I started doing lots of research on-line as I didn't want my husband to be dependent on meds forever. Finally I came across this website talking about water treatment for hives, and I thought why not. http://www.topix.com/forum/health/hives/T3JE7RJD4S1FFOBUM/p5
Within the first 48 hours, his itching got less. We canceled the allergy appointment. Within a week, the hives still came but less. He also stopped drinking coffee totally (apparently it's very dehydrating). It took about two months of drinking water about 8-10 glasses, and now the hives are completely gone, thank God! The water has also helped his eczema itching as well. We also had liquid oil of oregano at home (search youtube for an easy painless way to take it- it's strong). Please DO give this a try, and I'll post this on a couple of sites in hopes it may help someone else.