Hepatitis C
Natural Remedies

Hepatitis C Treatment and Cure

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Bill's Formula

Posted by Broken-hearted (Kansas City, Missouri) on 12/24/2013

Bill, I read your formula for HCV:

Alpha lipoic acid 300mg
Selenium 200mcg
Milk thistle 1000mg
Chanca piedra (optional) 1000mg

Take them twice a day, at lunch and at dinner time. The remedy will kill hcv, as well as repair the damaged liver quickly.

Below you wrote:

Instead of oregano oil, use clove oil (3-5 ) drops in water, because it helps regenerate glutathione in the liver.

My question: Is the clove oil a part of the formulation above and should it also be taken twice a day?

Thank you and god bless. Merry christmas!

Replied by Paula
(Salt Lake City)

What is the name brand of the Milk thistle? I read you can put name brands on this month. I previously used Dr. Berksons protocal for HCV which is 900 mgs of milk thistle a day and it didn't work I was on it for 9 months. Also used 400 mgs of selenium and 600 mgs of ALA. My enzymes NEVER changed...Please forward info and Happy New year.

Blackstrap Molasses

Posted by Carol (Boston) on 08/02/2013

I have hepatitis c and am wondering if blackstrap molasses is not a good thing to consume... It is high in iron but I was told that it's "not the bad kind of iron"... Mixed messages... From what I know, iron helps the hep c virus to replicate.. Thank you for reading.


Posted by Diane (Sherborn, MA) on 07/16/2014

Hello Bill, I have hepatitis c and peripheral neuropathy. I would like to try Borax for my neuropathy pain, but am wondering if Borax would bother my liver? I have a box of 20 Mule Team Borax I could use. I would use 1/8th of a teaspoon for a liter of water. Don't want to make mistakes. Thank you

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Diane...Using borax should be useful for peripheral neuropathy if the problem is fungal or if it involves mycoplasma. Borax should not cause problems with your liver .

Other supplements which might also help your neuropathy problem:

Alpha Lipoic Acid (300 mgs twice a day)-- helps against neuropathy, heavy metal chelation, removes poisons from blood, regenerates Vitamins A, C, E, D; regenerates Coenzyme Q10 and Glutathione as well. Strong liver supportive.

Milk Thistle(450 mgs twice a day) -- liver support.

Selenium(200 mgs twice a day) -- Generates glutathione for liver support. Glutathione is one of the master antioxidants for the body.

Take B50 complex once a day. The B vitamins are extremely beneficial for nerves, digestion, heart function etc.

Take B12 -- methylcobalamine -- on a daily basis. Also good for the nervous system.

You might also like to consider Ted's remedy for Hep C -- shown here.

Or you might like to try Oscar's Hep C remedy using BHT -- shown here.

Replied by Diane
(Sherborn, MA)

Hi Bill, Thank you for the feedback. I am back on the Lugols and borax protocol for 1 1/2 days and my neuropathy is much better after stopping for just one day..

Next week I'm going on a 3 month treatment with Sovaldi and Olysio for my hepatitis c. Would you know or speculate whether I could stay on my iodine and borax remedy while on that treatment? Maybe it might even help my recovery...I'm an optimist.

Thank you much again...

Boric Acid

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Kokopeli (Nevada City, California, Usa) on 05/15/2010

Recently I tried "Boric Acid" for Hepatitis C. I took one small finger print of "Boric Acid" twice a day for three weeks. My viral load was 9.8 million titers before the Boric Acid, and my viral load went down to only 800,000 titers after the Boric Acid treatments. That is a substantial difference.

I think that maybe if I take Boric Acid for 4 weeks it might kill all of the virus in my system.

Replied by Dd

I was wondering how this worked out for you? PLMK

EC: For those of us who don't know the acronym, PLMK = Please Let Me Know!

Replied by Susan
(Tampa, Florida)

Did you mix this with water? the boric acid, and how much?

Replied by Diana
(Boston, Massachusetts, United States)

This is to Kokopeli from Nevada City, California,

Wondering.. What kind of Boric Acid did you use? I bought a bottle the other day from CVS but it says on the label not to take internally. Did you use another kind? Please let me know.. Also... How are you now? My husband has Hep C, Chirrosis of the liver and Congestive Heart Failure a.ka Sudden death syndrome. He is in stage four (final stage of Cirrosis) and we are desperate for a cure. Thanks. Please let me know what kind you got.

Replied by Ney
(San Cristobal, Dominican Republic)

Dear Diana: I have a treatment for hepatitis c which could help. It is writen in Spanish using LotusWord. You must convert it to a suitable word processor for your pc to handle, and translate it. If you wish I could send it to you. It still needs some fixing, but could work in doing some good to your husband.

In Jesus there is answer and hope. He gave his own life for you and me.

He bless both of you...


Chanca Piedra

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Closedeyes (Los Angeles, CA) on 04/11/2009

I have Chronic Hepatitis B. I bought the herb in tea form called Chanca Piedra. It reduced my viral load down to 10,000,000 to 325,00 in 2 months. Had I not had such a ridiculously high viral load, I would have been cleared of this by now. I'm hoping the tests I took today will indicate I am at least down to the 10,000's.

I drank 18oz 3 times a day. The tea was made extremely dark. This site askes that you not mention brand names or websites but I got the tea for $25 from a San Diego Based company called ___. I hope it helps others. I dont know if it can help for Hep C. One bag lasts for 2 weeks. You 're looking at $50 an month. I have to stress that the tea must be made extra dark. I have a glass tea pot I put in the Microwave and then I put in the tea, let it sit over 2 tea candles for 2 to 3 hours. I think I am going to start making some to put in the fridge and just keep making several gallons full. I want to get rid of this!!!!!!

FYI It has been studied for its toxic effects against the HIV virus too!

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Closedeyes...I've written about Chanca Piedra's curative qualities here on Earth Clinic before:



The research on chanca piedra and hepatitis is also well known. Currently being researched for its effects against the AIDS virus. So, amongst all its other positive effects, Chanca piedra is also a potent anti-viral which has been well documented as being used for syphillis, typhoid, tuberculosis, malaria, colds, flu, UTI, venereal disease, dysentary etc. within ayurvedic medicine.

I've used this wonderful herb for a while now within a tri-herbal Indian remedy -- which equally includes both Tinospora cordifolia and Tumeric root. Chanca piedra is good at removing any form of stones or excess calcification from your body, I'm currently using this herb to investigate whether it can cure illnesses generally associated with nanobacterial problems -- these nanobacteria hide both in the stones and in the calcified arterial walls(as plaque) and are difficult to shift.

Here is a list of Chanca piedra's positive uses and effects:


* expels stones
* kills bacteria
* Whole herb
* supports kidneys
* treats malaria
* increases urination
* prevents mutation
* relieves pain
* reduces fever
* protects liver
* mildly laxative
* detoxifies liver
* expels worms
* reduces spasms
* reduces inflammation
* kills viruses
* clears obstructions
* aids digestion
* reduces blood sugar
* lowers blood pressure
* lowers cholesterol

Data and research may be found at the Raintree Nutrition site here :


Replied by Harmony
(Pomona, Ny, Usa)

Hi Oscar, I would like to know if anyone that has geno 1 was cured with chanca piedra and taking BHT, lysine and aspirin.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Harmony, Many people with geno type 1 HCV infections are reporting success with the BHT treatment. The BHT treatment is NOT geno type specific. It works as well as it does for all the variants of hepatitis C.

Those reporting the best results are not using other treatments. Some use of the B vitamins and vitamin C do seem to help some people. I have NO opinion on these other supplements you mentioned and have no clue as to what they are or how they will effect the BHT treatment. My advice is to keep it simple because that is what has worked very well for many people. Do NOT take a bunch of other supplements. I am THROUGH, done with trying to give what is at best an educated guess as to how all these different supplements will effect the BHT treatment. Many supplements including the milk thistle extracts seem to screw up the treatment. Make it NOT work. Keep it simple for best results. You can visit or join the BHT CURES group here for more on how best to use the BHT treatment:


And or go here to read what has been posted at the EARTH CLINIC about this BHT treatment:


Wishing you well and to be well, ...Oscar

Chlorophyll, Dietary Changes

Posted by Colleen (Denver, Colorado) on 12/13/2009

one more very crucial factor in my healing my hep-c that I forgot to mention in my previous e-mail (chlorophyll tons of salads)

nothing else worked for me until I removed the metals in my teeth - my body would not absorb any nutrition - and then after the metals were out - like magic, I started my road back to health.

make sure if you do remove them to have them taken out in the correct order (metal fillings all have different charges, and will have the most benefit if they are removed properly. (no pain is involved in this procedure, - since no new tooth surface is removed - only the fillings. (rubber dam must also be used) good luck!


Replied by Colleen
(Denver, Colorado)

one more very crucial factor in my healing my hep-c that I forgot to mention in my previous e-mail (chlorophyll tons of salads)

nothing else worked for me until I removed the metals in my teeth - my body would not absorb any nutrition - and then after the metals were out - like magic, I started my road back to health.

make sure if you do remove them to have them taken out in the correct order (metal fillings all have different charges, and will have the most benefit if they are removed properly. (no pain is involved in this procedure, - since no new tooth surface is removed - only the fillings. (rubber dam must also be used) good luck!


Replied by Belal
(Moab Utah, Ut)

Yes to chlorohpyll! I grow wheatgrass indoors and chew on it throughout the day.

Colloidal Silver

4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Bonnie (Framingham, Ma.) on 12/29/2014

Has anyone ever tried colloidal silver for hepatitis c and gotten positive results? Thank you

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Bonnie,

I've asked the same question of the Earth Clinic audience...whether anyone has had success with Hep B or C usings CS. I THINK CS works to kill all viruses but don't know that for a fact. So I just add to your request to ask the EC audience if anyone has used CS for Hep B or C...let us know your results.

Bonnie, I know this...IF I HAD HEP B OR C...I'd sure try the CS or a few months and monitor the results. Because I am convinced that it would sure be worth the minor effort of drinking CS a few times daily to get back readings one way or the other. Wouldn't take long to get an indication of effectiveness.

One writer on EC that posts often uses BHT. You can go to Remedies and read about that.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Karen (Tampa, Fl) on 05/24/2013

Hello Bill, I've been told to take one ounce of colloidal silver for 8 hours every day for 21 days. This person says it will cure hepatitis c.. Any feedback on this? It seems like a lot of CS to put in your system without repercussions??Thank you much.

Replied by Sherri

Not sure about hep c but have cured lots of things with colloidal silver.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Sandy (Carrollton, TX) on 12/14/2008

I have Hepatitis C and I think that I got it in 1981 from a blood transfusion when my daughter was born. I only discovered that I was infected in 2002 when my hands and knee were swollen and I was in so much pain. The doctor told me that I had RA and put me on all of the conventional treatments. During this process, he tested for Hep C and told me that I had this disease. I did not want to take the conventional treatment, so I found out about Colloidal Silver and have used it nearly every day. The RA reduced from 115 to 3 which is within the normal range. I had done alot of research and changed my life style, including diet, eliminating as much toxins from shampoos, toothpaste, deoderant, etc. I do oil pulling, body brushing and take a bath with either hydrogen peroxide, espom salts and baking soda. I did find an holistic doctor and he gave my IV's of vitamins, hydrogen peroxide, and one other that I don't recall at this time. My viral load is lower that it has been prior to these treatments (909,000) and my blood work has normal ranges for the liver panel and other areas. I believe the silver has keep my viral load down (highest was 2 million). I feel great and have no side effects of the Hep C. I was told my an infectious disease doctor that I probably did not have RA, but it was an effect of the Hep C. I have a very positive attitude and I think that I will one day be virus free. I believe that God has played a huge part in my health. I wanted to mention that a doctor told me that I was in the early stages of cirrhosis and had about 5 years to live. I was so confused and angry, but I knew that I was not going to give up. This is a great site and I check every day for new postings. If you have this disease, don't give up, but take care of yourself.

EC: RA = Rheumatoid Arthritis

Replied by Njt
(Egg Harbor Twp, Nj)

I've had hep c from a blood transfusion in my teens. Found out in 1982 when it was called non A non B hep. Did the treatments. Which didn't work & went through HELL. My gastro drs all told me different things. I went to mesosliver & milk thistle which has helped. I now make my own liq silver. After 8 yrs I am not blue. My levels are normal. My viral load is 14 million. I don't even want to know the viral load as much as I did when I first found out either, I get depressed. My last biopsy was about 4 yrs ago & my liver was pink. I am tired because I have chronic hep C. Hep C is NOT ever cured. I hate hearing that. It goes into remission!! Asprin is not good to take either, that is one thing 11 gastro drs all agreed on. Vit B is a no no too. Vit D is better taken in small doses or sit 20 min in the sun. I take 4 tablespoons of liq silver on an empty stomach each day for 8 wks then take a break. 4 caps of milk thistle. Sometimes I take other vitamins like flax seed oil, vit e & c etc.. You need to watch what you take as some of these "cures" sound off the wall to me. My drs are amazed by the way my viral loads changes while on liq silver. I have had no bad side effects at all. I think we all want a cure & not interferon.

Things will work for some people & not others. A good attitude is a must. My dr told me flat out interferon. Pegatron etc will never make me feel less tired so I decided not to even try that poison again. I think saying anything is a cure is totally false & gives people hope. Lets get real & be honest.... We can help ourselves feel better & maybe go into remission but remember there is no sure cure! I am going to look into some of these things I've read here but I've dealt with Hep C a long time & people need to really be informed about what they take. Most gastro drs will not approve of these things. So do your homework & best of luck to all of us.

Replied by Paul
(Chicago, Il)

By liquid silver, do you mean colloidal silver?

Replied by Alan

Please buy a book called Dr. Yourself by Saul ..there you will find the cure for hep c with large amounts of vitamin c. the best book you will ever buy. Thank you and shalom! Alan

Replied by Maria

HI, thank you for sharing I have hep c and I will love to know how much of peroxide you put in your bath and how much of the other things to and how often, how much of collodial silver and the IV it was of vit c and B and hi inject the peroxide to...because this will kill the virus...please say more about your treateme, more specific, I feel something good about it. thank you Maria

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Lisa (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 03/16/2008

Use of Colloidal Silver may cause Argyria - which means it turns your skin and the whites of your eyes blue, gray or black. Colloidal silver is carcingenous.

Replied by Chris
(Steamboat Springs, Colorado)

Colloidal Silver is not Carcinogenic. This person can't even spell it properly. Also do your research if you plan to try a colloidal silver. There are true colloids, Ionic colloids (which turn into silver chloride (a worthless salt) as soon as they hit stomach acid) and silver proteins which are most likely to cause argyria. True colloids taken at the proper dosage will not cause argyria. Be sure to get as much information from neutral websites that are not selling a specific product.

Replied by Dave

Only if you take really large doses .....
Normal use doesn't cause it ...

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Susan (Perth, Australia) on 08/05/2007

As a Hep C sufferer I started using colloidal silver when my mother bought me a machine to make it at home. I now drink a cup a day and have done for 2 years now. my energy levels have gone through the roof and I am about to go back to the doctor for another blood test just to make if i still have the disesase ]because I feel so great. Although I am going to try the baking soda remedy because i have had trouble sleeping now for some time.

Replied by jim
(fairview, misouri)

I have heard about colliod silver. read the testimony Susan has given about how she made here own. Could you please look into this for me as I emailed her with no response.. I would like to know how to build my own machine or purchase one to make my own colloid silver. Please help. my levels are very high. and might have to start interferon again. thank you and please write soon.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Grace (Victoria, BC) on 05/23/2007

I don't know about the use of colloidal silver for Hepatitis, but I don't want to let misinformation about that wonderful product stand without comment. I make my own CS very cheaply and have used it daily for many purposes. It is absolutely best germ fighter that I have ever found. I have ingested it and used it externally for years and I am not dead... nor have I turned blue as other misinformation out there likes to portray.

Replied by Rsg
(Woodridge, Il)

I have Hep C, and my viral load is high (14 mil). I just started on H2o2 therapy 35%, increasing to 25 drops in water 3 times a day. I also make my own Colloidal Silver, and would like to know what is the proper dose.

Colloidal Silver, Hydrogen Peroxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Curtis (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) on 10/21/2008

Thank you so very much Ted and Earth Clinic! My experience with hepatitis c remedies is colloidal silver brings the viral count down dramatically, especially when also taking 35% food grade Hydrogen peroxide, about in half within a month or two. I don't think Colloidal silver is an actual cure by itself because i took alot for a year and still have the virus.

Presently using 3% hydrogen peroxide in a nasal spray pump bottle- spray it down my throat, I pump it 5x 3-4 x a day and ACV a teaspoon 2x a day. Also use purtitans pride brand liv- a- new with milk thistle. Have had hep c for 25 years with a high viral count of 24 million but liver is not damaged, feel fine. did interferon for a year, it did not work.

Thanks, Curtis

Replied by Jessica
(Long Island, NY)

Curtis, how is the HP working for you, how long will you take it before you have your blood checked again. Thank you, Jessica

Replied by Curtis
(Philadelphia, PA)

To Jessica from Long Island, sorry i'm just now responding, i think 3 months is a good length of time before being tested for viral count of hep C.

Replied by Bela
(Newport Beach, Ca)

Oscar, I want to thank you for this valuable info. I also believe that it's a bunch BS when the medical industry Claims not to have cures for these various diseases! How is it possible? especially, when alot of $ is donated to research? I have ordered BHT and I'm grateful to you for sharing his knowledge with us. We can see light out the end of the tunnel and be hopeful again:) Blessings to you!!

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Bela form Newport Beach, Thank you so very much for your kind remarks. I mean that most sincerely. I do get discouraged at times. I know this BHT treatment works for hepatitis C most especially. So very many times people who have tried this treatment post responses that indicate dramatic improvement and then I never hear from them again. It seems to me: They take it for granted and assume that all the other people out there know about the effectiveness of the BHT as a treatment for hepatitis C. They forget how frightened they were when they first learned they had hepatitis C. I so very much need their continued feedback along with that of other, new people trying this treatment. I can not do this with out this all important feedback. There are important questions regarding the use of BHT to treat hepatitis C that have yet to be answered. This dosage issue is an important one. Addressing the undesired side effects some people experience is another one. I need feedback from any and all forum members trying this treatment to address these issues.

From the very limited feedback available at this time: one 350mg capsule of BHT taken twice a day with a gulp of water is safe and effective for most adult people. Also, thin and lean people seem to be those likely to have side effects. They require and desire less BHT, smaller dosages.

I very much advise thin and lean people to include at least 2 tablespoons of olive oil in their diets, taken seperately from the BHT. Waiting at least one hour after taking the BHT before taking that olive oil. This taking this olive oil is to insure an adequate source of high quality lipids.

I very much need feedback from the forum members using the BHT for hepatitis C treatment. All of the other over 150 million people of the world infected with hepatitis C need this feedback.

I know there are people out there dedicated to discrediting this effective treatment. This treatment works. And all thesse issues can be addressed here in this forum with feedback....Oscar

Replied by Gg

What is BHT?

EC: BHT stands for butylated hydroxytoluene. Please see the BHT remedies page for more information: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/BHT.html


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Richard (Adelaide, Australia) on 11/06/2008

I had Hepatitis C for 20 + years and dandelion coffee definitely soothed my liver when the lower right lobe was inflamed.

Dandelion coffee, using roasted organic dandelion root, relieves liver. Simply boil roasted dandelion root - taste is acquired -I now find pleasant.

I used this in combination with fresh organic carrot, beetroot and celery juice.

It is a real discipline to juice 2 times a day and clean juicer! I did it almost every day , twice a day for 2.5 yrs until I became less disciplined!(less fanatical).

This and a zero alcohol policy greatly assisted my liver.

These things did not cure Hep C but I believe they greatly relieved symptoms and fortified my liver in prep for treatment.

(Hep C cleared via ribovarin/inteferon comb) - It was all worth it :)


Posted by Diane (Sherborn, Ma.) on 01/05/2015

I have hep-c and terrible peripheral neuropathy caused by the antibiotic Cipro..

I wanted a better source of water than my Brita filter so I changed to spring water Mountain Valley from Hot Springs AK and got diarrhea...Then I switched to a spring water from Italy and still have diarrhea...4 days but don't feel sick...

My neuropathy has increased about 10 days ago...Does neuropathy cause diarrhea or hep-c? Thank you...
