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General Feedback
Inasmuch as I continue to search for a cure, to no avail, I am cautiously optomistically that turmeric is finally the magic bullet that will end the years of pain, scarring, embarrassment, smelly discharge and useless/expensive trips to doctors, who nearly always say that I should be glad it is "down there" and not on a visible part of my body. I always have been glad for that but somehow their words lack true sympathy for the debilitating nature of the disease.
So, last evening, after reading posts regarding turmeric helping combat/cure hidradenitis I ran out and bought turmeric from Walgreens. The pills are 950mg with pepper as a buffer (I guess). I took two pills last night and then made a salve from another pill mixed with neosporin and applied it to the boil (with sinus tract) on my groin. I have had this particular oozing, painful boil at this location for about 10 months. It started to tract about 2 months ago. This morning I took another 950mg pill, a second around noon and a third around 6PM. I'll let you know how the treatment works out after a week.
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
I'm curious if anyone has mentioned botox injections at the groin area for you. it has been a life saver for a few people i know. i know it can be expensive, but you can look into health care coverage, i would rather be out of pocket,than to live through that pain and i totaly sympathize with you i've been there too.
(Newcastle, England)
(Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
I'm writing more so because my daughter who is now 25 years old has had HS since she was 12, at which time I authorized surgery to remove sweat glands from under her arm pits. That worked for a few years actually; however, over the past few years, she's had really bad outbreaks in her groin area and it is also regenerated under her armpits. She gets depressed more often lately and I feel so helpless. She has two young children, 4 years and 5 months old, works a full-time job, and is completing her Bachelor's degree on line. She's a wonderful young lady. I try to help in every possible way that I can, by dressing and bathing the children, feeding them, buying her dressings for her sores, planning events to keep her mind occupied and to keep her happy. I feel for all of you because I have seen the debilatating effect of this disease. I have faith in God and I trust him and believe that he will heal her. In the meantime, I'm looking for a way to help her to live through this both physically and psychologically. We're going to try Tumeric and she's trying to get her weight back down after having the baby. Although her children's father seems to really care a lot about her, I think she would do better than him if she didn't have this condition and had more confidence in her appearance. I finally got her to go to counseling one time and she invited me to participate. For a long time, I thought she was dealing really well in accepting and dealing with the condition. I found out in the session that she's been hiding her real feeling. Everything I thought she must be feeling as a young lady, she was feeling. I'm going to keep trying to make her feel comfortable and deal with things one day at a time. I'll keep looking and taking her to every doctor and clinic I can until we find a cure. I won't give up and don't you give up either!
(Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada)
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA)
Hi Renee,
I just read your post and felt I had to write. I'm glad your daughter has you to help her. I can hear your sincerity in your desire to help her. I understand because I have a son who is 24, daughter 23 and son 21. (Two more much younger.) When they get older it can be hard because they are "adults" and you have to respect them and yet you want so much to help them too. Anyway, my heart goes out to both of you. The reason I'm writing is because even though I've posted several times about the mini beet protocol, it has led me into a vast storehouse of amazing information from the raw food world and superfood world. I would urge you to look into this as I have seen miraculous things and testimonies from people who were hopeless and turned their lives around. It is full of inspiration which you need right now. Try to find my posts as I talk about it in them. See if you can start by juicing and getting fresh raw vegetables into your diet. That would be a good start. Remember too, the doctors don't have the answers to the healing process. Their knowledge is in drugs and surgery. We must all start taking our bodies back and finding the true answers. You say you have faith in God- well, guess what, God has given us so many ways to be healthy and stay that way from plants and herbs found on our planet. Go on youtube and find David Wolfe and Daniel Vitalis which will then lead you to other very inspiring people- Hulda Clark, Angela Stokes, Gabriel Cousens and more that will turn what we have been told on its head! There is hope, there are answers just do the research- it's all at our fingertips with the internet. I wish you the very best and my thoughts are with you. I have faith that with this knowledge, you could turn all of this around. Lisa
(Houston, Tx)
That is terrible to hear, I'm sorry about that. It is very debilitating and definitely affects your self-esteem. It sounds like you already do support her and encourage her to look beyond this, and that's great. I too live with HS. I've had it for 4 years now and can relate to the feeling. I hope she continues with counseling. Best wishes to her and God bless.
General Feedback
I had my first lesion when I was 19, did not know what it was at the time, I am now 43. I was free of flare ups until I was 35, when I gained weight with my pregnancy. Since then, it has been a nightmare. I completely relate to all of you on this sight. Short doctor sent me to a derm. he said it was HS..sorry can't help you, but you can take accutane! NOT!! So leaving there empty-handed and no idea what to do..I learned on my live with it. The pain is unbearable, embarrassing, and completely gross! Mine started on my thighs and groin and have seem to have found their home on armpits. Oh, when I showed the derm. my boils and scars, he asked me if I had any on my armpits, I said no and he said "You will"..gee thanks.Well, he was right about one thing! So, now I have done my own wear and tear on the darn things and they have torn me up worse. I am a firm believer in Dial soap but that is the only preventive measures I ever knew about until now. I tried antibiotics, turns out I am allergic to most of them, great! Band aids..allergic to latex, too. My Dr. once told me, "Boy, did God ever give you a body to deal with".Ya think. She actually lanced one when I was having my daughter. She said not to say anything, I guess it was freebie. Well, I am sure looking forward to trying any and all of the remedies you all have mentioned on this sight. I just don't know where to start and with what doses or mixtures. Can anyone give specifics on this? I also noticed that they seem to flare with PMS, the only problem there is being premenopausal and getting my period every two weeks does not give enough time to heal between outbreaks...What else, huh? So, please, anybody...HELP!!
(Newcastle, England)
Hi i have heard that the contraceptive dianette which is also used for acne can help with HS. I read today that contraception that stops you from menstruating altogether is also effective. i too seem to have a flare up just before my period. also there is a link between HS and prolonged bleeding during menstruation which i find true in my case too. i wonder if this is how it is for others. good luck
(Woodridge, Illinois)
I am 35 yr old female & have suffered from HS for the past 15 years. I can honestly say taking the pill consecutively as I have for the past 4 years, does not help my HS. It seems we are all a little different when it comes to healing methods. So far I have yet to find a cure & I feel like I have tried everything!! Urrggg!! So frustrating.
General Feedback
thankfully i met a dermatologist..he did diagnose me though i researched on it over the internet my doctor confirmed it was hidradenitis. he gave me certain antibiotics for a week and now iam on these pills for 3 months called sotret..supossed to shrink the sebacious glands.have been given an anti-bacto soap to bathe.since i sweat a lot a form one armpit as the other sweat gland is even omits a really bad doctor has a recommended a lotion called the no swet lotion which gradually decreases..the sweat production.
i have been taking this medicine sotret which is also called isotreniton for about a month now and i think it has started to work.real progress only happens after you have stopped with the medicines..condition improves even after that.
i used to be very overwieght at one point of time.i have lost a lot of weight and i realised it makes a major difference..while suffering from this disease however loosing weight can be quite a challenge with this disease and the lesions always flare up with the heat created by excercise.
dont know why god created this disease..but when i read about other peoples sufferings i know i am not the only one and there are people with far worse..cases.
General Feedback
(Ontario, CA)
To Talija: I know exactly how you feel. Mine first started when I was 25, and was newly married (now divorced from this man, which has nothing to do with the HS). I am now 39 and still have major problems. When I was dating again in my early 30's, the idea of having a serious relationship, moreover, a meaningful sexual relationship was horrifying, because by that time, my inner thighs/groin area were horribly scarred, with pits and tunnels... I have been so fortunate that my new husband is very understanding and recognizes that this is a medical condition with poor prognosis (from a medical perspective, at least). He has gone to great lengths to help me remember that I am desirable, attractive, important, etc. regardless of this disfiguring condition near my most "intimate" parts. I have spent many nights crying and asking him why he is attracted to me since I am "broken." He giggles, then reassures me. His attitude is "well, it's not your fault, and you have little control over it, so we deal with it and go on," DESPITE the fact that this can seriously affect our sex life during flare-ups. Aside from this issue, I am a very confident person, which coupled with his support, allows me to remain feeling like a desirable, attractive, and non-disfigured woman. I hope this helps.
(Indianapolis, Indiana)
i have had this awful thing for a long time and never knew what it was until now. my doctor is useless and so is my husband. instead of supporting me he thinks it is kind of funny. i have to basically diagnose myself. i wish all of you luck and love. and i pray there is a way to stop this dreaded illness. blessed be.
General Feedback
General Feedback
Also, for the Lady & the colonics - YES/YES/YES, they are helpful too, but not without a change in intake of foods that could be aggravating the condition. Notice your intake & break-out routine, so that you can capture what triggers an outbreak. For me, for example, BEER-CITRUS-TOMATOES, much as I love all those things are guarenteed break-out starters, AS WELL AS STRESS & WT. GAIN. In fact if there's any goodness to this, it is that breakouts tell me that a weight gain of at least 10 lbs has happened...Jessy
General Feedback
1. Stop using roll on, or stick antiperspirant. the repeated contact while infected only serves to reinfect you when you get clear, plus antiperspirant tends to clog the pores trapping the infection inside. So using a pump spray deodorant such as FDS is much more effective during the treatment.
2. Do not use antibacterial soap it actually kills the naturally occurring good bacteria that helps keep yeast infections in check.
3.Twice daily massage natural live bacteria yogurt on these areas like you would a lotion. (note: use unsweetened,unflavored natural yogurt for this, otherwise it is a sticky mess.)(you can also use an over the counter yeast infection vaginal cream for this if you prefer.)
4. Shower Daily taking care to thoroughly wash, and dry prone areas.
5. start a regimen of turmeric to help cleanse from the inside out.
Do this for 10 days and you can virtually say goodbye to Hidradenitis Suppurativa. I did all this myself and have been clear for 2 years, I have also recommended this to others with the same problem and they have also had excellent results. Even after they have repeatedly had doctors draining their sores and putting them on massive antibiotics for years.They are finally clearing up the problem.
General Feedback
Ginger or Aloe Poultice
Well, I cannot go in every time it pops up and I am in pain, so what I do is juice ginger and put it on the area with some gauze or sometimes I put aloe, I like to switch them off. Both of those help to pull out the disease and open by itself. This really helps a lot!
Ginger, Garlic, Mint, Pomegranate
I have been facing this issue since last one year and doctors say we can not help in this case even they don't understand what is causing this disease. Two weeks ago I visited my dad and he told me one remedy and I came back and tried and trust me I was surprised. It's herbal Antibiotic which seems 1000 times more effective than medical stuff.
OK try this ...I am same like you, searched on google for whole year, tried many things but nothing worked but this thing which I am going to share here. Cures me 70 % in 10 days ..
I am sure you don't believe but try it and then inform me within two weeks..within 2 3 days you will be letting me know that it's killing the disease..
Here you go
1) fresh ginger 50 grams
2) fresh garlic 25 grams
3) mint leaves 50 gram (fresh)
4) pomegranate seeds 50 grams (dried one)
Put in a blender and make a sauce; now put in an air tight jar.
Dosage:: 1 tablespoon (full) after breakfast, 1 after lunch, 1 after dinner.(with water) ...OR you can put this paste on the Bread and eat it...
Please Please for one week don't eat fast food; you will sea the result which will amaze you.. Please guys share it with everyone .. May Allah cure everyone from all the diseases... Best Of Luck Waiting for your response...
H.S. Dressings
I have them under my armpits where I've had 4 operations over the years to get the rotten things removed, but they always come back. I also have them in the groin and buttocks. Mine have recently changed form however, they have decided to come out as small boils all over my body now, naturally of course, doctors put me on antibiotics (I think its high time somebody out there in the medical world did some research on this condition, more and more people are developing it, yet nobody knows anything about it or how to cure it).
Anyhow, I thought I'd mention a product that I've used on my pustules for draining them. It may help someone out there, I've found it very effective for drawing the contents of them out once they burst. The name of the dressing is Allevyn. It comes in an adhesive and non adhesive variety. It can be awkward at times to cover a boil, depending on where it is (if its a groin one in the crease, I usually find the non adhesive handy, they can be placed over it and undies hold it in place). The adhesive is good if you get them on flat areas, like thighs or tummies. A GP put me onto this product, they use it to dress ulcers on the legs to drain out the infection.
Experimentation is the key, I sometimes use the non adhesive with some sticking plaster to hold it in place. Anyhow, if you tend to suffer when they break open with that awful smelly gunk that comes out of them, these dressings will drain all that awful muck out, which I find makes me feel alot better. These dressings are designed to be left in place for 2 or 3 days though, so you don't have to replace them daily, unless necessary. But I'm definitely going to try this turmeric remedy, it sounds marvellous.
My prayers to you all fellow HS sufferers. Its a rotten disease, a life destroying disease and its about time somebody did some research on HS. We need to know why we have it and what can cure it. In my 35 years of suffering from it, surgery is still the only option and its anything but permanent!!! That's just plain sad...
(Cardiff, UK)
Hia saw your post and thought I'd try the dressings you mentioned. I use chlorhexidine wash before I enter the shower/bath which helps keep some of them under control.
(Corvallis, Or)
i did my own food tests for the past 4 years and i notice that i only have outbreaks when i eat any corn, corn starch, corn meal, maltodextrin
(Austin, Tx, usa)
Hi, wonderful to find this site, I'm 35 and have had HS since age 12, which progressively has gotten worse. I've never gone into remission, but have had times when my HS seems less uncomfortable, and other times when the breakouts are crazy and painful. I haven't tried any one thing consistently, except for using Hibiclens, I can't say I see much improvement using it, but I have to believe that using an antibacterial soap has to be better than not. I've never gone on a gluten free diet, so I am considering that, as well as I've been heavily considering a raw food diet. I have been overweight my entire life. My weight is currently my highest as well as my HS currently it's worse. I've read a lot in the past few days about HS and recommendations on foods to stay away from, and I must say it seems overwhelming.
I mainly just wanted to say thanks to everyone for sharing information, it does help to know I am not the only one who suffers from HS.
Thank you.
(Austin, Texas)
Legendfalls, I have had HS for about 3 years now and live in Austin as well. I'm considering seeing a naturopath here, have you looked at that at all? I have recently tried to avoid dairy, and it does seem to help quite a bit. I'm going to try the turmeric and a couple other things listed on this site. Email me if you'd like, I'd love to have someone close by that knows what I'm going through. -jnbol82(at)
(Weirsdale, Florida)
Hello Everyone, Seems there is a big club of "us". I have found it starts with food and to go further I read lots of info on a castor oil pack detox...especially to do with Edgar Cayce. It starts with our gut and the foods we put in. Doing a detox pack tomorrow..hopefully getting my gut detox and putting only Paleo my tummy. Drinking teas and only cut refined sugar and only using raw honey which seems to be doing something productive. Just started all of this 100% cause I love sugar and I smoke...a nighshade. Still learning and wish you all well...God bless us all. Amen!
Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Stress

I have discovered stress causes my HS. I did have them a lot when I worked in a job I hated. I left and they cleared. However until this week my last attack was 10 years ago after the death of my father. I have had a great deal of stress lately and "hey presto" HS has returned. I'm trying to stay calm but being in pain doesn't help.
Hidradenitis Suppurativa Studies
(The Beach, Canada)
this link only took me to a log in page for a user account.
EC: Sorry, you are right. Oddly, the link only works if you click on it from Google search results!
EC: When we searched for Elapse Corralineous on the web just now we could find no mention of it, so we emailed Dianne for more information. We will post her response as soon as we hear back!
(woodbridge, VA)
(Concord, NH)
Check this link for an explanation of the Elapse remedy. Sorry I do not know where you can find it, except that I purchase unusual remedies from my naturopath's clinic. A homeopath's and or naturopath's office should have it or be able to order it for you. Good luck!
(Vancouver, Canada)
(Woodbridge, VA)
I originally wrote: 06/05/2008: Rebecca from woodbridge, VA replies: "IN REFERENCE TO Hidradenitis Suppurativa Remedies HAVE YOU FOUND OUT THE RESOURCE FOR (Elapse Corralineous) YET? Thanks so much!"
I am sorry it took awhile to follow up, have you found out any further information as of yet? Thanks so much!
(Dayton, Ohio)
The reason (I think) that no one could find Elapse Corralineous is because it is spelled incorrectly. I believe it's Elaps Corallinus, which can be bought online at A direct link is:
I haven't tried this yet (I'm still just new to the turmeric and the ACV/Epsom salt treatments) but I'm going to order some of this stuff off hmedicine and see how it works. I think 200cc a day is what it should take, but you might want to ask a homeopathic doctor to make sure.
Hope this helps!
EC: At long last! Thank you so much!
(Indianapolis, Indiana)
(Gaston, Sc Usa)
(Gaston, Sc Usa)
Ok I was in process of ordering the elaps Corallinus and I decided to stop a minute and do a bit of research. The side effects are CRAZY! They sound as bad as having these boils, maybe even worse! I advise people to really check it out. Unless I am reading totally wrong on all these sites, its made from a deadly coral snake from Brazil! You can experience Hallucinations, black discharge from the ears and body, and so much more! When I read about it on one site it gave me a great paragraph on how wonderful the product is, then 6 paragraphs on all the bad side effects. Some of these are really bad! Shouldnt we be scared of this stuff???
Homeopathy doesn't use tinctures or remedies full strength unless they cause no bad symptoms.
Chamomile is one remedy that can be used as a tincture as well as diluted. Most remedies are diluted to the point where none of the original substance is in the dilution anymore. Something as powerful as "coral-snake" would be taken in an extremely diluted formulation.
Homeopathy works on the principle that an infinitesimal amount of a substance will cure symptoms that the tincture would cause.
See the Second Principle of Homeopathy
(Newport News, Virginia)
(Arlington, Texas)
Hi, coralineous refers to coral dwelling species.