Natural Remedies

Dealing with Depression Naturally

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Kathy (Las Vegas) on 02/03/2013

I watched a documentary on nutrition and a Dr. said that niacin totally erases depression. Of course you have to stay on it. He sited an example of a woman that was so depressed that she stayed in her room. When she took niacin, as much as she needed to get her acting like herself again, it worked, she became her old self. They told the Dr. and he said to take her off the niacin, they listened and she reverted back to a depressed state. The documentary may have been called "a beautiful world".

Replied by Kimi
(San Diego, Ca)

The doctor's name is Andrew Saul and the documentary is called "Food Matters". His books are a "must-read" and the documentary is priceless!

Posted by Jack (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 11/16/2011

Thank you all for your advice. It's greatly appreciated. I have a relative who has been on Luvox (an SSRI; anti-depressant) for a while, taking 50mg a day, and who was on a bunch of other drugs last year (they kept trying to treat the "symptoms" with a different drug, instead of figuring out the "cause" (ironically, the anti-depressant itself), and eliminating that), and we just found out about Niacinamide (Vitamin B-3), and how it helped the guy who started AA to get rid of his depression. Actually, he used Niacin, but Niacinamide doesn't have the hot flashes that Niacin causes.

Can we start to give him the Niacinamide while still on the Luvox? If so, how much Niacinamide do you suggest? They are in 500mg capsules.

Btw, I successfully stopped my panic attacks with it (I only had two attacks my whole life; I'm still blown away that I even had them). I took between 500mg and 2000mg per day, and only needed to take it for a few days. And that was over 3 years ago.

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 10/18/2011

Seekthetruth, I know what you mean about wanting to help someone and your friend not being open to it. I have a similar situation with someone. It is soo hard to even speak to them.

Niacin or B3 is very effective for treating depression and Dr. Hoffer had great success with it. From the linked article:

"Bill began to take niacin, 3 g daily. Within a few weeks fatigue and depression which had plagued him for years were gone. He gave it to 30 of his close friends in AA and persuaded them to try it. Within 6 months he was convinced that it would be very helpful to alcoholics. Of the thirty, 10 were free of anxiety, tension and depression in one month. Another 10 were well in two months".

Also magnesium is very good for depression. Swimming in the ocean particularly good or just bathing in epson salts or magnesium chloride.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Cynthia (Milwaukee) on 12/28/2022

Niacinamide helps depression. Dr. William Kaufman pioneered niacinamide treatment for osteoarthritis more than half a century ago. He observed that this form of vitamin B3 can relieve both anxiety and depression regardless of whether you have osteoarthritis or not.

Years ago scientists from a major patent medicine company published an article about niacinamide research in animals. They compared niacinamide to the patent medicines Valium and Librium and found their activities were much the same.

Niacinamide is very effective for improving the mood, attitude, and mental clarity of those with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome. Some users also report that their thinking… or their head… is much clearer when using niacinamide.

I take only 500 mg once in the morning and feel better within a couple of hours. At night I take 1,500 because of its sedative effect in higher doses.


1 User Review
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Posted by Caroline (North Ireland) on 02/10/2007

Porriage oats boiled for 2 minutes on the lowest heat drain then eat good for depression and nervous disorders. multi vitamins and minerals (iron supplement) is good for acne and hair loss. you can get this supplement from the chemist boots

Oil Pulling

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Dosti65 (Castries, St. Lucia) on 10/11/2010

I have suffered with depression from childhood which I feel has wasted a huge chunk of my life. I now try to treat it with diet, etc, I hate the thought of taking any form of drugs into my body. I feel that they are more damaging in the long term. Always on the lookout for natural ways to relieve the depression, I stumbled on your site last night after reading about OP on another site. Though I was skeptical, It sounded interesting, so I kept reading the testimonials until I came across what one person said about the effect that OP with olive oil had on his depression! Well... I immediately shoved a tbsp of olive oil in my mouth and swirled to my hearts content for 20 mins. What do you know, my mood lifted immediately, I felt motivated, positive, I was singing and dancing, my energy was back! Hey, I was back! I hadn't felt like this in many, many months. My mouth felt great too. I woke up the next morning without the usual panic attacks and feelings of foreboding. I'm stoked! I OP again this morning and my motivation has lasted through out the day. No depression! I just realized that a pain in the throat before doing the OP is completely gone. Hadn't noticed it before, so amazed at the renewed spirits! Still cannot believe this 'miracle', so I'm going to keep monitoring and listening to my body while doing the OP. I plan to do it just in the morning using the olive oil. If this keeps up words will not be able to express how this site and all your comments have given me my life back... No words. Thank-You! Q:Does it make a difference whether one uses olive oil or evoo? I'm a newbie so feedback would be welcome.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Burton (Portland, Oregon) on 01/25/2009

I read about oil pulling on this site and decided to try it, though i wasn't aware of any real health problems. I only had olive oil in the house so I went with that for 3 or 4 days and did the neti pot nasal flush afterward each time. I used a tablespoon of oil and swished for 15 minutes, rinsing afterward with 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. baking soda in warm water. Throughout the course of those four days I noticed a startling mood elevation and mental clarity that I hadn't had in a very long time. I also noticed alot of sinus drainage and my ability to smell increased. Also my eyes stopped feeling itchy or dry. I switched over to sesame oil because it was recommended, but have since switched back to olive oil and experienced the same mood elevation and mental clarity. This has made me wonder if I was suffering from low-grade depression the whole time. I feel much calmer and focussed, less confused and find alot more reasons to laugh during the day. I also have a TON more energy and work much harder. This energy caused me to have some problems sleeping for the first few days. One last thing is that my beard seems to have gotten much thicker and softer. I'm excited about such a cheap and simple remedy and would recommend it to everyone.

OTC Natural Lithium

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lilac (Northern Usa) on 07/23/2014

Over-the-Counter Natural Lithium and other Helps for Depression

I have a diagnosis of Dysthymia, Bipolar 2, Cyclothymia and Depression. (From different psychiatrists). I have been battling chronic sadness for years, and long ago I took antidepressants. They made me hypomanic, so I took prescription-strength Lithium, 900 mgs./Day, which brought me back to how I was. For years I stopped all drugs, and I have t tried many things to cure my mood disorder. Recently I found over-the-counter low-dose Lithium, and it is working excellently so far. My mood is better. My chronic depression lifts. Below I wrote some of the forms of OTC Lithium. I've been taking the first two. The Amazon reviews for the OROTATE form are also stellar. I would avoid Lithium Aspartate because the Aspartate part is not good for neurons. It's excitatory. Micronized IONIC form is available on Amazon, and ionic minerals are reputed to be the best absorbed. Lithium is also helping my sleep. It is reported to increase serotonin. I've been taking one dose at night and one dose in the late afternoon, when my mood begins to slip. I take both ionic Lithium concentrate and Li-zyme, as needed. (See below, with the forms.) A DNA test I took showed a higher-than-normal risk for Manic Depression. So I assume this mood disorder has genetic etiology. The ionic form I take is liquid, so I take it sublingually, and that way I need less, since none is being lost in digestion. You can see from the forms of OTC Lithium (below) how low the doses are. I don't even take one milligram per day. Amazingly, Lithium is effective at these low doses. Studies show that Lithium may also help to heal from STROKE, because it encourages Neurogenesis.


1. Mine is also alleviated by cutting out foods I am sensitive to. The big ones for me are Gluten, all Dairy (yes even the fermented forms), and Night Shades, especially potatoes. If you have depression, it is IMPERATIVE to find out if some foods may be causing your problems. When I cut out gluten, I got a whole new life. I was in graduate school, and before I cut out gluten, ALL of my term papers were late, and I labored over them. After a gluten-free diet, NONE of my term papers were late, I whizzed through them and started taking more classes at the same time. My brain was cleared. Most people think nightshades only cause arthritis in sensitive people. Well depression goes along with the achey joints. (For me, potatoes are the main culprit.) So find out what foods you are sensitive to. JJ Virgin's book THE VIRGIN DIET is a good place to start to find out about food sensitiviy. If you are sensitive to a food, it can ruin your day, not to mention your life.

2. Eat fermented foods--best before meals, but anytime is fine. Your gut has more to do with your brain than you know! Get your good bacteria and you will be smiling. I said before meals because on an empty stomach you will get most benefit. You can go to or and learn to make these great foods. It's a cinch. Probiotic powders, capsules, etc. are fine. However, you get FAR more of the good bacteria in the fermented foods, and eating them with food also prevents stomach acids from destroying them.

3. You can also try sleeping grounded. It helps me a little. Look up "earthing" online and you will learn a lot. You can also walk around barefoot--on MOIST ground is most effective. If the earth is dry, take a spray bottle and spray your feet with water or better, salt water for best conductivity. OTHER THINGS: I don't have to tell you what you already know: cut out sugar, take omega 3, cut out omega 6 oils (they are inflammatory and block omega 3), exercise, do not expose yourself to computer-screen or other bright lights at night (the blue waves in light block melatonin and disrupt sleep), get some sun and Vitamin D, etc. I'm trying to concentrate here on what isn't so well known. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet: people are not aware that inflammation can also cause depression. Some people have a genetic defect which makes it helpful to cut out foods with high sulfur. You can get your entire genome by 23andMe. It will cost $99.00. Then you plug in your genome to sites that will interpret it for you. Some people need more dopamine: you can take Tyrosine (be careful not to take it with any other protein), or try the herb Mucuna Pruriens, which has natural dopamine. If you need more serotonin, try Tryptophan or 5HTP, without taking any protein within an hour or so of them. (Or try OTC Lithium--see above.) Low barometric pressure, as before or during rain or storm, can also bring on the blues in susceptible people. (I'm one of them). FORMS OF OVER-THE-COUNTER LITHIUM "Ionic Lithium Concentrate" (Lithium Chloride) I bought from New Beginnings Nutritionals. Liquid. 10 drops = 500 mcg. (see also micronized ionic) "Li-Zyme" or "Li-Zyme Forte" Biotics Research Corporation . Widely available on Amazon, and the nutritional-supplement companies. I bought mine from or 1 tablet = 50 mcg or 1 tablet Forte =150 mcg. "Lithium Orotate" Available at all the above places. many manufactures put it out. It's usually sold in 5 milligrams. New Beginnings, above, has 10 milligrams. AVOID LITHIUM ASPARTATE

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Lilac,

Depression issues ...

You're a wealth of information. I've experienced a recent family death and have taken it worse than the loss of mother and father five years ago (one lost five years ago and the other 6 and a half).

I found "colloidal gold" seemed to even me out a lot. It is a calmer and kept the feelings of "desolation" from being too extreme. And I more easily emerged from those moments of "melt down" faster. I also found simple reading from Scripture is helpful...from the Book of John in the NT and the Psalms.

I wonder if you have read about Colloidal Gold's effect. Also have you tried valerian?

Based on your post I'll try to get off computer at night...ha...I'll try anyway...


Replied by Lilac
(Northern Usa)

Dave, I'm sorry about your loss. Thank you for the tip to read Psalms and John. I will try that. Those books are elevating.

It also helps me to feel in touch with God when I contemplate the immensity of the cosmos. When your blues come knocking, contemplate the famous photo called "Pale Blue Dot." You can find it online. It puts your issues in perspective.

I'm not familiar with using gold. I never ran across any information on it. I do have much experience with Valerian. It works excellently for sleep. However if used regularly, Valerian can bring on depression. So I use it only as needed.

If you want to use your computer at night, just block the blue light waves that emanate from the screen. You can do that by wearing amber-lens glasses or covering your screen with an amber lens. (I got cheap amber goggles on Amazon, but pricier glasses are also sold for this purpose.) If you google "blue light waves and sleep, " you should find out much about this topic. I read an excellent book on the topic that you can get on Amazon: GREAT SLEEP! REDUCED CANCER! By Richard L. Hansler, Ph.D. The new energy-saver light bulbs that are everywhere now have more of these blue waves than the older incandescent bulbs, so they too are a problem, as is the light from cell phones. If you look up "Insomnia" here on the earthclinic site, there is an entry called "Block Blue Light, " that will tell you what you need to know.

Recently I came across information that Vitamin C is needed for the body to make neurotransmitters that are important for overcoming depression. Consequently I am now also trying a high dose of Vitamin C. Here is the quote which I found for Vitamin C made from tapioca:

"Vitamin C inhibits candida and promotes wound and gut healing. This vitamin is also important in the biosynthesis of carnitine, serotonin, and certain neurotransmitters, including norephinephrine."

I regret those feelings of desolation you have, and I will think about you. I hope that, day by day, your desolation will fade and joy and wellbeing will visit. Your new beginning may be just around the corner, and something of great value may replace your loss.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Dave,

I, too, am so sorry for your loss.

I and many here at EC so appreciate your love and friendship and hate to see you hurting.

I love John and the Psalms, too.

You are in my prayers.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello again Lilac and Mama to Many:

First, again Lilac you have great information which comes from your ample research. Please continue informing the EC community about your insights and progress. There's nothing like living through an issue that makes suggestions have real meaning.

One of the most memorable persons we all know who had depression issues was President Lincoln. So severe were his manic depressions, that he would not carry a pocket knife with him for fear he would use it on himself. At least that is in one of the biographies on Abraham. I have four or five.

And to both you and Mama to Many, thank you for your condolences.

I am such an impatient person, and I expect instant recovery after a short time but find that grief is more persistent and perplexing in this case (loss of a mate) than I'd anticipated, even though I knew for years the prognosis of her cancer.

One would think the mind and soul would be ready when the end finally came. Oh not so. Very rarely in my life have I experienced mental confusion. Quite frustrating. So many cross currents seem to be at work with a spousal loss.

I can now better sympathize with those who suffer the death of a husband/wife. It's only been a month so really what should I expect? The "rawness" is still there, and the strange quietness of the house when I'm here alone...always nearly expecting her voice. But knowing that is an impossibility and then the intellectual refusal to talk to her; she is not here. Not here. The thought seems so self contradictory..."she"...not her own home. You see? An impossible demand; a command by the emotion to expect the "normal" but the "normal" is a "goneness" that is mystifying. Then the "brain" says, "no quit that...she is gone." Not just left me...even for another man...that would be easier I think. She is just gone.

The only consolation in a way, is I am convinced that "absence from the body is presence with the Lord" and that can console me when the extremes are working me over...overloading both sensation and reality. The reality. That insatiable reality will not leave me alone. I'm told again and again by wiser than me that time will take the edge off. OK. It's just been a month.

The "reality" is an "un-reality"....and that is so frustrating to deal with. Why can't the mind just control the emotions? It is what it let's move on...would be the mind's command.

So is this depression...or still a bit of shock? The last two months were very hard. She died at home. In my arms. And I'm oddly proud of that. Interesting that I observe my most emotional moments come in recollecting what "we" went through during those final weeks. Is much of grief about "me" and not "her"... ? My mind wants to put it all into an analysis.

I was her "nurse" for about 15 hours a day and her sister the rest. So I saw it all. At the end she could not speak except to blink a "yes" at my questions..."do you want water?" "blink"...then I bring water. She could only walk with help and a walker for her to lean on. And she died taking a tour of the upstairs...she wanted her normal clothes on...and then we "walked" her holding the walker and I holding under her arms. She inspected upstairs bedrooms and then she had to sit down on the walker so I could push her back to her bed. While standing...ready to sit...she made dramatic eye contact ... eyes became like saucers...huge....I'd never seen that before ... in 29 years of marriage. I though somehow I'd hurt her, even though the eyes were not "grimacing" as if in pain ... no facial expression of pain and then, she fell into my arms. She was dead. Instantly.

She left over a period of two weeks, in dramatic downturn. And then died while standing. Just like her. She was a tiger. A very alive person.

So the unreality permeates..."she"... a most alive mate for all these years is not here any longer.

Many who write here to EC are facing dire situations and potential loss of a loved one ... we see that often on posts. And I sometimes have just glossed over the intensity between the lines; the desperation for help.

I will never be so glib; so quick to fire off some "answer" without sensing the hurt...the dawning of loss written in those lines.

So many who write to EC are in pain and are suffering. Those are emotions. So many have suffered for years; for decades.

I cannot fail to consider that suffering when I read their stories. Never again will I just focus on the "answer" without "feeling" their some degree to empathize. At the tomb of Lazarus ..."Jesus wept.

Replied by Jeanne
(New Hampshire)

Thank you for this post. It was so very touching. You also gave some very good advice for compassionate thoughts for others.

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Dear Dave, I would like to add myself to those here who have expressed their feelings over your loss. It is a heart ache only time can lessen.

it is one of the experiences here on this planet that has hidden wisdom and it is a journey for all.

Perhaps if your mind sometime can dwell on the fact that in the not to near future, wisdom will dawn to take the pain and sorrow away for good. May your heart be soothed with the knowledge that wisdom will dawn to an understanding of the purpose of life transcending the mind.

Much Love, Om

Replied by Kbugg
(Kcmo Area)

Dear Dave,

I, too, weep for your loss....

Death is not natural, so, no, even though you knew the expected outcome, NOTHING can prepare you for that moment.

Continue to find comfort in the scriptures, my friend.....That alone can ease any shock or depression.

Grieving has its own time-line & is different for all. It can not be analyzed. Just endured and even embraced. The more you fight it, the more difficult, I believe......(Beware anyone who suggests you should 'medicate' your grief, even though herbs / supps / therapies may be needed to help with the side-effects of the grieving---you know, like lack of sleep & such)

So glad you found some comfort here from EC friends.......

Replied by Suzanne
(Fort Wayne, Indiana)

Dave from Fountain Inn SC. Thank you Dave for sharing those sweet last minutes spent with your beloved wife. You have a kind, gentle way about you in your writings and are much appreciated. The deepest hurt, no doubt, is losing the one we have spent a lifetime loving. My heart goes out to you. I thank God that grief comes in spurts as we would not survive otherwise. On losing my father I came across a line from CS Lewis that helped me a bit to understand my brokenness, "No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear" . This was true for me as I had lost direction and hope. God bless you and hold you close.

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)


I am so sorry to read your posting about the loss of your wife. How could anyone ever be prepared for that? When you mentioned her eyes, I couldn't help but think of Steve Jobs last words, "Boy, of boy! " and I wondered if that was her reaction to her first glimpse of heaven? I hope you can draw strength from happy memories you have from your many years together, and if you have children, you will see she still is with you in them. All of us in your Earth family are here to support you in any way we can. Trust in God and lean on your friends until one day when the weight of this loss becomes bearable. Take care.

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Dear Dave - I am so sorry for the loss of your wife. You were truly blessed to have each other for 29 years. Your strength and love must have been such a comfort to her during her illness. Both my husband and I were moved to tears when we read your post. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Dealing with the death of your wife, along with the stress of being a caregiver, has taken its toll on your physical, mental and emotional health. Take as much time as necessary for your healing. Be kind to yourself - there is no schedule to follow because grieving is such an individual process. I hope you find peace in the days ahead.

I just want you to know that I always found your posts on Earth Clinic to be generous, enlightening and uplifting. You write with warmth, sincerity and empathy. It's obvious that you put a lot of thought behind those words before you hit the “Submit” button.

Take care, Dave, my thoughts are prayers are with you. Bess

“Within our hearts and memories, those we love remain with us always.”

Replied by Sp
(Wb, Nj)

Dear Dave, thank you for sharing so openly. I am truly sorry for your loss. It sucks to be left behind, doesn't it?

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hi Lilac - In your reply to Dave about depression, I read your comment about the book Great Sleep - Reduced Cancer by Hansler. I checked our library (they didn't have it) but I was able to get a Kindle version for less than $1 on Amazon. I haven't read it yet but I did check the customer comments on Amazon. I'm ready to get amber lights and glasses to see if it helps with insomnia. Thanks again Lilac - I love learning something new! Cheers, Bess

Replied by Lilac
(Northern Usa)

Dave, beautifully expressed and a memorable tribute to your beloved. Mourning the death of a friend, I was once extremely comforted by reading accounts of near-death experiences. So I recommend that to you. You can find such accounts at, or look at a book on this topic on Amazon, and see other books that are recommended there. One I found good is PROOF OF HEAVEN: A NEUROSURGEON'S JOURNEY INTO THE AFTERLIFE by Dr. Eben Alexander. Obviously you enjoy reading, so another thought I have for you is to read things written by men mourning a great loss. John Keats wrote "Ode to a Nightingale" (my favorite poem) soon after nursing his young brother, who died in his care. In this poem you can see Keats' reference to that experience. ("Where youth grows pale...") Wordsworth wrote his poem "Surprised by Joy, " while still in mourning for the death of his daughter. Goethe wrote his novel, THE SORROWS OF YOUNG WERTHER, while mourning over the unrequited love of a woman named Lotte. The process of writing this biographical novel was therapeutic to Goethe, and relieved him of his grief; this same situation and therapeutic outcome applied to Algernon Swinburne writing his poem "The Triumph of Time, " which I find so beautiful. Yes, Bibliotherapy...losing oneself in a book...visiting another person's life and for a while stepping out of our own. That is the best thing--being able to step out of our lives, slough off the pained ego, escape. I'm thinking of you, as are others here. Lilac

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Lilac: Thanks for the wonderful literary references. One line in particular that's always stuck on me is "heart for any fate" by Longfellow. More recently the prog rock Yes's "children of light - don't be afraid".

As for the NDE's, I bought & read one of the first publications on the subject authored by Gallop editors back in the late 70's as these reports kept coming in and validation was mounting for empirical after-life legitimacy. Then another from a Christian publisher in the 90's, and recently after loosing my mother, my kitty family, and what little health I had left, began reading all NDE accounts on the web. Some of mom's last words, as she glimpsed into the heavenly realms, were "It's beautiful - so beautiful".

Not to fall victim of liberal or romantic idealism, there is certainly cause for caution & alarm for people who live lawless and corrupt lives. Move on to all the horror stories of Alien abduction, livestock mutilation, and reptilian overlord mind and planet control. I have always been rather conservative and careful in assessing such nonconventional subjects but a long-standing disability has put me in the cross-hairs of what's really going on. It's where living w/ your back against the wall gets truly educational as suspicious after suspicious events are unambiguously validated.

To conclude, it is most imperative to do one's best at living an honest and sincere life, as there are spiritual beings that will absolutely deceive the blind into yet another slave world existence. I think they call it "energy harvesting" where these (trans-dimensional and thousands yrs old) overlords continue sucking the awareness directly from sentient beings consciousness, leaving the subjects not knowing the difference between what is and what is not. What's the Biblical New Testament record from St John "Little children, let no one deceive you".

I don't like making such long post of extraordinary subject but the importance cannot be overstated.

I particularly loved Andy's NDE account were millions of little lights grew closer and stronger until they were felt as wonderful spiritual beings that proclaimed they had known & loved him from all eternity. Then as the folks back on earth were reviving him from drowning an angel told him he was going back home, but Andy declared this place was his home and he didn't want to go back to earth.

Replied by Carly


I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you. She was a lucky woman to have had such a good and thoughtful husband for so many years. Bless you both.

Replied by Lilac
(Northern Usa)

Hello Bess, I'm pleased that you found the information on blue light waves and sleep helpful. Thank you for letting me know. Because the blue--and to a lesser extent green--waves are small, they more easily penetrate our eyes and disrupt the melatonin that is crucial to good sleep. People are generally not aware that the energy-saver light bulbs we now use have more of these blue waves than the older-style bulbs ("incandescent"), and thus are not good to be around near bedtime. Even stronger are the blue waves from TV screens, computer screens, cell- phone screens. An amber or red lens will block these waves, either by putting such a lens on the screen or wearing the glasses or goggles for an hour or a few hours before bed. (I got inexpensive red and amber goggles on Amazon.)

One can spend thousands of dollars on supplements, but health still comes down to these basics: good sleep, the right food, and exercise. That is the golden trinity of good health.

Here are a few more things I have found helpful for depression: Vitamin D, either from the sun on one's skin or from taking D3. (Avoid synthetic D2) Vitamn C--as I said before, it is needed by the brain. Eating lots of raw vegetables, alone or in a salad. Raw vegetables rarely fail to give me a boost.

Also, pay special attention to your digestion. A happy gut = a happy head. If you have digestive issues, look into cures, like the low FODMAP diet.

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Hi Timh ---- well said. This is what counts. The Golden Age is not far off and there is enormous effort to deceive souls and keep them focused on media, etc.

These are tests. Practising keeping in the light and doing good works without expectations. That is for this age as well repeating the names of the Lord for protection.

Remember the story of Lot in the bible when they fled the city. She turned back and became petrified. This goes for all the evil effort today. Be in the light and be the light.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Kelly
(Cambridge, Ma)

I am so very sorry for your loss, Dave.

My heart broke for you as I read your post. I am all too familiar with the emotions you are experiencing.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Palo Santo Essential Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by ron (Idaho) on 08/01/2021

Editor's Choice

An unbelievable cure for depression is an essential oil named palo santo.

I have an occasional bit of depression and using palo santo is like magic, I have recommended it to a couple people and they had the same result; one person came to me with bad depression and while we were talking she sniffed the palo santo a couple of times and a while later I asked her how was her depression she replied she had not realized it was gone.

I have found many herbal remedies are so subtle that you don't realize the condition is gone or lessened. I have seen the same result for pain remedies anyway I don't need to keep on, best wishes

Replied by Deirdre

Thank you so much for posting this, Ron. I ordered a small bottle after reading your post to test it out and found it is indeed a good mood enhancer. I have been applying it to the sides of my wrist once or twice a day. I don't have depression but can feel a happy shift about 15 minutes after application. That really surprised me! Doesn't smell great though, a bit like petroleum! I have read the same comment about other brands of this essential oil too.

Replied by looms

i got a little carved box made from palo sainto, when in Mexico once and used to open it every day, just to smell it! I kept all my wishes written down in it. it really does have a healing smell!

Pink Salmon, Green Veggies, Blueberries

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rachel (Baldwin, WI) on 12/06/2007

re: euphoria remedies -- I have found that after eating pink salmon, followed by green veggies and then 1/2 cup of blueberries, I get extremely happy, almost giddy. The first time it happened, I didn't realize that it was from what I ate and forgot about it. Then on another day, I ate the same thing and it happened again; and found that it repeatedly works for me. I don't know if it would work for everyone, but for me it is a depression cure!

Replied by Jumpin Jeff
(Wisconsin, US)

I'm betting it is the dose of fish oil you are getting in the salmon along with the alkalinity and vitamin and mineral support of the veggies and berries....try fish oil at one gram with each meal...peace.

Primrose Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Railey (Detroit, Mi) on 01/25/2012

I HIGHLY reccomend PR OIL for depression. I have always had great will power and am strong minded, but after a couple of car accidents I have felt weak emotionally and physically for a couple years. I did research and found primrose oil. It is recommended for women, though a lot of men say they have had very much success with it. There are good seminars/workshops you can watch on Youtube if you would like to obtain more information.

Primrose oil works with a lot of different disorders and diseases, good luck!

Proper Mental Diet

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Posted by Tiberius (Oklahoma) on 02/07/2024

Edited 2/08/24 at 3:53 am
There are supplements and medications out there to aid in mood health. But one might have a difficult time finding independence from these things without a proper mindset. I firmly believe that the advice I'm offering here should be taught in every school. And it should be regularly reiterated and reinforced.

First off, self forgiveness and acceptance. Years ago, I was about 12 years old at the time, I did/said something to my mom that was uncalled for and certainly not a way a person should ever treat their mother. As it's embarrassing I'll keep the details to myself. I had apologized and everything shortly after... But it wasnt enough for me... I spent a week or so allowing myself to be torn apart by it. I was depressed, I was beside myself crying when I was alone, praying for forgiveness, and not finding any peace at all. I ended up opening up to my mom about it. And I'll never forget what she said, "How can you expect forgiveness if you cant even forgive yourself?" It became clear to me, that the only reason I couldnt find peace and let it go, is because I hadnt forgiven myself. I was expecting the feeling of peace and forgiveness to come from some outside source. The issue was entirely with myself. I had to accept that I had made a mistake and I had to forgive myself for it. My mom had forgiven me the instant it happened as any good mother would. Regardless of the situation, you always have to be able to live with yourself. You always have to accept, forgive, respect, and love yourself. You cant expect peace or happiness if you're disgusted with yourself.

Next... Dealing with external things... When I was a kid, there was a popular saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me." As time goes on, western culture seems to stray further away from that simple philosophy. We have slowly placed more and more power in words, events, and circumstances. It used to be glorified and shown to us in media such as movies and TV shows, someone would make a rude comment and the hero would go and start a fist fight to defend their honor. A fight with a loved one would result in the protagonist turning to alcohol to cope. Or some horrible event would turn the protagonist to a life of depression and alcohol abuse. In our modern day, it is almost virtuous to be offended or to be a victim. It's a matter of duty to be outraged or to be hurt and to let it be known that you have been wronged.

What we have forgotten is that NO ONE HAS THE POWER TO DISTURB YOU BUT YOU. Absolutely NO ONE. Every word that is spoken to you, every event that you encounter, and every circumstance that you endure, you are faced with a choice of how to perceive it. You have the power to dwell on it and let it disturb you or you have the power to pay it no mind and go on. When someone says a bad thing to you, you have the choice to be offended or not. You have the choice to take that with you and dwell on it. You have the choice to let it define who you are or not.

Every time you allow yourself to be disturbed, hurt, offended, angered etc by words, circumstances, and events, you are giving those things power over you. You are allowing those things to control you and to define you. You are allowing those things to steal your peace and happiness.

Every moment of every day, you have the choice to seek out happiness. You have the choice to dwell on peaceful things. You have the choice to forgive and to forget. You dont forgive as a favor to those that wrong you, you forgive as a matter of health/wellbeing for yourself and as a way to maintain control over your emotions. It harms you mentally and physically to harbor negative feelings.

Awful things happens, far worse than words people say. Circumstances can be hellish. But you always have the choice to control how deep you allow these things to disturb you. Its not always easy. But how you respond to them, will certainly affect how quickly you recover and the damage you sustain from them.

Next time something negative happens big or small, and you're tempted to let it push you further into that pit of despair, stop yourself, and remind yourself that you have the power to change how that affects you.

On top of the mental diet, sunlight, try to stay around people you love and enjoy. Avoid isolation. Join in fun activities whenever possible. And allow yourself to enjoy them. When thoughts of "hiding" how you really feel creep up, shrug it off and remind yourself that you are enjoying yourself. THIS IS how you feel.

An anxious mind is one that dwells on the future, a depressed mind is one that dwells on the past, and a mind at peace is one that is present.


Look for the good...

If I told you to look around you, where ever you're at and find everything thats blue. You'll likely find plenty of things that are blue. But then I tell you to close your eyes without looking anymore and told you to tell me everything that you saw that was brown while you were looking for the blue.... Did you even notice anything that was brown? Probably not near as much as you would have had you been looking for stuff that was brown.

Your mind will see what you are looking for. So if you go through life with this idea that only negative things happen to you, you're going to see every single little negative thing to reinforce that idea. You catch a cold, check... they screw up your order at a restaurant, check. You have a bad day at work, check. You stub your toe on the coffee table, check. Someone makes a rude comment, check. And you'll likely gladly accept the negative things that happen to others as part of it.. a friend gets sick, check. A coworker gets divorced, check. A friendly coworker quits, or gets fired, check.. The list goes on.

But in all of this negativity how much good might you have missed? You got a free drink through a mix up at the drive thru. The nice person at the cash register rounded your change up from .95c to $1 so they wouldnt have to count change. You had a good day at work. You havent been sick in months. Your family was happy and healthy today. Someone complimented you, ("Hey, I really like that shirt! "). A friend or family member had a new baby. etc...

Chances are there isn't near as much bad as you believe there is and chances are there is just as much good to balance it out or completely tip the scales the opposite direction, you just refuse to see it.

Your mind amplifies the negative while overlooking the good or brushing it off as if its a lie or a rare fluke. You can flip this on its head and train your mind to look for the good while overlooking the bad. You just have to start looking for the good. And when you see it, dont brush it off or make excuses for it. Let that be "just your luck". Let that be the normal occurrence that you look for.

Replied by TessaBC

Such an inspiring comment, Tiberius!

Thank you for those wise words.

I agree wholeheartedly with you about it being taught in schools. It would help so many young people on their journey through life.

I have printed it out and have it next to my computer as a gentle reminder to keep things in perspective.

Thanks again.

Cheers from Canada

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Tiberius,

Thank you for this!

I have recounted your thoughts to several others today - especially the part about seeing the good.

Negativity is so easy. Your analogy of looking for the color blue was perfect. Being positive or negative is a habit.

Thanks again!

~Mama to Many~

(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

I'm beginning to wonder if depression - and just about all ailments - could simply represent an oxygen deficiency?

I've been exploring the remarkable efficacy of things like ozone therapy, castor oil, hydrogen peroxide, Buteyko breathing, Father Zago's aloe remedy and other methods of dealing with illness with regard to the oxygen they provide the cells.

It never occurred to me until I started thinking about Fr. Zago's instruction to use the skin of the aloe plant or to use the tree aloe that doesn't contain as much "juice" which made me think of Native American practices of laying whole, fresh leaves of a medicinal plant atop a wound and the difference between fresh and dried leaves.

The common denominator in these substances seems to be bond cleavage that creates radically free oxygen singlets.

O3 wants to be O2, H2O2 wants to be H2O, photosynthesis extracts oxygen from water, castor oil is an O3 oil while all of the popular oils are O2 oils and the pause in Buteyko breathing provides the blood with CO2 which is what breaks the blood/oxygen bond (via the Bohr Effect) allowing the blood to let go of and deliver its payload of oxygen to the cells.

At any rate, I wonder if oxygen deficiency in the brain, itself, might be the culprit, not only in depression but also in those raging "Karen" fits you see in videos.

At any rate, if you're depressed, try breathing into a paper bag a few times and see what happens as Buteyko breathing is basically the same thing but, instead of breathing the CO2 you breathe out, you use the CO2 you generate naturally by controlling your breathing. Which may be too difficult, initially, if one is so deficient as to be depressed - OR, also, if one suffers PTSD - hence the paper bag test which will provide a shot of oxygen to the brain cells which, if I'm right, should make you feel a whole lot better, in that instance. Then one can graduate to practicing Buteyko breathing and, hopefully, get the body sorted out and back to calm, natural breathing patterns.

Buteyko breathing is simply consciously pausing after you exhale and before you inhale again -increasing the length of the pause as you progress.

If you have trouble pausing and get that little hitch in your throat where you want to inhale, try inhale normally and exhaling with a sigh, Then hold - just for a count of 3 at first - then 5, then longer until you can pause as long as you want and are taking slow, calm shallow breaths. As if you're barely breathing at all. In Buteyko breathing, they have you hold your nose so you can't breathe but that's not necessary and there is no need to add to the stress that has you in a chronic state of hyperventilation so, if you need help holding, breathe into a paper bag, get some oxygen to the brain so you can consciously comprehend there's no danger and try again.

If you've ever watched a sleeping baby - intently - to make sure he/she is breathing without waking them up, then you know how nearly undetectable calm breathing can be so the point is - the issue isn't a lack of oxygen, it's just that your blood can't release much of the oxygen it's already carrying to the cells.

Anyway, if you're depressed or suffer PTSD, give it a try or, if you have difficulty holding your breath for even a count of 3, breathe into a paper bag and see what happens.

This isn't a woowoo thing. This carbon dioxide and holding the breath thing is the actual mechanism by which oxygen is provided to the cells which absolutely includes the brain cells so, even if you aren't depressed or don't suffer anxiety or some sort of "brain fog", check your breathing and practice the pause and you will absolutely increase the oxygen uptake of all organs and systems.

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)

Another substance that I love is LABS - I.e. the lactic acid bacteria cultivated for the serum used in KNF (Korean Natural Farming) - which is also O3! This just keeps getting more and more interesting...

(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

And guess what! You can make a salve of castor oil and baking soda and baking soda is also an O3 substance!

If one doesn't get a result - or, rather, doesn't get the dramatic result others seem to get with regard to skin cancers, warts and moles - they're often advised to sprinkle baking soda on their oil patch which seems to increase the effect.

Which makes sense as both are reactive and particularly to one another - one being acidic and the other alkaline - which means when the O3 fatty acid meets the O3 baking soda, BOOM! An overwhelming army of oxygen carried in on a tsunami of penetrating castor oil! POOF!

I'm not sure about mixing a salve of them. Although, I suppose, the oxygen produced might be trapped by the oil if you were quick about it but, I think sprinkling it on a castor oil pack just prior to application would be more effective as even just mixing the two together is going to provide escape for most of the oxygen produced, as such reactions are so fast.

Even so...I THINK one could even make an effective, alternative OLIVE oil pack. With its O2 fatty acids, if one sprinkled IT with baking soda with its own O3 arrangement...there may not be as MUCH oxygen generated, perhaps, but still quite a bit and olive oil penetrates pretty well...could be useful in a pinch!

Random Thoughts

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Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee, US) on 08/15/2014

I was at the doctor's office with my dad earlier this week. The top news story on the television was about the death of Robin Williams. He was called, “World's Funniest Man Ever.” Amazingly talented. Funny. Hilarious.

Addicted. Depressed. Another precious life lost to suicide.

I haven't had time or inclination for television or movies for some time. But I remember Robin Williams. And I know how famous he was. And I feel very, very sad. Very sad over a life lost to pain and suffering. Maybe people knew that Robin was suffering on the inside. Probably many did not. I did not. Perhaps if someone met him, they would think, ‘Lucky guy. So funny. So popular. Rich. Famous. He has it all.” And go along never realizing his pain and suffering.

The truth is that Robin William's situation is a picture of so many lives all over the world. People look a certain way on the outside. You may know someone a long time and never know their internal pain or suffering. And it is something to consider when dealing with others. How often have we interacted with others and had no idea of the pain? Some are funny. Some are angry. Some are bitter. Some are loud. Some are quiet. Maybe some are vocal about their pain and suffering. Many more are silent.

What does this mean? It means that when someone is rude to me at the grocery store, I should try and be kind back to them anyway. Maybe they just lost a loved one. Maybe they just lost their job. It means when someone is angry at me, perhaps it is because they have had a lot of hurt and are angry at others. Returning anger to them will only escalate the situation. Where there is no wood, the fire goes out.

It means that when I meet someone that seems to have it all, I should not wish I were them. They probably have more pain than I can imagine.

I was sharing some thoughts with a friend about this and she commented that sometimes people say “How are you?” and you know they don't care. We should ask and care. And listen. It can be hard to listen to someone grumble and complain. But sometimes people just need to know that someone will listen to them and that someone cares.

Why such a ramble on a health site? Because compassion matters to health. Caring matters. We can share remedies and stuff and that is good. And when it comes with love and care, it is better. So, I am reminded this week of silent suffering and hope it will help me to love and care better for others.

Just my two cents...

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Kc
(Montebello, CA)

You are truly our Mama. From you words I feel immense amount of love and caring that heal.

Replied by Gina
(Westport, Ct)

Well said, Mama, well said. You are a truly compassionate being.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

What really bothers me is the fact that someone of almost unlimited resources could not find proper care and some working improvement. I realize that mainstream medicine seeks to maintain a certain level of a disorder so therapy can continue indefinitely thus improving profit margin, but w/ such resources this problem can be transcended. Also there is that "victim syndrome" thing going on in our culture as if one is "proud" to be ill. The recent Seymour Hoffman heroine overdose kinda fits in w/ Robin's tragedy. Now both these celebs are more the heroes despite the illness.

From a classical or common sense model, both these cases (as well as many other suicide) have what appears as a chronic sense of loneliness which is often accompanied by self-indulgence. It seems a crime against family & friends to check out and leave them to suffer. I worked for a man several yrs ago that confided in me the financial hardship of being an independent farmer operating on financial loans and pushed around by big bankers. I never sensed his anguish but a few yrs later committed suicide leaving his wife and children behind. It's something treasonous or immoral to have such disregard for others. Human freedom & happiness are well within reach for most folks, yet many live miserable lives.

The words from music from Neil Young seem appropriate here as the possibility of a cure ---"Change your mind, change your mind".

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Dear Mama to Many - Those were the best "two cents" I have heard in a very, very long time!

While I always enjoy your posts, your heartfelt thoughts about Robin Williams were truly inspiring. Everyone can benefit from kindness and compassion - both giving and receiving. So thank you, once again, for sharing with us. Take care, Bess

Replied by Jumpin Jeff
(Wisconsin, US)

Famous folks are often isolated for fear of so many who want a piece of them. I have all out remedies for Phil Mickelson, , , Tiger Woods etc but hard to get to them. Robin did not get the natural care because he was isolated and because his depression told him to use maladaptive substances such as cocaine and alcohol instead of something valid like St John's wort, fish oil, 5 HTP, cannabis and proper cleansing and nutrition. Peace, , J

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Great recommends Jeff!! One more item --Transcendental Meditation. Ringo Starr has been and remains a great advocate of T.M. along w/ former Beatles Paul McCartney and the late great George Harrison.

T.M. provides a direct method of centering the mind into deeper levels of the subconscious thereby preventing the fragmentation that occurs in an hectic, stressful, modern lifestyle or workplace. Michael Jackson fell into the same trap taking increasing amounts of dangerous pharmaceuticals until he collapse altogether.

After doing T.M. daily and w/ half an education the light of the fact that one is, during this practice, in the center of the universe. John Lennon revealed some of this type awareness in "I Am The Walrus" song.

Trade the destructive fragmentation of the self for creative Unity thru T.M.

REM Sleep and Depression

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Posted by Lin (Sydney, Australia) on 02/06/2013

Recent research has shown that one of the reasons for depleted serotonin in depressed persons is that serotonin production is halted in the body during REM sleep.

Depressed people are usually in the REM sleep state for a lot of the night (compared to non depressed) and hence wake feeling exhausted mentally and with low levels of serotonin.

Throughout the day activity gradually increases the serotonin levels but of course the cyle begins again each evening.

Placebo trials have also shown that increasing the level of serotoninvia medication does little to affect the nervous anxiety and exhaustion created by over REMING.

So basically the reduced serotonin experienced by depressives is a symptom rather than a cause.


7 User Reviews
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Posted by Mary (San Gabriel, CA) on 10/01/2021

If anyone got the recipe of Oprah Winfrey's tea for depression containing Rhodiola can you please post it here on Earthclinic? I have been searching for it for a long time now. Thank you very much!!

