Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

Posted by Tg (Oklahoma, US) on 09/22/2014

The first time I experienced toenail fungus, years ago, I tried tea tree oil without success. I eventually saw a doctor who prescribed Lamisil pills for 24 weeks. That worked. The second time I had a fungus infected toenail, over 10 years later, I applied iodine. A single drop in the morning. Probably another at bedtime (I don't recall now). Iodine worked brilliantly! Without risking liver damage (i.e., Lamisil).

Tea Tree, Lavender, Rosemary Oils
Posted by Val (Grand Prairie, TX) on 08/12/2014

Where can I buy the red rosemary oil? I can find the rosemary oil, but not RED rosemary oil. Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks, Val

Posted by Timh (KY) on 08/03/2014 2048 posts

@Js: The b- vitamin biotin is very good for hair & nails. Coconut Oil taken orally will help prevent reinfection.

Posted by Js (New York, Ny) on 08/03/2014

I am following up to my post in June. I am continuing to soak my foot with a bleach solution for nail fungus twice a week. 2 of the infected nails are clear (yahoo!!! ). The big toe which was the worst of the lot, looks a lot better and has grown out halfway mostly clear. The issue is that the big toe nail is very weakened from fungus, so it looks like it can get reinfected very easily. Does anyone have a supplement recommendation to strengthen nails that have been infected with nail fungus? That seems to be what is needed to prevent reinfection. Thanks!

Posted by Dolores (New Jersey) on 06/30/2014

Listerine is also great for dandruff...I have used this remedy for dandruff in the past (about 15 years ago) when the only Listerine available was when it was sold in the brown bag like cover. Tingles but worth the try.

Posted by Js (New York, Ny) on 06/14/2014

I am on my second month of soaking my toes in bleach and water to see if I can get rid of nail fungus on one of my feet. It seems to be working. FINALLY! I have tried every other nail fungus treatment on the planet, including laser treatment, to no avail.

I read about the bleach cure from someone on Earth Clinic. I have been using Chlorox bleach (regular, not the splashless one)... about 1/2 cup to a half gallon of hot water in a large plastic bucket (the kind you'd use for mopping the floor). I soak my foot for at least 1/2 hour, sometimes more, once or twice a week. I make sure to dry off my foot with a white towel and then hop to the bathroom to wash off any remaining bleach so I don't turn our carpets white!

If I fly, I make sure to do the bleach treatment on my foot the day before flying in each direction if possible.

Will update again in a few months, but so far, thumbs up on this cure.

Posted by Joylie (Solana Beach) on 04/08/2014

I googled, "Triclosan" as someone suggested. It is BAD for your health. Google and see...

Posted by Ron (Manila) on 04/01/2014

I had some toe fungus in my two big toe nails for about ten years. I tried many cures but with minimal results. The fungus was very deep under the nail. then by accident I found a cure that killed the fungus fast.

Here is how it happed. I always wear flip flops and with one black pair that I wear my feet get real dirty black and it is hard to remove. One night I decided to try socking my feet in a solution of bleach and water to get rid of the black color on my feet. it didn't work that well in getting rid of the black, but the next week I noticed there was a lot of space under my big toe nails as if the fungus had died. I soaked my feet again and the fungus seemed dead and easy to remove. a month later there was lots of space under the nails indicating that most of the fungus was gone. I socked my feet again and at least once a month for the next four mounts as a precaution to make sure the fungus was gone for good. the fungus is gone now.

here is what I used:

bleach, sodium hypochlorite, known here in the Philippines as zonrox.

I used one half cup of bleach in half gallon of water. I soaked my feet for about 45 min. I did it twice the first week then once a month after that till there was no trace of fungus

It was so fast and easy compared to all the other home remedies that I tried. and best of all it worked.

Posted by Lajaun (Seattle, Wa) on 03/24/2014

How much Listerine did you use.

White Vinegar, OTC
Posted by Suzanne (Norman Ok) on 03/17/2014

This is what worked for me regarding nail fungus. I had a fungus which ate away almost my entire fingernail until I discovered soaking it in white vinegar killed it in two days. I would soak for 15 minutes in undiluted white vinegar. I also had fungus affecting both big toenails. I had been soaking my toes in undiluted white vinegar for 15 minutes, then applying a mixture of coconut oil, OTC athlete's foot cream and vapor rub to my toes. That was slowly working but when I added a monostat cream to the mix the fungus was gone within a week. My toenails are clear for the first time in 10 years. Good luck to all!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Iodine
Posted by Paul (Tulsa, Ok) on 01/17/2014

I found the best way to cure nail fungus:

1) start by trimming your nails back and filing

2) pour hydrogen peroxide over the infected area and tiny bubbles will start appearing

3) wait a minute or two for the hydrogen peroxide to start working, then put iodine on the nails and under the nails. The peroxide will pull the iodine under the nails and kill all fungus.

4) after 5 minutes or so wash your feet and nails with antibacterial soap.

Afterwards, my nails never felt good or looked this good. It was almost instantaneous.


Ted's Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 12/19/2013

Well, yes, Jillery, you are welcome. That's what I have been doing and people are wondering about my good skin. I ingest it and do my hair with it. It will grow a good mop of hair, too. It is good for many things provided no alcohol, meat or drugs. Regards, Om

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Jillery (North America) on 12/19/2013 86 posts

I was wondering how long it was going to take before I read about using urine for rosacea!! I'm not adverse to the idea... I actually find it kind of funny!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 12/18/2013

Hi John BKK -

May be you won't like my advice but I use the following daily and am a senior with beautiful skin all my life. At the moment I am using Ted's borax remedy for mites in my face. As it is very drying I alternate this with the mid stream of my own urine on a washcloth, massaging it in. However, drugs and meat and alcohol must be left aside for your own blueprint to work. It is a remedy without peer. Use it fresh so there is no odour which only develops when exposed to the elements. Om

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 12/19/2013

Hi John...Your problem seems to be a bit of a mystery but I think it can at least be partially explained.

For fungal problems, Ted recommends drinking the Borax Water at 1/4 tsp borax in a liter of water throughout the day. That's one liter bottle a day. A 1/4 tspn of borax is equivalent to 1000 mgs borax per day.

Your borax water therefore contains 1000 mgs borax dissolved in 1000mls of water. But your own effective per diem dosage is only 50 mls or 100mls per day -- equivalent to 50 mgs or 100mgs per day -- well below Ted's recommended 1000mgs in water per day.

What I'm saying is that the borax dose that your taking -- 50mgs or 100mgs -- is about 5% or 10% respectively of the per diem dose recommended by Ted.

Since borax is a great detoxer of fluoride from the body -- I'm also wondering if you might have high concentrations of fluoride in your body. If you did then the borax would also chelate out any fluoride from your cells and put it into the blood -- which can accumulate in excess and give rise to a form of fluoroderma or skin problems as a detox effect when fluoride is in excess in the blood.

I therefore think that it might greatly benefit you if you were to have a simple hair analysis (not expensive) -- this will tell you exactly what minerals and vitamins you are lacking in your diet and will also tell you what poisons, heavy metals and halides you have in excess in your body. If you have any excess fluoride or other poisons -- it will show up in the results.

You also mentioned that the doctor said that the tinea corporis has gone internal. I find this extremely surprising and hard to believe because tinea corporis is a dermatophyte -- a fungus that can only exist topically on the skin. Much more likely, perhaps, that the doctor meant that you had candida, a well known internal problem. And since you had candida before I think that your problems might also be related to this.

When I had systemic candida, I also had many fungal type skin problems -- including psoriasis(which is apparently incurable), athletes foot(for over 20 years), eczma and tinea cruris. When I eventually got rid of my candida, all these skin problems -- including the psoriasis -- just disappeared.

The anti-candida protocol is shown at this link. This protocol is mainly based on Ted's approach to internal fungal problems.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 12/18/2013

At this point I think you can assume it is not fungal and maybe try treating it like a viral infection. You can use vit C, oil of oregano, lysine, colloidal silver, etc.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by John (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/18/2013

I am sorry to hear about Ted fm Bangkok. I live in Bangkok and the authorities and the Thai version of the AMA here does not like competition.

I have a fungus problem that seemingly went the wrong direction while being cured but I would appreciate some advice/input if anyone has an idea on the matter.

I developed what seemed to be large tinea corporis rash (doctor advised) on my backside about 6 months ago. I did not notice it for quite sometime so it may have been there for some while before that. About 10 weeks ago I saw a doctor here and they gave me the usual anti-fungal cremes. Over several weeks there was no improvement. In fact, the fungus migrated to my hand and fingers and later the elbows and ankles. They then felt it was internal now and gave me Sporanox and Lamisil tablets etc. No change except to increase intensity of the rash symptoms. Not much itching however, only rash and some rash spreading. I tried various other methods and but not much happened. I had systemic candida 15 years ago and beat it with diet and Mycostatin, etc and it was nothing like that.

Forward to 01 December 2013. I started on what I had read from Ted from Bangkok. I began the regimen of Sodium bicarbonate 1/4 teaspoon and water, 3 x per day and 1/4 teaspoon of Borax in 1 liter water. The borax I started at 50 ml per day. After several days a small reaction began what I assumed was Herx effect. The body trying to get the toxins out quickly. Skin on the rash became very dry and flaking off. But then it stopped. So from what I read, if one had a severe fungal case then increase the dosage to about 100 ml per day. This I did with a 5 day on / 2 day off program. Soon the Monday of the second week the dosage was increased to 100 ml per day. By Thursday a real noticeable effect appeared, the skin was dying off the rashes almost everywhere but the rashes were spreading. I put this down to the increased Herx effect. I stopped for the 2 days on Saturday however, the rashes increased.

Dramatically. They started to appear all over. Now they are also around my eyes and lips and under the arms and even the back of my neck. Face feels like it is puffing up from sunburn a bit as a result. They are very dry and itchy and sometimes small lesions develop on the finger joints (though I put this down to the fact they are so dry that it is cracking).

That was Saturday and this is Wednesday. It is quite debilitating and irritating and since it has gone to the eyelids, nose corners, lips, etc etc it is a bit worrisome. I have not done anymore borax since last Friday feeling it was just a increased Herx effect. So that would be 5 days now with no borax use. I still maintain the sodium bicarbonate regimen as before and drinking a lot of water , etc..

These particular effects started after the borax use, nothing like this happened prior. It seems to be increasing daily. I get good sleep, food and exercise, etc.. Any input is appreciated.

Is it the Herx and I just need to wait it out or is it something else. Go back on the borax. ???

Sincerely, John Bkk

Epsom Salts, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Frank Knows (Usa) on 08/11/2013

I'm shocked that no person has recommended epsom salt for Nail Fungus. Soak your feet as directed every other day for 3-5 days, also colloidal silver. One drop on each nail. Take a break in between treatments, one day , Don't treat each nail if not needed, just the infected one with colloidal and the ES should take care of the rest.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jc (Columbus, Ga, Us) on 07/23/2013

How long did you soak your toe nails each day, for them three days.

Posted by Andre (Petaluma, Ca) on 07/21/2013

I used a Swedish mouthwash called Vademecum with great success. I applied it on the nail twice a day for a month and it completely disappeared? I ordered it online through I had tried all prescription medications before with no results. Nice to know that Listerine works too.

Oregano Oil
Posted by CC (Collierville, Tn./USA) on 07/18/2013

All anyone needs for any kind of fungus, is Wild Oregano. You can purchase it at a health store. It kills the fungus! It comes in dropper, capsule, or oil gel cap forms. It will kill any yeast type infections (fungus), and other forms of infection, too. It works by taking it internally, and for a nail fungus, apply to area, as well. I have used it on my animals, also. For over a year, my dog could not get rid of yeast in her ears. Nothing from the doctor worked. I gave her two oil gel caps, twice a day. In three days, it was gone. I gave it to her for another week, just to be sure, like you would take an antibiotic. Do the same for human consumption. Remember... All yeast/fungus related ailments!

Beer, Acidophilus, Vinegar
Posted by Ahlam (Abu Dhabi, UAE) on 07/15/2013

Can I use the soaking mixture of vinegar and water again?

Posted by Feethurt (Albuquerque, New Mexico) on 07/04/2013

I've had a persistent problem with Toenail Fungus that made my nails get thick and turn inward like claws. I had read an article in Dr. Mercola's website that had a paragraph in it saying to expose feet to sunlight. I was living in the SF Bay Area (cool and foggy) so it wasn't practical but now I've moved to a climate that is more sunny (Albuquerque) and I started wearing sandals in April. My toenails aren't so curved in any more and they don't hurt so much when I trim them.

This is the link to his article. Scroll down to the paragraph titled "Using Sunlight to Treat Chronic Toenail Fungus Infections"

EC: Interestingly, the Mercola article also references Blue Light and Sunlight for antibiotic-resistant infections. Earth Clinic happens to have a Remedies page on this, created years ago! Click the link above to check it out!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Vitamin E, Vitamin D
Posted by Pandoranran (Guangzhou, China) on 06/11/2013

Can you explain the vitamin D3? Was it applied the affected area or taken orally?

Oxine AH
Posted by Trudyg (Waynesboro, Va, Usa) on 06/06/2013

I just made a comment under the jock itch comment, gave a link to the page listing what Oxine it kills. Google it.

Oxine AH
Posted by Christina (Winnemucca, Nevada) on 06/06/2013

Very interesting!! I'm going to look into it.

Oxine AH
Posted by Trudyg (Waynesboro, Va, Usa) on 06/04/2013

I have chickens. In my research for respiratory concerns, I learned of a product called Oxine AH. The AH is for animal health and is identical to the oxine used in brewing. They say it's used in municipal water disinfection because it's so safe. This stuff is supposedly stronger than bleach, kills mold, fungus, virus--all by fogging the area (the chickens are supposed to inhale the mist to fix fungal infection in their lungs). This is for animals! I did not see any place saying use if for humans. But, they use it to clean ductwork, eradicate mold in the home--I'm thinking I personally would try it on ringworm or toenail fungus. Anyone have any experience with it?

Topical Acidophilus
Posted by Ginger (Champaign, Illinois, Usa) on 05/19/2013

I also stumbled upon this cure. I had been taking a triple probiotics capsule every day to fight the fungal infection from the inside out. One day I broke open a capsule and brushed the contents directly on my infected nails. It worked! I have been doing it every day for a few weeks and my nails haven't looked this good in 2 years. I had tried dozens of treatments, including going to a podiatrist, and nothing else worked.

Posted by Skye (Kansas City, Missouri) on 05/09/2013

One of the main ingredients of Listerine is thyme oil, which is known to be anti fungal.

Posted by Clare (Shotteswell, Oxfordshire, England) on 05/07/2013

Vinegar: This really works and I am amazed. I have tried expensive fungus treatments and they have also worked, but at a cost. Now thanks to Earth Clinic I have found a treatment that works for a cost of pence. I can see a good sized band of new nail on every toe. I bought myself a dropper bottle for easy application. I didn't want to write a review until I was really sure vinegar worked, but as nearly half of my big toenails are clear in colour instead of brown I feel I can add my review. I am not the best at doing it twice a day as recommended, but always do it at least once a day.

Bee Pollen
Posted by Tiffany (Philadelphia, Pa) on 05/02/2013

I started taking bee pollen for allergies and noticed that my toenail fungus cleared up! I take one teaspoon of local granules a day after a meal. It does help with seasonal allergies as well. It works best for allergies when combined with quercetin. I noticed nail fungus clearance after a month of use. Thank you Earth Clinic for allowing us to share this type of information.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Peroxide, Vicks, Antibiotic Ointment
Posted by Floridagirl (Sunny, Fl) on 04/21/2013

Apple Cider Vinegar for nail fungus. It worked for me! :)

I think I had an injury to my thumb nail that caused the nail to lift a little, and well that's when I got nail fungus. It started in the corner and at first was just kind of a dark spot, and then the following couple of days started turning into a white-yellow half circle and was growing. When I would touch the nail or skin around it, it was tender. I thought maybe it was an infection, but it sounded more like a fungus.

Remedy I used:

Apple Cider Vinegar
Hydrogen Peroxide 3%
Vapor rub
Antibiotic ointment

What I did:
Clipped my nail back a little just in the affected corner. Just enough to show a little bit of the underlying skin. I did this to relieve a little pressure, because the skin was a little inflamed and was hurting. Also, I thought it would be easier for the medicines to reach the area.

I mixed a cap full of apple cider vinegar & peroxide together. Dipped a q-tip in the mixture and rubbed it on, around, and under the affected area. It will fizz a little, but it does not hurt. You will get some pain relief with in a short time, if your fingernail was hurting before!

I rubbed this mixture on my finger nail 3 times a day.

During the day time, I would rub some antibiotic ointment on the area with NO bandaid. Of course, I had to re-apply frequently when my hands would get wet. At night I put Vick's vapor rub AND a bandaid on my thumb. I made sure the bandaid was not too tight, but also that it would not fall off.

I did all of this for 4 days.

On day two, I noticed that it seemed to start going away (shrinking), and by day 4 it looked like it was completely gone. Just keep applying everything until it is completely gone. I'm so happy it worked!!

Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 04/15/2013

Listerine has got 'TRICLOSAN' in it. Go Google Triclosan.

Posted by Kodiakstar (Broomall, Pa) on 04/13/2013

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Listerine mouth wash for nail fungus. Actually, I've used the store brand of Listerine and it works great for both nail fungus and athletes foot. Both my big toe nails had a fungus infection for many years. I tried everything, but nothing worked until I tried soaking in a Listerine type mouthwash. I soaked my feet in it for 1 hour, 3 days in a row and the ugly yellow fungus color was gone and hasn't returned for over 25 years. Good luck!

Distilled Vinegar
Posted by Renee (Bergen Co., Nj) on 04/12/2013

White Vinegar for Toenail Fungus: Apply white vinegar liberally using a cottonball after every shower or anytime your feet get wet. My husband also applied it at bedtime and again in the morning. Allow it to dry thoroughly (hair dryer is good). Continue for several months until the whole nail has grown out. Otherwise, it will probably come back. He also applied Vaporub on the first night, which had a quick effect, turning it black, but he didn't want to keep using a petroleum product for months.
