Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Celery Ginger Juice

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Posted by Lisa (Raleigh ) on 01/26/2017

Celery juice for constipation.
I'm always constipated and I have tried everything - prunes, ACV, miralax, and beyond. I have hard time pooping. Literally.
Then, I stumbled on celery juice with ginger.
Who knew?
Works like a champ.

Replied by Mary Anne Haskins
(Marengo IL)

What's the combination ratio of celery stalks (juiced) and add to it what amount of ginger root?

Chia Seeds

3 User Reviews
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Posted by Deb (Lebanon, Oregon) on 12/04/2014

Editor's Choice

Having grown up with chronic constipation (a small amount once a month) I have been trying to remedy it for the past 20 years (I'm now 57). I've tried all the recommendations. A number of years ago I discovered powdered magnesium and I kept increasing the amount until I had results. Two tablespoons would keep me regular. Concerned about taking this much I kept searching but always would default back. Then I found chia seeds. I soak a tablespoon over night and put it in a 3 fruit smoothie for my breakfast every morning. It has been working for a year now with daily regularity (sometimes twice a day).

Chia Seeds
Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, Ny) on 04/29/2013

Recently, I read on another health Site about the benefits of Chia Seeds for helping heal constipation. The writer wrote that she came across an article about Salvia (Chia Seeds) ending constipation. She wrote that it sounded almost miraculous. She ordered the seeds, made the gell, and took two heaping tablespoons every morning. (1/3 cup of seeds in 2 cups of water, stir, wait 5 minutes, stir again, and store in the refrigerator - for some people it is best if soaked overnight, especially for intestinal comfort ) At first it took six days to help, then two days, then every day, all without any strain. The seeds can also be more diluted - ex: one tablespoon in a cup of water - immediately stir a few times, then a little while later, pour back and forth between two cups - this way of mixing prevents the gell from breaking up, which might increase the benefit. The seeds must be soaked in water. If taken dry they can swell up in the intestines and cause a blockage. The Chia Seeds really help in a natural way.

Replied by Yellowbird
10 posts


SIDE EFFECTS: Caution with Chia Seeds (and Flax & Primrose Seeds) for those with HYPOtension (very LOW blood pressure)...

These seeds are known for their ability to reduce blood pressure via vasodilation- a good thing for folk with HYPERtension (=High BP), but the quick reduction can be dramatic- even dangerous- for those who live with very low blood pressure already.

Much as I loved them, I had to stop using chia becoz of this effect. Everytime I tried them, within minutes my allready low blood pressure would fall thru the floor: veins overly dilated, throbbing sensation in neck vein, dizzy, faint, anxious, knot in chest, breathless, fluttery heart, skipped beats, light & dark spots before eyes. Classic signs of blood pressure plunging too low, too fast.

Replied by Loiz

Yes chia seeds also cause low blood pressure for me

Replied by Jillybeans
(somewhere in the south)
86 posts

I like seeing that you noted a general improvement and documented it. We all work differently and we must keep this in mind for how our bodies react to remedies.

Chia Seeds
Posted by Tina (Princeton, N J ) on 09/25/2011

Chia seeds are very good in curing constipation, since they are full of fiber. It is also the richest and only unprocessed whole food source of pure Omega 3. Chia seeds 'scrubbing' action also help remove toxins from the small intestine. Plus they are high in protein, so they keep you feeling full longer and make you feel so energetic! Best of all, they are quite inexpensive and can be found in health food stores. Remember to drink lots of water when you eat chia seeds, as they absorb ten times their weight in water.

I soak about two scoops (from the scoop provided in the container) in water overnight and the next morning it is almost a jelly consistency. Eaten with some organic raw honey and fresh lemon juice, it makes a delicious and filling breakfast. Best of luck!

Club Soda

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Posted by Doc Sheila (Toronto, Canada) on 08/09/2009

Club Soda cure, I have been using ordinary club soda for many years now for urinary infection, burning sensation on urination and also constipation. I am a homeopath and I suggest this remedy to my clients it work magic each time.

On reading the ingredients in club soda I notice that the main ingredient is sodium bicarbonate,sodium citrate, potassium sulphate( potassium sulphate is known as Kali sulp) a homeopathic tissue salt for urinary infection detox and diabetes,other ingredients

they also add carbonated water for the fizz. Try two eight ounce glass daily, you may add lemon for addition flavour.

Please let me know if other individuals have this experience.


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Posted by Rw (Southwest Virginia) on 12/13/2017

I'm on a low carb diet to keep blood sugar down and I make this concoction when I want something sweet. I discovered it cured constipation--I think it's the coconut that does it. I take about a Tablespoon of natural peanut butter (the kind that's runny), mix 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut, some stevia, and add a few chopped pecans (optional). You have to smush it with a spoon and it's like a cross between sort of a granola and fudge--sort of. Well when you're not allowed sweets you lower your standards.

Replied by Rw
(Southwest Virginia)

P.S. Just be aware that if you have candida, this can kill the candida and cause unpleasant die-off detox symptoms. Maybe go slow with it until you know and if you have symptoms, back off a little.

Coconut Oil

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Posted by Jessica (California) on 02/13/2021

I have been struggling with constipation since switching to a more carnivore diet due to a health issue I'm working on. Often, it will be 3 to 4 days before I have a BM. I've tried drinking more water, adding lemon juice to the water, using Cascara Sagrada or psyllium periodically. Laxatives work but they take time and I don't want to rely on them. After reading the post about the coconut oil suppository I decided to try it after several days of not eliminating.

I used coconut oil that was solid at room temperature. Since it was wintertime it was not liquid like in the summer. I simply carved a few pieces of oil totaling about 1 tablespoon. I inserted about 2-3 pieces easily into the rectum. They melt a little as they are being inserted so it is not uncomfortable. Within 5 minutes I had a bowel movement. I did it again the next day because I could tell I wasn't going to go that day. In 5 minutes it worked again. I told a friend who had been having similar issues. It worked for her in 5 minutes. My goal is to try some spore probiotics which I've read can help correct the problem. But it's a godsend to know I can use this cure if I can't go for several days. I used a quality, organic coconut oil from the health food store. I now keep my coconut oil in the frig so it always stays solid. I used refined coconut oil but I don't think it matters if it's refined or unrefined.

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Hi Jessica,

On the issue of constipation treatment....

Liquorice / licorice is defined in my dictionary as: "The dried, black root of a Mediterranean plant used as a laxative and in confectionery". Also "A chewy black sweet with a strong flavor".

I seldom get constipated but if I do, I go straight for a couple of sticks of Licorice (which I rarely eat because of the sugar content! ). Also, increase the water intake, especially in summer and more walking/ activity really helps.

Seems to work fine for me.

Not too good for persons with high blood pressure though!

On another (related) matter:

I have recently given up cheese and butter in favor of coconut oil spread on bread in an attempt to ease sinus congestion but even after five weeks there is no discernible result. Pity, but I intend to stick with the CO as I think it is beneficial on a number of fronts anyway.

Readers could do worse than research the multiple benefits claimed for CO.

Cheers from Down Under (where the drought seems to finally have broken! )


Coconut Oil
Posted by Cathy (UK) on 05/05/2020

I'm usually very regular, owing to a wholefoods vegetarian diet. However I have been suffering from constipation for about 4 days...I'd been eating badly and not drinking enough water. I knew I was becoming impacted and a very painful BM was on the horizon. I took a tablespoon of solid coconut oil, formed it into a suppository shape and put in in the freezer to firm up for a few minutes. I then went to the bathroom and inserted it rectally. I held it there for a few moments and, to my surprise, it took effect instantly. Everything expelled smoothly and painlessly...I felt much better and lighter straight away.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tori13 (Kelowna, Bc, Canada) on 12/11/2012

Editor's Choice

YES... I finally found a natural remedy for constipation that works amazing for me! It works so well for me that I just had to write a post to help others. I am eager to hear if it works for you too.

My story: I have had CFS/Fibromyalgia for the past 7 years. This condition has left me with a wide range of varying symptoms affecting many systems in my body, including slowed digestion, and very sluggish bowels. Constipation had become a daily struggle and so I have searched endlessly to find a natural remedy that I wouldn't have to worry about taking regularly. Some of the remedies I have tried: molasses, various cereals designed to move bowels, chia seeds, hulled hemp hearts, acidophilus, prunes, herbal remedies, large quantities of vegetables, juicing, various sources of fibre, food-combining diets, vegetarian diets, and also vegan diets. I've had some degree of success but results were either inconsistent, short-lasting, or the remedy was difficult to stick with (as in the case with restricted diets).

I started taking coconut oil for other health issues but what I discovered is that it resolved my constipation! I have been taking coconut oil for approximately 1 1/2 months with terrific results. The reason that I know for sure it is the coconut oil relieving my constipation is that I have accidentally missed a dose on a few occasions and the constipation returns every time. Then, I resume my regular dosing and I'm back to being regular.

Here is the dosage that works for me:

1 tsp extra virgin coconut oil, 2 times per day. I found it easiest to put it in my morning smoothie. In the evening, I would often melt the coconut oil on a piece of toast before adding honey & cinnamon or jam.

*The secret for me has been taking it twice daily. Increasing the dosage and only taking it once per day did not achieve results for me.

TIPS: Coconut oil can have a die-off effect when you first begin taking it. I found researching the die-off symptoms prior to beginning treatment helped me know what to expect and adjust accordingly.

I started with a tiny dose and built up SLOWLY. For some people, slowly may mean taking a tiny dose once every 3 or 4 days until they are able to comfortably consume it on a daily basis. My understanding is that other people experience no die-off effects and can comfortably consume several tablespoons in a day. Again, the dosage above is what worked for me, by listening to my body, adjusting accordingly, and monitoring the results.

I wish you the best of success and hope this post offers you some hope and relief.

Replied by Lawrence
(Fairfax, Va)

Can you be more specific. What die-off effect are you referring to? Candida? Thanks.

(Idaho USA)

"Die off" refers to when a "pathogen" (the broad word to describe any microbe, worm, candida, mold, etc.) is killed. often that pathogen will be a host to other pathogens, so when the host is killed, the pathogens that it supported will die and all these dead pathogens have to be removed by our body. Sometimes this can make us feel sick, flu like. Our kidneys and liver have to work hard to cleanse our body of all this yucky waste. It helps ALOT if we drink extra water and remain "regular" in the bathroom by whatever means necessary (enema, fiber pills, even laxatives for a short time). as always, try to "put the good stuff in (healthy food) and get the bad stuff out". Thank you E.C.!! This sight is refreshing and helpful.

Replied by Tori13
(Kelowna, Bc Canada)

My understanding is that coconut oil has antimicrobial properties and so there are toxins released as it kills off bacteria, viruses, etc. I would guess that candida would be included in this mix, but I'm no expert. When I started taking it I experienced headaches and flu-like symptoms. I felt pretty crappy so I cut back to where it was comfortable and worked up from there.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 02/22/2010

I had candida, and one of my symptoms was constipation -- I was lucky if I had BM or went to toilet once in 4 days. And my stools were painful, dry and hard. As part of my own protocol to both kill the candida as well as to get rid of my constipation, I took 1 tbspns virgin coconut oil 3 times a day in my coffee or raw. I also alkalized at different times daily, using Ted's baking soda alkalizing remedies.

The effect of the coconut oil and baking soda can be explained like this. When the ingested coconut oil moves from the stomach to the duodenum, the pancreas squirts out its enzymes for digestion in bicarbonate solution into the duodenum. The bile from the liver breaks the coconut oil down into small droplets and the excess alkaline bicarbonate from the pancreas combines with the coconut oil to make a form of "soap" that greatly aids in passage of faeces down the intestines. But if you are lacking in bicarbonates stored in your pancreas or the food you eat is too acid, then you will need to increase your bicarbonate intake to increase this store.

I would normally take the coconut oil directly before or directly after meals. I would take the Baking soda remedy (any will do from this site), either one hour before or 2 hours after meals.

This had quite an effect, my stools soon became smaller and much softer as a result, and after a few months of this protocol, I became regular again, with BM every day.

It was, therefore, a combination of both taking coconut oil and increasing my bicarbonate intake(Baking Soda) that helped cure my own constipation problem.


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Posted by Trisha (Berkeley, California) on 07/22/2008

In response to a reader's constipation problem: Try coffee! It may seem obvious, but in case you haven't tried it, a cup of coffee will get you going in no time at all! I drink it black every single morning and I am very regular. It always prompts digestion when I've eaten too much as well, and makes my stomach feel calmed.


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Posted by Tony (Michigan) on 04/15/2021

An overdose of cranberry juice will clean your pipes out. I found that out the hard way after I drank a gallon of it during the course of a day.

Cream of Tartar

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Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, NY) on 11/22/2022

Cream of Tartar helps against constipation. Taking a small amount, about a third or a half teaspoon together with a small amount, about a half teaspoon of Milk of Magnesia, might be enough to help. Since taking magnesium as a laxative regularly, will eventually stop working and even make the original problem worse, it is recommended that the Milk of Magnesia should only be used not more than around once a week. Whether the same applies to Cream of Tartar is not known.

In any case, taking even a teaspoon of Cream of Tartar every day seems to cause weight gain for some people. And taking large amounts can cause heart issues. This is because of Cream of Tartar's high potassium content. (It is reported that someone who took several tablespoons to help constipation ended up in the hospital.)

In the above mentioned link, Cream of Tartar is also mentioned as being used in a suppository combined with Bicarbonate of Soda and polyethylene glycol.


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Posted by Alena (Praha, Czech Republic) on 10/24/2012

Best for constipation, that work for me and my mom, is daikon( chinese or japanese radish).. Before you go sleep, try chew very well daikon, that you have a lot juices in your mouth. I read somewhere, that this stimulates bile, or liver. Try it.. You have nothing lose. This helps me also make my skin clear... Sorry for my english. I speak much better, than write.

Dandelion Root

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Posted by Ashley (Santa Clarita, CA) on 08/01/2024

Constipation remedy:

Dandelion root and leaf tea works wonders.

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