Hepatitis C
Natural Remedies

Hepatitis C Treatment and Cure

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Oregano Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Sonya (NY) on 05/06/2012

I cured my hepatitis C, along with two other nurse friends, thru the use of Oil Of Oregano, used over 60 days. It comes in drop form that you can mix with juice, 4 drops a day or pill form. My blood work came back as normal after using it. Prior to use it my blodd work was positive for hepc...

Replied by Panacia
(Dhaka, Bangladesh)

Hello, Sonya! What Brand and Type of Oregano Oil Did you and your nurse friends use? Thank you.

Replied by Tiffany

Did you contract it through work as a nurse? Did you have any lab work while taking the oil? What about any symptoms from taking the oil? Thanks.

Ozone Therapy

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Steve (Cameron, Wi) on 10/11/2011

I just visted this site for the first time while doing a search on Ozone cure rate with Hep-C. I was diagnosed with Hep-C in 2008. Since then I have tried mulitple therapies, herbs, supplements, etc. None of the therapies produced any type of cure, just treatment. The virus has been kept in check, but I was looking for a cure not a treatment. I have not and will not take the treatment the medical doctors suggest simply because the rate of cure is so low and the side effects are horrible and lasting.

In Sept. 2011 I began treating myself with 1% Ozonated saline solution injection @ 50CC daily. All my liver enzymes have returned to normal with the exception of one which is slightly elevated. These results came in just 3 weeks on ozone. My viral count went extremely high, however this is NOT all active virus as the test for viral count records both inactive and active viruses. What I am saying is that as the 03 travels through your blood and organs, it attacks the cells that are oxygen depleted and give home to the HIV virus. The 03 blows apart the cells and destroys the virus protective enzymes which enters into your blood as inactive virus. This is why your viral count goes up, the ozone is destroying the virus. It is very important what you eat and drink. Your body must expel these toxins. Ozone does build up your immune system and floods your body and cells with oxygen thus allowing your natural defense system to do what it was meant to do. It is also equally important to take supplements to assist your liver in rebuilding cells. Before I went to ozone saline, I tried h202 which was working ok, but not as well as ozone.Viruses and bacteria can not live in an oxygen environment.

Read: The Story of Ozone by Dr. Saul Pressman

For further information on this you can join the ozonetherapy group on yahoo. Hope this helps and you may write me with your suggestions or thoughts.

Schizandra and Milk Thistle

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Warren (Tennessee) on 12/11/2018

Editor's Choice

In 1997, I contracted Hep C from transfusions. Early the next year I finally found the identification of a vine I'd found in the deep woods years before. It is Schizandra glabra (the American species, not chinensis, the Asian species). I read that the Chinese use their species to treat hepatitis, so I started eating the berries/seeds daily, by the handful. I picked and froze a few quarts for a few months' supply. A month later, I found Milk Thistle seeds and added them, about a teaspoon powdered, twice a day. Three months later my hepatologist said there was "not a viral body to be found". I have been Hep C free ever since.

Sovaldi and Olysio

Posted by Betsy (San Diego, US) on 05/28/2014

Hello Bill, There's a new treatment for hepatitis c in the news these days. It's Sovaldi and Olysio.Two pills a day for 12 weeks. They say there's an over 90% cure rate for people with genotype 1A. Do you know anything about it and would you offer any feedback? Thank you.

Sovaldi, Olysio and Ribavirin Treatment

2 User Reviews
1 star (2) 

Posted by Susan (Framingham, Ma.) on 11/27/2014


I have hepatitis c. I recently took Solvadi-Ribaviron-Olysio for 80 days. I had a test after a month that said "Virus Undetected" and my enzymes were 22 and 26.They came down from 140 and 56.I got the same results a month later as in "Virus undetected and low enzymes again.I finished the drugs and had another test and the results were virus 155,000 and ALT 365 and AST 128.These drugs cost my insurance company $84,000.00.

The results are WORSE than I started out with. My doctor said, "Well the drugs weren't tested that long." I said, "but they were approved by the FDA for big money." Readers BEWARE!

Replied by Skywatcher
(South Padre Island)

I did the harvoni, unsuccessful. Next was the viekira. That didn't work either. After these treatments I developed type 2 diabetes, abnormally slow heartbeat that misses, lowered white cell count and very low platelet count. If I go through one more treatment, successful or not, a liver transplant will be required. I've been hep c positive 44 years. I fell for the TV ad. I'm going to try BHT. Wish me luck all>

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Skywatcher, please start low and slow.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Most chronic illnesses require much time & effort for a real cure, and is especially the case with natural remedies, so don't fall for the error of instant cures and magic bullets.

I have chronic active viral hep and so my treatments are ongoing and maybe one day kill the viral completely. In my experience, BHT is as effective as any remedy but does have limitations. So, I now take once daily approx. 300mg BHT and wait one hr and take 2 caps of ether St John'sWort or Echinacea extract. This combination does a double whammy and success rates or cure are increased for myself.

Also much more treatment options and information at www.liversupport.com


3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Diane (Sherborn,ma.) on 01/06/2014

HI Bill, Do you know if MSM and serrepeptase are safe to take for hep-c and is it also safe for Peripheral neuropathy. I have made mistakes before and am now very cautious. Thank you much.

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

Serrapeptase should be taken on empty stomach. Some people have problems taking the MSM due to the headaches and anxiety but most seem to do fine. Other than that, there should no problems. They do different things.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Diane...Both MSM and Serrapeptase are safe protocols and should not give you problems if you have Hep C or peripheral neuropathy. Dr William Kelly, in his Metabolic Protocol for cancer, usually gave his patients an average of 150 pills a day -- the bulk of these being protease enzymes like Serrapeptase. MSM is also extremely safe -- normal dosage is between 5 grams and 20 grams a day depending on what your problem is.

Posted by Diane (Framingham, MA) on 08/06/2013

Hello Ted, Nice to see you back. I have hep-c and peripheral neuropathy. I have just started taking sunflower seed lecithin after taking soy lecithin for about 2 years with no results. I take the lecithin for my neuropathy. Now I read that vitamin E is not good for hep-c and sunflower seed lecithin is high in vit-E. I also take a ton of other supplements for both issues... Any feed back on this? I take 3 grams of fish oil and 6 grams of sunflower seed oil a day. Lastly why does vitamin e make me very cold?

Posted by John (Brisbane, Qld Australias) on 06/28/2012

High good people, I was searching on the net for a natural remidy for Hep C, found a blog on vitamins for hep c so thought this might help so went down bought some. I got zinc sulfphate, L-Lysine 500 mg and vitamin C I also have emphysema both diseases have improved out of sight. I take them three times a day. I hope this helps someone. good luck

Replied by Barbara

How much of each?

Posted by Kathy (Camarillo, Ca) on 12/29/2009

My husband has been suffering from Hep C since 2001...thats when it became symptomatic. We think he contracted in college in the 70's. He is 59 years old and we have managed to control the symptoms so he can lead a very normal life. He did one round of interferon for 11 months...which really damaged his body in other ways, but didn't get rid of it. He is taking a whole food supplement that is dehydrated fruits and vegetables. When we started him on it, he was taking 6 vege capsules in the morning and 6 fruit with dinner or after. Since he started taking these, he no longer has the Hep C tiredness, brain fog and achiness that was with him for so long. He has been on the product for about 5 years now and is back to working full time and teaching tennis on the weekends (his love). If he forgets to take it or gets stubborn and doesn't take it....the symptoms come raging back. He now takes 3 vege in the morning and 3 fruit in the evening...it seems to have a cumulative effect and he doesn't need so much now.

I don't want to say the name because I love this site and it has asked me not to, but if someone wants to know you can email me at [email protected]. You can only get this product through a distributor. I am a distributor, but only to buy my own product cheaper. I don't really sell it to other people. You probably know someone who is selling it already or I can give you the website.

It hasn't cured the Hep C, but it has given me my husband back.

Replied by B
(Vancouver, Bc Canada)

My husband contracted Hep C in London, England several years ago. I have taken my knowledge of immune system enhancers and natural healthcare, and through consultation with alternative care practitioners to take him from a relatively low viral count to almost nothing, while suffering no side effects. We expect the hep C to be completely gone and will keep you informed. He has been taking a steady dose of 4 Olive Leaf, 6 Curcumin, 2 Lactoferrin, 1 IP6, 2 Bell Lifestyle Stem Cell Activators, 2, 000 Omega 3, 1 N-Actyl-Cysteine, Superfood Greens, multi B vitamins, 2,000 Vitamin C, Kidney detox tea (Bell Lifestyle) - daily. Also, no microwave foods, no coffee, limited dairy, no processed foods, organic foods as much as possible. All the best.

Replied by Vj
(Victoria, Bc, Canada)

Hello B: Can Lactoferrin, 1 IP6, 2 Bell Lifestyle Stem Cell Activators & 1 N-Actyl-Cysteine all be purchased in a health food store, or did you purchase these supplements online through a distributor?

Thank you

Replied by Not1ofu
(Fresno, California)

I read somewhere that during the cold war the Russians were working on an antidote to biological weapons. The research was done in Bulgaria, the substance was "a supercharged version of lactobacillus bulgaricus" a probiotic. The article stated that it easily wiped out the HCV. Curious..

Posted by Ann (Palmdale, Calif USA) on 03/12/2009

Vitamins to take for hep c? i've just recently found your web site. have been looking up holistic medicine for my husband who has hep c. he's thinking of starting the interferon treatments and is going to start them soon. was wondering what you would recommend as far as vitamins goes. the doctor said that he was gonna put him on treatment for 3 months to see how he does. was told he only has about a 30% chance of it working. i'm worried that in the process of this treatment, that he will have other side effects such as thyroid problems and it effecting other organs. your feedback would be much appreciated.

thank you,


Replied by Survivr
(Tucson, Az)

Ann, Did your husband go on interferon treatment and how did it go... 60yrs old, I have had hepc for 20 years and just found out 7 yrs ago.... They want me on treatment but I am afraid of side effects and no results... It is brutal I hear... I have been maintaining with diet, supplements, and small exercise program as I am usuallly consumed with the thoughts that are exhausting... I ride a bike and swim


Replied by Art
(Vancouver Bc., Canada)

Dear Anne from Palmdale.

I caught your post as I was sitting up waiting for my Oxycontin to kick in. Have you not read about all the side effects of the treatment they want to put your husband on? He will be worse for wear and I can pretty much garantee it will not work. He has a much better chance using the BHT and related vitamins with it. It is dirt cheap and a healthy alternative. I wish I would have discovered it when I found out I had hep c. The choice is yours and if he does do the conventional treatment he will probably be looking for anothr cure any how. Look in the ailment tab under hep c and read about all the people using the BHT method. It has even cured stage 4 liver cirhosis. I am currently taking it and fortunatly it has reversed most of the side effects from the interfuron treatment which didn't work, needless to say. The BHT has dramaticaly reduced my Liver Function Test numbers to near normal range. I am expecting to report a cure soon. I wish you well in your endevor.


Ted's Remedies

Posted by Crystal (Hawaii) on 12/30/2013

Question for Bill from Phillipines. In a 04/08/2010 post from Ted from Bangkok he mentions a protocal that I would like your opinion on. He says to take ibuprophen and lysine for hepatitis c. He says to take 200 mg Ibuprophen 5 straight hours a day along with 1000 mg lysine for a week. At the end of a week stop ibuprophen and continue with lysine for a month. At 1000mgs at 5 hourly doses per day.

I hear bad stories about ibuprophen yet I was given 800 mgs per day in 3 doses for six months..YES 800 mgs 3x per day for severe whiplash in a car accident..in 1994..I got hepatitis c in 1969. When I got my enzymes checked in 2003 they were normal until I was talked into a biopsy which sent my enzymes up to the mid 300's...What do you feel about Ted's protocol as I also hear lysine might not be the thing for hep-c..Sometimes science finds different results for different health protocals. Thank you for reading....

Replied by Bill
(San Fernado, Philippines)

Hi Crystal...Concerning Ted's Hep C cure using Lysine, threonine vitamin c and glutamine, as he states in this post he does use ibroprufen for 5 hrs a day for only a week. He uses the ibroprufen because it rapidly helps to kill the hep c virus. Aspirin also kills enveloped viruses. On that page he also states that he always tries to adjust a remedy to the sufferer, sometimes using aspirin or bloodroot instead. There may even be occasions when Ted would not use ibroprufen against Hep C. This really depends on what else is wrong with the person he is helping. We are not clones after all -- we are all different.

I also trust Ted because he is a qualified biochemist who has obtained his qualifications at American Universities and he has also worked both in the US food industry and in the US medical drugs industry in America. In fact I would far more trust Ted's judgement on drugs than any doctor's limited opinion because doctors do not know the biochemistry and dangers of drugs and chemicals. At their worst, doctors are really just salesman for the drugs companies whose treatments for chronic diseases in particular are mostly very expensive and only ever palliative (with no real cure in sight -- just disease accommodation). Also please remember that Ted gives his advice for free and, also unlike many doctors, his only focus is actually on curing people. That is his only motivation. Furthermore, Ted is not a particularly rich man (unlike most modern doctors and specialists).

I have never had occasion to use ibroprufen, but I regularly use aspirin, lugol's iodine, lysine, hydrogen peroxide and turpentine in my own protocols. If I said this to any regular modern doctor then he or she would probably scream poison despite the fact that I am extremely healthy for a 63 year old man.

Lysine is an amino acid -- in other words it not a drug but it is food. Lysine is found in many foods and is an essential amino acid for the body. Lysine in the body helps to raise the seratonin levels or the "feel good factor" of the body which also tends to stimulate greater production of macrophages and T-Helper white blood cells of the immune system. These entities are particularly useful for fighting viruses in the body -- which includes Hep C, Herpes etc.

Unfortunately, you wont find any double blind placebo testing or research on ibroprufen or Lysine killing viruses like Hep c (I know this because I've searched for it). But any competent and honest biochemist such as Ted will already know this as a fact because of their biochemical training and knowledge.

Replied by Crystal

Bill, Thank you very much for the quick feedback. I certainly respect Ted's input and I think I speak for all the people he has helped when I say we wish he will resolve the current issues that plague him and get back to curing without drugs.. I also have peripheral neuropathy and would like to know if the Ibuprophen + lysine protocal would bother it. I have tried EVERYthing on all sites and it's only progressing and is now in my thighs from my feet and calves. Horrendous pain. I believe the hep-c caused it and am now fopcusing on cureing that and maybe the PN will go away...far away...Thank you again.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

If you are wary of taking Ted's remedy for Hep C -- you could perhaps try the BHT remedy that Oscar recommends here:

BHT Remedies

This remedy works well against most strains of Hep C with, perhaps, the exception of certain type 1 strains.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

BHT works exceptionally well for the hepatitis C type 1a and 1b people. The vast majority of our success stories are the HCV type 1a and type 1b people because that is what most people are infected with. It has also proven to work well for HCV type 2 people.

See this post: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/viral-hepatitis-treatment-by-oscar.html#BHT

There are many other success stories posted for success with the use of BHT to treat hepatitis C genotypes 1a and 1b posted in this forum and others....Oscar

Replied by Crystal

Hello Bill from the Phillipines, I'm going to start Ted's hep C protocol tomorrow with Ibuprophen and lysine. I'm somewhat confused. Ted mentions taking Ibuprophen 6X a day then at the end of his post he says 5X a day. Also is this just a one month protocol. Thank you VERY much.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Crystal...Just take the ibroprufen dosage at 5 times a day. Take this every day, as Ted advises, for one week only, then just continue on with the lysine dosages for the first month. Thereafter, just follow the lysine dosages that Ted recommends here -- this will depend if there is or is not great improvement after the first month.

Please also note that Ted also states (at the end of the post link above) that the whole protocol may be repeated if necessary.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Dianne (Bridge City, Texas) on 02/27/2012

I ran across this website while searching for info on HCV. The first thing I read was a description of a Angolan Soldier that allegedly contracted HCV from a tick bite. The description included symptoms appearing way to early to be related to the disease (it takes about 20-30 years for the disease to multiply enough to do noticable damage) with symptoms like "dark urine" that did not resemble Hepatitis C at all. This is a quote from the post, "Upon checking with his doctor, the doctor said that if you got black or dark urine, you got Hepatitis C." That doesn't sound like a very scientific diagnosis to me. Who is Ted? Are any of these remedies fact checked? I use alternative medicine exclusively but I am afraid to trust what I read here after reading that uneducated sounding piece of advice. I really need reliable trustworthy information to help me deal with this disease. I would appreciate any input on Ted or this article found on this page: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/hep_c.html#CSHP

Replied by Mario
(Montreal, Canada)

Hi Dianne, I have hepatitis C too and I went to another part of this site, where someone called Oscar comes with rational informed comments and a treatment approach wich are based on a tremendous personal experience and information gathering. Here is the link: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/BHT.html

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Dianne, Why do you say it takes 20-30 years for the disease to multiply enough to do noticable damage? What I have read many times is that it can take 20-30 years for symptoms. But some do indeed see them much earlier and according to pubmed the average is 15 years, so that means there is a range of different times and for some its not long. Plus its usually spoken of in regards to the serrious damage eg. Chirrosis.

"Early symptoms of hepatitis C often resemble the flu. Hepatitis C symptoms include fatigue, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, fever and dark urine. Jaundice, yellowing of the skin and eyes, may also occur. Symptoms of hepatitis C are fairly mild during the initial stages of infection." This is from: http://getstdtested.com/hepatitis-c-symptoms

It does not matter where you read something it always pays to do more checking if it is new to you or your gut says I'm not sure about that. Sometimes we posters may not have the whole answer or have a bias for certain remedies or we think that there is one cause of a symptom when there actually may be more. We post because we care. All the best in finding your path to help.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Health Investigator (Houston, TX, USA) on 05/04/2009

I have a question for those with remedies that worked for HCV. Which genotype do you have? I know that genotype 1 is the most difficult to control? Ted do you have genotype 1?

MMS (chlorine dioxide) worked for awhile-- it really brought the viral load down 25%.It took severla months. However the thyroid TSH levels went way out of wack. Ozone looks promising howeve rthe test results have not been back yet.

I have a suggestion: if a cure is posted, plese add the genotype. Thanks!

Viral Load

Posted by Diane (Framingham,ma.) on 11/12/2013

HCV and viral load: Oscar, I recall a post where you said something about viral loads and something about when it's under 200,000...I can't find it anywhere... My viral load is 161,000 and was 5 million a couple of years ago...Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you and congratulations for helping people without drugs..

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Diane from Framingham Mass., Yes Diane, 163,000 is well in the LOW zone regarding viral load counts for hepatitis C. Here is a link to a chart and other information about viral load counts for hepatitis C:


Please tell me if you are using the BHT treatment or not. People need to know what treatments are working for them. Sincerely, ...Oscar

Replied by Diane
(Framingham, MA)

Hi Oscar, I have taken BHT but it made my heart race..I am going to give it another try soon though. I take Benfotiamine because I also have neuropathy. It's a fat soluable form of B-1..I take 300 mgs/3/ day..total of 900 mgs...It draws iron out of your liver which stops the virus from replicating...I also take 600 mgs of selenium plus eat 4 Brazil nuts a day..Selenium also draws iron out of your liver...The B-1 give me energy as well, which may be the result of my low viral load. Thanks for the feedback...Continue what you're doing..

Viral Load
Posted by Fatchabrute (Tucson, Az) on 03/24/2012

Oscar, I understand the viral load numbers, the type of test, the IU/mL are complicated to determine. Perhaps you can calculate what this information below means:

Both my tests were done w/ COBRA (R) AmpliPrep TagMan ® HCV Test Kit (Roach Molecular System. Inc)

The first test [=HCV RNA PCR QUANT out of range 2110000, reference range <43 IU/mL

HCV RNA PCR OUANT out of range 6.32H.. Reference range <1.63 LogIU/mL.


HCV RNA PCR QUANT... out of range 837930 IU/mL...reference range(43

HCV RNA PCR Quant ... Out of range 5.92 log IU/mL....reference range (1.63

I believe it mentioned Genome 1????.. not that that matters.

Are the numbers, the raw numbers that mean what they say, or do you need to multiply something x something to get the vl number? Or to compare them?

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear fatcha brute, I found a link to this website that has the most easily understood explanation for what these viral load counts mean. Now your viral load count is less than 1, 000, 000. That puts you in what is considered the LOW range as discussed here: http://www.hepatitis-central.com/hcv/hepatitis/loadchart.html

Also, it is good hearing from you. There is that BHT CURES I encouraged you to join here: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/BHTcures/

This is a way of staying in contact with people trying the BHT treatment for viral diseases. But your participation in the Earth Clinic forum is important. You are an Earth Clinic Hero. So, whether or not you choose to join the BHT CURES group, do, please keep posting here....Oscar

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