I have had this HS disease for about 16 years including a pilonidal cyst .The pilonidal cyst was treated 5 yrs ago with some herbs from a herbalist.The hidradenitis superetiva has gotten 95 % better because of the use of the Avocado bark. Avocado leaves and bark are used to kill streplococous bacteria. I poured boiled water in a water jar rand put a small piece of bark, I always used fresh bark. After the mixture has cooled l drank it. I drank it five times a month during my period for about 3 mnths, mybe it might differ in people.
I hope someone will be healed by this too. I also tried turmeric but for me it made a little change. l also had one of the worst Hidradenitis suppurativa.If anyone wants to hear more just ask. Sorry for my English its a second language to me.