Natural Remedies for Gas: Effective Solutions for Relief

| Modified on Jul 30, 2023
Posted by helping others (France) on 07/30/2023

Naltrexone helped me for gas/flatulence and I also less wanted to eat after taking it

I also suggest to take zeolite, bentonite, activated charcoal and multiple antiparasitic like turpentine and methylene blue

Rosemary Tea
Posted by Francesca (London) on 07/09/2023

Buy it from a supermarket in the herbs section. Males perfectly good tea. It is a bile stimulant and liver protector. For digestive purposes, I mix it with peppermint but in the mornings only as in the evenings it can be a little stimulating.

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/18/2011 391 posts

The best remedy for gas is ginger root extract, although ginger tea or ginger powder is fine. This will remove those gases from the stomach. If that doesn't help, you may limit bacterial growth with mannito added to the ginger tea (without sugar) or ginger supplement as this will prevent bacteria from sticking to the intestinal wall so they don't ferment harmful chemicals. And you can add on top of that oat bran everyday. The best is actually prebiotic, not probiotic, which means adding leeks, garlic, onion to the diet to have a normal intestinal flora, and alkalized which means 30 minutes after a meal you take say 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda at dinner and lunch for example. I have taken an interest in ginger because they limit lipid peroxidation, which doesn't mean much to most people but it means a great deal to me as it prevents artheriosclerosis, liver toxicity from oxidative chemicals and restores normal intestinal flora, and perhaps sleep.


Posted by Pete (Arizona) on 12/01/2022 5 posts

Did not want caffeine from tea so we made tea with peppermint and added a teaspoon of cumin. It relieved very bad gas within minutes.

Posted by Jitendra (India ) on 09/26/2021


Simple Remedy, First thing in the morning, Before consuming any food or liquids, add a spoon of Cow Ghee ( Cow Ghee only) in a cup of hot water and drink it. U will notice the difference in two hours,

Gas, Acidity, Heart Burn, Acid reflux is Gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (CA) on 08/16/2021

I was ready to go to the ER for pain in my left side. I was certain it was kidney trouble. But I also thought of gas. So I read this. Took 1 Tablespoon of Apple cider Vinegar in a glass of water and was relieved of pain in 15 minutes. So grateful for this site. So simple a solution. A thousand thanks. I have a really ill 89 year old husband and going to the ER would have been hard...and useless and expensive.

Baking Soda
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 07/12/2019 434 posts

I don't usually get gas but got busy and drank way too much coffee and practically no water all day so it was a bit of a puzzle to come here and find that I have nearly every remedy listed! LOL! Which to choose, which to choose - eeny meeny - I saw a lot about baking soda (yuck) but when I saw that someone used just 1/4 tsp of baking soda in water, I went with that and got some instant relief with a belch. I'm going to mix some light charcoal water, drink that and go to bed. Thanks again guys!!! Hugs!!

Peppermint Tea
Posted by Neodesler (USA) on 08/18/2020

I keep Peppermint oil in water near me at all times. Recently I was experiencing some severe flatulence. I reached for some peppermint water and took a swig and the gas immediately stopped. I found it extraordinarily effective. I recommend it!

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Mary (Tampa) on 06/12/2018

Charcoal is my survival remedy when I travel but I also use it whenever I have gas. 1/2 teaspoon of charcoal powder and gas is gone 20 minutes later. Gas is caused by fermenting foods and charcoal absorbs it all.

Anise Seeds
Posted by Elaine (Valencia, Ca) on 01/16/2018

While I have no direct experience with anise seeds for gas or anything else, it is never a good idea to give any remedy to a one month old without first obtaining permission from a competent pediatrician. Many things that pose no problems for adults could be dangerous when ingested by an infant.

Anise Seeds
Posted by Sunita (Houston) on 01/15/2018

Can we give this to one month old child. Did you make tea, as water is not allowed for newborns.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Zelda (Radford) on 10/06/2017


I double checked. It is just plain corn syrup in the granola bars. Second ingredient. Thanks for digestive remedies! Z.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/05/2017 2063 posts

Could you re-look at the ingredient label, as there is a big difference in corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup. hfcs is a chemically modified version of corn syrup that the liver has a very difficult job of metabolizing and so much of the hfcs is converted to a trigylyceride and stored in adipose tissue as fat.

Not only is hfcs bad because it's an adulterated, but it's bad from it's beginning as most all corn products are genetically modified organisms (gmo"s).

To help your digestion, take Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) daily as a drink or as tablet in supplement form. A good multivitamin/mineral supplement will also help digestion and energy levels and overall health.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Zelda (Radford ) on 10/03/2017

Took me a year to figure out that corn syrup causes me gas. I finally pinned my gas down to granola bars. Turns out they have corn syrup. Similar granola bars with sugar do not give me gas.

Get rid of corn syrup and get rid of gas!


Homemade Apple Juice
Posted by Tannyboo (Beavercreek, Ohio) on 09/28/2017

Given a few bags of apples, I decided to make some fresh apple juice using my juicer machine. It takes a little work straining them a few times to get rid of all the extra matter that comes along. But definitely well worth it. One night, awakened by stomach gases, running from the bed to the bath (I think you know what happened), I had to miss a day of work. The next morning still feeling horrible, I drank a glass of the juice. Immediately, I felt better. It cured my nausea and helped release all the gases and toxins in my system.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Susan (Pa) on 08/30/2017

It isn't the bleaching process that makes it toxic. It is the pesticides used 2X on cheap commercial wheat. There is a lawsuit going on because the people who spray the stuff are becoming sick & dying. Try organic white flour if you like white bread. I have even seen people who are supposedly 'gluten intolerant' be able to ingest organic wheat products without issues.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Michelle (Atlanta) on 01/01/2017

This is similar to the low-FODMAPs diet, which eliminates foods that cause digestive distress. Lots of info on it on the web.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debbie (Phoenix) on 07/25/2016

I had the worst trapped gas pains last night on the left side of my stomach for hours. Took Simethecone and that didn't help. I literally thought I was going to die. I did some research and took a Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water and sipped on that until it was gone. Within 15 minutes the pain was totally gone. What a life saver! Try it! You won't be sorry.

Fennel Seeds
Posted by Bing (Northern Virginia, Usa) on 05/09/2016

Fennel tea works!! Thank you!

About 3 am, I heard my daughter crying in pain in the bathroom, when she said "it hurts when I move..." I suspected it was trapped gas. I made her fennel tea-like how Katherine made it (pounded a teaspoon of fennel seeds and added hot water and honey).

After the first cup, she had just small burps. I thought of it as progress so I made another batch. She gave out a big burp after the second cup, saw relief from her face, and that's when I knew the problem is solved :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hg (Indiana) on 02/13/2016

It can harm your esophagus too. Mixing with water and honey is yummy and equally effective (sans honey too).

Coconut Oil
Posted by B'yond See (Atlanta, GA) on 09/04/2014

Just wanted to say Yea for you. When you or anyone has dealt with something that is as stressful as cancer it should not matter what anyone thinks or says (cause we know some people can't keep their mouths shut) just keep your head up. Blessings to your findings and being cancer free.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Sl (Ky) on 04/01/2014

I started to take charcoal after reading about it on here. It is wonderful for bloating and gas. Helps every time. I take 2 capsules. If I do not get enough relief I take 2 more 2 hours after first dose. Do not take with other meds or supplements. Thank you earth clinic!!

Ozonated Water
Posted by Gretta (Ireland) on 08/22/2013

For flatulence problems, buy an ozonator and drink a liter of ozonated water every morning on an empty stomach for at least 2 months. The ozone will kill all bad bacteria, viruses, fungus and other poisons in both the small and large intestine. I believe this will cure all gas problems. If you can not afford an ozonator, put one or two drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide into a glass of water and drink it on an empty stomach every morning for a few months. I believe these are also cures for cancer. Cancer is anaerobic and can not survive in the presence of oxygen. Ozone has 3 molecules of oxygen. It is called 03. Hydrogen Peroxide also introduces extra oxygen into the body. It is called H2O2. If you are in a hurry to be cured, a quicker way would be to empty yourself out completely by fasting for 5 days on nothing but ozonated water. It says in the bible that fasting is not a suggestion. It is an order and should be done annually. I am not a medical doctor or a bible expert.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Susan 3000 (Orange County, Ca) on 08/08/2013

I have tried a lot of the remedies listed here for my gas problem. Even over the counter remedies. Nothing helped. I had cancer and received 5 weeks of radiation in the pelvic area. The side effect is now I have uncontrollable gas. Also when I eat, need to use the restroom very soon after eating. Have had accidents while out shopping. I believe radiation weakened that pelvic area. Am now cancer free! But my gas problem is so embarrasing. The apartment complex where I live I have heard comments made about me re my gas. So humiliating. Then I tried 1 tablespoon per day of coconut oil. Also bought fresh strawberries and eat 5 per day. My gas problem has improved 90 percent. And this is day two. Am hoping that just strawberries alone with cure my problem. A tablespoon of coconut oil is about 110 calories. Irregardless, I will take these two cures if need be. Finally found somthing to help.

Baking Soda
Posted by Grannygear (San Francisco, Ca) on 03/11/2013

It is baking powder that has the aluminum in it, not baking soda! But even baking powders today are leaving it out.
