A healthy diet free from refined sugars, and processed foods, and plenty of water could only help this disorder. I'm guilty of terrible eating habits and smoking which could only be contributing to this problem. I strongly believe that a colonic which is like an intense enema rids our body of old fecal material, parasites, and toxins that have built up in the colon over the years from unhealthy eating habits, I think that colonics and a drastic change in eating habits can drastically make a difference in the severity of hs.
I think that antibiotics and surgery are only a bandaid to the true cause of hs. Getting to the root of the problem is the only way to pinpoint the cause of hs. I wil try the colonic and make healthy diet choices and let you know the outcome as soon as I see results. I hope that someone suffering with hs as i have over the years will read this and give others ideas on what worked for them, take care and god bless.