Posted by Ken (Cendtnnial, Co.) on 05/22/2008
I used the Psyllium and Bentonite shakes With Paragone at the same time for colon cleanse for 3 mo. It was quite amazing. Although You must take Vitamins and Liquid minerals with it because it sucks everything out. Bentonite absorbs 90x it's weight in toxins. 2Tbs of Psy. and 1 Tbs of Bent. in 12oz. of water at bed time. No other medication or Vitamins within 2 hrs. before or after, since they won't be absorbed with the shake. Also you must take Acidophilus to replace the healthy bacteria in youe colon or you may have major problems. Neem oil may help the Rosacea.
Bentonite Clay
Posted by Vladimir (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) on 12/31/2007
Hi. I started taking Bentonite Clay after reading about it on the internet and especially on I don't know whether it is because of it or because of the other supplements I take but I am less constipated and sleep better. I also believe it contains many minerals and they're natural (not processed). I am taking a table spoon of a very dense Bentonite Clay and water solution every night before going to bed. I would recommend it. It would be also interesting to hear other people's experiences with Bentonite Clay.