30 days ago my husband mentioned that he seemed to be getting more and more sluggish. Asked about my thyroid supplement. Since he had never had to be on any thyroid meds in the past, I didn't think he should go that route, but mentioned that since he has been using sea salt rather than iodine infused table salt, that it may be why he now feels sluggish. He started on the BioActive iodine, taking it at night because that is when he would remember. Not only has he seen a difference in his energy levels, but his sleep is much better. Instead of waking at 1-3am he is sleeping until 5am and his sleep is more restoring. The few times he has forgotten it, he was again awake before 3. The iodine does help him to go to sleep, nor does it cause drowsiness. It just seems to provide what his body needs to be restored. Since then I have switched my intake of iodine to the evening, and find that my sleep is more restoring.
BTW, I take the iodine in the morning, in cranberry juice.
I have had other positive effects with the iodine but will post about them after I've been using it for a couple of weeks.
One winter I developed a craving for clams and could not seem to get enough of them. I noticed that occasionally I had short periods of normal sleep. Then it hit me - iodine! I had myself tested for hypothyroidism. The result was positive. And I was furious. I never got help from the medical profession, lived for years as a zombie, and had to find the cure all by myself! Thanks to potassium iodide I sleep just fine. Although I started at a higher dosage, I currently take only four drops of 5 per cent solution a week. Now if I could get a refund of all the money I wasted on doctors who resorted to facile psychology instead of medicine . . . .