Bartholin Cysts
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Bartholin Cysts

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Llars (Nj) on 11/07/2017

While wiping myself three days ago, I noticed a smallish bump which I believe is a Bartholin Cyst after it has tripled in size and doing research. I didn't have anymore tea tree oil in my house so I made a paste of coconut oil and turmeric, drenched a cotton ball in it and put it on the cyst. 5 hours later I came home and the cyst had popped. I cleaned the area and applied a new paste. Woke up this morning and the cyst has gone down by half. So thankful for the first person who reviewed the turmeric.

Posted by Suzanne (Norman, Ok) on 03/13/2017

Editor's Choice

Tumeric for Bartholin cyst

Take 1,000 mg turmeric capsules orally daily until swelling subsides. It took about 5 days for me and the cyst is almost gone.

Vitamin D3, Colloidal Silver

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jimmychinga (Honolulu, Hi) on 02/28/2013

Editor's Choice

My wife has been suffering from Bartholin Cyst for a couple of years. Flare ups that lasts for weeks multiple times a year.

Very very painful. Doctors only made things worse by cutting the cyst open then squeezing and cleaning. Followed by "just enough" anti-biotics for the cyst to flare up again in a few weeks. 4 operations and 3 doctors later... still the same. She couldn't walk, move... It was horrible. Each flare up would last about a month.

Then we finally visited a Naturopathic doctor who suggested using Vitamin D3 (10,000 IU) and Colloidal Silver (I think it was like 15 drops under your tongue twice a day) and a couple of Unda Numbers.

The very next day, less than 12 hours, the cyst sorta blew it self up and disappeard within in a few days never to return.

Wow. Just simply wow. It's been more than 3 years since and still cyst free.

Replied by Corina
(Peoria, AZ)

What kind of unda numbers did they recommend?

Vitamin E

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Ria (Arlington, Va) on 05/09/2024

Thank you All for your posts regarding using Vitamin E

I too suffered with Bartholin cysts for many years. I had the marsupialization surgery once and decided never again. I've used many suggested remedies over the years and none worked until I saw your post about vitamin E. I used a 1000 mg tab. solgar brand. I applied to area before bedtime. It wasn't messy, no discharge, the cyst was just gone. Thank you, thank you, thank you

Vitamin E
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 04/26/2023


Thank you for the shout out about for Vitamin E and thank you to previous posts that inspired you. while I am rolling, posting, I must shout out about Vitamin also.

Not long after I read your post, my daughter told me of her situation with cyst. I would usually reply sit in some hot Epson salt water. As I recalled your post in the Recent Posts section of Earth Clinic's. I told her someone posted that if you put vitamin E on the cyst today, it will be gone today. She opened a gelcap and applied it to the cyst. She forgot to tell me the verdict, so yesterday, which was about two day later I ask her did it work. She said the cyst was gone. Praise the Lord! It works!

Vitamin E
Posted by Kelsey (Baton Rouge, Louisiana ) on 04/16/2023

I have been suffering from a Bartholin cyst for about a week now. It was so big, it was affecting me walking and sitting and was super tender. I have had one before and had to get it drained at a hospital and it was the most painful thing I had ever experienced. I did not want to go through that again!! So I started researching and on this website I found only two people saying they used Vitamin E oil and I had already tried epsom salt baths, drawing salve, and castor oil but nothing would work. Well within 3 hours of using vitamin E oil it formed a head and started draining!! The best thing ever!!

Vitamin E
Posted by Crystal (Tracy, Ca) on 02/16/2013

Editor's Choice

Oh my goodness. I have suffered from Bartholin's cyst for over 20 years. 15 years ago I had one reach the size of a grapefruit ended up in the emergency room with a marsupilization. I never had one again until about 2 years ago. The other side. Life is so cruel. 2 ruptured on own until I had enough. Another one. I called my OBGYN and told them I had an abscess. Unfortunatly it burst before I got there. When I arrived the on call student Dr. said she was concerned because it did not fully drain. She mentioned cancer. Saw my regular dr 2 weeks later she said not cancer keep an eye on it we will do surgery if needed. For one year I have had an uncomfortable not abcessed golf ball sized lump. Never went away. Dr. still insists surgury no cancer though. I am desperate feel like doctor knows less than I do about this.

I hit the internet. I have stuck tea bags in there bought essential oils epsom salt baths. You name it tried it. I found the post about vitamin e.

Only one of its kind no one has mentioned it. Poured vitamin E oil on it and the gland drained before my eyes. Not the usual burst but natural drain where the gland is. Meanwhile in the last two weeks I had a ganglion cyst (also an ailment) once again surface on my hand. I bought vitamin E capsules. Took them within 24 hours hand cyst gone. Bartholin gland 3/4 of size. Vitamin E!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU FOR POSTING!!!!!!!

Vitamin E
Posted by Laura (Ventnor, Nj) on 08/10/2009

I get Bartholin's Cysts, not sure if it's from my IUD or what, but I get them. I've found that applying vitamin E directly to the cyst unclogs the pores there and brings down the swelling and pain dramatically over the period of about 12 hours. Maybe I don't eat enough vitamin E- so that's also something to look into. I use a brand of vitamin E creme, it has something like 30,000 IU's in it. Works like a charm!

Witch Hazel

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Christina (Kansas City, Mo) on 10/03/2016

Have had a Bartholin cyst for several months now-before today it was less than the size of a grape and not painful or even uncomfortable. Today it swelled up to the size of a walnut and became very painful to sit down on or walk with. I had previously tried tea tree oil, compresses with water and tea bags, and apple cider vinegar, and none of it worked (though the tea tree oil softened it a bit for a while). I had some witch hazel pads leftover from when I gave birth a couple years ago, and so I put one on the cyst hoping it would at least soothe it a bit. Within a few minutes the pain was almost gone, and when I went to check it ten minutes later I couldn't even feel where the cyst had been. This was from a pad that was almost completely dried out. Luckily my mom had a bottle full of witch hazel, so I reinvigorated my pads and put another one on. Going to keep using it for a few days to be sure it stays gone, but I am absolutely thrilled that this worked so quickly. Wish I had used them several months ago when I first found the cyst!

Zinc Oxide

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Kay (Hastings, Mi, Usa) on 02/15/2010

I have light complexion and get skin rashs and irratations. When I was expecting my last child I got a small spot in the girl parts rubbed raw from an ill fitting pair of pants. It went from a raw spot to a weeping spot to a blister to a bartholin cyst.

I had similar incidences of this before but usually after a few days and some "set" baths it would clear up. Not so this time. When I was 7 months along Doctors did surgery to remove a golf ball piece of infection. A few months later when a similar incident happened. I was desparate to find something to clear this up. I tried everything I could think of. Finally I discovered zinc oxide ointment, which is the active white ingredient zinc diper rash ointments. Over the years I have cured many of these that could of gotten worse that the one I had surgery on. Having had that surgery left an area of scar tissue that is even more sensitive than before. I have never met a doctor that had any idea of how to treat these and I can't believe I am the only women to have this experence. Apply to the affected area when you go to bed.

Frequently it will be cleared up in the morning. The zine oxide stains everything though. The zinc needs to be applied liberally to the sore spot, keeping it completely covered. Then wear an under garment that you dont like, that isn't tight. I was twenty eight when I discovered this remedy. I am now in my 50's. Straight zinc oxide is the best. The diaper rash crean is usually about 40 % zinc.

Replied by Nina
(Inland Empire, Ca)

Dear Kay from Hastings: Thank you so much for this valuable information!!

Could you please possibly list what brands of "straight" zinc oxide ointment you have used successfully and what percentage of zinc oxide is stated in the active ingredient listing on these products. My newly married daughter has been suffering from a Bartholin Cyst for several months now. The doctor prescribed antibiotics in case the cause was an infection but it did not help. They also said hot baths twice a day, that has not helped her either. The only zinc oxide ointments I have been able to find online contain only 20% as the active ingredient, the rest is petroleum jelly and stuff. You stated the diaper rash ones contain usually 40% so you suggested using "straight" zinc oxide which I thought meant it should have a higher percentage than 40%. If there is one out there, I have not been able to find it yet. I may have misunderstood though, have I? Kay, I would greatly appreciate a list of zinc oxide ointments you feel comfortable recommending.Thank you! Nina in California

Moe T.

Hello there.

I've been suffering from these bartholin cysts for years now and I was about to get my gland removed when just by chance I gave zinc oxide a try, simply because I use that ointment for literally EVERYTHING. and I couldn't believe the way this cured me!! If you are looking for a higher concentration of the zinc oxide, I got mine in Tijuana Mexico where I live, but maybe you can order it online, I don't know but it's called Pasta de Lassar and is for babies and skin problems.

i love this product, I will consider the rest of these recommedations,

thank you

Replied by Leigh
(Indianapolis, In)

As far as I've found, 40% zinc oxide cream is the highest available without a prescription. I have a cyst problem too, and I've started applying Desitin at night. It's been a few days, and I'm not sure I notice a difference. But the cyst is the size of a golf ball, and so I'm hoping that it will shrink after a few more days.

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