(Cardiff, Wales)
(Petaluma, Ca)
(Solana Beach)
I googled, "Triclosan" as someone suggested. It is BAD for your health. Google and see...
(New Jersey)
(Toronto, On)
Listerine products are Triclosan free.
I guess you could apply Listerine directly or tape a cotton bandage to your toes, but this is what I did and it worked. I used just the standard yellow Listerine.
(San Diego, Ca)
My husband been suffering with embarrassment from disfigured thick distorted fungal nails for over ten years even though he faithfully applies over the counter creams every night with no results. We came across this post two days ago as a final attempt to treat it before resorting to dangerous oral medication. After reading your encouraging posts we hurried to the drug store to get supplies and try listerine and vicks for fungus ourselves. We took a nail file and filed down the thickest parts of the toenails to make it smoother and thin as possible then filled two Sandwhich baggies with a little bit of the yellow listerine and submerged his toes in it. We duct taped the bags to his feet so they can stay soaked during the duration of a movie. Took them off and let them airdry. For good measure we rubbed Vicks vapor rub in all the nails applied with q-tips before going to bed. To our disbelief the nails showed significant clarity to them the next morning!!!! Day 2 we repeated the above and saw even more improvement! His worse nails (the big toe ones) are about 70% clearer. We are on just our third day now and really excited to continue the treatment until he has clear nails. I'm too excited after the results of just two days that I had to share now! I hope everyone else will see results that we are experiencing. Thank you earth clinic for an amazing website and to everyone who shares!!!
I did not want to subject my body to long treatments of meds that might harm my liver, so I decided to use Listerine at night and Vicks during the day. Be aware that this treatment can take a couple of months, but it does work!! Be patient. I had an especially stubborn fungus. The first thing I did was file nails down as thin as possible without pain, as to remove as much damaged nail as possible. Every other night before bed I would put band aids around toes with the "non-sticky/white" part facing/touching the nail. I then used a syringe to squirt some Listerine inside the bandage - this way nails would be "soaking" all night. During the treatment time remember to keep nails extra short and filed thin so that there is not as much bio burden for Listerine to work through. In the am, take bandages off and let nails dry a bit before putting a dab of Vicks Vapor Rub on the toenails - no band aids, just socks. I did this every other day for about two months. Fungus is gone and I have normal pink flat nails again!!
(Phoenix, Arizona)
Take a soft bristle tooth brush, soak in listerine, and brush nails daily before bed. File down thick nfected nails, make sure to disinfect brush and file.
(Farmington, Michigan)
Hi Nancy,
There are several disinfecting or sterilizing solutions you can use for the toothbrush and nail file. Though, I would soak them in separate containers.
1. HOCL - Hypochlorous Acid 0.02%
A good brand is - "BrioTech Pure Hypochlorous." Soak 1-2 hours. This solution is completely non-toxic. This is NOT true regular bleach and is at least 10X more potent. Your body naturally makes HOCL.
2. USP or NSF Bleach 6%
This is hypochlorite or regular bleach. USP/NSF indicates it is a food grade bleach. Add bleach to water: 1 pint water (500 mL) + 1 tsp. (5 mL) 6% USP/NSF bleach. The result is 0.05% hypochlorite. You can use up to 0.2%. Soak 2 hours. This type of bleach has toxins.
3. Iodine 5% - 7%
6 drops Lugol's Iodine in 1/2 cup filtered water. Only purchase "clean" Lugol's - e.g., from a compounding pharmacist,, make your own, etc. Soak 2 hours or overnight. The iodine will evaporate out of solution.
4. Grain Alcohol
1 Liter Everclear or Vodka 80 proof. Soak tooth brush in 70% - 76% grain alcohol or undiluted Vodka (which is about 50% alcohol). Use a wide mouth jar with a close fitting non-metal lid, since alcohol evaporates. Can add salt to this, synergistic. Soak 1 hour.
5. Colloidal Silver. Soak overnight.
Best to get a new toothbrush and drop it into steaming hot water for 1/2 hour to remove toxic plasticizers and dyes which would otherwise seep into your mouth. First, wash tooth brush with Borax to remove other toxins.
I simply liberally spray my toothbrush after I use at night with HOCL 0.02% and put it inside an also sprayed plastic holder. Then, it is ready to use the next day.
Most of these ideas are listed in books by Hulda Clark, PhD, ND.
(Maryland Hts, Mo)
How many days do is the Listerine soak needed to cure athletes foot fungus? How many times a day did you soak? What about the type of fungus that causes the really thick, cracked heels that hurt very badly? My husband has this problem and his terribly rough feet wear holes in our fitted bed sheets. I have to replace or repair the sheets every 6 months or less. His heel callouses are about 1-1&1/2" thick. Please advise.
I know this is an ancient post, but if someone with the same issue is reading, I'd recommend glycolic acid or alike for calluses. Such products are used on facial skin to speed up the rate of skin regeneration and replacement (for aesthetic reasons - younger skin look very quickly) and that's why they also work on calluses. For the ease of use, you can apply a premade 8% or stronger glycolic toner after daily shower and adjust frequency of use.
I use it also preventatively to reduce or eliminate BO. I live in FL and in summer I sweat buckets and often don't smell good, if I work outside the deodorant won't hold all day unless I reapply. I do not use glycolic acid daily for this, armpits are sensitive and can begin peeling too much if I use every day. Didn't have this issue when using it on soles though... and it seems to be effective in preventing body odor for many people. For me, I can't extinguish the armpit problem without deodorant, but I really notice a huge difference on my feet, no odor whatsoever if I use regularly. I also tried - bought in powder form and dissolved - mandelic acid (also used in facial peels and toners) as well for this purpose. Allegedly, the acidic environment created by these acids kills the bacteria that produce unpleasant odors when breaking the sweat down on our skin. Mandelic acid is a bit gentler on the skin compared to glycolic.
Dear Karen,
My guess is that this could take a while to heal. I would try soaking once or twice a day for a month for 20 minutes and see if there is any improvement. If there is, continue on. It could take 6 months.
A solution that is 1/2 vinegar (white distilled) and 1/2 water is also good for fungus. Or a gallon of water with 1/4 cup borax as a soak.
You could also try putting a mixture of castor oil and coconut oil (1/2 and 1/2) on his callouses and covering them with socks at night. Castor oil and coconut oil are healing and softening. This would also protect the sheets.
~Mama to Many~
(Ten Mile, Tn)
HI U KAREN,,,,,,,,,,, listerine is a weak sister compared to Dr Tichenor's liniment that he developed in the War Between the States. He treated all wounds with this. It is made in New Orleans and few stores carry it, so I now buy mine via the internet. It is too strong to be used directly and must be diluted. Here is the URL.
It will cure all the things you are addressing.
p.s. Rubbing alchohol can be used all over house as cleaner & disinfectant!!
I've read that rubbing alcohol is damaging to the liver, I use cheap vodka instead.
(San Juan, Pr)
If this is so effective, why isn't it out there? so said I 2 weeks ago. Nothing to lose; here we go.
Took pictures (closeups) of toe nails, that were covered white with fungus. Started Listerine in AM with metal nail file, midday and before bedtime. Fungus is gone. KAPUT! A little trace on big toe. The other toes all have 1/2 new mail growth and are a real nice pink. YEAH! Will continue routine until ALL toes have new growth. Could be 2 months for the big toes.
Well worth the FREE and effortless process. Used an eye dropper and poured some Listerine in a small discarded pill vial to make it easier and travel with it for midday application. 5 minutes in the rest room and good to go.
Asked a doctor what would he recommend for nail fungus and his look of "Oh boy" said it all. 6 month treatment, dangerous drug with side effects, etc. So I asked him: "What would you say if I got rid of it in 2 weeks?"
"No way. How?"
"Nay. Never mind. You won't believe me. Would have to show you the pictures I took before because if I show you my toes right now, you will not believe I had nail fungus 2 weeks ago."
"OK. With Listerine."
"NO WAY! Listerine? The stuff to kill...oh...wait a minute...yeah, that sort of makes sense. Really? In two weeks?"
Had to take my shoes and socks off to show him and then emailed the before photos. He is stupefied.
For the Folks here that may believe this is nonsense, try it. You have nothing to lose; no contribution, no email, nothing...just the nail fungus.
I did.
(Kansas City, Missouri)
One of the main ingredients of Listerine is thyme oil, which is known to be anti fungal.
Listerine and White Vinegar
(Houston, Texas)
Doctor recommended Lamisil cream for big toe fungus. Did not explain much about how it should work and it didn't seem to help. Then, I used tea tree oil for about three years morning and night... But lived in a cold climate, always wearing closed toes shoes. The big toe nail would peel off ocasionally but no real success.
Have now retired and moved to a warm climate. Wearing sandals ALL the time. Soaking my foot in listerine and distilled vinegar once daily for about 10 minutes (and drying carefully afterward). Following up with daily application of tea tree oil. Filing down surface of nail frequently, trimming nail very short, cleaning out under the nail regularly. Improved my diet to reduce sugars and flour. After four months, I see success! The nail is no longer peeling and looks almost normal now. Will continue this regimen for another month or so and hold off on nail polish for six months to ensure it is all gone.
Macadamia Nut Oil
Two months and two 16 oz bottles later, the toenail dropped off and grew in healthy over the next year.
I now take 1 tablespoon daily because Macadamia oil also takes the sting out of my candida pain, making the pain livable and hardly noticeable.
Macadamia oil has 18% palmitoleic acid, an antimicrobial.
I also began having intermittent numbness and tingling in my toes which went away sometime during the same 2 months of taking macadamia oil, causing my fungal toenail to drop off and regrow healthy and pink during the next year.
(New York, New York)
My toenail, also, dropped off on left big toe and right peeled off like butter. I'm looking at very much healthier and getting better toes.
Manuka Oil
Manuka Oil
Milk of Magnesia
(Brooklyn, Ny Usa)
hi everyone..... I had this problem for a long period of time and tried everything with no results, but learned on the way that the most recommended were vinegar, garlic, peroxide water, and some other products..... I mixed half garlic (fresh) and vinegar blended them and then mixed again 50/50 with fungi cure (i guess any brand will do it) but thats the one I used and after three weeks of using this twice a day im almost home free, do it you wont regret it.