Vicks on Feet
For the last 2 days I have taken 2T raw organic ACV w/ 1T honey and a wedge of lemon in 8oz hot water, 2 doses during the day, with very little temporary relief.
The Vick's on my feet remedy DID, however, work to provide me with a blissful 8 hour break from coughing - enough relief to get a good night's rest finally. Still searching for a cure though. I have a sensitivity to Aspergillus Niger mold and suspect that might be the cause, it is prime mold season here in Portland, OR. Working up the courage to try inhaling hydrogen peroxide... Any advice is welcomed. Thanks, emily
Vicks on Feet
Then I tried something else that REALLY worked - Vicks Vapor Rub on the soles of his feet, covered by socks gave him almost instant relief for 8 hours of night-time sleeping!
Vitamin A
Vitamin C, Herbs
My son had several bad coughs (bronchitis) within a few months, and colds almost every month, so I started giving him vitamin C daily - usually about 4-5 grams a day in 2-3 doses. He didn't have a cold for 7 months, and so far didn't get any serious cough.
When we did have coughs, we used herbs - I have lots of tinctures I buy from Oregon online store or make my own with brandy (vodka just tastes very bad even in small amounts), and make mixtures using my intuition, but the main ones were wild cherry bark, mullein, Echinacea, Umckaloabo (Pelargonium sidoides), and lobelia. We also used propolis with good results, however it tastes not so good. We would take 2-3 droppers of mixture of several of these. It works within 10-15 minutes, so if it doesn't stop coughing in that time, another dose might be needed. But usually it did and he could go back to sleep at night.
There is another herb, that is very effective, but it tastes bad -like a sap or a paint thinner - lomatium (lomatium dissectum). Once I kicked the cold with it -although I had to take a few more doses every 4 hours to kick it for good. That said, I get one cold a year at the most, so I am not sure it would work for everyone. I take vitamin C and other supplements for other reasons, which I think helps to prevent them.
Warm Milk
Warm Milk
Whiskey Cough Syrup
This was a prescription from a physician for a child's cough syrup in 1962. Ahh the good old days!! I grew up on this stuff.
- 1 tsp whiskey (Kentucky Gentleman Whiskey, Good flavor and cheap)
- 1 tsp lemon
- 1 tbsp honey
Take as needed for cough, especially before bed.
The whisky helps you sleep and it's alcohol content acts as a disinfectant, while the honey and lemon soothe your throat and also acts as a disinfectant.
White Vinegar and Honey
I was not expecting it to work that quickly. It is amazing. I am not cured, but it gave me time to breath and I was able to sleep through the night and I sipped the vinegar as needed. amazing!
White Vinegar and Honey
Of course I didn't believe all these folks' claims that apple cider vinegar and honey helped their cough, but, well, since I've had this persistent cough for almost two months, I figured I'd give it a try.
Like another poster here, I only had regular white vinegar, so I used that (about 2/3 cup) and some honey (a big tablespoonful)...and was, predictably, quite surprised that it really did help! That uncontrollable cough reflex has gone and even the congestion in my nose cleared up. Pretty cool!
I'll be using this remedy (especially since I'm a freak and I actually do like the taste of vinegar and honey!) until I kick this cough completely.