Posted by Andrew (Long Beach, CA) on 02/01/2006
I have taken Teds advice. What I'm now finding is I have a clear nail at the base around the the sides and on the top. To a certain degree, I was also able to clean under the nail, but unfortunately pushed some of the yellow further down my nail. I know it's not a good thing had hoping the extra concentration of clorox will help. The top part of the nail looks clear and lighter with some thin streaks while the middle has a yell strip through the center that go diagonally the to upper corners (top) of the nails.
The top of my nail is about a 1/16" cut back too far, but the toenail is of normal thickness. The nail itself however, because it is far back is high off the nail bed. It is also high enough out so I can slip a thin brush with Tea tree oil in. In about one or weeks my nail should grow long enough to where I will cut it at full length. My hope is I can have more of the bottom part of the nail grow clearer. My feeling is, if the entire part of the nail that touches the skin clear is beginning to clear up, it maybe a good sign the rest of the nail will eventually follow. I will keep trying Teds methods and accept any suggestions he provides.
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 05/13/2006 392 posts
Using Iodine for the toe nail fungus is fairly effective method of control of toe nail fungus because iodine will penetrate to some extent deep into the skin and the cuticle somewhat. The problem about iodine is the issue of staining and discoloration of the nail and socks. (EC: BUY DECOLORIZED IODINE TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE. )
However, you will still need to do the H2O2 vinegar before applying clorox and iodine is added after clorox is rinse and iodine is painted on the nail along with tea tree oil to the nails. While iodine alone will not work that will because of it popping back after awhile, I will usually apply the regimen mentioned as part of the overall treatment for it to work the best.
Posted by Dana (Ca) on 05/25/2017
Using peroxide with decolorized iodine will cause the iodine to turn orange again.
Posted by Erica (Los Angeles, CA)
I have has toe nail fungus for about 4 years and it has now destroyed my toe nail on my left foot. I found a natural cure on the internet and have used it for about 3 weeks now. The cure involves adding 1 litter of water, 5 drops of lavender and half a cup of apple cider vinegar. I always soak my feet in this for about 45 minutes, each foot. After this, I put australian tee tree oil to all my nail three times a day, I also NEVER wear shoes around my house. I have noticed that this had decreased my nail growth. It also has cured the itch and softness of my feet, except for the nail fungus on my toe, my feet look great!!! This is a good cure but the main thing we need to have to cure this is PATIENCE!