Posted by Ophelia (kingstown, st. vincent) on 07/03/2007
Wonderful and informative site. I love it. Wayne, I am in total agreement with you. Angostura Bitters is just great. We use it for upset stomach, belly aches hangover etc. Adds great flavor to west indian cooking and drinks. Nothing beats a cool glass of lemonade/limeade with a few drops of AB on a hot day. I am using the ACV and soda remedy and seeing some results already. Will post comments in the near future. Keep up the good work. Peace and Love
Posted by Wayne (Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies) on 05/01/2007
Hi All: I'm from the island of Trinidad in the West Indies. Since I was a child, one of the standard remedies for alimentary disturbances - belly aches, gas etc. - has been a few dashes of Angostura bitters (AB) in a little cool water. AB is made only in Trinidad but is famous worldwide as a beverage taste enhancer. However, it was originally developed by a famous German doctor to treat his wartime patients for alimentary disturbances. Locally it is still used for same especially by "olden" folk. You can look it up yourself on the net. Regards
Posted by Janice (Toronto, Ontario) on 01/27/2013
Can't wait to try the Activated Charcoal, but in the meantime I've discovered that putting 1/2 tsp. of Caraway Seeds in your Tea (I'am using Red Clover right now, but Anise Tea would be "far" better), AND the combination of taking 1 tsp. whole mustard seeds (doesn't matter the color, I'am taking yellow), with water 3 times a day, (don't bite the mustard seeds, swallow whole) I can actually FEEL the combination fighting the bad bacteria, and I'am releasing more gas, but need to start using allspice in everything too! It's anti-flatulance as well!
Posted by Iben (Bergen, Norway) on 11/01/2010
I've suffered from bad bloating and digestive problems my whole adult life. I was told by one specialist that I probably have IBS, but that I didn't need to bother with tests because there's not much to do about it besides learn which foods to avoid etc. Eliminating milk (besides buttermilk/kefir and butter) and cutting down on grains in recent months has helped a lot, but I saw another doctor who pointed out that IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion and I may as well find out if there's more to it than irritable bowels. So I'm now being tested for allergies, intolerances and any diseases that might be lurking in the stomach-area. I am excited to hear about the results of the tests, of course, but I'm more excited about just having discovered the wonders of CARAWAY-TEA! A few days ago it hit me: carraway seeds boiled with cabbage completely eliminates the otherwise hellish bloating (in me, anyway). So why not carraway on it's own?
And sure enough, just a teaspoon or two per cup of water (I either let the seeds boil for a few seconds before steeping, or crush them in a mortar and pour boiled water over) has made me a new and happier person. For over a week now I have been moving around with ease, no gas-attacks lasting for days or even hours, I'm no longer distracted by pains in my stomach and stiffness because of cramps. The strange thing is, it hasn't helped my over-all digestion because my bowel-movements are still helter-skelter. But without a doubt it works directly and efficiently on the gas. Supposedly you can chew it raw before meals, if you're prone to indigestion. I tried that, too, but didn't notice a difference so I'll stick with the after-meal tea (better-tasting than raw and dry).
Posted by Wallace (Lexington, Ky) on 03/30/2011
I have found by experience that taking one Citracal tablet (Calcium Citrate) twice a day is a total cure for my chronic flatulance. Of course, the added benefit of Calcium Citrate is stronger bones. But that's not why I take it. I take it strictly for gas. If there's ever 2-3 days when I fail to take it, I can certainly tell...pew!
Posted by John (Solon, Ohio) on 02/10/2008
I had major gas in my stomach for days and I couldn't get it out. I remember seeing the movie Doc Hollywood with Michael J Fox and they cured a little boy with a bottle of Coca Cola. So I tried it and it worked. If you ever have gas building up your stomach drink a coke.
Replied by Drfeelgood
(Inglewood, Ca, Usa)
Posted by Susan 3000 (Orange County, Ca) on 08/08/2013
I have tried a lot of the remedies listed here for my gas problem. Even over the counter remedies. Nothing helped. I had cancer and received 5 weeks of radiation in the pelvic area. The side effect is now I have uncontrollable gas. Also when I eat, need to use the restroom very soon after eating. Have had accidents while out shopping. I believe radiation weakened that pelvic area. Am now cancer free! But my gas problem is so embarrasing. The apartment complex where I live I have heard comments made about me re my gas. So humiliating. Then I tried 1 tablespoon per day of coconut oil. Also bought fresh strawberries and eat 5 per day. My gas problem has improved 90 percent. And this is day two. Am hoping that just strawberries alone with cure my problem. A tablespoon of coconut oil is about 110 calories. Irregardless, I will take these two cures if need be. Finally found somthing to help.
Replied by B'yond See
(Atlanta, GA)
Posted by Tavia (Atlanta, Georgia) on 08/09/2008
I used to have extreme flatulence and Coconut oil cured me. I've tried everything from Beno to "Mia Sposa es Loca" Oil and nothing has ever stopped my flatulence like Coconut oil. I'm a believer! I've also noticed that I no longer have the need to wear my Depend's Adult Diapers anymore. Thanks coconut oil you saved my marriage!
Replied by Elizard
(Santa Monica, Ca, Us)
Posted by Pete (Arizona) on 12/01/2022 5 posts
Did not want caffeine from tea so we made tea with peppermint and added a teaspoon of cumin. It relieved very bad gas within minutes.
Posted by Reem (Waldwick , Nj, Usa) on 11/05/2012
We are of Arab descent. Today I had very gas pains and I asked my mother what to do. I usually drink anise tea to relieve pain but since it was much more acute this time I asked her if there was another treatment. She told me to put some cumin in my tea and drink it. It worked! She was surprised I didn't know this and told me how everyone uses it as a reliable cure. I don't mind the taste and drank about half a teaspoon of cumin powder in my green tea. Feel better already!
Posted by Zelda (Radford ) on 10/03/2017
Took me a year to figure out that corn syrup causes me gas. I finally pinned my gas down to granola bars. Turns out they have corn syrup. Similar granola bars with sugar do not give me gas.
Get rid of corn syrup and get rid of gas!
Replied by Zelda
Posted by Sfchin (Kuching, Malaysia) on 07/11/2012
If you stomach is distended after foods, you probably suffer from flatulence, it means you have excessive of stomach gas. One of the causes of flatulence is because you eat too much foodstuffs that cause stomach gas.
Here are the list of foods that give flatulence:
- Bean
- fruits such as melon, honey dews, pear.
- Cabbage, brocolli, cauliflower
- Fatty food
- Gassy drink
Do any of these foods give you stomach gas and flatulence?
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 11/20/2007
The best remedy I have found for indigestion, acid regurge, GERD, flatulence is elimination of all bleached flour products in the foods you eat - I find I can eat l00% whole grain bread without problems (usually cures most people's constipation problems also). I don't know what chemicals? are used in the bleaching process, but apparently that is where the problem comes from. However, you must really work at getting bleached flour out of your diet, as many pastas are made with bleached flour, many breads say whole wheat but read the ingredients and you'll find that most start off with bleached flour unless the label reads l00% whole grain. Most gravies, dips, sauces, etc. use the cheapest source of thickening agent - bleached flour. So try it and see if it works for you. It's nice having a "cast iron stomach" which has no problems with cayenne pepper, jalapeno peppers, and all that spicy stuff I used to blame my stomach problems on before I lucked up and stumbled upon the real cause of them.
Replied by Susan
Posted by Diane (Long Beach, NY) on 01/04/2007
I used to eat a high fiber,low fat diet (norm robillard's low carb approach). The gas started to build over several months resulting in terrible stomach pains after every evening meal. My cholesterol shot up as well. I decided to get rid of the high fiber breads and cereals. I don't eat dairy. After a few days, my gas decreased and I didn't need my aciphex for gerd anymore. When I cheat, I get gas and reflux. Also, my cholesterol dropped back to normal. My diet is vegetables, some protein, small amounts of fruit, some nuts. I walk almost everyday and use a recumbant bike on rainy days. Sugar in any form is the worst High carbs are sugar. Bread in any form makes my reflux worse. I can cheat but not everyday. I was able to take my bed off its blocks back to ground level and could also lay down after eating.
Replied by Michelle
Posted by Bing (Northern Virginia, Usa) on 05/09/2016
Fennel tea works!! Thank you!
About 3 am, I heard my daughter crying in pain in the bathroom, when she said "it hurts when I move..." I suspected it was trapped gas. I made her fennel tea-like how Katherine made it (pounded a teaspoon of fennel seeds and added hot water and honey).
After the first cup, she had just small burps. I thought of it as progress so I made another batch. She gave out a big burp after the second cup, saw relief from her face, and that's when I knew the problem is solved :)