of a lemon because I didn't have insurance to get it treated. The one I just currently resolved I did completely on my own.

First I took 2 sits baths each day for two days.

Second I used a lavender salt scrub on the affected area before the site baths. After all this is caused by a clogged duct. What do we do to our faces when we have clogged pores from makeup? Anyways it sounded logical to me.

After the bath I would pat dry and then applied tea tree oil to the affected area. After just 1/12 days ( or 3 treatments of each) the thing ruptured and completely drained itself. It was much less painful than enduring the cyst or having the procedure done. Hope it's just as effective for you as it was for me. I also want to note that for two days after I rubbed tea tree oil on the site. Tea tree oil is a natural bacterial. The only side effect that I noticed from using it was a tingle down there.

Alkaline Diet

Posted by Susan (Columbus, Ohio) on 11/27/2014

Editor's Choice

The best cure for bartholin cysts is an alkaline diet. It is the ONLY thing that works for me and can take a golf ball sized cyst down to a pea in less than a week. No sitz baths or any topical treatment with this as that NEVER worked for me. When we get these nasty cysts it's because our body is completely out of balance and needs oxygenating food to remove all the toxins. A bartholin's cyst is our body's way of trying to release toxins, so instead of just trying to cure the symptom, you have to fix the main problem and cure the source of the ailment. I will admit it is hard to stick to this diet, but it is sooooooo worth it when you see such quick results and can avoid being sliced and diced by the docs and a catheter rammed up there, no thanks! Never again! The long and short of it is you want to eat tons of leafy greens, drink lots of water with lemons and limes (I understand counter-intuitive, but these fruits have a powerfully alkalizing effect on the body), soaked raw almonds, sprouted seeds, EVOO & flax seed oil, and that's about it for the first week. I'm also a very busy working mom, so I don't have time to sit in a sitz bath 7 times a day, and all it ever did for me cause a yeast infection too. I'm a firm believer that this is an internal problem and needs an internal remedy. Applying anything externally is like having a mold infested house which a person keeps spraying the outside, hoping it solves the problem. You have to get in there and clean the house!!! Hope this helps, good luck to everyone and God bless!

Vitamin D3, Colloidal Silver

Posted by Jimmychinga (Honolulu, Hi) on 02/28/2013

Editor's Choice

My wife has been suffering from Bartholin Cyst for a couple of years. Flare ups that lasts for weeks multiple times a year.

Very very painful. Doctors only made things worse by cutting the cyst open then squeezing and cleaning. Followed by "just enough" anti-biotics for the cyst to flare up again in a few weeks. 4 operations and 3 doctors later... still the same. She couldn't walk, move... It was horrible. Each flare up would last about a month.

Then we finally visited a Naturopathic doctor who suggested using Vitamin D3 (10,000 IU) and Colloidal Silver (I think it was like 15 drops under your tongue twice a day) and a couple of Unda Numbers.

The very next day, less than 12 hours, the cyst sorta blew it self up and disappeard within in a few days never to return.

Wow. Just simply wow. It's been more than 3 years since and still cyst free.

Vitamin E

Posted by Crystal (Tracy, Ca) on 02/16/2013

Editor's Choice

Oh my goodness. I have suffered from Bartholin's cyst for over 20 years. 15 years ago I had one reach the size of a grapefruit ended up in the emergency room with a marsupilization. I never had one again until about 2 years ago. The other side. Life is so cruel. 2 ruptured on own until I had enough. Another one. I called my OBGYN and told them I had an abscess. Unfortunatly it burst before I got there. When I arrived the on call student Dr. said she was concerned because it did not fully drain. She mentioned cancer. Saw my regular dr 2 weeks later she said not cancer keep an eye on it we will do surgery if needed. For one year I have had an uncomfortable not abcessed golf ball sized lump. Never went away. Dr. still insists surgury no cancer though. I am desperate feel like doctor knows less than I do about this.

I hit the internet. I have stuck tea bags in there bought essential oils epsom salt baths. You name it tried it. I found the post about vitamin e.

Only one of its kind no one has mentioned it. Poured vitamin E oil on it and the gland drained before my eyes. Not the usual burst but natural drain where the gland is. Meanwhile in the last two weeks I had a ganglion cyst (also an ailment) once again surface on my hand. I bought vitamin E capsules. Took them within 24 hours hand cyst gone. Bartholin gland 3/4 of size. Vitamin E!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU FOR POSTING!!!!!!!
