Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

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Dietary Changes

26 User Reviews
5 star (25) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Rosemaryandsage (Ashland, Wi) on 03/30/2010

Yes, seaweed definitely works for constipation. Eating it during the day not only helps me have a daily bowel movement, but also helps with the bloating and uncomfortable fullness. A tablespoonful before bed works well in helping me have a bowel movement in the morning. Especially if I have it in a warm cup of miso broth. It's all the minerals and enzymes, I'm sure.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kelly (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 11/11/2009

A very good remedy for constipation and heartburn is: peel and core apples (sweet or sour) put them in a freezer ziploc bag (add 1 tablespoon of bottled lemon juice 2 tablespoons of water/gal. bag) and freeze. They come out like really good applesauce and are well worth the time spent. Here in Ohio when winter rolls around the apples are 3x the price and have no flavor. If you suffer from chronic constipation and heartburn they will especially help if you eat before bedtime. Hope this helps someone. God Bless.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bonnie (Fort Lauderdale, Fl) on 11/01/2009

I found that I cured my constipation by eliminating dairy. I have been constipated since I was a baby. I eliminated dairy to consider it a possibility for fibroids but to my surprise I was cured of constipated. I have never been without constipation for 21 days without any aids.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Laurie (Belleville, Ontario, Canada) on 09/08/2009

Hi. What I discovered years ago is a simple yet very effective and natural trick to be rid of constipation.

In the early evening (taken early in the day, you'll feel painful cramps) I eat 1 apple. By morning I have a very good BM. The 2nd night I have one more apple and usually the problem is gone.

IF this doesn't work at all over the first night; the 2nd evening I eat 2 apples.... for me its guaranteed it does work in the morning. Repeat the 2nd night too.

Apples are Fabulous for many reasons.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jenny (Memphis, Tn, USA) on 08/23/2009

I always tend to forget about this easy remedy... but I swear a regular serving of fresh cut watermelon does the trick every single time... in less than an hour or so. I have had chronic constipation and GERD for years. I'll have to remember to eat my watermelon a few times a week!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Eve (Tampa, Florida) on 06/22/2009

I have had gastric bypass surgery and as a result when I eat things I am not supposed to, I often become constipated. Whenever this happens I grab a bag of baby spinach and make myself a salad. Within a few hours, I'm ready to get down to business!! I also stay 'regular' by drinking 2 tsp of ____ _____ in room temperature water every morning (on an empty stomach). This is the powder form of juiced barley grass but it does contain Maltodextrin.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Eddi (Houston, Texas, USA) on 05/28/2009

Hi everyone, ACV does work and it has helped me in various situations. I mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in honey and I take one or two teaspoonfuls before or after meal once or twice a day. It clears my sore throat, soothes my tummy aches, made me lose weight, opened my sinuses during cold. Please do not overtake acv. Be moderate. I've been constipated and I've had two difficult b-movements ending in harsh stool and slight bleeding due to stretching of tissue. When I eat pumpkin pitas, I go next morning and stool is softened. Pumpkin is good, but not too much bread. Pumpkin pitas are found at Spanish and Mexican bakeries. It's a great snack and heals prostate problems, bladder, low in calories, high in betas, rich in potassium. It's no wonder, I always feel good after I eat pumpkin pitas. God bless and take care.:)

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rara (Dublin, Ireland) on 05/26/2009

Whenever I feel bloated/constipated I eat on whole cucumber and drink a cup of coffee. Within an hour it is effective every time.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jean (Calgary Alberta, Canada) on 05/08/2008

Constipation Remedy: Eat your porridge! A bowl of oatmeal porridge every morning (preferably made with large old fashioned oats) will keep your body working regularly. Adding some pumpkin seeds and dried fruit is even better. Takes only 4 minutes in the microwave.

Dietary Changes
Posted by saab (vancouver, canada) on 04/28/2008

Using sea salt/acv for constipation has worked better for me than following remedies: psyllium husk, extra fibre every night(wheat bran), water+b.soda+acv etc. I use 250 ml warm water, few sprinkles of sea salt (pinch)+1 tbsp organic ACV. This has also cleared up stubborn adult acne on the throat.I am just not sure of the long term use of salt every in the morning,if it would corrode the organs. Many heartfelt thanks, nevertheless for the site and its info.

Dry Mustard in Water

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by KT (The Usa) on 05/30/2013

Constipation: I had read an old "grandma" recipe of 1/2 tsp of dry mustard in 1/2 Cup cool water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, before breakfast, would get things moving. It worked great for me and I thought I had posted that here, on EC, but could not locate it so I'm posting it again hoping it will help someone else.

Replied by Shal
(Noida India)

Can you please tell which mustard seeds yellow or black and how much quantity and should I grind or not?

Epsom Salt

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Science (Cyprus) on 03/07/2022 21 posts

I am a researcher. Epsom salts for constipation. Simply the best curement. Ask Epsom Salts for human consumption AND NEVER BUY EPSOM SALTS THAT IS NOT MADE FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. Two to three times a week one tablespoon per day, will work excellently. Do not take 7 days per week, since we do not know yet the long term effects on the body.

Replied by mike m.
(Kent Lakes, N.Y.)

How about just drinking prune juice as needed or eating stewed prunes (I love it with heavy cream). Worked for me whenever I needed it over the years.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Gord 235 (Vancouver, Canada) on 03/24/2019

I've used epson salt as a remedy for constipation. I mixed 1 tsp. with a cup of warm water, stirred and then drank it, then followed up with two more cups of warm water. I found it to be very effective but it's wise to be near a toilet after taking as it can produce a fairly rapid response.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Lightbelly (Uk) on 02/12/2018

Hi- am reporting in that Epsom salts (ES) are the stars - had tried Senna tea, fibre, flax seed, water, lemon etc etc but to no avail. Had trouble locating it - pharmacies in the UK don't seem to sell the raw ingredients any more, and when it finally arrived (ebay) I tried it and nearly threw up. This was probably from having done maybe too many liver cleanses and developing an aversion to the taste. Thanks to EC - someone had suggested putting some lemon juice to hide the taste (why didn't I think of that?! ) and it really did the trick - a few drops of lime juice and no ew before bedtime. The morning relief is amazing, I'm sleeping again and the tension has gone, I feel lighter, more vital and ready to take action!

Replied by Kcc

How is the epsom salt taken? Mixed in water? Used as a foot soak or in a bath? If you drink it, how much to what amount of liquid?

Replied by David
(Chadron, Nebraska)

Respectfully, for internal use you'll find clear instructions given on virtually all Epsom Salt packages.

Replied by Gord235
(Vancouver, British Columbia)

I take one heaping teaspoon mixed into one large cup of warm water, then sit back and wait. Within an hour I can feel my bowels starting to rumble and once I feel my sphincter starting to tighten I make sure I am positioned on the toilet. Soon there is a big woosh and relief arrives; maybe a couple of wooshes but in any event the problem is gone. I have tried several of the common fibre laxatives and have found Epsom salts to be the cheapest, fastest and best solution. It is great for those times when you long for a total evacuation after a few days of not going. I purchase it at my local drugstore, store it in the cupboard and only use it when the usual remedies don't work. Caution: make sure you are close to a toilet when using.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 01/22/2012

For severe constipation, the best remedy is epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) because magnesium in high doses is a natural laxative. If you don't get relief from the constipation it merely means that you have not taken enough epsom salts. I would not take sea salt as something to relieve constipation.

As I said, if the epsom salts are not working just keep increasing the dosage (in not too large increments) to see the amount needed to induce a bowel movement.
