10-Undecylenic Acid
(Bklyn, NY)
Hi, How can I find out more about using the undecyclinic acid on empty stomach for toe nail fungus?? Thank you.
Hi Laura. How much please? Thx!
(United States)
Laura, Can you comment on the brand or type used? Is it a pill, or liquid? Internal right? Thanks!
ACV, Borax and Peroxide Soak
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hot water
I add 1-2 tablespoons of borax to hot water, wait until it dissolves, then add equal parts of organic apple cider vinegar, water and 3% drug store peroxide (I eyeball this, might be about 1/4 cup of each). Note: it's very important that you find a dish that allows you to soak as much of the top part of the foot as possible. I soak in this concoction for 30 to 45 minutes every day (sometimes more, sometimes less)... I do take a 1 or 2 day break from time to time.
Glad to report that the nail growing in on the big toe looks perfect! I am not touching it this time! (Filing the nail down really set me back last spring)
To Bill from the Philippines... I tried your formula (borax, hydrogen peroxide and milk of magnesia in June when you mentioned it here on EC). After 1 week, the fungus turned from yellow to white, and slowly started to clear from the nail. Then one day the top of my big toe, just below the nail, started to itch like crazy, like poison ivy (but more likely athlete's foot). I must have scratched it in the middle of the night because the next morning it was raw and oozing (yuck)... Shortly after that the fungus returned to the base of my nail. I tried your formula again for another few weeks and didn't seem to be getting very far. I am theorizing that unless you apply these anti-fungal remedies to as much of the foot (and in between the toes) as possible, it is very difficult to get rid of the fungus. Fingers crossed. My nails are growing out so fast (thanks to a daily glass of homemade milk kefir and a partial raw food diet) I think my nails might be clear by December. Will report back with y'all again then.
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Deidre... Wonderful to hear that you have finally rid yourself of and conquered the dreaded toe-nail yeast. I now also have a complete set of pink toe-nails for the first time in years!!
For me, it has all been a fairly long and fascinating road in trying to completely understand the way natural herbal remedies and natural body chemicals work to successfully heal our bodies. Now, I always make a point, even with skin or other outside body problems, to attack the infection/problem both topically as well as internally. In my own specific remedies, whether herbal or otherwise, I've always found that the regular internal use of magnesium chloride(10 drops mag oil in a half glass of water/day or transdermally), 5% lugol's iodine(high dose - 2 drops a day) and vitamin C powder(as ascorbate - megadose 5 grams a day), borax(weekly/monthly), fulvic acid(removes body toxins -- 10 drops, twice a day a day, in water), Ted's BS based alkalizing protocols(particularly Ted's citrate remedies) and dessicated liver (containing all necessary minerals, amino acids and vitamins for the body -- 3 large tabs twice a day) all seem to act synergistically and very positively on my own body with respect to increased energy and healing capability. I usually combine all the mineral and vitamins mentioned above into a drink taken with water -- twice a day outside mealtimes(taken after lunch and in the evening). The dessicated liver I take at mealtimes. And that's my preventative routine, which is all pretty non-intrusive to my own lifestyle. This preventative regimen is simple to follow and is relatively flexible and variable according to my needs. Apart from their many other benefits, I regularly use this standard combination as an efficient body-balancer, to increase the efficiency of both the body's hormone system as well as to put the immune system into turbo mode -- and to simultaneously create a very bad and unpleasant body terrain for any invading microbes. As a result, I haven't been ill with flu/cold etc for about 4 years now.
As an example and perhaps as more evidence and proof for the above, my girlfriend, who is a Filipina, recently caught a really nasty sore throat. She had an annoying dry cough, tickling sore throat, with bad headaches and nasal problems, and had difficulty sleeping because of aggravation from the aircon(I live in the tropics).
When she had caught this bug, I also noticed odd changes in my own nose and throat -- I was becoming ill with the same bug -- so I immediately upped my dosages/frequency of Ted's alkalizing remedies and minerals, vitamins etc as described above, to much higher dosages taken several times a day(this was all I did). The result was that my girlfriend's sore throat problem lasted for well over ten days but I never caught her bug, it never took off -- even though some of our friends caught the bug from her and suffered too, so the bug must have been quite contagious. I must also add that my girlfriend has a very good diet. Being a provincial Filipino, she eats fruit regularly and eats fish and vegetables with every meal(she even gets wihdrawal symptoms if she doesn't eat fish every day!! ... LOL). My girlfriend also prefers going to the doc rather than taking natural remedies, which is her own choice for sure. I prefer avoiding all anti-biotics and drugs whenever possible because of my past candida problems and experience.
(New Jersey)
Bill, regarding you and your girlfriend having issues with the air conditioner.
I found when I first moved to my apartment that if I'd been using the A/C, then there was maybe a week or two where it was cool enough to not use it, when I'd return to it I got massive headaches. I could barely detect a smell in the air that is only there when the A/C is running. I inspected it to find that when I took off the front cover, a (nonremovable) tray at the bottom of the unit collects an inch or so of water.
To make a long story short, it was growing mold, even if the tray had time to dry before I turned it on again. My solution was to purchase bottles of colloidal silver online that are intended for treating hot tub water in place of chlorine or bromine. I only have to put in maybe a dropper full, and this purifies that tray so that the when the A/C is on again, it's not filling my apartment with mold spores.
Alcohol, GFSE, Tea Tree Oil
05/30/2006: Melissa from Asheville, NC: "I developed toenail fungus while working in Athens, GA about 6 years ago. I would work 12 hours a day in the same shoes for over a year and used regular dress socks. The summers are very moist and humid and perfect conditions for toenail fungus. It is on both "pinky" toes but started developing on other nails though not as bad. 2 years ago it seemed to get worse and I kept my toenails manicured and polished to hide the nails. I believe, as others do, this made things even worse though my feet did look a lot prettier. This year, I got tired of trying to hide my nails and decided to try a natural remedy (Grateful Body Fungal Rx). It contains a day and night formula in convenient tubes so I could carry them with me and use discreetly. They recommend each to use at least 1x per day for at least 6 weeks. I've been using for several months and noticed a little improvement but not much. I found this site and started throwing everything I had at this issue (I figured if I didn't do it now, I'd live with it forever). My grandmother had both large toenails removed and I did not want the same to happen. My pinky toenails seemed like they were almost fused to the nail bed. They are very thick and yellow and starting to look deformed though still attached to my nail bed. I started this regimen last week and I am seeing good results. The nail seems no longer fused to the nail bed. and I can actually push the cuticle back (impossible before). The nails seem to be growing in cleaner, no ridges, normal thickness and no red streaks through the nail (as in the infected part). I am so psyched but trying no to get too hopeful. This is what I've been doing in morning AND evening, everyday: I keep a clean toothbrush for scrubbing my nails. I use a natural bar soap and scrub my nails (I use the sink because it's easier for me) with warm water. dry. I then keep a little bottle of pre mixed 3% H2O2 and ACV (5% acidity) 1/2 and 1/2 under the sink and pour this over all my toe nails (over toilet). I let this sit while I brush teeth (different toothbrush ;), wash face etc. I may add more and let sit again for a little while. I don't get much fizzing...sometimes more than others. Sometimes I get a little "pinched" feeling, but not usually. rinse. dry. I also keep a little bottle (old tincture bottle with dropper) with 25% clorox and water mixed. I then add this to nails and let sit 30 seconds or so on each foot. rinse. dry. I follow with Red Tyme oil (night) or Fungal Rx in the morning. I may add the night formula again if I go to bed late. Some people are sensitive to Red Thyme. I have very thick, oily skin and it does not bother me to use it neat. I wear sandals to work (never did before) and apply Fungal Rx several times a day while at my desk. Like I said, this really seems to be working and I am very hopeful. Once cleared up, I plan to buy more Fungal Rx and use daily for a year or so. I don't want this to come back. Also, I'll work on internal Candida... I know it runs in my family and I need to knock it out too. Thanks to this site and all the comments/feedback!!! I'll write back later in a few months to let you know if results continued."
I wanted to follow up and tell you that I was never able to fully get progess against the toe nail fungus until recently. I was able to spend most of my summer outdoors (albeit a lot of time at the pool w/moisture!) but I wore sandals all summer and allowed my feet to get full sun a good portion of the day. I also did hydrogen peroxide/cider vinegar soaks about 1x per month. The BIG difference has come from using a old glass spray bottle filled with:
2 Tbs. alcohol
10 drops grapefruit seed extract
20 drops tea tree oil
I apply this 2x per day and after getting my feet wet. At one point, my nails got very brittle and I started an application of coconut oil every once in a while. My nails are growing back completely normal and seem to be growing faster so I am able to trim them more often. There is only about 1/4 inch of "yellowed" nail reamining...which I should be able to trim off in the next 2 months. I will continue this all winter and give any updates. Good luck, don't give up!
(Los Angeles, California)
Hi John, I was wondering how you found out about your ph level and how to measure it, keep it in check, so forth. I have nail fungus on my big toe and am prone to candida as well. I've been trying a variety of cures for this and would like to be fungus free! Thanks, Rula
The easiest way to alkalize is to use baking soda 1 teaspoon in a large glass of water once a day for 2-5 times a week depending on ur situation. Baking soda alkalizes you and helps to clear up all kinds of things in your body. We are way too acidic from the food we eat. This causes many physical problems. Don't buy expensive alkalized water. Baking soda is cheap and it is used in many foods . It is harmless unless like anything else u use way too much too much of anything is not good. GOD BLESS ALL WHO READ THIS.
I just wanted to point out that there are higher-quality baking sodas available if one is going to ingest baking soda; which is typically not the brand name most are familiar with.
Two that I can suggest:
1. Bob's Red Mill Baking Soda
2. Unpretentious Baker's Baking Soda
Note that the latter currently advertises itself as "aluminum free"; whereas, the Bob's Red Mill website has this about its baking soda:
"Our Baking Soda does not contain added aluminum, but because its naturally mined from the earth, it could contain trace amounts of naturally occurring aluminum. Because of this, we chose to remove 'aluminum free' from our packaging."
I would suspect (though I don't know it for sure) that Unpretentious Baker's baking soda is probably the same, not 100% "aluminum free." But would need to double-check with them.
(Cambridge, Mn)
I have struggled with toenail fungus, but have suspected an underlying candida problem. I also would like to know how to check PH balance. Any other diet tips would be welcome, as well.
(Melbourne, Australia)
I also had toenail fungus. I started taking 2 tablespoons of ACV with honey twice a day. The fungus gradually disappeared and has not come back. It did take a while but when the new nail grows in the fungus will grow out with the old nail. It was about three months or a bit more for it to be completely gone. It has been nearly a year and it has not come back. I had it in both big toes and it had been there for quite a few years.
(Gippsland, Australia)
Hi Carol, I have used the ph strips which are cheap but found them to not be accurate enough. On EC Ted said the meter is beter and they are now cheaper to buy so I had a look around and have now bought a ph meter. Plus they have come down even more, mine was just under $20 and it is great. It is easy to check your urine 1st thing in the morning and also at other times throughout the day. It allows you to check your progress when using any alkalizing remedies, you may even find that you need to take them at different times or you may need to use Ted's carbicarb (especially at night if your 1st morning urine ph is very acidic). Also in addition to Debbie's suggestion you may also get some benefit with soaking your toes in an ACV & water mix, or just dabbing them with straight ACV. All the best, Maria
Andre's Remedies
Condition: semi-advanced (bed nail of two of my toes is partially damaged)
Treatment stage: beginning (started 4 days ago)
Diet: I completely eliminated refined sugars and started eating more fruits and vegetables.
Remedy used: on the 1st day, I applied (every 2 hours) a mix of the following: apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil on cotton pads.
Noticed some slight improvement, but when I stepped out, there still was an annoying itch.
On the 2nd day, I added Vicks Vaporub and poured some urine on the infected area. Applying Vicks before wearing socks and shoes got rid of the itching.
On the 3rd day, I added honey (applied topically for 20 minutes) followed by washing the feet with antibacterial soap under very hot water (as hot as I could bear) followed by alternate applications of hydrogen peroxide (pharmacy only had 6% solution), lavender, cinnamon leaf and Eucalyptus essential oils (diluted with apple cider vinegar on cotton pads). I also started drinking 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in 1 cup of water (on an empty stomach last night before sleeping and this morning upon waking up).
I am glad to say the annoying itching is completely gone. The color of my two infected nails are yellowish. The only place still itching this morning was on the lower part of my toes (bottom part that touches the floor when I walk) - which is the only place I did not concentrate any treatment as it was much easier to keep the cotton pads on the top part of my foot when seating on the couch and watching tv than the bottom part. So what I did this morning was spread a generous amount of Thai Red Curry Paste on all the infected area and keep everything sealed with transparent plastic food wrap. It seems to be working great. The itching is completely gone.
Today, I will start applying virgin coconut oil (as well as eating 2 tea spoons daily) + peppermint and rosemary essential oils applied topically.
I will also start a detox program along with a gentle exercise program in order to strengthen my immune system.
I'll keep you guys updated on my progress :)
(London, UK)
Update: Ailment: Nail Fungus
Remedy: Thick Thai Red Curry Paste spread on infected areas & covered with transparent plastic food wrap.
Well, it definitely has a soothing effect but only use if you don't mind your nails turn orangish/red (color of the paste)
Overall, here is my favorite course of treatment so far:
Extremely hot rinse with bacterial soap (5 minutes) + cotton pad applications of the following essential oils:
1/ Hydroxide peroxide 6% Apple Cider Vinegar + tea tree or Manuka oil
2/ add few drops of Lavender oil
3/ add few drops of Lemongrass oil
4/ add few drops of rosemary oil
5/ add few drops of Peppermint oil
6/ add few drops of Cinnamon leaf oil
7/ add few drops of Eucalyptus oil
Then alternate the above with separate application of virgin coconut oil, Listerine, Vicks Vaporub, honey, garlic slices.
Rinse with scalding hot water and dry immediately with hair dryer set on maximum heat.
Also, if you have a terrace or you can step outside, expose the area to strong direct sunlight.
Try to sleep at regular hours, stay clear of stress (as much as possible) and improve your immune system by observing a good balanced diet. I just started taking 1 tea spoon of baking soda in 1 glass of water.
Looking good so far :)
Will keep you updated on my progress.
War has been declared on the fungi invaders. Show no mercy!
(Dale City, Va)
Andre, did you try soaking the foot in the apple cider vinegar for about 20 minutes for a few days.. It should cure the itch.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar, Anti-Yeast Cream
(Sequim, WA)
Just a heads up. I was just on Wikipedia looking at the definition of bleach and stumbled across the following. It warned that mixing common houshold bleach with vinegar can be quite hazardous.
(Houston, Texas)
I have heard that Monistat works very well. It is a highly recommended treatment by nail salons. It worked for me and my father. However, it needs to be applied on a daily basis (I did it twice a day) and continue to cut the nail and file the top layer so that the medication can penetrate to the inside of the nail. Hope it works for you.
(Portland, Or)
Responding to the Monistat post....
Years ago when I was pregnant I developed a strange nail problem. My fingernails would actually blister up, like a pocket and crack open eventually, causing the skin under my nail to poke through- usually in the middle of the nail somewhere. When I was delivering, the doctor noticed I had bandaids all over most of my fingers. He took a look and said I had athletes foot in my fingernails. He told me that you can get it in your nails also as a fungus. I was advised to get some over the counter yeast infection cream and apply daily. I did this and within a couple months the nail filled back in around the area and eventually went away. I have never had this problem again.
Years later, I have now have toenail fungus problems. I remembered this treatment and initially tried it. However, I did not have the same results. At first, my nails did start to seem to look better but if I didnt use it daily they would eventually go back to the way they were. In the meantime, I have tried everything under the sun, including detox foot baths from the local naturopathic clinic by my home. I dont have any opinon about those yet. I have tried tea tree oil, eucalyptis oil, yeast infection creams, anti-fungal solutions over the counter, vicks vapor rub, Hydrogen peroxide, ACV, and pine tar. So far, nothing has helped. Im going to try Teds remedy with the ACV, Hydrogen peroxide, and bleach to see if I get any results.
(Adelaide, Australiz)
Jill from Portland, have you considered a visit to a Homeopath. Fungal infections can be difficult to treat and stem from an underlying systemic or constitutional problem. Homeopathic medicine may be another approach to treating the presenting problem. Elizabeth
(New York, Ny, Usa)
Jill from Portland, how much of the monstat did you use on your nails?
(Columbus, Ga)
Just wanted to chime in with a regimen I started last week. I've had fungus on both big toes for sometime but it got worse recently because I've been painting my nails every week and we had a bad heatwave this summer. I had some medicated shampoo left over from a bout of Seborrheic Dermatitis. It contains an anti-fungal called Ketoconazole. The prescription strength is 2% but you can buy a 1% over the counter at most drug stores. I wash my feet with that every morning and night. After washing and drying thoroughly I use a q-tip to apply a generic brand of Monistat 7 cream to both toe nails concentrating on the base and sides (think U shape). I can already see a difference in the skin surrounding my nail. It had taken on a dark color like I was bruised but now it's pink again. After reading the great success some have had with ACV soaks I plan to add those to my regimen this weekend (just in the evenings). I took pictures of my toes when I started so I can chart the change and will keep you guys updated.
(New York, Ny)
gris from Houston, The thing you are describing can be a non-fungus problem at all! Please go test your toenails at a fungus lab! I had the same problem and was self-curing against fungus for many years - it disappeared but re-appeared next year, every year mostly in summer... But after I did a test (twice, to confirm it wasn't any type of fungus) the doctor said it's a condition often developing in women wearing tight and high heeled shoes - due to lack of blood circulation. In extreme situations they even amputate the toes (almost same problem as diabetic patients develop). So don't waste your time self-curing, do the test first!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil
Another thing that feet love is a rub down with organic coconut oil after that soaking.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil
(New York)
To: 09/17/2007: Suzie from Huntington Beach, CA - You don't say if you did the ACV daily soak - or whether you took it orally. Which was it? And what was your formula either way? You were clear with the coconut oil, which I am grateful for! Great story!
(Fort Collins, Colorado)
I eat VCO and cook with it daily for its healthy properties. I started using it on the bags under my eyes and they were gone it a week with tight young looking skin there. I thought this to be amazing and started using it on my bad toenails. I don't think this will work by itself so I'm going to start the organic ACV treatment. The VCO will probably make the sore skin around the toenails a lot better though. Maybe use it after I heal my nails with the ACV. I also would like to know how you applied the ACV and/or if you drank it too. Thanks in advance.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Copper Sulfate
EC: Copper Sulphate is used for its blue coloring in fireworks and paints.
List of sources:
Local plant supply shops
Science Supply Shops
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Thank you All for the very helpful contributions, there make a big and cheap difference in enhancing we stay health and keep up the good work. I feel blessed since the day I stumbled on to this site.
(Columbus, Ga, Us)
How long did you soak your toe nails each day, for them three days.
Question for everybody: How long do you have to soak, before this thick unsightly toenail comes ovf painlessly?
What is it that I'm doing wrong?
I soak the nail in a 3% white vinegar for up to 6 hours per day, but the thick unsightly part of the nail remains hard as a rock. Neither my nail scissors nor my nail file is, or seems to be, any help.
Any advice?
My guess it has to be ACV, not white vinegar. Although many comments relate to White Vinegar too. Also Hydrogen Peroxide 3%.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide