The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Chuck (Cypress, California) on 03/15/2011
Have miserable chronic dry cough when catching cold, almost caused hernia once. One night can't sleep cause of cough, so look up remedies on Line & find ginger root. Cut piece size three quarters stuck together & stop cough immediately & lasted 4 while b4 having 2 pop some more .
Recently found more pleasant remedy. Cut ginger into McDonald french fry sized pieces about 1&1/2 inch long & squeeze bead of honey onto same. The honey kills harsh ginger taste & ginger keeps honey from being 2 sweet. All that's left is that hot healing feeling. Love it.
Posted by Tena (Champaign, Illinois) on 03/15/2010
This is what worked for my family:
Cough remedy: 1/2 cup of warm milk, 1/2 Tbsp Honey, 1 tsp Ginger. Works great, especially if you drink it before bedtime, helps to sleep without coughing. Hope this helps.
Posted by Abah (Lubbock, Texas, USA) on 06/05/2008
Ginger root -- remedy for cough caused by cold. Clean and wash the root, chew a couple and swallow the juice. Although it burns, but works very effectively.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Michael (Indianapolis, In/usa) on 10/13/2010
I wrote about this about 6 years ago and once again I have found it to be an awesome remedy for a cough following a bad cold that doesn't seem to go away. I am a dental hygienist, so I can usually get a doc to write me a script for an anti-biotic. I tried a couple different types of them to try and get rid of the rest of whatever was still living in my bronchial passages causing my nagging cough. In conjunction I went on a ACV stint for about a week. Nothing rid me of the cough. Yesterday I decided to try the GSE approach again. About 7-8 drops in some juice, 2x yesterday. The juice does little to hide the bitterness; you just need to endure it and drink it down. Today I feel the best I have felt in weeks.
Homeopathic Remedy
Posted by Diana (San Diego, CA) on 09/27/2007
I have found that if I eat anything with corn in it I will get a sinus infection I have alway thought it was the high frutose corn syrup because if I eat or drink anything with the corn syrup in it I get sinus infections. Also just corn tortillas will do it. I don't know if it is just all the altering of the corn to to enhance the growing process but something is wrong with corn now. Also, when something tends to be in everything...just the amounts that are consumed can create allergies to it. All I know is that Corn is one of my biggest factors in getting sinus infections and bronchitis. If it does go into my chest... Lymphomyosot by Heel is a good homeopatic remedy for it. I can alway clear up the bronchitis within 24 hours with it. Just take it every 20 minutes until you feel it getting better then do it 2 to 3 time day until well. I don't get bronchitis anymore since using it. I use to get bronchitis 2 to 3 times a year before.
Replied by Arnika
(Berlin, Germany)
Honey, Butter
Posted by Tina (Miami) on 11/27/2023
Have had success every time me or my family have a cough. Warm up raw honey with a bit of butter. It soothes and cleans the throat; works so well!!
Ivy Leaf Syrup
Posted by John (Trumbull, CT) on 02/21/2009
Ivy Leaf Syrup cured my Cough/Bronchitis. I had been struggling with bronchitis/cough for about 2 months, so I turned to this website for solutions. I never heard of apple cider vinegar before and tried it (by making a tea with it as described by others), it definitely helped, but it did not cure me. However, after a visit to my local organic food and health store, I came across some stuff called Bronchial Soothe (its Ivy Leaf Syrup), this stuff is the best thing since sliced bread. After about 1 to 2 days my Bronchitis was cured. I could not believe how effective this stuff is! I now keep 1 to 2 bottles of it in the cabinet and reach for it every time I even think I may be developing a cough and Bang its gone! Just follow the directions on the box and hope this helps you as it helped me!
Posted by JP (LA, CA) on 01/22/2009
RE: Lemon and Honey:
This worked for me when I first used it. But now, it temporarily cures it. At some times, it works though.
Posted by Leslie (Jamestown, NC) on 10/11/2008
I mixed a spoonful of honey with a spoonful of lemon for my cough, and I was finally able to sleep! I didn't wake up coughing during the night, and I am coughing less today!
Posted by Sandy (Manassas, VA) on 01/14/2007
Honey and Lemon Cough Remedy...Honey and lemon mixed together and used as cough medicine or for just a sore throat ...This helps us with high blood pressure as regular store bought cough medicine will raise my blood pressure sometimes...This does not raise my blood pressure at all
Posted by Anna (Australia)
I find this good for coughs: equal parts of honey, pure olive oil and lemon juice. Sip tiny amounts when cough threatens.
Posted by Jamie (Santa Monica, California) on 01/05/2010
A few years ago I had a cough with tons of mucous that lasted for weeks on end. I felt terrible and fatigued all the time. I picked up an old herbal remedy book (sorry, can't remember the name) and read about Lobelia as a fast expectorant for coughs. I think I took 1-2 doses of lobelia (whatever was recommended on the bottle), enough to make me start gagging. That's when the fun began. I then threw up a ton of mucous from deep down in my lungs, mucous that was not coming up from my coughing. Well, my coughing stopped within a day of that (not fun) cure. Lobelia is an intense herb for a desperate situation.
Last spring I got a dry cough that did not quit. Since it was a dry, irritated cough I went another route: I took elderberry extract 2 times a day and also made a strong batch of garlic tea (entire garlic cube boiled in water for 15 minutes) that I drank a small amount of throughout the day. I also went to bed every night sucking on a natural cough lozenge. It took a few days of these remedies but my cough went away about 2 days later.
Looking Up Technique
Posted by Maggie (Overland Park, Kansas) on 03/23/2013 5 posts
Whether you're coughing from allergies, flu, a cold, or horrible reflux, it gets old. Your stomach muscles ache and you're so tired! The technique is to look up while coughing. The stomach muscles don't get engaged, so you don't use them. There's no jerking backwards motion anymore, keeping your back or sciatica from hurting during the cough. Try it! Cover your mouth though. Lol!
Posted by Lisa M. (Long Island, Us) on 10/24/2014
I have had a cough for the past few weeks. Magnesium has really helped my lungs. I take it at night before going to sleep and haven't been waking up with coughing fits all night. Cough is slowly getting better.
Posted by Heather (Leicester ) on 09/24/2012
Hi, If your cough keeps you awake at night then it could be asthma or maybe a residue infection. I developed ashma very badly when I was 30 after having a bad cold on returning from the far east at first the docs thought it was tb but it wasn't- inhalers eventually improved it as did removing irritants like carpets( hold dust) and aerosols, smoke from open fires. Sometimes it would flare up in the summer and I couldn't get my breath and would have to sit up in bed and put my head out of the window for air. But this summer has been fine- I was taking lugols iodine which could have killed any lingering infection and I have been bathing in Epsom salts which is magnesium which helps the lungs. I hope this helps. I would ask your doctor to rule out tb and lung cancer etc.