As a result of this little misinformation, people stopped taking niacinamide and candida and yeast infections skyrocketed. Now the reason for the mistake was relatively simple, the scientist was apparently doing a study on longevity on yeast cells. Apparently in higher animals, fruit flies included, the effect of adding niacinamide resulted in longer life of 15%, as well as human embryo cells.
Therefore, if you have candida, yeast infection, or possibly even a UTI (urinary tract infection), taking niacinamide between 100-500 mg/day could solve this mystery that doctors have a hard time suppressing. In fact, you can expand this idea into applying the use of niacinamide NOT NIACIN, as a means of controlling fungus, since fungus is a relatively close cousin of the yeast also.
This is interesting, since in medicine the two most hardest organism to kill is actually fungus and yeast. It is almost a death sentence if you have this and getting rid of it may mean endless nightmare. Who knows, perhaps dissolving niacinamide with vinegar will be helpful in relieving your toe nail fungus infections.
Therefore a possibility exists from the point of view of biological terrain, candida, yeast and fungus infection is a form of niacinamide deficiency.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Anti-Yeast Cream
Years ago when I was pregnant I developed a strange nail problem. My fingernails would actually blister up, like a pocket and crack open eventually, causing the skin under my nail to poke through- usually in the middle of the nail somewhere. When I was delivering, the doctor noticed I had bandaids all over most of my fingers. He took a look and said I had athletes foot in my fingernails. He told me that you can get it in your nails also as a fungus. I was advised to get some over the counter yeast infection cream and apply daily. I did this and within a couple months the nail filled back in around the area and eventually went away. I have never had this problem again.
Years later, I have now have toenail fungus problems. I remembered this treatment and initially tried it. However, I did not have the same results. At first, my nails did start to seem to look better but if I didnt use it daily they would eventually go back to the way they were. In the meantime, I have tried everything under the sun, including detox foot baths from the local naturopathic clinic by my home. I dont have any opinon about those yet. I have tried tea tree oil, eucalyptis oil, yeast infection creams, anti-fungal solutions over the counter, vicks vapor rub, Hydrogen peroxide, ACV, and pine tar. So far, nothing has helped. Im going to try Teds remedy with the ACV, Hydrogen peroxide, and bleach to see if I get any results.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Anti-Yeast Cream
Olive Leaf Extract
EC: Not the colorless brand of iodine we use! It stays clear on the skin unless we've used peroxide first, in which case it does dye the skin orange for a while...
White Vinegar
How to Self-Test for Internal Fungus
Hot Springs
Pain... thick nail... lifted off nail bed with thick undergrowth. Tryed many meds nothing worked
I am just back from Thailand and spend days going on trips. 2 that I went to were hot springs.
On the first trip I noticed that night that the undergrowth became soft and I was able to cut my nail
Few days later went back to hot spring and again that night undergrowth fell away
Been home a week and now looking at my toe I can't get over it ... it's looking normal again. Going to get my nails done at the salon now as I do t feel embarrassed by my big tow nail as it's no more and nail has went flat onto nail bed.
Am planning on having foot spas to keep my nails clean and soft to minimise any regrowth. Going to enjoy flashing my toes in my sandles first time in years.
Multiple Remedies
Here's the regimen that works for me: (I keep the nails trimmed very short. I clean my tools regularly as well. ) In my morning shower I scrub my nails with a designated toothbrush and Dr. Bronners peppermint oil soap. Before I step out of the tub, I spray my toes with hydrogen peroxide. ( It comes in spray bottles at my local drug store)
Next, I swab my nails with alcohol on a cotton ball, then with ACV on a cotton ball, then I paint my nails and cuticles with a qtip and tea tree oil. I follow the same regimen at night. From other posts I've learned I've got to keep this up long after it appears the fungus is gone. I use this regimen because it's easy, cheap and I can sustain it over time. And it's working! It took only a few days for the white patches to disappear and of course the whole nail needs to grow in to see results.
I also have begun drinking lemon water to alkalize. Don't know which is helping the most but I suspect it's the tea tree oil given that's what I use the most of. These items are inexpensive and I'm grateful I didn't try medication as my friend did. Her fungus has cleared up but she's concerned about liver problems.
As an added bonus... My feet are always clean and I feel I am nurturing myself every time I take care of them.
Multiple Remedies
I've tried Listerine, Vicks, Potassium Iodide, Oregano Oil, and pretty much every other common OTC "cure" including methylene blue topically and orally.
The only time my nails mostly healed I was drinking a gallon of milk a day and heavily supplementing zinc. This led to other problems such as IBS and lower libido so I stopped that regimen.
The other sensitive "cause" is once I start supplementing selenomethionine or even eating more Brazil nuts, the nails start getting more yellow and brittle.
Just looking for any other advice? Or does anyone have luck with internal pharmaceutical antifungals?
Urine Therapy
Gentian Violet
Gentian violet is an antiseptic dye used to treat fungal infections of the skin (e.g., ringworm, athlete's foot). It also has weak antibacterial effects and may be used on minor cuts and scrapes to prevent infection. It will stain our toe nail (and everything else it contacts with...) but that is the working power behind it.
Apply with a Q-tip, allow to dye, put a sock on if you don't want your bed sheet with a purple streek on them from sleeping on them. Give it time, it does work.
UV Light
UV Light
Ozonated Olive Oil
Ozonated Olive Oil
Azoxystrobin Fungicide
I've written before but no one got back to me. I hope I have better luck this time.
Been taking the Borax but it's not working anymore and I need a new anti-fungal as this seems to be main prob.
I'm trying to find Azoxystrobin without added chemicals but have not been able to locate any by web searching. It was mentioned by some ppl on your site but I could only find some huge $500 gal sources and again not sure if there were other ingredients with it.
Can you help me with this or at least respond this time?
Thank you!
Here is a link to the E.C. Candida page for your perusal
Have you read Bill's Killing So Sweetly book advertised here on E.C.??
Azoxystrobin Fungicide
White Vinegar, OTC
Hydrogen Peroxide, Iodine
Ted's Remedies
I have a fungus problem that seemingly went the wrong direction while being cured but I would appreciate some advice/input if anyone has an idea on the matter.
I developed what seemed to be large tinea corporis rash (doctor advised) on my backside about 6 months ago. I did not notice it for quite sometime so it may have been there for some while before that. About 10 weeks ago I saw a doctor here and they gave me the usual anti-fungal cremes. Over several weeks there was no improvement. In fact, the fungus migrated to my hand and fingers and later the elbows and ankles. They then felt it was internal now and gave me Sporanox and Lamisil tablets etc. No change except to increase intensity of the rash symptoms. Not much itching however, only rash and some rash spreading. I tried various other methods and but not much happened. I had systemic candida 15 years ago and beat it with diet and Mycostatin, etc and it was nothing like that.
Forward to 01 December 2013. I started on what I had read from Ted from Bangkok. I began the regimen of Sodium bicarbonate 1/4 teaspoon and water, 3 x per day and 1/4 teaspoon of Borax in 1 liter water. The borax I started at 50 ml per day. After several days a small reaction began what I assumed was Herx effect. The body trying to get the toxins out quickly. Skin on the rash became very dry and flaking off. But then it stopped. So from what I read, if one had a severe fungal case then increase the dosage to about 100 ml per day. This I did with a 5 day on / 2 day off program. Soon the Monday of the second week the dosage was increased to 100 ml per day. By Thursday a real noticeable effect appeared, the skin was dying off the rashes almost everywhere but the rashes were spreading. I put this down to the increased Herx effect. I stopped for the 2 days on Saturday however, the rashes increased.
Dramatically. They started to appear all over. Now they are also around my eyes and lips and under the arms and even the back of my neck. Face feels like it is puffing up from sunburn a bit as a result. They are very dry and itchy and sometimes small lesions develop on the finger joints (though I put this down to the fact they are so dry that it is cracking).
That was Saturday and this is Wednesday. It is quite debilitating and irritating and since it has gone to the eyelids, nose corners, lips, etc etc it is a bit worrisome. I have not done anymore borax since last Friday feeling it was just a increased Herx effect. So that would be 5 days now with no borax use. I still maintain the sodium bicarbonate regimen as before and drinking a lot of water , etc..
These particular effects started after the borax use, nothing like this happened prior. It seems to be increasing daily. I get good sleep, food and exercise, etc.. Any input is appreciated.
Is it the Herx and I just need to wait it out or is it something else. Go back on the borax. ???
Sincerely, John Bkk
Ted's Remedies
For fungal problems, Ted recommends drinking the Borax Water at 1/4 tsp borax in a liter of water throughout the day. That's one liter bottle a day. A 1/4 tspn of borax is equivalent to 1000 mgs borax per day.
Your borax water therefore contains 1000 mgs borax dissolved in 1000mls of water. But your own effective per diem dosage is only 50 mls or 100mls per day -- equivalent to 50 mgs or 100mgs per day -- well below Ted's recommended 1000mgs in water per day.
What I'm saying is that the borax dose that your taking -- 50mgs or 100mgs -- is about 5% or 10% respectively of the per diem dose recommended by Ted.
Since borax is a great detoxer of fluoride from the body -- I'm also wondering if you might have high concentrations of fluoride in your body. If you did then the borax would also chelate out any fluoride from your cells and put it into the blood -- which can accumulate in excess and give rise to a form of fluoroderma or skin problems as a detox effect when fluoride is in excess in the blood.
I therefore think that it might greatly benefit you if you were to have a simple hair analysis (not expensive) -- this will tell you exactly what minerals and vitamins you are lacking in your diet and will also tell you what poisons, heavy metals and halides you have in excess in your body. If you have any excess fluoride or other poisons -- it will show up in the results.
You also mentioned that the doctor said that the tinea corporis has gone internal. I find this extremely surprising and hard to believe because tinea corporis is a dermatophyte -- a fungus that can only exist topically on the skin. Much more likely, perhaps, that the doctor meant that you had candida, a well known internal problem. And since you had candida before I think that your problems might also be related to this.
When I had systemic candida, I also had many fungal type skin problems -- including psoriasis(which is apparently incurable), athletes foot(for over 20 years), eczma and tinea cruris. When I eventually got rid of my candida, all these skin problems -- including the psoriasis -- just disappeared.
The anti-candida protocol is shown at this link. This protocol is mainly based on Ted's approach to internal fungal problems.
Ted's Remedies
May be you won't like my advice but I use the following daily and am a senior with beautiful skin all my life. At the moment I am using Ted's borax remedy for mites in my face. As it is very drying I alternate this with the mid stream of my own urine on a washcloth, massaging it in. However, drugs and meat and alcohol must be left aside for your own blueprint to work. It is a remedy without peer. Use it fresh so there is no odour which only develops when exposed to the elements. Om
Ted's Remedies
Ted's Remedies