Hepatitis C
Natural Remedies

Hepatitis C Treatment and Cure

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


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Posted by Megan (Branchville, Sc) on 03/13/2013

BHT for hepatitis C:

Hello, My mom was diagnosed with hepatitis c about a month ago and started treatment. She was taking shots once a week and pills 3X a day. She is having alot of side effects and feels sick all the time. She is very weak and just started having nose bleeds and has increased blood pressure, so she was told to stop the treatment for the hepatitis c. What should we do now? I'm scared that if we don't do something soon something may happen to her. Please... I will take any feedback...

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Look at Oscar's comments and experience using BHT to drastically reduce or erase viral load for lipid coated viruses, like Hep C. I have seen many posts from people who are having success with his protocol. Best wishes.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Megan from Branchville. There are many people reporting success with the use of BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] as an effective treatment for hepatitis C in all of its variants. The dosages used are between 200mg and 350mg taken once or twice a day with water on an empty stomach.

If interested there is the NEW BHT CURES GROUP here:


Our focus is BHT as a treatment for the different hepatitis viruses.

If you choose to try this treatment please do report your results here at the EARTH CLINIC....Oscar

Replied by Art
(Vancouver Bc., Canada)

To Megan from Branchville Sc.

Take a look under the remedies tab and click on BHT (Butilated Hydroxy Toluine) and start reading all the wonderful messsages that Oscar has worked so hard with to get out there. This powerful antioxident will give you 20 years back and take away any brainfog, one of the side effects from the convetional therapy. If I would have known about this BHT< I would have taken it as well as the Pegatron which I suspect your Mom is taking.

It is very cheap and has cured some of the harder to treat genome 1a. You can join us over at the http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/The_New_BHT_Cures_Group/

You can read more there as well. Oscar has started this site and since then I have discovered that Milk Thistle and Grapefruit Juice can block it and some other drugs, so it is not a good idea to take that.

Good luck to you.


Replied by Megan
(Branchville, Sc)

Thank you all very much for the information and for this site, it gives me a better outlook on this.

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 03/08/2013

This message is for all people using the BHT treatment for hepatitis C.

A recently published study from THE UNIVERSITY of NAPLES has stated that: Vitamin E enhances the hepatitis C viruses' ability to replicate. Now some vitamin E is essential to good health. But you get plenty enough vitamin E in a normal diet.

So, do NOT take vitamin E supplements. Also grapefruit juice interferes with the BHT treatment. The same is true of milk thistle and its extracts. So, do NOT use grapefriut juice and do NOT use milk thistle or it`s extracts.

I am sure this seems strange or unlikely to many. But that is the way it is. Now that same University of Naples study indicates that vitamin B12 is very helpful in treating hepatitis C. This same study indicates that vitamin D is also very helpful in treating hepatitis C.

That information about avoiding milk thistle and grapefruit juice is NOT part of the NAPLES study.

Here is a link to this study: http://www.epocrates.com/dacc/1207/VitaminB12hcvBMJ1207.pdf

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 02/28/2013

We HAD to create THE NEW BHT CURES GROUP because we lost contact with the original group`s founder and NEEDED to add new moderators. So if you are interested in all this go here to join the new group:


This is Oscar and I am a moderator over at this new group for those that have been following this topic and have an interest in it....Oscar

Posted by Alicia (Syracuse, Utah) on 01/23/2013

A todos mis amigos del foro, a ti Oscar mi aMIGO REALMENTE NECESITO TU AYUDA, para saber que sigue en esta batalla contra HPC. Como uds. saben comenze a usar bht en junio 2012 lo cual comenzo asi

jun-2012, WBC-1.21;plateles-75;AST-65;ALT-63;VL-194, 000.

Aug-2012, WBC-3.1;plateles-78;AST-59;ALT-51;VL-5, 000.;al.kaline phosphatase-117.

Dec.-2012, WBC-3.3;plateles-94;AST-249;ALT-318;alkaline phosphatase-172, yo no se de donde salieron estos numeros.VL-1, 228.570

Jan-2013.WBC-3.7;plateles-119;AST-162;ALT-175;alkaline phosphatase-208, VL-7, 060. 530. Ahora si no se que hacer, algunos de uds que usan bht el alkaline phosphatase a aumentado, puede ser esa la causa o no, tengo mi proximo test en 8 semanas y no se que hacer seguir o no. por favor oscar contestame y dame algunas sugerencias.gracias.

EC: Google Translation:

To all my friends on the forum, my friend Oscar I really need your help, to know that this battle continues in HPC. As units. bht know started using in June 2012 which began thus

Jun-2012, WBC-1.21; plateles-75, AST-65, ALT-63, VL-194, 000.

Aug-2012, WBC-3.1; plateles-78, AST-59, ALT-51, VL-5, 000.; Al.kaline phosphatase-117.

Dec., 2012, WBC-3.3; plateles-94, AST-249, ALT-318, alkaline phosphatase-172, I do not know where did these numeros.VL-1, 228,570

Jan -2013.WBC-3.7; plateles-119, AST-162, ALT-175, alkaline phosphatase-208, VL-7, 060. 530. Now if you do not, some of you who use BHT to the alkaline phosphatase increased, it may be that the cause or not, I have my next test at 8 weeks and they do not follow or not. Please answer me and give me some suggestions oscar. gracias.


Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Alicia, Based on the feedback available: Do NOT take milk thistle or it`s extracts. Do NOT drink grapefruit juice. Those two things are known to make the BHT treatment NOT work. Also, those reporting the best results are using 2 doses of BHT. One dose in the morning and one at night with water on an empty stomach. I have to keep my messages very simple because you do not understand English. What you say to me gets confused in translation....Oscar

Posted by Kate (Lima, Peru) on 01/17/2013

Hello Oscar and everybody else. I have hepatis C for 17 years. All the time feeling tired. I am vegetarian for the last 15 years and I don't have bad habbits. I read about bioflavonoids effect on liver. And I am using Hepaxol forte (silimarin with fosfatidilcolin) for the last month. It's very helpful. I have read here in your site, that BHT treatment is helping a lot of people. I am 34, married and I'd like to have kids. Is it safe to take this medicine for future mothers? Thanks!

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Kate from Lima, Peru. Do NOT use BHT treatment when pregnant!!! Because no human tests have been done regarding it`s effect on a dveloping fetus. So if you are now preganant STOP the BHT treatments.

And if you choose to try the BHT treatment while NOT pregnant STOP using it if you become pregnant. Many commonly used substances including alcoholic beverages and cigarettes have proven to be harmful to developing fetuses. I my opinion and that of many: It is a very good idea to avoid any and all unusual substances and that does include BHT when pregnant.

So, in my opinion it is NOT safe to take BHT while pregnant....Oscar

Replied by Lana
(Raleigh, NC)

good news but not great:

after 6 months of bht: ast 32, alt 54, viral load 7858659, genotype 3

Posted by Joanne V. (Albany, Ny) on 01/07/2013

Question to Oscar: I had stage 4 cirrhosis in the summer of 2011... I am now free of it but still have hep-c. Is it advisable to take BHT? I certainly want to get rid of this virus. Thanks much.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Joanne from Albany, NY, You are asking questions I am NOT qualified to answer. I am NOT a medical doctor.

Are you saying you no longer have cirrhosis ? If that is true you have to be doing something right. What treatment did you use to cure this cirrhosis? If you truly no longer have cirrhosis I see no reason why you would be at any greater risk than the others trying the BHT treatment. And I am NOT saying there is NO risk. If you choose to try the BHT treatment do so with care. Start with small dosages. Say 50mg of BHT per day for one week and have that STANDARD LIVER PANEL series of tests done to see if any adverse effects are detected. If no adverse effects are detected proceed by carefully ramping up your dosage to no more than 350mg of BHT per day. I am very interested in how you successfully treated your cirrhosis condition... Oscar

Replied by Joanne
(Albany, Ny)

Oscar. What I wanted to know is, have you come across anybody who has had that particular situation I described and what was their outcome if any? You have had much more contact with people with hepatitis c than I. If you were a doctor I wouldn't contact you. Thank you.

Replied by Joanne
(Albany, Ny)

Hi Oscar, I just noticed you replied under my response, or it was put up that way. In any event, thank much for the feedback. I will do as you suggested and progress slowly and watch my enzymes. My concern was/is will my neuropathy be bothered as you might have heard or read from other people.

My neuropathy is caused by the virus and to get rid of it I have to obviously get rid of the virus. The Catch 22 is will the remedy cause an increase in my neuropathy. Thank you again for your time. Dr "O". (:)

Replied by Flattlander
(Plainfield, Il, USA)

Hello, this is my first post in Earthclinic. I keep reading in this thread that vitamin E helps the Hepatitis C virus to replicate. While I have not researched this in particular, I do know that vitamin E has been studied in other capacities and found to be harmful in large amounts. The problem is that the vitamin E that was studied was a synthetic laboratory created version of vitamin E and not real vitamin E that occurs in nature. Real vitamin E in nature occurs in balance with the other fat soluble vitamins and is a necessary, essential nutrient that is not only not harmful in large amounts, but is most likely rarely ever consumed in the necessary amounts for optimal health, since we generally don't consume the foods that naturally conatain it in enough quantities. In other words, I believe it is safe and beneficial to consume foods that are high in vitamin E and that it is better to avoid taking commercial supplements that contain vitamin E. I guess what I am saying is research the reason why it is claimed that vitamin E increases the replication of Hepatitis C before accepting that Vitamin E is bad. Where does this info come from, who did the study, and what form of vitamin E was studied? I have examined many studies that do not even remotely truly indicate the conclusion that was drawn by the researchers, for various reasons. It is extremely important, when it comes to health information to scrutinize the information you are receiving and question the sources.

Posted by Jp (Pasadena, Ca) on 01/06/2013

Oscar, Bill, Ted, or anyone with an answer.

A lot of people who have hepatitis c also have peripheral neuropathy... BHT de-mylenates the virus... Might it do the same to the nerve myelin shealth?

Do you know of any instances where someone has both conditions and takes BHT? And has no problems?

Replied by Art
(Vancouver Bc, Canada)

Dear JP from Pasadena Ca.

I have been taking BHT since Mid January 2012. I have had neuropathy slowly gaining over the past 6 years. As far as I am concerned the BHT is not ramping it up or making it worse. I am only using 350mg once a day of BHT. For my hep-c. I have had great success with the BHT and my Liver tests indicate that with decreasing numbers. I have also discovered that Chanca Piedra seems to be helping me and has taken away the slight pain I had in my upper right quadrant. As for my neuropathy, I control it with ALA and B12. In my opinion I think the BHT is a wonderful simple solution for me.


Replied by Jp
(Pasadena, Ca)

Thanks Art for the feedback. My neuropathy has been getting better with 6-9 grams of flax seed oil a day with lecethin. Flax seed is the dry weight of the myelin sheath. I also have been doing the water cure with great results. Salt and water. watercure2.org

I don't think neuropathy is a big problem as it is just a matter of rebuilding the myelin sheath. Most people don't drink enough water and the salt will hold the water in the sheath and also help other organs. Read the MS testimonials on the site. Impressive stuff. MS is the big brother of neuropathy.

I will try the BHT sloooowly...

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 12/04/2012

Yes they are. Here is the latest from the BHT CURES group:


viral load 31,461, 000 iu/ml
7.498 log 10 (not sure what this number means).
AST 25 ALT 32.

I stated taking BHT 350mg twice a day

AST 27 ALT 30

Viral load 4,372,770
6.641 log 10

This person's viral load count was in the VERY HIGH RANGE and is now well in the MEDIUM RANGE. So, even people with very high viral load counts are getting well with the BHT treatment. This treatment works very well for many people.... OOscar

Replied by Anne
(Tucson, Az)

I don't understand this blood count as the VL is 31 ml and the enzymes are almost at norm...??? can this be or is there a mistake somewhere...

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Anne from Tucson, It is unusual for a person with such a high viral load to still have normal AST and ALT numbers.

viral load 31, 461, 000 iu/ml
7.498 log 10 (not sure what this number means).
AST 25 ALT 32.

I stated taking BHT 350mg twice a day

AST 27 ALT 30

Viral load 4, 372, 770
6.641 log 10

His viral load WAS 31, 461, 000 and is NOW 4, 372, 770 and is now in the " medium " range of this viral load chart:


So at the time of this report his hepatitis C infection was well under control after about 6 months of the BHT treatment. Keep in mind this person did start the treatment with very high viral load count. The only explanation I can think of for the normal AST and ALT numbers is that the infection came on fast as opposed to many years and did not have time to cause much damage to his liver.

Thank goodness the BHT treatment is working as well as it is and that the viral load is coming down as fast as it is....Oscar

Replied by Mr. Ree

I was treated by an alternative clinic in Boston for chirrosis stage 4... They cleared me of it in 10 weeks according to a test at Beth Israel Hospital, which is supposed to be one of the best in the world... The doctor at the alternative clinic is from Russia and is in his early 70's and has been in alternative therapy all his profssional career. He said when they test for viral count is also includes DEAD viruses...So you're getting a count of both alive and dead viruses.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Mr. Ree, Is or was BHT a part of the treatment you referred to in your posting ? Any details you can provide would be of interest to the EARTH CLINIC forum members, myself included. Are you now taking BHT ? If so, how much per day ? ...Oscar

Replied by Mr. Ree

Oscar, I was treated with U.V.B.I Ultra Violet blood irradation or photolumenessence.. Not sure of the spelling of the latter...It's a procedure where they draw about a pint of blood and slowly put it through an ultra violet light in a machine that kills the virus. Then they reinfuse the blood going back through the machine to get a second shot of the ultra violet light...I'm currently not on BHT but intend to after I get my next blood test to see where I'm at. Do it yourself guys...Regular doctors won't get it done...They are either ignorant of the facts or don't want to tell you an alternative way....I also have plybotomies to lowr my ferritin and liver enzymes.. I asked a doctor why they don't tell people aboput phlebotomies to lower enzymes and he said with a sly smile, "Isn't that obvious?" They want you on interferron! Don't do it! Keep up the good work Oscar...

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Thank you for your response Mr. Ree, I follow your postings with interest. I agree with you about BHT being an excellent follow up treatment to the treatment you discussed. It seems to me the BHT treatment would be there to insure against a relapse should any liver cells still remain infected after the treatment you are now undergoing. The BHT treatment does take years to insure that no infected liver cells remain....Oscar

Posted by Rachael (Albany, Ny) on 12/01/2012

Hello Oscar, I am a brand new person to this site. I have hepatitis c and would like to know if you would recommend BHT by a company "L*** E********" which is 180 mgs of BHT plus ascorbyl Palimite which is a fat soluable form of vitamin C? Or should I go with the product with just BHT? I have read vitamin c can enhance the effect. Your thoughts please? Thanks much.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Rachael from Albany, In my opinion: Buy and use the straight BHT. That is to say a product that is BHT and BHT only. The reason I say that is because I have no way of knowing the effect of mixing BHT with these different compounds. The BHT seems to work best when taken by itself and not mixed with some other compound or compounds.

BHT is a reactive compound and will combine in unpredictable ways with other compounds in the human body when mixed at the time it is ingested. It is well known that BHT readily combines with the amino acid glycine and an acid of glucuse. You can read about that here:

Biological Data Biochemical aspects BHT is readily absorbed. Some deposition in adipose tissue bee been described following high dosage in the rat, and this may cause increased stability of the extracted perineal fat. The metabolism of BHT is complicated by the presence of the butyl groups on each side of the hydroxyl. Preliminary modification is necessary before conjugation can occur. This takes the form of either oxidation of one of the butyl groups to a 2-hydroxy-2:2-dimethyl-2-ethyl group, or oxidation of the methyl group to a carboxy acid. The former yields glucuronide conjugates, while the latter becomes conjugated with glucuronic acid or glycine. Some of the oxidized material is also excreted unconjugated.

That statement is a portion of a World Health Organization toxicology report on BHT and is in agreement with other such reports.

So keep it simple. Use pure BHT taken with a gulp of water on an empty stomach. I buy the BHT I use from Vitamin Research Products. There are other companies selling good quality BHT. Start with small doses. These capsules are easy to open up for getting a smaller dose. Find a dose you are comfortable with. For people first starting out I recommend no more than 350mg per day or less. You have to find a dose you are comfortable with. I recommend no more than 350mg of BHT taken twice a day. And less for many people. Very good results are being reported with these smaller doasages. Anywhere from 200mg per day to 700mg of BHT per day. If you wish to you can join the BHT CURES GROUP here: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/BHTcures/

But please do report your experience with BHT as a treatment for hepatitis C here at the EARTH CLINIC. I hope that information helps you. Sincerely, ...Oscar

Replied by Rachael
(Albany, Ny)

Oscar, Thank you very much for the quick reply. It seeems to apear that this info will save me time and of course money...

Replied by Lana
(Raleigh, Nc)

Hi Oscar; How do you feel about food with hep c, other than the obvious junk food. I was told coffee increases the viral load. I also take R-lipoic Acid 2x's a day at a different time from the bht. Getting bloodwork done in January, hoping for good results. I am genotype 3. Thanks for all of your help.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Lana from Raleigh NC, Good to hear from you. Well, I very much hope your blood tests show excellent results. But do let the forum know what the results are whatever they are. Thanks for reporting in. Sincerely, ...Oscar

Replied by Lana
(Raleigh, Nc)

Hi Oscar; my blood test a few weeks ago were good: the ast is in the normal range for the first time since 2008, it is 32 the alt is 54 and the viral load is still up there around 8 million but it was 15 million. I am hopeful. I do take r-lipoic acid 300mg 2x a day and the bht 350mg by itself in the morning. I couldn't take it 2 times a day because it made my mind race. Thank you, I am genotype 3 and have been on the bht for about a year... Thanks so much for helping all of us! with hope, Lana

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 11/13/2012

I am seeking feedback from any and all using BHT to treat hepatitis C. Any and all blood test results are most important. We are beginning the process of putting together a data base with charts. All names will be given an initial with a number only to protect anonymity. For example I will be O1. This is a project the BHT CURES group is thinking about doing. But please post all such test results here at the EARTH CLINIC. And if you wish to at the BHT CURES group here:


If our efforts have helped you this would be a great way of thanking us. If not, this is your chance to say so. Sincerely, ...Oscar

Posted by Chris (Yigo, Guam, Usa) on 10/03/2012

Hi, I put up a post back in early June and stated that I was going to be starting the BHT treatment. My last viral load test was in March 2012 and I have just received the results of my latest test September 2012.

My viral load has increased each visit since I found out I had Hep C. I think my first test was about 2 million viral load back in 2002 and the latest in March (before treatment) was 21 million. I have never had any treatment for Hep C until I started the BHT in June 2012. My liver function tests have been elevated but never too far over the top end of the normal range. I have never really paid much attention to my hep C until the last 2-3 years as I found myself getting really tired.

I have been taking the BHT since the first week of June, 350 mg twice a day on an empty stomach as was suggested by Oscar. I stuck to this regularly but have missed a few times. I have not noticed any adverse affects from taking the BHT.

My viral load:

2002 2 million

2003-2009 steadily increasing until it reached 10.5 million in 2009

March 2012 21 million

Now the latest viral load count in Sept 2012 was 11.4 million! A reduction of 10.1 million and the first time it has ever reduced.

Since June when I started the BHT and when the tests were taken mid Sept the viral load count nearly dropped in half in 3 months. I will be going back for another test towards the end of this year and am looking forward to what it will be then. I am pleased with the result so far. It gives me hope of curing this at some point in time.

Thanks Oscar! Chris

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Chris from Guam, I was great hearing from you. Thank you very much for reporting back in with the EARTH CLINIC with your test results with the use of BHT to treat hepatitis C. It does seem that the BHT is working.

By the way: Do you have any liver function test results available? I so very much hope you have this infection under control and will continue to show significant improvement. Sincerely, ...Oscar

Replied by Chris
(Yigo, Guam)

Update on my BHT Treatment:

I have had another viral load count this past week and it was went up significantly.

  • March 2012 21 million
  • Started taking BHT 2- 350mg caps/day.
  • September 2012 11.4 million
  • December 2012 28.8 million

I can't understand why it has increased so much. My VL's have never fluctuated since I started testing back in 2002. I have not changed any of the dosage or program. I almost think that the lab made a mistake reading the information. I continue to feel better and that is why I question the results. If I didn't feel good I could see that it may not be working. Well I plan to continue to use the BHT and my next test will be at a different clinic.

My liver function tests all fall within the "normal range" another reason I believe that it may be a mistake.

I'll update when I get the next test result.

Replied by Mr. Ree
(Somewhere, Usa)

To Guam, I had the same thing happen to me and was also feeling better... I was being treated by a Russian Dr. who is in his 60's and has been studying natural remedies his whole career... He said, "some of the virus's being measured are also the dead ones..."

Don't worry about it... Merry Christmas...

Replied by Chris
(Yigo, Guam, Usa)

I am following up on my BHT treatment for my hepatitis C. Below you can find the thread over the past year. Here is my viral load count.

    • March 2012: 21 million
    • May 2012: Started taking BHT 2 - 350mg caps/day.
    • September 2012: 11. 4 million
    • December 2012: 28. 8 million (Read below you can see what was the possible cause of this increase)
    • April 2013: 2. 7 million

I am now about 87% lower than when I started the treatment. I try to take 2 - 350mg caps per day, but if I cant get them on an empty stomach twice per day, then I will only take 1. Other than this I carry on with my normal diet and life. I do not drink alcohol and do drink alkaline water to lower my overall body pH and on occasion take ascorbic acid (Vit C) powder mixed with baking soda if I feel an illness coming on. I am hoping that within a few more months my next result will be non detectable, but if it's not, no worries, as I have nothing but time and trust that this will eventually cure me of my Hepatitis C.

All my other blood work test are "normal".

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Thank you so very much Chris for this important update. You have stuck with the BHT treatment for over one year now. It does seem you now have this HCV infection under control and hopefully you will get to NO VIRUS DETECTED soon.

Here is a link to an important University of Naples study about vitamins and hepatits C. Some help: most notably vitamin B12 in daily doses of 1,000mcg [ micrograms ] and one [ vitamin E ] enhances the hepatitis C viruses` ability to replicate and therefore vitamin E supplents should be avoided, NOT taken. Yes you NEED some vitamin E but get plenty in a normal diet. Just do NOT take vitamin E supplements if treating hepatitis C. Here is a link to this important study: http://www.epocrates.com/dacc/1207/VitaminB12hcvBMJ1207.pdf

So, adding that 1,000mcg [ micrograms ] of vitamin B 12 a day should help a lot... Oscar

Replied by Debi
(Irvine, Ca)

Answering Chris from Yigo, Guam

Hello Chris, I have been told and read in the past that the viral loads will always go WAY UP before they go way down when doing alternative therapies. What is happening is the virus is being pulled from the tissue, bone and muscles and circulates it in the blood before it's all taken out of the blood. This is a good thing. Once you see this happen your loads will drop dramatically. Congrats and good luck. Debi, Irvine Ca

Replied by Anne

Thank you for the info on the elevated count of virus... I came from 7 mil to 1 mil and the last test and first time elevation in 5 years of 3 mil.... Thought it was the change of clinic.... Hope, hope, hope

Posted by Alicia (Syracuse, Utah) on 10/01/2012

Hola Oscar y todos los amigos del foro, solo quiero informarle, que yo sigo mi tratamiento de BHT, todos los dias, me siento muy bien de salud, y un problema que he tenido desde siempre es la hichazon en mis piernas, y hace como un mes que ya no tengo mis piernas hinchas, estan perfectas, sigo con mis ejercicios mi dieta, y una esperanza inmensa para mi proximo test que va hacer en diciembre. Bueno espero que todos uds. esten trabajando tan duro como yo por su recuperacion, mis mejores deseo.

Hello Oscar and all friends of the forum, I just want to inform you that I follow my BHT treatment, every day, I feel very good health, and a problem I've always had is the swelling in my legs, and pretends a month that I have my legs no longer fans, are perfect, I still have my exercise my diet, and a great hope for my next test is going to do in December. Well I hope that all of you are working as hard as I do for her recovery, my best desire.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Alicia, It is always a joy to hear from you. I am happy to learn that the problem you were having with your legs is gone. I want you and everyone else to know: Do NOT drink grapefruit juice if using the BHT treatment. Grapefruit juice interacts with a very many drugs or supplents in a bad way. You or anyone else can learn about that here at wikipedia:


Wishing you the very best, ...Oscar

Posted by Alicia (Syracuse, Utah) on 09/04/2012

Hola Oscar, hoy estoy muy contenta con los resultados de mi test hecho el 31 de Agosto, aqui te va la information. Jun 24-12, WBC-1. 2; Platelets-75; AST-65; ALT-63; VL-194, 000 IU/ml. August-31-12, WBC-3. 1;Platelets-78; AST-59; ALT-51; VL-5, 000IU/ml. Mi doctor me llamo esta manana con la buena nueva, el quiere que yo me haga el test otra vez en Dec. Vamos a rogarle a Dios que todo este muy bien. Tambien quiero informarle que yo solo tomo BHT 250mg una vez al dia en las manana, 6am, despues un jugo de vegetales en el que no puede faltar Remolacha, tomate, y el te de sage, tambien 8oz. De grapefruit juice una vez al dia, y 30 gotas de Piedra Chanca dos veces al dia, todas mis comidas trato de que sean saludable, no azucar, no productos lacteos, y ejercicios todos los dias. estoy muy feliz, espero que esto sea un gota de esperanza para todos aquellos que como yo buscan una cura desesperadamente, buena suerte para todos.

Hello Oscar, today I am very happy with the results of my test done on August 31, here is the information you. June 24 to 12, WBC-1. 2, Platelets-75;-65 AST, ALT-63, VL-194, 000 IU / ml. August-31-12, WBC-3. 1; Platelets-78, AST-59, ALT-51, VL-5, 000IU/ml. My doctor called me this morning with the good news, he wants me to take the test again in Dec. Let's pray to God that everything is fine. I also want to tell you that I only took BHT 250mg once daily in the morning, 6am, then a vegetable juice that can not miss the beet, tomato and sage tea, also 8oz. of grapefruit juice once a day, and 30 drops of Chanca Piedra twice daily, all my meals I try to be healthy, no sugar, no dairy products, and exercises every day. I am very happy, I hope this is a drop of hope for all those like me desperately seeking a cure, good luck to all.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Alicia, I am so very happy the BHT treatment is working so very well for you. Thank you very much for your informative and detailed report. You are helping many people with the information you have given. You are doing the treatment correctly and it is working very well for you. The treatment does work if you do NOT screw it up with a bunch of other supplements. Thank you so very much for posting your results here at the EARTH CLINIC. Sincerely, ...Oscar

Posted by Alicia (Syracuse, Utah) on 08/05/2012

Hola Oscar, gracias por tus comentarios, quiero aclarar que mi ultrasound en mi liver fue hecho hace como seis meses, antes de comenzar el tratamiento convencional, el cual fue suspendido a finales de junio, ya que el virus regreso, mi doctor dijo que tenia una Quantitation de 194150 lu/ml, HCV log 10 de 5. 288 log10 iu/ml, el dijo que habia regresado por los cientos de mile, tu sabes que cantidad es especificamente. Yo voy a tener mi test a primcipio de Septiembre, y este si va a ser resultado del BHT, esperemos que todo salga bien, saludos a todos y mis mejores deseos.

Hi Oscar, thanks for your comments, I want to clarify that my ultrasound on my liver was made six months ago, before beginning conventional treatment, which was suspended in late June, as the virus back, my doctor said I had a Quantitation of 194150 lu / ml, log 10 HCV 5.288 log10 IU / ml, said he had returned for the hundreds of mile, you know how much is specifically. I will have my test in September primcipio, and this if you are a result of BHT, hopefully everything goes well, greetings to all and best wishes.

Posted by Alicia (Syracuse, Utah) on 08/02/2012

Oscar y todos los amigos del for, tengo 10 dias tomando BHT, ningun efecto secundario relevante, solamente un poco de rash en la cara que no duro ni dos dias, comenze tomando una de 250mg en las mananas por cinco dias quize aumentar la dosis a dos, una en las mananas y otra en las noches, pero mis oidos comenzaron con un poco de dolor y volvi la dosis a una, ahora la comenze ayer otravez y parece que la estoy tolerando mejor. Soy una persona muy activa fisicamente, corro 2 millas casi todos los dias y una hora y media de levantamiento depesas cinco dias a la semana, trato de llevar una dieta muy saludable, no productos lacteos, no azucar, no harina, solamente productos hecho de tapioca, arroz, mucho frutas y vegetales, no bebidas alcoholicas, mi doctor se sorprendio cuando me hizo un ultrasonido de mi higado dijo que estaba casi perfecto a Dios gracias, he trabajado muy duro para m antenerme saludable. Mi doctor quiere chequear mi sangre a final de Agosto por eso de que el tratamiento dejo mis globulos blanco muy bajitos, le voy a pedir que me haga un test completo, espero comunicarme con uds. muy pronto.


Oscar and friends for all, I have 10 days to take BHT, no relevant side effect, only a little rash on the face that did not last even two days, I began taking one 250mg in the mornings for five days quize increase the dose to two, one in the mornings and again at night, but my ears started with some pain and went back to a dose, I started yesterday otravez now and it seems that I'm better tolerated. I am very physically active, I run 2 miles almost every day and an hour and a half depesas lifting five days a week, try to live a very healthy diet, no dairy, no sugar, no flour, only products made of tapioca, rice, fruits and vegetables far, no alcoholic beverages, my doctor was surprised when I had an ultrasound of my liver was almost perfect said thank God, I worked very hard for me antenerme healthy. My doctor wants to check my blood at the end of August so that the white blood cells leave my treatment very short people, I'm going to ask me to do a full test, I hope to communicate with PC soon.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Alicia, You are doing everything right with the BHT treatment and it is working. That one 250mg of BHT per day may very well be all that you need to cure yourself of this hepatitis C infection. You do not weigh very much compared to many of the people using the BHT treatment. I am amazed at the amount of exercise you do. This exercise helps a lot. Please do not overdo it. You must be a very strong person.

Dear Alicia, please listen to me. You will still need to take the BHT on a daily basis for at least 2 years to be truly cured. The BHT is actually good for you as long as you do not take too much of it. The reason you need to keep taking the BHT is because: Even when no virus is detected in the blood tests very many liver cells are still infected. You are responding so very well to the BHT treatment and that makes me very happy. Please keep posting any and all test results here at the EARTH CLINIC. I wish more people would do that. Your friend, ...Oscar

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