Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Diverticulitis Relief: Safe & Effective

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Grapefruit Seed Extract

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mia (MN) on 09/05/2019

Hi there,

I was diagnosed with diverticulitis in 2012 and I had it 3x in first 3-4 years. It was awful experience...then I started my research ...got across GSE and ACV taking that religiously every day for 3 yrs now 1tbs of ACV and 5 drops of GSE every single day ...and no diverticulitis so far...I couldn't find anywhere for how long you can take GSE...I keep taking it and I feel wonderful...good luck dear...BTW I'm from MN to...;)

Replied by Angie C
(West Va.)

What is GSE? Where do you find it? How long been without symptoms? That is great!


GSE = Grapefruit Seed Extract. Found in any store that sells vitamins, etc., or an Amazon, of course. It comes in drops or pill form.


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Posted by Amethyst (Asheville, NC) on 05/19/2023

I was having an acute diverticulitis attack. In the past I've taken oregano oil for the infection, but I wanted something for the pain I was having right away.

I didn't want to take Tylenol or Advil because I've read these are not good for diverticulitis.

I heard in my spirit, “take Boswellia”. Sometimes God will speak to me like that. I happened to have some Boswellia Serrata in my supplement cabinet, so I took 1 tablet which was 307 mgs.

It's anti inflammatory and antibacterial so I thought “why not”?

Boy did it work fast! It worked better than any pain medication I've used in the past and I was actually able to sleep because the pain was gone! I highly recommend Boswellia for the acute pain of a diverticulitis attack.

Carnivore Diet

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Richard (Augusta, Georgia ) on 11/17/2022

I want to update my post, I suffered for 6 months following my doctors recommendation of eat more fiber, which is the quickest way to destroy your gut, I also tried every remedy on here and nothing worked, after weeks of research, the solution is to go to a carnivore diet, yes that's right, more red meat. You see meat is digested in the small intestines, so when it gets to your colon it's a soft liquid, fiber on the other hand doesn't get digested at all, you might as well swallow a Brillo pad. And another thing is your bowel movements will be half the size as before. I've never felt better and just a couple weeks ago I was utterly help and depressed and suffering immense pain. Gob bless

Castor Oil

1 User Review
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Posted by Hilldy (NC) on 02/19/2022

I used castor oil on my stomach where I was diverticulitis pain, and the pain is about completely gone! I just put it on a small rag over the spot where I was hurting and then covered that with a washcloth. Then I pulled my underwear up over that and left it on most of the day. I wasn't moving around much so it stayed in place. If anyone has suffered diverticulitis pain, or any pain like kidney stones etc. This stuff is amazing!


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Posted by Marion (Nc) on 03/18/2017

Re: Diverticulitis

What is an acid alkaline diet? Also I have found collagen to be very soothing. It isn't a complete treatment but one of the things in my arsenal. Digestive enzymes before eating is very important.

Colloidal Silver

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Laura (Va) on 02/15/2016

I have found a "big gun" for my diverticulitis. When the grapefruit seed extract and slippery elm isn't enough, and I start feeling the aching stomach signal that an attack is imminent, I have had perfect success with Colloidal Silver. Take two teaspoons and relief is within minutes. Thank God for relief from pain, because I'm a wuss and want to crawl in a hole when I'm in pain. The directions warn not to take this for more than 10 days. Hope this will help others who have suffered as I have.

Replied by Art
2370 posts


If you have a chance could you mention which colloidal silver brand you used and what was the parts per million stated on the bottle?

Thank you.


Replied by Kimberlee

I am in the throes of healing my first bought of diverticulitis. No antibiotics for me but my this was my remedy:

Grapefruit Seed Extract (15 drops 3+ times per day), Triphala Herb (2 capsules 3x daily), Aloe Vera Juice (1/2 cup 4x daily), Restore4life (1 tsp. 3x daily), Collodial Silver (ACS200 - 10 sprays 3x daily), Probiotic (1 capsule, 1x daily), DGL (1 lozenge, 2x daily), daily vitamin & mineral supplement and clear liquid diet. Pain lessened within 24 hours; completely gone within 4 days. My bad - re-introduced a couple foods too quickly. Colonoscopy scheduled :-(


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Posted by Michele (Alachua, Fl) on 10/01/2012

I'm back again, but this time I have it! I have a cure for diverticultus pain! At least it has been for me. I've probably had it all my life (that I can remember). I'm 60 now, female, have been vegetarian and "health conscious" for 40 years, but always had digestive issues. After searching this site and trying a few things, I finally ran across DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice). It was prescribed for my husband for "leaky gut". While in the throws of my increasingly common "pain in my left side" I thought, "Why don't I try it"? Wish I'd tried it a long time ago! Practically instantly (at least within a day or two) my symptoms had vanished! Completely gone, and they've stayed gone for several months now (they were almost constant! ). All that from just chewing 2 of these yummy tasting licorice chews before each meal! How hard is that? Please try these out if you're having problems with diverticulitus. I think it's a definite winner... And I hope others will write in with the same experience I've had!

Diatomaceous Earth

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Annette (Kent) on 03/27/2023

I initially bought diatomaceous earth as a pest control on my raspberries. So I then looked at what else I could use it for. I have diverticulitis and I've been taking one level teaspoon on my cereal every day for years now and have had no further trouble. It is tasteless.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Karin (Wilmington, Nc) on 08/11/2015

Diatomaceous earth prevents my diverticulitis attacks. After trying a number of alternative treatments for this recurring problem, none of which helped, I discovered diatomaceous earth. I had eliminated many foods, but the problem kept getting worse until this discovery in March, 2014. Since then, I've only had one minor episode when I skipped my dosage for two weeks, and stopped the attack from getting worse by taking two doses spread a few hours apart. I can now eat anything I want with no problem!

Initially, I took one tablespoon in half a glass of water -on an empty stomach- twice a day, but after a month, it began to hurt my stomach, and I began spreading out dosages. I now take it once a week and feel cured!

It is extremely important to only use Food Grade diatomaceous earth. There is a version of this used for swimming pool filters which can be fatal! The food grade is quite safe to ingest, but be careful not to inhale the dust which can damage lungs.

The attacks, which had been worsening for years, are now history.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn.)

HI U KARIN, , , , , , , , as all know, I's smart, jus slow. Here is my understanding of food grade DE. This is a mined product, so I buy it at our agri co-op in 50 # bags and it is all food grade. We also buy horse MSM from the co-op instead of the pharmacy and at the same quality and 1/3 the price.

Folks get hung up on this quality crap. H202 is classic. Bill Munro used the brown bottle stuff for over 25 years and cured two cancers with it.

What I get nervous about is using DMSO. There I am cautious because this solvent will take garbage and all into your body. My wife does my back where I have crushed vertebrae and she washes her hands before using the lineament and then the DMSO.

To me it's a common sense thing. I wash my hands after a bowel movement, but not when I take a pee. Your fresh urine is sterile. Why should I wash my hands? In a public restroom, all want to be PC and I get looks when I don't wash. It's an ignorance thing. Read and when you get tired, read some more.

ATS ======ORH==============

Replied by Art
2370 posts


Urine may be sterile, but people can have a UTI and not be aware of it, in which case the urine can carry the bacteria and the person not be aware of it. So with a healthy urinary tract, the urine could be sterile, however the penis and scrotum including the surrounding area can be a bacterial breeding ground, both good and bad. A good exposure to a wide variety of bacteria can be good for helping to maintain an effective immune system, but over exposure to a lot of bad bacteria can definitely have a downside.

I don't normally get urine on my hands when I urinate, but I definitely handle my penis and surrounding area at that time and I do wash my hands under those circumstances. I'm not a totally PC person, but I do wash my hands after taking care of business.


Replied by Rebecca

Then why not wash before you handle your penis, seems to make sense to wash before instead of after.

Replied by Geoff

Karin - please give us an update on whether you feel DE is still keeping your diverticulitis attacks at bay?

Dietary Changes

4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by gdeal (Indiana) on 08/02/2019

I have been thru the ringer on GI issues top to bottom. I literally hit the floor one day and couldn't walk. I had five abscesses, Peritonitis, sepsis etc. lived on antibiotics before five surgeries in a row. I had 18 inches of my colon removed and an iliostomy for awhile. I am alive but the antibiotics caused permanent tendon damage. No more surgeries or antibiotics for me!!! Some things I do for my digestion instead of scripts... drink lemon water before eating it alkalizes the stomach, great for acid reflux. I only drink distilled or reverse osmosis water. For inflammation, I make fresh ginger juice and add a bit to a 'lemon shake-up'. The lemon masks the ginger taste and has lots of vit. C.... Add more ginger for constipation, it will work better and faster than any medicine. I also take magnesium daily. My surgeon said eat nuts and such just do not get constipated ever. The ginger/lemon shake up is the best I have found. You could probably add the other remedies I read on here to the shake up. Especially the ones that do not taste good like aloe, grapefruitSE, Noni. For the shake-up honey is recommended, I use agave because i do not like honey and lemon & it mixes easily. Fresh lemon juice, water & for the ginger juice-I grind up the root with water, strain the ginger back out, freeze into ice cubes. I use one cube in a drink or more if constipated. They do sell lemon/ginger juice at the store but it is potent tasting.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Reyna (California) on 05/25/2017

Guys I found a cure but I stopped it because everyone's different. it's called the keto diet but I started seeing blurry n I freak out alot so I stopped but I had lasik surgery about 3 or 2 years ago so if something changes in my body I don't understand I freak out. my worst fear is to go blind so I stopped it but I had no symptoms.

75% fat 20% protein &5% carbs but u have to eat alot of vegetables so I add like 70 % veggies and alot of animal fat only with protein about 10% I know the percentage is not correct but that's what worked for me but I swear it helped. Now to find out whats going on with my eyes I'll see. Good luck guys

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tammy (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 02/19/2012

I have had 3 cases of diverticulitis in 3 months. Dr wanted to do surgery, but I decided to go the natural route. What has worked for me is combination of only very healthy (organic) food, the most easily digestible. I made soup stock with organic free range chicken, added veggies and let simmer with bone in for 12 hours. There are alot of vitamins in the soup and it's easy to digest. I also took supplements of digestive enzymes, probiotics (chewable and goat yogurt and goat kefir), aloe vera juice, and this all seemed to help. I also want to mention the importance of exercise as long as you are past the pain. I walk, lift light weights, ride stationary bike 5 days a week for 1 to 1 1/2 hours each time, but any exercise is good. I have lost 21 pounds since aug of '11 and I feel healthier than I have in years. I have been blessed to share my illness to health journey with several people and encourage them. I just started a couple days ago with adding raw veggies into my diet and it's going well. I still take the probiotics and the digestive enzymes to keep my body on track. Best wishes to all of you. Thank you for allowing me to share.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Steve (Pike County, PA, USA) on 12/07/2007

I was diagnosed with diverticulosis a number of years ago. I tried a natural product called AMP Molocure which is suppose to be very concentrated and made from Aloe Vera. I followed the directions for an entire year. It was quite expensive and I don't feel that it did much of any good for me. I think the key is to change your eating habits and cleanse your colon. Last year [2006] I used a colon cleansing product available at herbdoc.com and while it seemed to help I still had periods where I would pass blood with bowel movements for 10 days after eating corn or a lot of peanut butter or strawberries, etc. Not giving up, a year later I did a second bowel cleanse and also a liver/gall bladder and kidney cleanse. I switched to a healthier diet which was vegetarian on weekdays and only ate meat on week-ends and then only natural or organic meats with no hormones or antibiotics. I also added oat bran to my diet twice a day and I drink fruit juice with green superfood [spirulina, chorella etc.]with frozen grapes (including the seeds) in a blender every morning. This seems to have worked! For the past 3 months I can eat corn and popcorn & all those other foods that caused me to bleed before with no problems. I feel no need of going for another colonoscopy - I know I'm better but I also know if I go back to eating processed foods and the rest of the typical American diet I can expect the diverticulosis to return. I'll be 61 in February 2008.

Dietary Changes, Supplements

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by JJ (USA) on 10/03/2022

Stomach, Diverticulitis, IBS, ulcers,

Check with your doctor before starting.

Get rid of Diverticulitis and IBS in 1 to 7 days and also prevents it. , Typical Diverticulitis Symptoms: Pain 4” below belly button, gas and mucus. Ulcers fix in 2 weeks, Relief in 2 to 4 days. Do #4, #5 and #8 as a long term cure or prevention for multiple stomach issues. Do #4 for 2 weeks to 4 week for a good short term fix.

1. For diverticulitis: No nuts, seeds, strawberries, blueberries, popcorn or corn, as well as foods that have small seeds such as strawberries cucumbers, oats and tomatoes.
2. Pepto-Bismol or another brand 2x day, for short term relief. Do not take with tinnitus.
3. Take one time. ¼ of a pill, any of antibiotic you have to prevent infections. As needed.
4. Juice 1 or 2 carrots and 10 oz Cabbage juice 3x a day for a total of 32 to 50 oz daily. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORnmefZu5Cg

5. Take L-glutamine (see below). Start with About 500mg. Natural Factor brand or any good brand.

6. PepcidAC or Rolaids for short term acid reflux problems.
7. Tylenol for pain if required.

8. Take 2 per day of Zinc L-Carnosine (Doctor's Best brand PepZinGI) as a plan for treating and preventing ulcers and Diverticulitis, IBS, etc.

9. An Apple a day helps in not getting Diverticulitis.

10. No wheat, acid foods, citrus, vinegar, Tomatoes, etc for ulcers.

L-Glutamine is an amino acid found in the body that helps the intestine function properly and it may be beneficial for overall intestinal health. DO NOT take glutamine if you are diabetic or have seizures, liver disease, or a history of mania or manic episodes. The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests a dosage of 400 mg, 4 times per day, between meals. Only 500mg a day works for me.

Replied by GertJr

I won't need to check with my doctor because I have enough experience to know this won't work. What a crock. If this worked for you, then I'm happy for you. But I know this won't work for my IBS-D. I've tried a lot of fly-by-night approaches, but this one takes the cake.

2370 posts


What do you use that helps your IBS-D?



I've lived with IBS-D for over 20 years...without relief...Some weeks are better than others, but for the most part I've had ongoing attracts ...up to 10 times a day...often for many many weeks on end...without any help..other than the oddest thing....Sunkist Tuna in water with light mayo and a little Frenchs mustard just a few tbl spoonfulls every few hours seems to work...I eat nothing else...other than plain water and in the morning, 1 small banana...that works for me to keep it under control...but it doesn't let me eat anything else....so this gets rather boring after a while... but it works when you need to leave your home for a few hours.

A few days ago I started a new supplement for another problem...and guess what..... it totally stopped my IBS-D and I have been able to eat several different things with no problems. You might want to give it a try...it's Astaxanthin by Sports Research...I bought it on Amazon. 1 small cap a day is working wonders for me...so far.. I know this supplement is known for strengthening muscles and it occurred to me that maybe it strengthened the internal muscles in the colon...just a thought...but the main thing is that I'm happy about is it's the only thing that's worked for me in 20 years and I've been to the best expert Dr.s and had tons of tests and tried several RXs! Wishing you all the best...I know how hard this is to deal with!


I eat carefully. Nothing raw, mostly bland. Very few carbs, mostly soluble fiber. When in a flare, I don't eat. Most of the things people say to eat cause me problems. When I finally got serious about treating it myself, I started a food diary. Record everything that goes in your mouth, make notes about time of day, how you feel, etc. Eventually, a pattern emerges and I was able to isolate foods that were really bad (chocolate, yogurt!, tomato in anything) and what foods were safe (any white fish, roasted/grilled chicken w/o any additional sauces, well cooked carrots and other 'mashable' veggies) No corn or peelings. That sort of thing. Everyone is different, so you need to figure out what works for your system.

Diverticulitis Shake Recipe

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Territ (Va) on 05/16/2018

Editor's Choice

WONDERFUL SHAKE RECIPE that WORKS! incorporates a lot of ingredients mentioned here.

My husband and parents have both suffered from diverticulitis and this has worked for all of them...

1 hour BEFORE you eat OR 1.5 hours AFTER you eat, drink the following shake once in morning and once at night.


  • 1 dropper of papaya extract (note: if you only have the pill then continue on and I will address this at the bottom)
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 TBS organic honey (for taste and soothing properties)
  • 12 drops of GSE (grapefruit seed extract)
  • 1 dropper of slippery elm
  • 1/3 cup aloe vera juice/gel
  • 1/2 cup ice

Put all in a blender, blend and drink.

After you drink your shake, take a probiotic and 800mg of turmeric gelcap. Also if you didn't have the papaya extract then take the papaya pill now.

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