Has anyone else had to wait longer for result? Im very desprate to get rid of them since I have a girlfriend that Ive had unprotected sex with, and dont want her to get it to. I know I have to tell her so working up the courage.
I am a heavy smoker and like a beer or two, do you think this might be why Im havin not very good results? Im really happy to see so many people getting sucsess.
A good healthy diet with elderberry extract will help A LOT! Take about 2100 MG throughout the day (2 pills, 3 times a day) everyday for a month. I know this may seem like a pain to deal with, but it will help. You will notice the warts shrink in size and eventually disappear. Elderberry heals from within so instead of burning the surface of the wart (and your skin), the elderberry will cause an immune response to the area infected.
You can purchase elderberry from your local herbal supplement store. Give it a shot!
Just remember to stay strong. HPV is the most common STD out there. 75-80% of sexually active adults get HPV throughout their life. Not everyone shows signs or symptoms, but just remember that you're not alone.
Tea Tree Oil
Banana Peel
About 4 weeks ago I discovered about 4 genital warts around the pubic area, and on the base of the penis. I was suprised because I always use condoms, after reading a lot on the internet I found that condoms do not protect you against this virus, I will be more carfull who I am going to date from now on.
After a week I found the banana peel remedy for other kinds of warts on this website and my logic said that this must then also work on genital warts.
There where a few new small warts by this time I started taping banana peels on to my pubic area and around the penis.( the white side on the skin )
I was wearing it during the day but took it off at night.(could have better left them on but could not for personal reasons)I tapped fress ones on every day.
After 3 days one was gone and 2 others ( the biggest ones ) where turning red ( it did take an other 2 weeks for 1 to go away completely the other one just srunk and became a little white dot, like a pimple ) some small ones also turned red, those smal ones disappeared after about one week.
When I started I used peels from ripe bananas but I read some stuff about using peels from green bananas, I tried the peels from green bananas and after one day almost al the warts turned red or the skin around them was red. ( this is a signal that the treatment is working) after 3 days with the green peels most where almost gone.
There where a view that did not react to the treatment at all, ( clipped those off with a nale clipper and carefully burned the smal blood vains shut with a hot paperclip end, this is not something I advise you to do, I just don''t have the patients.)
After the burning I took a bananapeel and scraped some white stuff off with my nail and stuck it on the little wound and tapped a other peel on it. Now they are all gone except for one that is one that did react to the treatment and became very small, It will be gone in a view days.
Overall it has 3,5 weeks since I have discovered the warts anns 2,5 weeks since I started the banana peel treatment. Now they are all as good as gone.
For what I have read about genital warts there is no treatment that works this fast.
regular creams take 2 months to work.
My findings:
-Use peels from green bananas because they work much much better.
-wear them as much as you can at night and day time
-shower every 3 days instead of every day but do change the peels every days ( this accumulates the active ingridients from the banana on your skin.
-use special bandage tape to tape the peels on your skin I first used ducetape and found after a couple of days it turned my skin red and really itchy
My case:
The warts I had where small the biggest where 3mm in diameter they where on the base of the penis and on the pubic area (where the pubic hear grows)
I had about 20 most of them very small.
My conclusion:
For me it did work on most warts, and it kept the ones I clipped off away.
I am very happy that I found this website and tried the treatment.
I hope I can help some people with there problem and give them hope for a fast recovery.
I also want to wish you luck and strength because I know how you feel,... it sucks but here is the cure!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic
Genital Wart Advice
So, here goes:
1.) You CAN NOT spread the warts to other areas of your body. If it is the genital strain, its stays there. You also can not usually spread to your mouth as that is yet another strain of HPV. So, for those people worring about that, relax! I see that many people put the ACV on their mouths & were freaked that they saw little white bumps, but be aware, as when they test you using vinegar, even a regular bump can turn white. Also, the small pores around & right inside your mouth are sensitive, they will react to the vinegar, so don't automatically assume you have warts there. Get checked!
2.) Many people say they treated the warts without seeing a doctor. Please get checked. Yes, it is an embarassment. But some of the strains cause cancer. Not just in women, with cervical cancer. But men can also get rectal cancer. So, for your own safety, see a doctor. Just remember, that just because, there are no warts, does not mean there is nothing else going on with your body.
3.) Shaving will NOT spread the warts unless you cut yourself, so just shave carefully & you will be fine. Also, even if you do cut your self or get razor burn, cleance the area & keep using the Tea Tree oil after shaving. This will kill any germs, stop infection & any new spread of warts.
4.) For those people freaking out & using lysol on their pants. Going to extreme measures to kill anything that might be on them or their clothes. CALM DOWN, the stress and worry is not helping. Yes, be hygienic, be clean, but don't crazy trying to kill what isn't even there. Regular washing of clothes, bedding & whatnot is good enough to kill germs.
5.) Also, SHOWER SOAPS & GELS, DO NOT SPREAD WARTS. Don't believe averything that you read. This was one of the questions I had about the warts. And 3 different doctors from my work, confirmed that it is NOT TRUE. The spead from cuts & spread of the virus that causes it. Another reason you should speak to your doctor, have all your questions ready & ask! Get the right information.
I was just wanted to bring those points up so that maybe some others can relieve a little of their stress dealing with HPV. I would also say that if ACV doesn't work right away, don't give up! Give it time & soon you could be wart free & on the way to recovery. I wish you all the best.
EC: Thank you for clarifying. We removed the post with misinformation.
TTO should not be used for young children or young person still growing, as it may have estrogen (hormone) affects and can affect their development.
ACV, White Vinegar, Salicylic Acid, Garlic
I believe the real killer of the virus is the Jobs Tear (Yi Yi Ren). This is a Chinese Barley. You can pick it up at your acupuncturist. It prevented the virus from spreading. I did a vinegar test the other day and only found one white spot, so I might have one little one still around, but I'm happy with the results so far. My opinion would be to just take the Job Tears and Garlic and not do the salicylic acid treatment. The acid treatment is very painful. If I knew this before I would have just eaten the Jobs Tears everyday. ACV itself will not fully kill the warts and may even cause it to spread. Good luck. Damn the Warts!
Job's Tears
I would also eat 3 raw cloves of garlic 3x a week as well. Don't eat too much otherwise -- it will give you a headache.
ACV, White Vinegar, Salicylic Acid, Garlic
As far as what Ive read no men say exactly what to do if you want to find warts on the entire area and how to treat the entire area . Its mostly I have a wart or more and i put cotton with ACV and taped it on over night for a few nights.
WELL my idea is this:
Get a wash clothe and wash it out in hydrogen peroxide then pour your ACV on to it wrap it around the shaft first nice and tyte and then wrap the scrotum. then take a piece of rope or shoe lace and wrap it around under the scrotum and keep wrapping until you get to the head and tie it off.
You will figure out how to do this once you get the wash clothe on there!! TRUST ME
Hope this helps!
How many of you had genital warts for more than 2 years and how many of you still get them after treatment?
I went out today searching for APV (I currently live in beijing so i ended up going to 5 different supermarket chains before i found a bottle)
i'm hoping i can target the GW directly with minimum damage to the surrounding skin. in the mean time i'm still waiting for my sores to heal
I just moved into an shared house and the house is dirty. I believe I contracted it here. I have tried ACV for warts, but it did not remove all the warts. It did remove some of the warts (around the shaft), but did not touch the ones by the head of the penis. I think it even caused it to spread a little. I also do not think it was strongest enough solution. I used bragg's vinegar. I thought I was home free, but I wasn't. I went out and bought white distilled vinegar from walmart. Its also 5%, but much stronger. I actually bought salicylic acid also and put that on. It burned a lot! Afterwards, I went and soaked it in white distilled vinegar. More pain. But the next day, I showered and rubbed the warts and the skin peeled away the warts around the head came off. I also rubbed off the other skin on the shaft area. It looks pretty bad afterwards, but the skin heals quickly after applying fresh aloe vera.
I'm still fighting it. Taking centrum once a day, vitamin A, vit C.
Now I want to kill the virus internally. I'm using the following method recommended by Repentence, 1 clove of garlic 3x week, drink/eat job's tears as much as possible.
I'll post results in 2 weeks.
White Vinegar, Garlic
White Vinegar, Garlic
This might seem like a dumb question, but I would really appreciate it if someone can answer it. I have had a plantars wart on my foot for years and nothing seemed to make it go away, so I started picking at it. Is it possible that I transferred the bacteria from the plantars wart to my genital area. My partner swears up and down that he hasn't been with anyone else and I know I haven't. Is this possible?
I could not face going to a doctor with this and was getting really desperate
I soaked a baby wipe in vinegar and held it to the area for ten minutes, then thoroughly dried the area using blow drier. Next, I sliced a garlic bulb into thin strips and soaked them in olive oil and then attached one slice to the most affected area with a bandaid. This involved a lot of acrobatics!! I left it on for 3 hours and then repeated the vinegar process and then taped on another slice of garlic. I did this every 3 hours and left the garlic on all night.
Today, the warts have cleared up considerable and there is no pain, I plan to do this procedure for the next few days until they have cleared up.
I have never had these before and would like to know if anyone else has severe stomach cramps at the same time as a break out
Thanks so much
Some people just use plain castor oil, and say it works great, but I found a mix of things that seemed to speed up the process. Mix: 1 oz castor oil, 1 tbsp of tea tree oil, 80 drops of vitamin E oil (or break open 30 vitamin E gel tabs). You can also add a tbsp of thunga if you can find it. All of the others can be found at any pharmacy store, Cvs, Walgreens, etc.
Apply this mix 3 to 4 times a day; basically try to keep the oil on as much as you can throughout the day. Some people wrap up the area to keep the oil from rubbing off, but I didn't do that and it still worked. Just allow a few min. for the oil to soak in. The oil started working within a week for me, with no pain what so ever, and I am almost back to normal after 2 1/2 weeks. I had close to 50 sm. and large warts, so the process may go quicker for you.
Also be sure to stay healthy. Get a lot of sleep, drink a lot of water, work out, take a multivitamin, and other immune system building vitamins (Echinacea, Zinc, vitamin B and C). Good luck!
A friend (age 49) was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and over the last year she slowly (she was very toxic) worked up to 6-7 drops every night. She feels better than she has in 20 years, and feels more organized than ever in her life. Same with her sister. She is not on insulin, only bitter melon herb.
Another friend got better quickly from Mononucleosis with MMS, 1-2 drops every hour for a day or two, then cut down. I would strongly recommend getting and reading Jim Humble's book, parts 1 and 2 (go to www.miraclemineral.org), and getting some MMS. The only place I know to buy it is off the internet. If I had some serious virus, MMS would be the first thing I would use for it. It's cheap and easy, and works. According to Jim Humble it has cured not only malaria, but hepatitic C and AIDS, and I don't see why he would lie. He even tells you how to make the stuff if you really want to make a lot. Part 1 of his book is free, (download), and part 2 is $10, proceeds of which go to fight malaria in Africa. My dilemma has been finding enough people who are willing to try it, and stick out the temporary side effects, which you could avoid if you went very slowly.
Of course, there is more to healing than reducing the toxic load, and that's where whole food diet, plenty of sleep, water, exercise, fresh air and sunshine come in. Hope this helps a little.
One night I used only one small drop of the sap and rubbed it on the tops of the warts before going to bed. Within an hour or so the pain became pretty intense, so much so that I took a strong painkiller. The next morning I had a look and was very surprised to see that not only was ALL the skin coming off my peri-anal area, but the warts had TOTALLY DISAPPEARED.
It was raw. I was unable to use toilet paper and had to squat over a hand-held shower instead. I did this for about a week,also applying some antibiotic ointment and some steroid cream I had in the cupboard.
Eventually I had a brand new anal area. I was very pleased with this until some more warts began to appear, probably about eight.
At this point I was a bit wary of going through the pain again with the prospect of maybe twenty more popping up after initially disappearing, so I tried the ACV. I have been using it for about a week, giving it a break if the skin becomes too sore.
At this point parts of the warts have begun disappearing. They turned white, but did not turn black. Never-the-less it is still working and I am continuing with the treatment, though maybe now I will use some vaseline on the healthy skin to protect it and reduce the soreness.
I know they will keep reducing. I just hope they don't re-appear in greater numbers again.
Scar Advice
HPV Vaccine
HPV Vaccine