I've also had some lesser success with the following: molasses, ACV, Australian mountain pepper, and a vitamin supplement (which contained iodine). None of these were as effective as taking Iodine. Many of the other remedies worked well at first and then became less effective, or even completely ineffective.
How to take:
Firstly you should choose an iodine preparation that is intended for internal use. "Lugol's Iodine" is NOT a brand, it is a type of preparation named after the French physician J.G.A. Lugol, and this one is safe for internal use. I don't recommend tincture of iodine as this one contains alcohol - but if you are stuck and in an emergency this will work.
Secondly, be mindful of strength. Most preparations have about 50mcg (this equals 0.05mg). The "mcg" means micrograms, and this is an extremely weak preparation. I need about 5mg (5 milligrams) before I find it to be medicinal for the prostate, that's 5000mcg, or 1000 drops of the extremely weak preparation.
Products that use the "Lugol's" preparation are typically 6.25mg per drop (5% Lugol's solution). That is more than 100 times stronger than the weak iodine supplements on the market.
To cure prostate issues, as stated previously, requires about 50-70 mg of iodine taken once a day. I take it in the middle of the night (or you could take it several hours after food so as not to upset digestion). In the morning I take a probiotic, preferrably one with more than 10 strains.
Expect other pleasant benefits from this - such as improved memory, concentration, and in my case my sense of smell is returning. The latter was caused by chronic rhinitis that I've had ever since I was a young child, and that's some 30 odd years ago!
Remember, Lugol's is not a brand, he is a physician who standardized this preparation.