Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

Sitz Bath
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 02/18/2015

Use cold water therapy. Dip your privates in cold water for at least two minutes up to four times a day. Either fill the tub with just enough cold water to cover the down under, or find a roomy bucket to sit in. I tried a plastic sitz bath from Amazon but prefer the tub. A roomy bucket was really good but was cutting into my hips. Result: no pain and healing. Dry well afterwards and put up with the undressing necessary.

No cost involved. Namaste, Om

Magnet Therapy
Posted by Timh (KY) on 02/18/2015 2063 posts

Hemorrhoids: This is an occasional problem for me and I have one remedy that works every time usually in 2 or 3 days and it is Magnet Therapy. For starters I would recommend sleeping atop a Magnet Bed Pad and sitting on it while watching TV on the sofa or recliner. You may need to graduate to a stronger part-time M therapy in a severe case like you reporting while continue using the pad as much as possible. This removes all the bad energy and inflammation so the body can do it's natural healing actions.

Relieving Stress and Pressure
Posted by Jlb (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 02/11/2015

I read about this a decade or two ago in a book by Louise Hay. The cause can be from 'pressure' in life such as deadlines or other related stress such as too much to do in too little time. At that time I called clients and got more reasonable timelines. My haemorrhoids went away.

I believe that we are not all created equal, and the cause of a problem for one is not necessarily the cause for another. I, for one, do not have a yeast problem, as confirmed by a naturopath, but I recently developed a haemorrhoid and realized I have let pressures creep up on me. I knew what I had to do to remedy the situation.

I hope this information helps someone else.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by RM (Usa) on 02/05/2015

Cured bleeding hemorrhoids in 3 days. Eat as little as possible, water fast completely if able or only eat one meal a day. Take Ionic Copper (colloidal probably okay), took 4 tablespoons daily. Watch the Joel Wallach video Dead Doctors Don't Lie on Youtube. Took 1000mg Rutin per day, 400mg Horsechestnut per day. Take 1 teaspoon magnesium per day to keep movements soft. Use depends or depends pads in your underwear to keep blood from ruining your pants. Use flushable baby wipes to wipe your backside, this is key. When at home keep cotton ball soaked with hexane free castor oil inserted in your backside to relieve pain and help healing. Couldn't do ACV, burned too much and may have been irritating and making worse. Do all these things and you should heal. Good luck.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Thomas (Colorado, US) on 01/15/2015

Hello! I am a 26 year old male in Colorado and recently got my first hemorrhoid. At first I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what it was, all I knew was that something was wrong.

So, after a lot of research I found out that I had a hemorrhoid, which originally started as an internal hemorrhoid, but became external after a few days. From what I learned, most external hemorrhoids are actually called thrombosed hemorrhoids, which are basically a blood clot. The important thing to know is that there are two parts to a hemorrhoid, the actual blood clot (usually at the root of discomfort, essentially it's the clotted blood vessel in your rectum), and the swollen hemorrhoid tissue around it. I will explain what I mean a little further down.

So, here is what I did:

1) I started with Preparation H hemorrhoid cream that you can find at Walgreens, along with medicated wipes that contained aloe vero & with hazel. NOTE: In my experience, the Preparation H did NOTHING, literally nothing, and I felt like it actually inflamed the hemorrhoid and made it worse.

2) I read a lot about Apple Cider Vinegar, so I gave it a shot. I got cotton balls, pretty much soaked them in the ACV, and tucked them right up again the hemorrhoid so there was constant contact, as well as enough ACV to consistently soak in. THIS WAS HUGE! Within about 30 minutes I felt relief, and I kept using it for about a week.

Here is what I learned about ACV, that it works wonders with a normal external hemorrhoid because it greatly reduces swelling of the hemorrhoid, and in many cases if the hemorrhoid is not thrombosed, it will go away with just ACV. However, in my case, I was able to assess every day what was different. Before I started using the ACV, the hemorrhoid was about the size of a dime, soft, and just straight up uncomfortable. What I learned after a week of ACV is that it heavily reduces the swollen hemorrhoid tissue, but did not completely take care of it because I had a thrombosed, or blood clot hemorrhoid.

So, how do you know if you have a thrombosed hemorrhoid? In my experience the blood clot hemorrhoid was small, about the size of a black bean, it was hard, still, somewhat purple in color, and I could tell there was a lot of pressure just in that tiny bean-like hemorrhoid.

From there, I switched my focus to figure out how to remedy the blood clot, because technically the swollen hemorrhoid tissue was pretty much gone. So I did a lot of research and found something called Horse Chestnut, which comes in a cream or pill form. Basically this is a super old school, natural herb that has been used for hundreds of years to treat varicose veins, which are a form of blood clot.

If you were like me, you read Horse Chestnut and were like "what the hell? where do I get that", and I was able to find it at a Vitamin Shoppe, and I was told they sell it at pretty much every pharmacy except Walgreens or the big Walmart like chains.

So I started using the Horse Chestnut extract, which I took two 200mg pills every day, and started to see some difference. I also used Castor Oil and applied it directly to the area, it didn't do much for swelling/getting rid of the hemorrhoid, but it did sooth it and make it feel less noticeable.

About that same time, I found a product online called Hem-Relief. I am and will never be a salesman, but I strongly advise getting a bottle just to have, because it knocks out hemorrhoids so quick! I picked up a bottle of Hem-Relief 7 days before I left for a cruise in Honduras, and started taking 2 pills 3 times a day. By the time I got on the cruise, I didn't even notice my hemorrhoid, didn't feel it, and when I did think about it, checked it out, it was 100% gone.

Hem-Relief combines many different natural herbs, along with the Horse Chestnut I talked about above, and I really gave me results in less than a week. I assume that if you just stuck with Horse Chestnut you'd be ok, but I know all of you reading this want hemorrhoids to go away ASAP, and realistically $40 for Hem-Relief to make them go away is wayyyy worth it.

So here are my bullet points for getting rid of hemorrhoids:

- Put your feet up on a 6" tall box or stool when you poop. Squatting is the natural was to defecate, it just puts less strain and pushing on your muscles.

-Use Apple Cider Vinegar to relieve external hemorrhoid swelling. Soak a cotton ball and stick it up there, go about your business for about an hour, take it out.

-Use Caster Oil to each and sooth discomfort during normal daily activities.

-Keep using the medicated wipes and keep that area clean. Hemorrhoids can flare up very quickly if not constantly addressed.

-Invest in some Hem-Relief, or Horse Chestnut. This will immensely help the blood clot involved with hemorrhoids.

-Be patient and know that you're not the only one. I've heard some 75% of people get at least 1 hemorrhoid in their life, and trust me, they suck.

Hope my experience and wisdom helps. Cheers.

Essential Oils
Posted by Rich (Pittsburg, Pa) on 11/21/2014

I have found the holy grail of hemorrhoid treatment that worked for me almost immediately...I thought I would never be free, ..I even had a colonoscopy, & the well known Dr.who took great pride in being smarter than me about these things didn't even give any solution than more fiber & water! But I've discovered essential oils of myrrh & cypress with coconut or olive oil as carrier oils. The holy grail I found first though, was Ma Ying Long, an award winning solution for hemy over in China.

Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD)
Posted by Psoas Major (North Port, Florida) on 11/13/2014

Try manual lymph drainage to reduce size of external and internal hemorrhoids. I could believe how well it worked for me when every other home remedy did not.

Posted by Guinnevtra (Tennessee, US) on 10/15/2014

I have been experimenting with the yarrow recipe, and have used coconut oil as a carrier for the yarrow, and it has improved so much! I apply the balm after every B.M., after cleansing, and I can live without pain! I do the same thing to the yarrow as before, without the water, then add it to a clear container with the melted coconut oil and put it in a hot sunny window until the coconut oil turns green. Then I strain out most of the yarrow and pour it into a smaller opaque container and keep it in the fridge until it has re-solidified. This really works.

I have heard a lot of benefits using Vitamin E liquid, but we are on a very tight budget- really, really tight- and cannot spend any money. Thankfully I have been growing medicinal herbs, and harvesting some from the yard.

Posted by Just Me (Western Usa) on 10/14/2014

I read on doctoryourself.com that vitamin E oil applied topically helps hemorroids. Other sites have recommended wheat germ oil or coconut oil topically. All have helped me

Posted by Just Me (Western Usa) on 10/14/2014

I read on doctoryourself.com that vitamin E oil applied topically helps hemorroids. Other sites have recommended wheat germ oil or coconut oil topically. All have helped me

Posted by Guinnevtra (Memphis, US) on 10/11/2014

I have been taking potassium for a long time, I have very low blood pressure and one of my teachers had mentioned that it helps with that. I don't really see any difference using potassium. It is painful enough that I may visit my doc again. I really rather not, but TN has laws about ND's, and they can't practice here.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dave (East Aurora, Ny) on 10/11/2014

Molasses capsules work almost immediately to reduce and get rid of hemorrhoids. One capsule twice a day to start and then one a day once you are back to normal.

Posted by Prioris (Florida, US) on 10/10/2014

Potassium brings relief to me. What have you tried?

Posted by Guinnevtra (Memphis, TN) on 10/10/2014

I have had incredible pain with my hemorroids for a long time, since I gave birth to my six year old. Of course they always seemed better every time I arrived at my doc's office. I have tried ACV, but CANNOT stomach it without throwing up violently immediately afterwards, and it stings horribly if I apply it topically to my hemorroids. I have tried witch hazel, which has worked temporarily, for only about twenty minutes or so before the pain has come back. I am currently an Alt. Med. student, and have poured through my books looking for ANYTHING that may help, and a cold compress of Yarrow ground in a mortar and pestle with a tiny bit of water has helped with the pain and inflammation a lot! I lay down with the compress applied for about 20 minutes, and it eases the inflammation, stops the bleeding, and eases the pain exponentially! I can actually make a bowel movement afterwards!! I keep excess fluid from the mixture in a container in the fridge to dab at my hemorroids after bowel movements, and to keep it moist, which helps a lot. Yarrow also kills bacteria, which may cause an infection if you have a bleeding wound on your hemm. I hope that this helps someone. But remember, it is not a cure, it helps treat your symptoms. Once you have a hemorroid, it never goes away, it just shrinks and stops causing problems. You may not see it and it may not hurt, but it is still there.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Michael (North Carolina, US) on 10/03/2014

Hydrogen Peroxide for hemorrhoids:

After 5 days my hemmorhoid was gone. Simple as that.

P.S. First, after my brother told me his hemmorhoid was cured in 2 or 3 days with ACV, I tried ACV directly on the 'roid and left it on overnight multiple times, and it stung so bad so I stopped using it.

So that's when I tried H202 (peroxide) and it worked!

Posted by Isabel (Tampa, FL) on 09/02/2014

Last week my hemorrhoids were very bad, spend more than $30.00 on pH and did nothing for me. Somebody told me to use vick vaporub, the pain and the swelling were gone within 1 hour.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lori (Georgia, US) on 08/14/2014

I stopped coke products about eight weeks ago and hemorrhoids are now gone plus my fingernails are strong and healthy .

Coconut Oil, Cumin
Posted by Ed (Miami,fl) on 03/13/2014

This worked great - exactly as described.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by KT (Usa) on 01/18/2014

You could also pick up some Vitamin A&D ointment (I get a generic brand with the same ingredients) at a drug store that is very soothing. Push the H back in. To eliminate a possible yeast problem, you could get a 3-day generic miconazole pack.

Since I changed the way I eat, I rarely have that problem anymore, unless I cheat, but when I had that same painful inflammation I would swallow some unsalted, canned spinach with turmeric, ginger and sea salt added. Practically on ingestion I would feel incredible relief. Turmeric and ginger reduce inflammation. Spinach, turmeric and ginger are reported cancer fighters.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Liz (Boston, Massachusetts) on 01/17/2014

Have you tried a sitz bath with very warm water and witch hazel? If not, I highly recommend it. It's amazing how well it works. A sitz bath cost less than $20 at any of the drugstore chains and you'll find that it's the best 'less than $20' you ever spent. Try to soak for 15 minutes at a time and keep the water warm by adding more water to it every 5 minutes or so. Soak as often as you like - the more, the better. Adding a cup or so of Witch Hazel to the water will help soothe and heal.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Val (Selma) on 01/17/2014

I've been treating this big ol hemi for almost 2 weeks now. First I did the witch hazel followed by castor oil, then 5 days ago started the Apple Cider Vinegar followed by virgin coconut oil. Now it's bleeding, kind of a seeping kind of thing seen on my underpants. What should I do? I'm hesitant to try cayenne becuase I have a squishy stomach. Also, this is not due to constipation--I have ibs-d and am never solid.

Essential Oils
Posted by Benqish (Metar, Israel, Israel) on 12/01/2013

I have successfully tried this combination. In a small jar of about 50 ml mix 2 or 3 of these oils: olive, avocado, sesame or almond. Sesame is the best but the others are also great. Then add all or any of these essential oils about 10 drops each: peppermint (or spearmint), cypress and tea tree. Apply 3 to 4 times a day when bad and less later: before and after every BM, after showering and before going to bed. Application is by dipping the middle finger in the jar and sliding about 3 cms (1 inch) up the anus and applying externally around the hole. Do this 2 to 3 times. Never double dip (ie replace your dirty finger into the jar). This is difficult even unpleasant (I do understand), but it does work. It works very, very well. Good for hems and fissures. Basically you are lubricating the area for easier BMs and applying a good dose of vitamins and ant-bacterials where they are needed. Stops the itching too.

Hemorrhoid Surgery Recovery Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 11/24/2013

Dear Anna,

So sorry about your husband's troubles! I am wondering how long ago surgery was. The last time I had surgery ("routine laparoscopic surgery") I was surprised at how very bad I felt for a good two weeks. I had had similar surgery in the past and had seemed to bounce back more quickly. For me, I think it was partly a lingering effect of the anesthesia. It can take a while to leave your system and can just leave you feeling bad, low energy, dizzy, nauseated, etc. Hopefully, a little more time will help your husband a lot. Charcoal tablets can be taken internally daily for a time to help with this...4 per day, not within two hours of medication.

Comfrey and or Chickweed salve used externally are soothing and healing to hemorroid surgery.

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper in 5 ounces of grape juice is spicy but a good "pick me up" drink. However, if food is moving through his system too quickly, the cayenne doesn't completely digest and can cause some burning for a short time on the other end.

I hope he feels better soon! Do let us know what you find helps his recovery.

~Mama to Many~

Hemorrhoid Surgery Recovery Remedies
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 11/24/2013

Drink 15 ml - 30 ml Noni Juice daily. This will soften the stool, relive constipation, minimize Hemmorhoid symptoms. Take HorseChestnut Capsules, this will strength the veins and cure Hemmorhoids. Good Health

Hemorrhoid Surgery Recovery Remedies
Posted by Anna (Chicago,il) on 11/24/2013

Hello, My husband had hemorrids surgery( 2 cut completely) and he is suffering from pain and frustration, this is very painfull, he is staying home, little walks at home and sleep. Please anyone advice about your experience and let me know how can I help him to recover soon.He is taking stool softenera and he doesnt have any constipation thank God. Thank you, Anna from Chicago.

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