Natural Remedies

Dealing with Depression Naturally

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


5 User Reviews
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Posted by Shelly (Sioux City)

In the fall when the time changes, I often have a very difficult time with anxiety and depression, especially as the holiday season approaches. After being on Effexor for a couple of years, I decided I needed to find a natural solution as I was tired of always feeling 2 steps behind. I experimented with the supplement SAM-e and discovered that it worked wonders fairly quickly. I also realized that some brands are better than others as it is a very unstable molecule. I took the lower dosage 2x a day for about a month. At that point I had to stop taking it for a while because it appeared that my brain chemistry had corrected itself and I no longer needed supplementation. Now I take it as needed, which is about 1 pill every few months. I hope others coming off the anti-anxiety medication will give this supplement a try. It was a wonderful discovery! By the way, doctors in Europe prescribe this remedy more often than prescription meds.

Replied by Bonnie

What brand do you suggest?

Sea Salt

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Stephanie (Napa Valley) on 12/13/2015

Pink Sea Salt for depression! The emotional and mental fatigue statistics in this country are through the roof! One major change has been a massive decrease in natural Sea Salt over the past 50 years due to the negative results of a ridiculous study using the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of salt per day! Now everyone is low and can't figure out why they are so depressed and losing their minds. The brain NEEDS natural sea salt with trace minerals, NOT processed salt laced with dangerous chemicals. The rest of the world understands the benefits of natural salt--the Egyptians used to withhold salt from their slaves in order to keep them disoriented!

Take 1 teaspoon natural Pink Himalayan Sea Salt per day, divided in several doses of 1/8 tsp or 1/4 tsp throughout the day with a large glass of water. You will likely feel the effects within a few hours if you are trying to ease depression or reduce anxiety.

And if you have trouble sleeping and wake up in the middle of the night often, this is another indication that you are low on sea salt. Right before bed, take 1 pinch of pink sea salt and put it under the tongue for 30 seconds before drinking a cup of water to wash it down. You will sleep through the night because the salt will prevent your aldosterone from spiking and waking you up in the middle of the night. If you do wake up, take one more pinch of salt under the tongue with water and go back to sleep. You will eventually figure out the best dosage for yourself based on how low in salt and water you really are.

I used to work for a major pharmaceutical company that sold antidepressants and drugs for insomnia, both highly addictive btw, and when I found out about this remedy I was absolutely shocked that it was real.

I used to wake up at 1am, 2am, 3am, until I started taking a pinch of pink sea salt under the tongue each night, and now I sleep like a baby and don't wake up at all until 6:30, it's my personal miracle remedy...sleep well!

Serotonin Increasing Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sam (Australia) on 02/06/2013

Lin, how does one then increase serotonin levels if medication does not work?

Replied by Ed2010
(Oakville, Canada)

Milk Kefir abundant in Serotonin. Noni Juice contains Serotonin. Brown Rice contains Tryptophan which is a precursor to Serotonin. Red Miso is rich in Tryptophan, which is readily available in absorbable format.

Wheat Grass Juice contains nice amino acid profile providing serotonin.

Warning: Soy Milk is a Goitrogen and Tryptophan Inhibitor.

Shino's Remedies for Depression

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Shino (Auckland, New Zealand) on 09/13/2008

hi, i have suffered chronic depression twice, and this second time ive been doing natural therapies. thought i would share what has helped me on this site, as i got some of this stuff through japanese sites that people may not have access to and some of it has been crucial to my recovery!

my depression got so bad i couldnt get out of bed, talk or even eat by myself. being only 27 i pushed myself with work despite feeling terrible for 8 months and this is what happened. i didnt want to take medications, which are still so unreliable, my dad found a site whose plan we followed. main points are:

1. eliminate all forms of stress, as much as possible, including work, study, jobs, housework, cooking...get others to do these for you. also important, avoid all reading, violent movies and programmes, the news, and all games, which cause the adrenals to go.

2. do what you want every day (not what you think you should do, or be doing) - if you just want to sleep, do that and tell others to support you, you need to realise that this is okay and important for recovery.

3. just get someone to make sure you`re eating well (greens to make up half the meal, then quarter protein and quarter carbs. keep to organics and whole foods which means less toxins for your body to have to waste energy on). Drink at least 1.5 litres of good water a day - this helps all your organs function properly and flush out baddies. Avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol and sugar, which all cause strong mood imbalances.

4. take the following supplements 3 times a day: phosphatydilserine (solgar is gd brand) - this will elevate your mood within 30 mins - you can take this as you need it. soy protein powder (NOT whey. soy releases energy slowly and helps your blood sugar balance) i also found this elevated my mood and brain function each time within about 30 minutes. omega 3, B vitamins (tresos B is good, as is the V2000 by solgar). St Johns Wort - or any of the above can be taken in conjunction with antidepressants safely.

If you have pretty severe depression like i did, then you know that you`re so sensitive to anything that counselling or therapy is a nightmare. In this case the plan above is great because you get better purely by addressing the nutritional balance in your body first. i did it for about 3 months before i felt up to seeing a counsellor. the four points above are all equally important - basically the aim is to eliminate emotional, physical stress as well as any cause of stress on your organs (which i now realise is THE crucial thing with depression and anxiety which doctors and therapists tend to overlook or minimise the importance of), and give your body everything it needs to produce the right balance of mood hormones again. Just note, that as you get better you will find that you level of energy increases - and this can be a fragile time because this can mean that if you`re still having suicidal thoughts you now have the physical energy to carry it out. make sure people around are aware of this so that they can be there for you during this time until your thoughts catch up and balance out too.

These are additional supplements which my naturopath helped me with later - i am not sure if they are all compatible with antidepressants though so please check. 5 HTP has chilled me out a lot, helped ease my insomnia and overeating. adrenal gland tonic (herbal health stores can make them up for you) including things like withania, liquorice, shatavari, wood betony, has helped me as long-term stress in constant fight/flight mode has worn out my glands (hair loss is one indication of this, which i had). bach flower essences, taking epsom salt baths with lavendar, meditation, walking in nature - even taking a short walk in the sun, yoga, are also things that i got into when i was ready.

the rest are really more to address emotional and spiritual needs (which, in depression and anxiety is important) - network spinal analysis and reiki can provide temporary relief at an energetic level, and if you like these i have found that a good spiritual healer can be 10 times better than seeing a therapist as they are way more holistic in finding out what`s wrong, and really care. also EFT technique (free on the website). also an online community called and helped me connect with others who had the same thing. was especially helpful when i was too down to see any friends or family.

hope this helps...i am still not 100%, but this plan has been amazing. the supplement plan i wrote about is effective for those with medium and mild depression too, and from the hundreds of feedback i read on the site, it has helped so many people.

Sodium Thiosulfate

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5 star (1) 

Posted by G (USA) on 07/14/2007

Ted, i have been taking sodium thiosulfate in the form of an aquarium water conditioner, removes heavy metals and chlorine. Anyway, am I supposed to feel this good after taking it in my water/tea at the rate of about 7 - 10 drops per pint. Calls for 2 drops per gallon to condition the water, I am way over that. Anyway, within 30 minutes I feel great! Almost like an instant ant-depressant. What's your opinion, on the mode of action?

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

The mode of action of sodium thiosulfate is to reduce the free radicals (from heavy metals and toxic chemical accumulation) that can most likely cause depression. Depression in this case is due to toxicity and free radicals. Sodium thiosulfate is unique in the neutralization of chemical toxicity in the liver.

While it has an anti-depressant effect, I also use it to help with my sleep too. Most natural supplements take about 30 minutes to have an effect while aromatherapy effect is more faster.

Sodium thiosulfate has a strong relaxing and calming effects. So in event of depression or even a child with behavioral problems (ADHD, tantrum, etc) it is the detoxifying effect of sodium thiosulfate of toxic things, such as heavy metals, fluoride, and other toxic substances that helped depression and other psychological problems.

There are also other common everyday remedies that can do this also such as a a tiny amount of borax, baking soda, niacinamide B3 300 mg, garlic, and certain aromatherapy such as narcissus oils or lavender where the mode of actions have similar effects as well. One thing I also used as an antidepressant for myself is the amino acid supplements in soybean oil, that seems to work for me as well.

Therefore being depressed is very much due to toxic environment, heavy metals, vitamin deficiency, and for me, amino acid imbalance. It might have been the L-Phenylalanine and L-Tyrosine which are responsible, however, since those are not available locally, I used the amino acid supplements instead. There are also certain amino acids such as 5-HTP, tryptophan, and SAM-e that also have anti-depressants.

With all these natural supplements and prices at a fraction of med's anti depressants, I think therefore it is a lot safer and more effective to treat the cause by dealing with directly with reducing toxicity and resolving deficiencies.

Soy and Egg Protein Powder

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tonya (Chicago, IL) on 02/09/2009

Depression Remedy: I've been suffering from mental anxiety and depression for 3 years, currently on 2 antidepressants. Two weeks ago I started taking ORGANIC SOY & EGG PROTEIN POWDER for weight loss, 80% of depression is gone. Tried to eat eggs and tofu separately, it didn't work. I read when you're depressed, 60% of your food intake should be proteins. (whey protein made me more depressed)

St John's Wort

10 User Reviews
5 star (6) 
1 star (2) 

Posted by Cynthia (Minnesota) on 09/14/2022

St. John's Wort is amazing for depression. And at least for me, it worked quickly. I had tried all kinds of supplements without success. I had crippling brain fog, lethargy, and a general feeling of wanting to give up. Work stress was overwhelming. I started taking 350 mg of St. John's Wort twice a day and the results have been remarkable. Brain fog is gone. I want to tackle my work. I feel interested in doing things that I had given up long ago, things like polishing my shoes, curling my hair, or cleaning out a cupboard. Energy, motivation, positive outlook!

There are lots of reputable brands available. Many people take 300 mg three times a day and for some it takes a few weeks to start working. For me, SJW is as powerful as any RX antidepressant.

Replied by Meghan
(Los Angeles)

I'm so happy for you, Cynthia!

I feel I must caution those currently on antidepressants:

Combining St. John's wort and certain antidepressants can lead to a potentially life-threatening increase in your body's levels of serotonin

St John's Wort
Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, Fl) on 09/16/2020 46 posts

If you suffer from the occasional blues or even extended depression, St. John's wort is the herb for you. There have even been scientific studies that show St. John's wort to be as effective if not more effective than Prozac.

My wife and I have been using it whenever needed for years. Always great results. As with all herbal remedies, you probably want to pay attention to the quality and the place or origin. Personally I avoid everything from China. If you can get something locally, I think that is much preferred.

St John's Wort
Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, Fl) on 01/15/2018 46 posts

St John's Wort hands down the best

My wife was suffering from depression. She started taking St. John's Wort once or twice daily plus sublingual vitamin b12 and the depression is gone. St. John's Wort has been shown to be more effective against depression than Prozac. Go for the natural stuff, it doesn't cost much and has no side effects. Don't let the big Pharma run and ruin your life.

Replied by Tif

Natural treatments are cheaper only when comparing with the full price of the prescrption medication. Many people with insurance only pay $3, $5, $10 or possibly a $20 copay. Many supplements can cost $29-$69 or more. Oftentimes the prescriptions end up being far less expensive. Unfortunately, natural treatments aren't affordable to many on a tight budget.

Replied by Leilanie

Tif, medications may cost less than herbs in terms of dollars up front for relief. But the long term cost to health of some medications may not be worth that initial savings.

Buying pre-made supplements can get pricey. But there are lots of herbs that are cheap by the pound and then a tea can be taken. It is more work than a pill, but in the long run may be worth the trouble.

Ron P.

+1 to Leilanie... -1 to Tif .. Not to be mean but... yeah. even the people I encounter who advocate Rx now and then don't even get relief from them.. it's just an old program that people repeat out loud like parrots; that doesn't work anymore..

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

I was reading about using it for depression. I think it said it can cause sensitivity to sun exposure like some drugs also cause. Glad it works . Sun bathing works amazing for me for depression but it 's winter so I have to wait for the right season to soak up the vitamin D and whatever else the sun is giving me.

Replied by Art
2380 posts

St. John's wort is very good, but it does have some fairly well known side effects, one of which is that it can cause hypersensitivity to sun exposure which is referred to as photodermatitis, so being aware of that may go a long way in preventing potential problems if you spend much time in the sun. Hives and other rashes is another common one, which again if you are aware of can go a long way in preventing complications.


St John's Wort
Posted by Chase (Las Vegas, NV) on 06/07/2007

I have been using St. John's Wort, a natural herb, to help my depression. I was diagnosed as clinically depressed a few weeks ago, and i soon decided that i would battle it naturally. Well, sure enough, the Lord has made a natural fix for it. After just a couple of days of using St John's Wort, I have been livelier, i've had motivation, and I am finally myself again! Thank the Lord! Chase

Replied by Ethan
(Nashville, Tennessee)

I only tried this for about a couple months. I would take 2 pills every day. I was more depressed then when I first started. I have found that other natural cures have been more effective with me such as non processed foods, fish oil vitamins, fresh fruit, leafy green vegtables, and berries. I am trying apple cider vinegar now since it seems to have worked for others that responded here.

Replied by Sarah
(Ottawa, Canada)

I have been taking B100 complex and Omega 3 (both three times a day) to help me being down day-to-day (depression, I guess).

I tried them separately, but only if I take them both works for me..

Tried 5-HTP for weight loss and saw it decreased my appetite considerably, improved my mood but also made me sleepy. So, I only take it once in the evening.

None of these were helping though with my aweful PMS moods. So gave ST JOHN'S WORT a try. Started taking 2 weeks before my expected period and saw improvements almost in a matter of days.

I had no side effects and now use it regularly 1 week before my period and following week to keep the bitch under control (additional to all above vitamins).

I take 2-3 weeks off and then repeat, so far I'm very happy with the results. It doesn't make me happy, just content but that is way better than being angry for no good reason.

Replied by Heather
(San Diego)

Eagerly tried this years ago. No help with depression, caused acne breakouts which were worse than any I'd ever had. There are better supplements - Mag Citrate, SAM-e, taurine, Ted's alkalizing formula. I've never tried Rhodiola but maybe I will some day.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

I agree with Heather from San Diego, St. John's wort is a dangerous herb. It is well known to cause serious skin problems for cattle that graze on St. John's wort, and is fatal to cattle that eat too much of it as discussed here at wikipedia:'s_wort#Livestock_.E2.80.93_forage_poisoning

St John's Wort
Posted by Ines (Tel Aviv)

I'm taking Saint John's Wort and it is helping to feel better from mild depression -- being prescribed Paxil, Miro and Prozac -- decided to take first Saint John's Wort and so far so good !!!

Replied by Sandra
(Inchigeelagh, Cork, Ireland)

I just wanted to mention a possible side effect of St John's Wort. I started taking a German preparation (they have done some of the most extensive studies on the herb, and regularly prescribe it for depression). 900 mg once a day. I happened to go to my doctor a week after starting. My usually normal blood pressure had skyrocketed to 180/100. I had been feeling a bit jumpy and recognised the feeling as I had previously experienced a massive increase in my blood pressure from taking licorice. I immediately stopped taking St. John's Wort and within two days felt a lot better in terms of the jumpy-ness. I will not have my blood pressure taken for another few weeks, and unless you hear from me again you can be sure it's back to normal.

I've read studies that say the herb does not affect blood pressure, but I can't help thinking that the people in the study were not super sensitive like myself.

Replied by Heidi
(Ogden, UT USA)

WARNING! If you have bipolar disorder, avoid St. John's Wort. My husband has BPD, and used st john's wort for a full year before having any side effects, and when they came, they were a DOOZY!

He said he felt like his brain was sitting on a frying pan and sizzling, and if he'd had a gun, he would have shot himself in the head, not because he was suicidal, but simply to bring an end to the sizzling sensation.

It took a year for the herb to saturate into his system enough to bring this on, but it was a VERY unhappy side effect for him. It lasted an entire afternoon, three or four hours of brain sizzle. Not something he ever wants to repeat.

St John's Wort
Posted by Catherine (Eureka, MT)

St. John's Wort works well for me, and I definitely benefit from Sunshine (#5)! plus: Movement. It doesn't need to be strenuous exercise. Animals. Being around people increases my anxiety and depression - they wear me out. Animals are great companions; they're honest, clear spirits, and keep your mind in the present. My depression stems from a spinal cord injury - animals don't recoil from my appearance or look down on me. Riding horses provides freedom - I can't run anymore but I can ride well. If animals aren't your cup of tea, try gardening - it helps, too!!

Sun Gazing

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Michael (Gig Harbor, Washington) on 08/21/2007

I started sungazing one year ago because I needed more balance in my life. I was depressed do to the lack of sunlight in Western Washington state. In the past year I have logged hundreds of hours of sungazing directly at the sun. Depression disappeared in a matter of weeks, my vision and night vision have both improved. I sleep less and have more energy then I have ever had before. Being in a good mood almost all of the time is another wonderful side effect.

Replied by William
(Charleston, Sc, Usa)

Michael, when you began sun gazing do you start off just gazing for a minute and progressively more each day? or did you start off gazing five or more minutes. I just began and this is what I do. Now the sun gazing guru Hiran Ratan Matek says to start gazing for a small moment, maybe less than a minute, then gradually in weeks or months doing it for 30 minutes or so? cannot remember exact time. The sun helps to clean the body, mind and spirit this is why you feel good.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

I will post this question all over again as I got no answer! Aren't you afraid that it will burn your retina? Dr. Bates, the eye expert talks about it in his book but nowadays others say that it is very dangerous.... Is it, isn't it? I have a lot of eye problems like myopia, eye floaters and I am always on the look out for something which might help!

Replied by Lis
(Ny, Ny, Usa)

Most people who sungaze do it when its relatively safe, that is within one hour after the sun rises and one hour within the time the sun sets. I believe Ted in other posts has even talked of not looking directly in the sun as well. And when it is done, you start at only 10 seconds a day and continue to build in 10 second increments until you reach 44 minutes. Some never go this high but still do experience some benefits. If you google you can find out more details. Often they say, if you have worries, then its better not to do it. Most people in sungazing forums I have read, experienced many positive results, not all of them experienced the miracles like not having to eat (or eat much at least) anymore but a few did. There were a few who developed eye problems of some sort. Anyways, regular checkups with the doctor and being observant of your own body should help you know if to stop or lessen it. I did it a handful of times and enjoyed it and did not feel any negative effects, especially when I did palming after (rubbing hands and gently covering eyes with them for a minute). I would have done it longer but I got lazy and the weather is on and off a lot.

Here is one place to read more info on sungazing:

Replied by Entheogens
(Palo Alto, California, Usa)

I found the following link to be a bit more cautious and sensible as regards Sun Gazing. What I like is that this person (Vinny Pinto) is a Sun Gazer but is willing to play "Devil's Advocate" and consider the potential negatives to Sun Gazing. He is not afraid to sacrifice "Holy Cows", especially this notion that 44 minutes is some kind of miraculous number that you should shoot for:


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 06/05/2016

I get depressed. I have most of the symptoms of thyroid insufficiency. Get up early in the morning and go for a walk or go jogging out in the country as the sun us coming up. Laying out in the sun helps a lot. Just wear dark clothes like jeans and a long sleeve shirt with a hood so you don't burn. Or go somewhere you can lay out without clothes, but only for maybe 15 to 30 min at a time. Lay on the ground on a blanket for an hour. Read a book. Drink your green tea w/ fresh lemon juice. You will feel soooo good.

Making smoothies with fresh parsley is also good. Thuja, Valerian, kava kava, ginkgo, st. John's wart, green tea, lemons, parsley. All good. Anything that increases melatonin or improves circulation, or diminishes inflammation helps. Get more sleep, don't drink coffee. I have social anxiety, chocolate, kava kava, nutmeg, ginger help with that. Goldenseal w/ Echinacea helps. Lugol's iodine helps. Eating clean/organic, raw fruits and vegetables and filtered water. Avoiding cooked food. Carbs. I've got some stomach issue, I find myself scowling a lot, the ginger makes me more relaxed when that happens. Eating certain foods, especially some wheat foods like cake especially, causes severe depression the second I put it in my mouth. It's like my brain revolts. Frankincense essential oil is also a blessing. Also, buy a pair of pink tinted sunglasses, you'll be amazed at what a difference they make. Life is strange....

Also, if you're depressed, figure out how you can please God. Look back over your life and if you have wronged anyone go make it right. When you see someone in need help them. Be kind to everyone. Tell the people you love that you love them. Write letters to people you love and tell them about it. Just get up every day with one goal: to make the world a better place.

Posted by Anita (Garland, NC)

Go out into the sun for a while. make sure u have on sunsrceen. if it is cold outside, just soak it up through the window. a great natural way to ease depression!

Replied by Davidnvegas
(Las Vegas, Nv)

With all do respect to Anita, do not use sunscreen period! They are full of cancer causing toxins and block Vitamin D production. "Search the web for "cancer and sunscreen use". For prolong sun exposure wear a wide brim hat and a long sleeve shirt and pants.

Sunshine is a great way to get Vitamin D and most Americans are deficient. Vitamin D improves the immune system and with out a strange immune system you will be sick! Studies show that it can reduce your risk of cancer as well. It also improves mental well being. You need only 15-20 minutes of sun exposure a day over at least 50% (the more the better) of your skin if your fair skin, longer exposure if you have a darker skin tone. Search the web for "Vitamin D and Sunshine health benefits".

Best of health

Replied by Deb
(Anywhere, Usa)

I have Sarcoidosis and was wondering about vitamin D intake. I have read that it is not advisable for persons with Sarcoid to take vitamin D supplements. Does anyone know for sure?

Replied by Lis
(Ny, Ny, Usa)

"Sunscreens, even weak ones, almost completely block your body's ability to generate vitamin D. Rays cannot penetrate glass to generate vitamin D in your skin."

"If you live north of 37 degrees latitude (approximately a line drawn horizontally connecting Norfolk, Virginia to San Francisco, California) sunlight is not sufficient to create Vitamin D in your skin in the winter months, even if you are sitting in the sun in a bathing suit. The further you live from the equator, the longer exposure you need to the sun in order to generate vitamin D. "

