OK .... Food grade methylene blue has proven to change electrons and alleviate depression of every order. Do your own research. People take a mild dose of 15 drops per day...
CBD oil needs to be mentioned here because of it's ability to calm you and raise serotonin but not a true High power option.
Now for the big one:
Clinical and lifelong depression has been completely or partly eliminated in one day, one week or one month with this incredible substance. Hallucinogenic Therapy
John's Hopkins and Harvard Med School is studying human subjects and has been studying this for years. It was featured on 60 minutes and is shown directly in brain scans to open up centers and structures in the brain that have been closed off for years or since birth.
LOOK it Up!!!! *** Hallucinogens against depression..... or PTSD and more.
Hopkins and Harvard administer it every day (Psylocibin..but others also work) and the results are beyond belief in many cases.
Don't think of hallucinogens as drugs. That is a political and economic tool to scare you....
It cured my Viet Nam combat stress... Do the Research and Blessings to All
It is not legal in most states, but the Psychology world is catching on fast.
Cold Showers
Proper Mental Diet
If one doesn't get a result - or, rather, doesn't get the dramatic result others seem to get with regard to skin cancers, warts and moles - they're often advised to sprinkle baking soda on their oil patch which seems to increase the effect.
Which makes sense as both are reactive and particularly to one another - one being acidic and the other alkaline - which means when the O3 fatty acid meets the O3 baking soda, BOOM! An overwhelming army of oxygen carried in on a tsunami of penetrating castor oil! POOF!
I'm not sure about mixing a salve of them. Although, I suppose, the oxygen produced might be trapped by the oil if you were quick about it but, I think sprinkling it on a castor oil pack just prior to application would be more effective as even just mixing the two together is going to provide escape for most of the oxygen produced, as such reactions are so fast.
Even so...I THINK one could even make an effective, alternative OLIVE oil pack. With its O2 fatty acids, if one sprinkled IT with baking soda with its own O3 arrangement...there may not be as MUCH oxygen generated, perhaps, but still quite a bit and olive oil penetrates pretty well...could be useful in a pinch!
Proper Mental Diet
Proper Mental Diet
I've been exploring the remarkable efficacy of things like ozone therapy, castor oil, hydrogen peroxide, Buteyko breathing, Father Zago's aloe remedy and other methods of dealing with illness with regard to the oxygen they provide the cells.
It never occurred to me until I started thinking about Fr. Zago's instruction to use the skin of the aloe plant or to use the tree aloe that doesn't contain as much "juice" which made me think of Native American practices of laying whole, fresh leaves of a medicinal plant atop a wound and the difference between fresh and dried leaves.
The common denominator in these substances seems to be bond cleavage that creates radically free oxygen singlets.
O3 wants to be O2, H2O2 wants to be H2O, photosynthesis extracts oxygen from water, castor oil is an O3 oil while all of the popular oils are O2 oils and the pause in Buteyko breathing provides the blood with CO2 which is what breaks the blood/oxygen bond (via the Bohr Effect) allowing the blood to let go of and deliver its payload of oxygen to the cells.
At any rate, I wonder if oxygen deficiency in the brain, itself, might be the culprit, not only in depression but also in those raging "Karen" fits you see in videos.
At any rate, if you're depressed, try breathing into a paper bag a few times and see what happens as Buteyko breathing is basically the same thing but, instead of breathing the CO2 you breathe out, you use the CO2 you generate naturally by controlling your breathing. Which may be too difficult, initially, if one is so deficient as to be depressed - OR, also, if one suffers PTSD - hence the paper bag test which will provide a shot of oxygen to the brain cells which, if I'm right, should make you feel a whole lot better, in that instance. Then one can graduate to practicing Buteyko breathing and, hopefully, get the body sorted out and back to calm, natural breathing patterns.
Buteyko breathing is simply consciously pausing after you exhale and before you inhale again -increasing the length of the pause as you progress.
If you have trouble pausing and get that little hitch in your throat where you want to inhale, try inhale normally and exhaling with a sigh, Then hold - just for a count of 3 at first - then 5, then longer until you can pause as long as you want and are taking slow, calm shallow breaths. As if you're barely breathing at all. In Buteyko breathing, they have you hold your nose so you can't breathe but that's not necessary and there is no need to add to the stress that has you in a chronic state of hyperventilation so, if you need help holding, breathe into a paper bag, get some oxygen to the brain so you can consciously comprehend there's no danger and try again.
If you've ever watched a sleeping baby - intently - to make sure he/she is breathing without waking them up, then you know how nearly undetectable calm breathing can be so the point is - the issue isn't a lack of oxygen, it's just that your blood can't release much of the oxygen it's already carrying to the cells.
Anyway, if you're depressed or suffer PTSD, give it a try or, if you have difficulty holding your breath for even a count of 3, breathe into a paper bag and see what happens.
This isn't a woowoo thing. This carbon dioxide and holding the breath thing is the actual mechanism by which oxygen is provided to the cells which absolutely includes the brain cells so, even if you aren't depressed or don't suffer anxiety or some sort of "brain fog", check your breathing and practice the pause and you will absolutely increase the oxygen uptake of all organs and systems.
Proper Mental Diet
Thank you for this!
I have recounted your thoughts to several others today - especially the part about seeing the good.
Negativity is so easy. Your analogy of looking for the color blue was perfect. Being positive or negative is a habit.
Thanks again!
~Mama to Many~
Proper Mental Diet
Thank you for those wise words.
I agree wholeheartedly with you about it being taught in schools. It would help so many young people on their journey through life.
I have printed it out and have it next to my computer as a gentle reminder to keep things in perspective.
Thanks again.
Cheers from Canada
Proper Mental Diet
First off, self forgiveness and acceptance. Years ago, I was about 12 years old at the time, I did/said something to my mom that was uncalled for and certainly not a way a person should ever treat their mother. As it's embarrassing I'll keep the details to myself. I had apologized and everything shortly after... But it wasnt enough for me... I spent a week or so allowing myself to be torn apart by it. I was depressed, I was beside myself crying when I was alone, praying for forgiveness, and not finding any peace at all. I ended up opening up to my mom about it. And I'll never forget what she said, "How can you expect forgiveness if you cant even forgive yourself?" It became clear to me, that the only reason I couldnt find peace and let it go, is because I hadnt forgiven myself. I was expecting the feeling of peace and forgiveness to come from some outside source. The issue was entirely with myself. I had to accept that I had made a mistake and I had to forgive myself for it. My mom had forgiven me the instant it happened as any good mother would. Regardless of the situation, you always have to be able to live with yourself. You always have to accept, forgive, respect, and love yourself. You cant expect peace or happiness if you're disgusted with yourself.
Next... Dealing with external things... When I was a kid, there was a popular saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me." As time goes on, western culture seems to stray further away from that simple philosophy. We have slowly placed more and more power in words, events, and circumstances. It used to be glorified and shown to us in media such as movies and TV shows, someone would make a rude comment and the hero would go and start a fist fight to defend their honor. A fight with a loved one would result in the protagonist turning to alcohol to cope. Or some horrible event would turn the protagonist to a life of depression and alcohol abuse. In our modern day, it is almost virtuous to be offended or to be a victim. It's a matter of duty to be outraged or to be hurt and to let it be known that you have been wronged.
What we have forgotten is that NO ONE HAS THE POWER TO DISTURB YOU BUT YOU. Absolutely NO ONE. Every word that is spoken to you, every event that you encounter, and every circumstance that you endure, you are faced with a choice of how to perceive it. You have the power to dwell on it and let it disturb you or you have the power to pay it no mind and go on. When someone says a bad thing to you, you have the choice to be offended or not. You have the choice to take that with you and dwell on it. You have the choice to let it define who you are or not.
Every time you allow yourself to be disturbed, hurt, offended, angered etc by words, circumstances, and events, you are giving those things power over you. You are allowing those things to control you and to define you. You are allowing those things to steal your peace and happiness.
Every moment of every day, you have the choice to seek out happiness. You have the choice to dwell on peaceful things. You have the choice to forgive and to forget. You dont forgive as a favor to those that wrong you, you forgive as a matter of health/wellbeing for yourself and as a way to maintain control over your emotions. It harms you mentally and physically to harbor negative feelings.
Awful things happens, far worse than words people say. Circumstances can be hellish. But you always have the choice to control how deep you allow these things to disturb you. Its not always easy. But how you respond to them, will certainly affect how quickly you recover and the damage you sustain from them.
Next time something negative happens big or small, and you're tempted to let it push you further into that pit of despair, stop yourself, and remind yourself that you have the power to change how that affects you.
On top of the mental diet, sunlight, try to stay around people you love and enjoy. Avoid isolation. Join in fun activities whenever possible. And allow yourself to enjoy them. When thoughts of "hiding" how you really feel creep up, shrug it off and remind yourself that you are enjoying yourself. THIS IS how you feel.
An anxious mind is one that dwells on the future, a depressed mind is one that dwells on the past, and a mind at peace is one that is present.
Look for the good...
If I told you to look around you, where ever you're at and find everything thats blue. You'll likely find plenty of things that are blue. But then I tell you to close your eyes without looking anymore and told you to tell me everything that you saw that was brown while you were looking for the blue.... Did you even notice anything that was brown? Probably not near as much as you would have had you been looking for stuff that was brown.
Your mind will see what you are looking for. So if you go through life with this idea that only negative things happen to you, you're going to see every single little negative thing to reinforce that idea. You catch a cold, check... they screw up your order at a restaurant, check. You have a bad day at work, check. You stub your toe on the coffee table, check. Someone makes a rude comment, check. And you'll likely gladly accept the negative things that happen to others as part of it.. a friend gets sick, check. A coworker gets divorced, check. A friendly coworker quits, or gets fired, check.. The list goes on.
But in all of this negativity how much good might you have missed? You got a free drink through a mix up at the drive thru. The nice person at the cash register rounded your change up from .95c to $1 so they wouldnt have to count change. You had a good day at work. You havent been sick in months. Your family was happy and healthy today. Someone complimented you, ("Hey, I really like that shirt! "). A friend or family member had a new baby. etc...
Chances are there isn't near as much bad as you believe there is and chances are there is just as much good to balance it out or completely tip the scales the opposite direction, you just refuse to see it.
Your mind amplifies the negative while overlooking the good or brushing it off as if its a lie or a rare fluke. You can flip this on its head and train your mind to look for the good while overlooking the bad. You just have to start looking for the good. And when you see it, dont brush it off or make excuses for it. Let that be "just your luck". Let that be the normal occurrence that you look for.
Chlorella, Copper
Great tips, thanks for sharing!
I love Chlorella and fulvic acid. I should probably take it more often.
I was hoping you explain and give a little more detail about the chelated copper. I'm not depressed, but I am a big believer in taking supplements to stay happy and healthy. With 6 kids, I need to stay on top of my game :)
Couch Exercise
Chlorella, Copper
hello world,
Chlorella has the best multi vitamin b complex out there.1000mg -3000mg per day. It's also considered a super food.
also see fulvic humic from vital earth. that will clean you out and get the gut moving again. probably get the minerals you need to revitalize your soul.
Most people don't know about 2mg of chelated copper per day. watch your soul come back to life. it's very inspiring to see it happen quickly.
Couch Exercise
My good friend was going through a bad time like you. After researching everything she could, she tried high dose Vitamin B..
Three weeks later, she had very little depression left. She did not tell me the amount taken.
God Bless
Couch Exercise
Apple Cider Vinegar, Fish Oil
If your tiredness has to do with depression, take vitamin C 1000mg after breakfast and also take b complex. The vinegar is to control the candidias in the stomach if you have that, your stomach will be depressed. The fish oil is for a depressed brain. It takes 3 weeks for the fish oil and vinegar to work. I still take all my prescription medication. But I was depressed on it, these vitamins saved me.i have been cured for 2 years now since taking all of this stuff.I still have to figure out something for sleep. I will edit later if I find something. Thank you god and earthclinic.
Cold Showers
Exercise, Omega 3, Sauna
1. Exercise, especially intense aerobic exercise or weightlifting.
2. High-quality canned tuna (due to the fish oils). If/when I get down just having a bit here and there can perk me up.
3. Sauna. It's difficult to be depressed when you sweat it all out. Also gives you time to meditate and get into a better mindspace.
4. "Doing" rather than thinking. For example, trying to get involved in a tasks at home or at work that keep your mind off things. Decluttering, cleaning, gardening, etc. Anything other than negative thought patterns.
Years ago scientists from a major patent medicine company published an article about niacinamide research in animals. They compared niacinamide to the patent medicines Valium and Librium and found their activities were much the same.
Niacinamide is very effective for improving the mood, attitude, and mental clarity of those with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome. Some users also report that their thinking… or their head… is much clearer when using niacinamide.
I take only 500 mg once in the morning and feel better within a couple of hours. At night I take 1,500 because of its sedative effect in higher doses.
Vitamin D
A simple solution to big problems.
St John's Wort
I feel I must caution those currently on antidepressants:
Combining St. John's wort and certain antidepressants can lead to a potentially life-threatening increase in your body's levels of serotonin
St John's Wort
There are lots of reputable brands available. Many people take 300 mg three times a day and for some it takes a few weeks to start working. For me, SJW is as powerful as any RX antidepressant.
Iboga Root Bark, Metta Meditation
But taking any substance isn't a long-term solution. A better approach that works instantly and costs nothing is metta (loving kindness) meditation. You imagine sending love to your inner child, then to someone you love, then to someone you like, then to a stranger, then to someone you dislike, then to someone you hate. Or you can do it impersonally and just send love in all directions. Ajahn Brahm has good guided metta meditation vids on youtube.
St John's Wort
Palo Santo Essential Oil
Vanilla Bean Powder
Vanilla bean fine powder melts anxiety & takes depression away.
Add a teaspoonful to coffee or tea/or simply remove the cap and use it as an aromatherapy! Add a spoon full to cereal/ even swish with a bit of toothpaste and prevent tooth decay!
Yes, it's a fine powder, not a liquid. Of course U can find it on Amazon.com
Palo Santo Essential Oil
Palo Santo Essential Oil
I have an occasional bit of depression and using palo santo is like magic, I have recommended it to a couple people and they had the same result; one person came to me with bad depression and while we were talking she sniffed the palo santo a couple of times and a while later I asked her how was her depression she replied she had not realized it was gone.
I have found many herbal remedies are so subtle that you don't realize the condition is gone or lessened. I have seen the same result for pain remedies anyway I don't need to keep on, best wishes
- I enjoyed reading your post about gratitude / self love / self compassion. It's always good to have a gentle reminder of how much we have to be thankful for - regardless of our circumstances in life. Another great book (there are so many) is "Attitudes of Gratitude" by M.J. Ryan. I read it many years ago and I have to confess that I used to write in a gratitude journal but stopped for no particular reason. Now I'm going to make it part of my daily routine . . .
Thanks again and best wishes.
Gratitude Practice
Gratitude Practice