Medical Council – A Monthly Journal for the Physican and Surgeon. Volume 15,1910
For infants suffering from acute or chronic intestinal disturbances, E. Moro highly recommends a soup prepared as follows : Five hundred grams of carrots are peeled, mashed and boiled out with water, until 375 grams remain. The mass is then rubbed through a very fine sieve and added together with 6 gm. Of salt to 1 liter of broth. This soup was given to infants from two weeks to six months old with the best results. In acute cases the vomiting and diarrhea will cease in from one to three days and the fever and general symptoms of marasmus will rapidly disappear. In the chronic affection and in infants suffering from atrophy the result is no less prompt, and a rapid gain in weight can be noted . The stools are soft, very copious, and yellow or reddish-yellow. One of the most pronounced results following feeding with carrot soup is retention of water within the system of the infant.- Muench . Med. Woch.
Carrot juice every day helps clear up constipation, premote loose stools, relief from piles, and kills worms in the intestinal tract. Kitchen Clinic Home Remedies for Common Ailments Pub. 2011