14 User Reviews
1 pint mason jar
one garlic clove grated
one inch ginger root grated
½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
Place all ingredient into mason jar. Add boiling water and steep for 20 minutes. Strain pulp. Add honey to taste. Drink 3x/daily. Useful for cough, cold, flu, bronchitis and hayfever.
Not sure... this recipe was given to me by javier (from mexico). He and I always use fresh cloves. You can try minced and see if it works. Not sure if that pre-miced garlic in a jar has any medical value or sulfide chemicals left in it. If not, get fresh.
Garlic Syrup for Cough. – Make a syrup from garlic and give about five drops several times a day. This will relieve the cough.
From the Book; The Rural Efficiency Guide, Volume 1, by Blanche Swainhardt R. N. 1918
Garlic Syrup (Simplified Recipe) – From Advanced Treatise in Herbology (1978), by Dr. Edward Shook page 63.
– 1 pound fresh garlic, minced
– apple cider vinegar (I make mine with 40% vodka)
– water
– honey
– Put minced garlic in a quart mason jar.
– Add equal parts vinegar and water 1:1 ratio enough to just cover the garlic.
– Put on the lid and shake well. (Note: ACV will corrode the metal lid, put a piece of parchment paper or plastic wrap over jar lid before placing lid on).
– Let sit for 4 days (shaking once every day), then strain.
Now add:
3 pounds honey
1 tablespoon 3-4 x a day adults.
1 teaspoon, 3-4 x a day for children.
DOSE: For asthma and coughs: 1 teaspoonful with or without water every 15 minutes until spasm is controlled; then 1 teaspoonful every 2 or 3 hours for the rest of the day. After that, 1 teaspoonful 3 or 4 times a day, is usually sufficient.
For tuberculosis, cardiac asthma and dyspnoea (shortness of breath): 1 dessertspoonful to a tablespoonful 3 or 4 times a day between meals.
Children: (8 to 15 years) one half of the above dose; (5 to 8 years) one quarter dose; (from 1 to 4 years) one eighth in a little water or honey.
Garlic has also been used successfully in dropsy. The above formula may be used with benefit, but the following will be found to be much more prompt and effective, especially where the heart is much involved.
Published in: The New Standard Formulary, Comprising in Part I All Preparations Official by A. Emil Hiss, 1920
Syrup of Garlic. (Syrupus Allii.)
Garlic, fresh, sliced and bruised.. av.oz. 3 ¼
Sugar. av .oz. 13 ¼
Diluted acetic acid, to make. fl .oz. 16
Macerate the garlic with 5 fluid ounces of the acid for 4 days, and express the liquid, avoiding the use of metallic utensils. Then mix the residue with 3 fluid ounces more of the acid, and again express. Mix the expressed liquids and filter. Mix the filtrate with the sugar in a suitable vessel, and stir or agitate until the sugar is dissolved. Lastly add enough diluted acetic acid to make the product measure 16 fluid ounces.
Keep the syrup in well-stoppered, completely-filled bottles, in a cool place. -N.F.
The sugar may also be dissolved by percolation as described under simple syrup.
See Syrup, Simple.
II. Thomsonian ( from the Materia Medica):
Mash garlic, add warm water, allow to stand one-half hour, but not heated, strain, and add sugar.
See also Syrup of Garlic, Artificial
Posted by Mey (Leb) on 02/07/2014: My 4 years old daughter have cold and coughing since three weeks, she is really bad, I visited a lot of doctors and she took a lot of medication, but it ls not stoping, can I try the Apple Cider Vinegar steam for her? Please need answer
Dear Mey,
I am so sorry your little one has been sick with a cough for so long.
I have never tried the vinegar steam. I would worry a bit that it might sting the eyes. Perhaps someone else has tried and would be able to advise on that.
We have dealt with many coughs and I can share some things that work very well.
Garlic Salve is easy to make and works so very well.
Garlic Salve
- 1/3 c. Coconut oil
- 2 Tbsp olive oil
- 8 cloves peeled garlic
- 5 or so drops of lavender oil
"Pour everything into a blender and mix until smooth. Strain off the bits of garlic, and store the liquid in a wide-mouth glass jar in the fridge. It will solidify as it cools. If your child has super sensitive skin, you might try adding more coconut oil and olive oil.
Apply liberally to the chest, back, and bottoms of feet (covered with socks) at least four times a day, and as often as every couple of hours, as needed. You cannot overdose on this, so don't be afraid to use too much. If it doesn't seem to be working, use more!
Rachel Weaver, the creator of this recipe, has used this to treat babies with pneumonia. She uses it like an anti-biotic, except it is also anti-viral. (She will say to use it every two hours if you are treating pneumonia. )
If you do not have coconut oil, just substitute more olive oil for the coconut oil. You can skip the lavender if you don't have it. The garlic is the most important thing, it just must be diluted in the olive oil.
We have also used the steam method with just kitchen spices. We boil 2 cups of water and add 1/4 teaspoon of the following: garlic, onion, clove, cinnamon, caraway seeds, thyme and sage. You can leave out something if you do not have it. I put the pot on a chair on a potholder and the child on a couch. I put the rungs of the chair between the pot and child, so they are less likely to get burned. Then I drape a sheet over the child and the chair with the pot. It is a little steam tent. This can be done as often as needed. The spices are helpful in killing germs
You can steam and do the garlic salve if you like. Do avoid dairy while getting over a cough.
I hope your little one is better soon!
~Mama to Many~
(Western Slope, CO)
AMAZING! I mixed up the coconut oil, olive oil, 9 cloves of garlic, 4 capsules of oregano oil & some tender leaves of lavender and applied to neck, chest and bottoms of feet before bed. I coughed some which woke me, but I did not cough up buckets of phlegm!! I actually slept most of the night; first time in 5 nights!! Thanks Mama to Many, can't wait to pass this on!
Dear Katherine,
Thanks for sharing your success story! I have added some oregano to my garlic remedy, but never fresh lavender. Great idea! When I add oregano to the garlic, it smells like pizza, so I call it the pizza treatment! :)
~Mama to Many~
(Los Angeles, Ca, Usa)
You need to let the garlic sit a couple days before its effective. What I do to speed the process up is put the garlic and oil in a blender for a minute then you can use immediately or I let it sit letting all the pieces and sediment settle at the bottom of a jar then use an eye dropper to suck out the amount of oil I need. You should also refrigerate as well as put in a dark bottle to increase shelf life. Oil I like best is sunflower seed oil.
(Toronto, On)
Please be careful about mixing garlic and oil together to let sit for long periods. You can get botulism from that. Always crush your garlic with the flat side of your chopping knife and let it sit for 5 minutes before chopping any further or cooking with it. This increases the Allicin.
Dude, the garlic oil is not made in 30 minutes from one bulb 😂 You basically just brushed oil on your feet. Read the instructions before commenting.
1/2 cup lemon juice
12 garlic cloves
1/4 onion
1/2 cup of honey
teaspoon powder vitamin c
pinch of cayenne pepper
we don't always measure exactly just dump and make according to taste. it actually tastes really good.
(Louisville, Kentucky)
Tried the remedy from Michelle from Lamora, Mexico. The NATURAL COUGH SYRUP Posted on 3/6/2008. I did just as she said except added a couple of tablets of turmeric also. My son coughed of few times and then finally slept thru the night, no coughing. My husband had the same cough. He took it and he stopped coughing. There must be something to it. Thanks so much Michelle for your post. Thanks to everyone who makes this site run.
Cut a garlic cube into quarters and add to two 2 quarts of H2O. Boil on low flame for at least one hour. Strain and sip slowly. Believe or not, this warm garlic soup has a very pleasant taste!
Caveats: The good news is that garlic kills off bacteria in the body. The bad news is that it also kills off the friendly bacteria. Thus - women especially - make sure you take acidophilus after consuming garlic soup, otherwise a yeast infection (aka candida) may ensue.
Click here to see all books on the healing properties of garlic.