In conclusion: You keep taking whatever it is you feel is helping you with your neurapathy. Also include that 1mg which is the same as 1, 000mcg [ micrograms ] of vitamin B12 per day. That link is a PDF file so you need the required software to read it. An up to date: Adobe Reader program. You most likely already have that program installed on your computer. Hope that helps. Let this forum know how the BHT works for you... Oscar
I have hep-c and peripheral neuropathy. I'm taking 3 tablets of Carlsons fish oil a day for my terrible neuropathy. Each tab has 20 IU's of vit e Might that small amount be too much for me? and would salmon oil be the same or better? Most oils have vit e in them. I don't know if you have an opinion on this but... I'm actually taking a supplement that has a very low dose of fish oil. Thx much.
The BHT treatment is:
> > 200mg to 350mg of BHT taken once or twice a day with water on an empty stomach. The dosage varies for each person. Generally, the more you weigh the more you need and the less you weigh the less you need or desire. Age is also a factor. People around age 60 have a harder time tolerating higher dosages.
Supplements that work well with BHT are:
> > 1. A generic multivitamin and mineral supplement.
> > 2. Vitamin B12 in a dosage of 1mg [ milligrams ] which is the same as 1,000mcg [ micrograms ] per day.
> > 3. Vitamin C in a daily dosage of 500mg to 1, 000mg per day.
> > 4. One vitamin B complex pill per day.
> > 5. The lipid monolaurin. Not sure of dosage.
> > 6. The herb chianca piedra has helped some people. Not sure about dosage.
> > 7. Sodium selenite in a dosage of 300mcg [ micrograms ] a day.
Supplements to avoid:
> > 1. Milk thistle and it`s extracts. It reacts with BHT in a way that degrades the treatment.
> > 2. Vitamin E supplements. Yes you need some vitamin E. But vitamin E supplements were proven to ENHANCE hepatitis C`s virons ability to replicate and therefore vitamin E supplements should be avoided.
> > 3. Any and all other supplements should be avoided until and unless I see evidence they work well with the BHT treatment. These are MY recommendations.
Please do report your results here at the EARTH CLINIC... Oscar
I caught your post as I was sitting up waiting for my Oxycontin to kick in. Have you not read about all the side effects of the treatment they want to put your husband on? He will be worse for wear and I can pretty much garantee it will not work. He has a much better chance using the BHT and related vitamins with it. It is dirt cheap and a healthy alternative. I wish I would have discovered it when I found out I had hep c. The choice is yours and if he does do the conventional treatment he will probably be looking for anothr cure any how. Look in the ailment tab under hep c and read about all the people using the BHT method. It has even cured stage 4 liver cirhosis. I am currently taking it and fortunatly it has reversed most of the side effects from the interfuron treatment which didn't work, needless to say. The BHT has dramaticaly reduced my Liver Function Test numbers to near normal range. I am expecting to report a cure soon. I wish you well in your endevor.
Colloidal Silver
Good luck.
Davey D.
It is a proven fact that Grape fruit juice and Milk thistle blocks the effectiveness of the BHT. I had the same results as you, feeling a lot better after I started taking 350mg of BHT daily on an empty stomach. The trouble was that my Liver Enzymes were climbing. After I started taking it alone and leaving all those other supplements, I saw a drastic change. I was wasting my money on supplements that were onl making me feel better but not curing me. Vitamin E is known by testing to help the Hep C virus to replicate. It will not hurt you to stop all other supplements for a while until you can see the difference. Now Milk thistle and Dandelion root reduce the effectiveness of BHT and Grapefruit juice blocks the BHT and other medications from working. There are some here who do not believe so but I have the numbers to prove it.
You are right about these compounds interacting with the BHT.
Davey D.
I take BHT 350mg per day Chanca Piedra, B12 5, 000 mcg sublingual, B12 1,000 mcg time released and Vitamin D3. My liver functions have come down to the normal range from over 200 ALT. I have Hep C and never felt better. I am suspecting a cure very soon with this treatment and I have the numbers to prove it as opposed to speculation by how you feel.
Also it is beneficial to know what not to take like grape fruit juice, milk thistle, and Vitamin E which has been found in tests to help the hep c virus to duplicate.
Davey D.
Vitamins And Hep C
EC: Hi Susan, we just tested the link on Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer and had no problems. You may need to have Adobe Acrobat installed in order for it to work.
Vitamins And Hep C
EC: Thank you, Oscar! We copied it into your previous post as well.
Here is a link to an important University of Naples study about vitamins and hepatits C. Some help: most notably vitamin B12 in daily doses of 1,000mcg [ micrograms ] and one [ vitamin E ] enhances the hepatitis C viruses` ability to replicate and therefore vitamin E supplents should be avoided, NOT taken. Yes you NEED some vitamin E but get plenty in a normal diet. Just do NOT take vitamin E supplements if treating hepatitis C. Here is a link to this important study: http://www.epocrates.com/dacc/1207/VitaminB12hcvBMJ1207.pdf
So, adding that 1,000mcg [ micrograms ] of vitamin B 12 a day should help a lot... Oscar
- March 2012: 21 million
- May 2012: Started taking BHT 2 - 350mg caps/day.
- September 2012: 11. 4 million
- December 2012: 28. 8 million (Read below you can see what was the possible cause of this increase)
- April 2013: 2. 7 million
I am now about 87% lower than when I started the treatment. I try to take 2 - 350mg caps per day, but if I cant get them on an empty stomach twice per day, then I will only take 1. Other than this I carry on with my normal diet and life. I do not drink alcohol and do drink alkaline water to lower my overall body pH and on occasion take ascorbic acid (Vit C) powder mixed with baking soda if I feel an illness coming on. I am hoping that within a few more months my next result will be non detectable, but if it's not, no worries, as I have nothing but time and trust that this will eventually cure me of my Hepatitis C.
All my other blood work test are "normal".
Also, I VERY much encourage Marvin to continue the BHT treatment for at least one more year. We want to make very sure there are no infected liver cells left in his body. He has come such a long ways in his recovery I want him to take no chances with any possible relapse. I am absolutely thrilled with his results, but not at all surprised. This BHT treatment does work if people listen to how best to use it. At least very many people do. Thank you for posting about Marvin`s recovery with the use of BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] to treat hepatitis C....Oscar
I am now trying to navigate the VA again, for any kind of care they can provide should Marv need it. It is a mess of organizational mazes. Healing is so much easier! Thanks again Earth Clinic, for being here as a channel for us to help one another. --Wayseeker
Now I need to update this forum that there is now: THE NEW BHT CURES GROUP here:
The original BHT cures group is SHUT DOWN. We had to do that to be able to add much needed new moderators.
To all who are trying the BHT treatment for viral hepatitis both B and C: Please keep posting your results here at the EARTH CLINIC....Oscar
I'd been diagnosed with Hep C but didn't like the low results and many side effects of Interferon.
Glad I found you.
EC: BHT stands for butylated hydroxytoluene. Please see the BHT remedies page for more information: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/BHT.html
BTW I also take for all the health benefits. I don't believe anyone should take blood pressure medication.
HOWEVER there are two solutions to the problem for those like myself who take large amounts of arginine because of its amazing health benefits: After consumption of my arginine in the morning (in a liquid form... 5 thousand mg), in the afternoon, I take 500 mg of additional lysine, just to make sure lysine is not being depleted by such large amounts of arginine. Next, to make sure I am not inadvertently reducing an anti viral ability to help my immune system, I take small sips of colloidal silver at least three times weekly. The silver will act to swish out viruses in my body. I'd love for someone to disabuse me of this "theory" I pose above. That is, that lysine does suppress herpes simplex and thus (the theory) that therefore lysine might be suppressing other viruses also and by extension (continued theory) that supplements of lysine if one is taking arginine should counter arginine's impact on lysine in the system.
What I was saying on another post, for some people who may have multiple issues, BHT alone isn't enough for the Hep.
I have yet to try the Chanca Pedra, but that time is coming.
As for liver health, while the subject is on, after the previous BHT Plus treatment, then an extensive fatty liver regimen, my health still deteriorated to almost unable to carry on with daily functions. I get good results with my 30 hrz zapper attached to each foot in a bath, but I have experimented zapping w/ one foot in bath and the other pole directly over the liver (i also wet the shirt for the copper pipe to maximize effect). This maneuver has helped me noticeably in the past and I hoped the other liver treatments would prove I didn't need to over-the-liver zap anymore ---but I was wrong. Just a few days ago I was despairing and redid the liver zap for over an hr with very good results (my overall strength and stamina was restored). In between any number of parasites and pathogens that can affect the liver, I would strongly recommend this liver zap for those who seem to be running out of healing options.
Now I have started to add Chanca Piedra to my regime at 500mg once a day at breakfast. I also started on R-ALA 500mg with every mel for my neuropathy and it is keeping it under control for the time being. I take Vitamin B12 at 1, 000mcg - 2, 000mcg sublingual at bedtime as it works better without food. I started taking the R-ALA 3 months ago and the Chanca Piedra one month ago.
Here is my numbers for my Liver Panel.
ALT - 86 AST - 56
ALT - 85 AST - 56 Started BHT 350mg daily. 15/Jan./2012
ALT - 81 AST - 54
ALT - 87 AST - 63
ALT - 87 AST - 66 Gamma GT - 39
ALT - 79 AST - 58 Gamma GT - 29
ALT - 73 AST - 54 Gamma GT - 57
Started Chanca Piedra 500mg daily 15/Feb/2013
ALT - 48 AST - 38 Gamma GT - 27
My appetite has been increasing and I am a happy camper at this point. art 1a.
Alicia, it is great to hear from you. I have been worried about you. Thank you very much for this update....Oscar
Take a look under the remedies tab and click on BHT (Butilated Hydroxy Toluine) and start reading all the wonderful messsages that Oscar has worked so hard with to get out there. This powerful antioxident will give you 20 years back and take away any brainfog, one of the side effects from the convetional therapy. If I would have known about this BHT< I would have taken it as well as the Pegatron which I suspect your Mom is taking.
It is very cheap and has cured some of the harder to treat genome 1a. You can join us over at the http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/The_New_BHT_Cures_Group/
You can read more there as well. Oscar has started this site and since then I have discovered that Milk Thistle and Grapefruit Juice can block it and some other drugs, so it is not a good idea to take that.
Good luck to you.
If interested there is the NEW BHT CURES GROUP here:
Our focus is BHT as a treatment for the different hepatitis viruses.
If you choose to try this treatment please do report your results here at the EARTH CLINIC....Oscar
Hello, My mom was diagnosed with hepatitis c about a month ago and started treatment. She was taking shots once a week and pills 3X a day. She is having alot of side effects and feels sick all the time. She is very weak and just started having nose bleeds and has increased blood pressure, so she was told to stop the treatment for the hepatitis c. What should we do now? I'm scared that if we don't do something soon something may happen to her. Please... I will take any feedback...
A recently published study from THE UNIVERSITY of NAPLES has stated that: Vitamin E enhances the hepatitis C viruses' ability to replicate. Now some vitamin E is essential to good health. But you get plenty enough vitamin E in a normal diet.
So, do NOT take vitamin E supplements. Also grapefruit juice interferes with the BHT treatment. The same is true of milk thistle and its extracts. So, do NOT use grapefriut juice and do NOT use milk thistle or it`s extracts.
I am sure this seems strange or unlikely to many. But that is the way it is. Now that same University of Naples study indicates that vitamin B12 is very helpful in treating hepatitis C. This same study indicates that vitamin D is also very helpful in treating hepatitis C.
That information about avoiding milk thistle and grapefruit juice is NOT part of the NAPLES study.
Here is a link to this study: http://www.epocrates.com/dacc/1207/VitaminB12hcvBMJ1207.pdf
This is Oscar and I am a moderator over at this new group for those that have been following this topic and have an interest in it....Oscar
Vitamin E
Kind regards, asianteasets
Oregano Oil
Extreme Liver Support, Hydrogen Peroxide
I researched for months until I came across a product called Nu-Liver available from Samglo Industries. I called and actually spoke to the scientist who developed it. He told me to take 2 in the am and 2 in the pm along with 200 mcg of Selenium and 1000 mg of Milk Thistle daily. Within 3 mos. my viral load went from 30,000, 000 to 8,000,000 and my ALT/AST were almost normal. My doctor ordered more labwork to determine the fibrosity of my liver and found it was less than the previous test.
Alas, I became unemployed and could not afford to return to the doctor for 2 years but I still kept up the regimen. I will be returning in a few weeks and will let you know the results.
Vitamins B12 and D
Some highlights from this study here:
Significance of this study
What is already known on this subject?
< Less than 50% of individuals infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 clear the infection after treatment with the combination of
pegylated interferon-a and ribavirin.
< The non-structural 3/4A protease inhibitors boceprevir and telaprevir significantly improve the sustained viral response (SVR) rate in
patients with chronic HCV genotype 1 infection naiive to treatment. However, several questions remain about the applicability of these directacting antiviral agents in 'real-life' conditions.
< In vitro, vitamin B12 inhibits HCV translation by directly interacting with the internal ribosomal entry site of HCV-RNA.
What are the new findings?
< In patients with chronic HCV infection naiive to antiviral therapy, vitamin B12 supplementation improves the overall rate of SVR to pegylated interferon-a and ribavirin by 34%. The effect seems to be particularly pronounced in difficultto- treat patientsdnamely, those infected with HCV genotype 1 and with a high baseline viral load.
How might it impact on clinical practice in the foreseeable future?
< The new-generation HCV antiviral drugs, such as direct-acting agents, need careful monitoring and stringent futility rules to prevent the
emergence of multiresistant HCV strains and to avoid overtreatment of patients. Until eligibility criteria are well established, the standard
of care +B12 combination is a safe and inexpensive alternative to improve the rate of SVR in difficult-to-treat patients. This strategy
would be especially useful in those countries where, owing to limited economic means, the new-generation antiviral therapies cannot be
given in routine clinical practice.
A link to this very important study in its entirety here:
after 6 months of bht: ast 32, alt 54, viral load 7858659, genotype 3