Posted by Katydid (Texas, Usa) on 05/24/2016
THANK YOU for suggesting toothpaste! I didn't have ACV on hand but that would have been my next thing to try. I only have Crest, not the type you tried, but it seemed to calm the itching almost immediately. I'd already tried lavender oil, tea tree oil, eucaliptus oil, peppermint oil, and camomile lotion. (all separately on different days.) Along with benadryl. Nothing was working and the itchiness was so bad I couldn't sleep.
I don't know if this will be cured by toothpaste, but at least I can rest now. I'll try to remember to report back to let you know if it's a cure. If it matters, my hives were caused by an insect bite I was mildly allergic to, and the toothpaste doesn't sting like I assumed it would.
Posted by Natasha (Auckland, New Zealand) on 02/07/2012
I have never had hives before but two weeks ago I started getting them first on my legs. Then on my arms. At the beginning they were small in size. Later they appeared on my upper arm, underarm, neck and even face. It was itching crazy. Immidiately after I scratched them, they was growing in size and was looking like raised flat topped bumps.
I was searching everywhere for some remedy and decided to try using tooth paste. I rubbed it onto hives and minutes later itching disappeared!! Hour later the hives were not swollen any longer and started to dissappear fully.
I don't know if it will help me to get rid of them fully, cos I tried this today, so I just have to wait and see. At least it helps to get rid of itchiness for sure.
Posted by Helen (Long Island, USA) on 05/28/2009
I suffered with hives for over a year; they kept coming back. I went to doctors and they gave me prescriptions which didn't work. Believe it or not, I was so desperate that I had heard about toothpaste and I tried it and it worked. I used Aquafresh. I haven't had hives in a few months now.