Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Insomnia: A Comprehensive Guide

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by lucy (nashville, tn) on 03/14/2022

some of the herbal remedies for sleep all make my legs so restless!! I've tried valerian, hops, 5http, chamomile, melatonin, and some antihistamines. jump like frog legs, I am so tired..

Replied by Art
2370 posts


Some people find this specific magnesium combo useful for both sleep and RLS. Read some of the reviews on those specific topics.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 05/02/2019

I've been on here for years now trying to fix my insomnia. Several things I've posted helped a good bit but nothing really does the trick, so I've gone back to square one and will try to be more methodical. My first attempt is Ted's alkalizing treatments.

I got ph strips and, wow, my morning urine was down around 4. I've started the acv + baking soda (1Tbs ACV + 1/2 tsp BS in 8 oz water, 3X/day) and have done this several days now with no real change. I have ordered Potassium citrate and will use it instead of the acv when it arrives.

Additionally, I will watch my diet more than I have been. I've been so intent on getting probiotics to fix my ibs-d that maybe I'm getting too much yogurt. Is there a form of probiotic that would be better for the ibs as well as the insomnia/acid issue? I've tried dairy kefir and really couldn't stand it, the store bought kefir is great but full of sugar. I'm open to suggestions. Carbs don't bother my belly, so that's what I tend to eat. I will make more effort to get greens, but cannot do anything raw besides carrot.
Please, if you have any other suggestions for me let me know. My ibs makes it hard to get adequate minerals (even mag oil topically gives me diarrhea if I do more than 3 sprays/day) and lack of minerals can sure wreck your sleep. I hope the potassium doesn't upset the bowels, but my reading hasn't indicated that it would so it's worth a try.

I am also doing a hypnosis app (Glenn Harrold) for sleep that helps me go to sleep fast but I wake up within 20 minutes of it ending. It says do it faithfully for 21 days before deciding it won't work and I'm only on day 9, so we'll see. I looked into acupuncture, but the guy near me charges $70/session and wants 3 sessions a week for at least 6 weeks so I can't afford that.

I am currently doing a mix of seriphos, ashwagandha, passion flower, l-theanine, glycine, gaba and melatonin. Works some days and not others. I tried adding valerian to this and it bothered the belly and have lemon balm that I”m willing to try but will do the alkalizing first. I seriously need help sleeping, 60+ y.o. female.

Replied by Jay

To GertJr from Madison: I

had a similar situation several years ago when I tested my morning urine PH and found it to be less than 5. What worked for me to improve PH was to drink 8 -- 8 oz. glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice throughout each day while gradually trying to modify my diet to be more healthy. I was more intent on finding a food mix that would work and forgot the PH issue for a while. The fresh juice was taken in 8 oz. glasses and the 8 glassfuls were spaced at least an hour apart.

About 3 months later I thought of checking my morning urine PH and it was spot on 6.2 (which is the medical standard). Needless to say, I continued the juice drinking. You also need to look up foods to see how to correct your food intake to create an acid/alkaline balance that matches your personal digestive system...examples of alkalizing foods: potatoes,, green veg (raw or cooked), etc.

A useful book is called The Acid-Alkaline Diet for optimum health by Christopher Vasey.

Replied by Nonnie

Hi GertJr -

I'm wondering if, in addition to everything else you are taking, you try sleeping in a completely dark room (no light emitted from anything - including around the windows or from electronic devices). Speaking of electronic devices, remove them from the room. Let your bedroom be an oasis of tranquility - no clutter, clean and quiet. In the evening, wear blue-blocking glasses if you watch TV, use the computer/tablet/smartphone - at least a few hours before bedtime. Get enough physical exercise during the day, fresh air, sunshine (or use a light therapy device for 20 minutes in the morning if you live in a cloudy/rainy place). Stay properly hydrated. Ensure your Vitamin D levels are where they should be (do an Internet search for Vitamin D and insomnia - it's an incredibly important hormone). If you take Vitamin D supplements, take them in the morning. Write down your worries, thoughts, etc. in a journal - get them out of your head. Have a fan going to circulate the air - also, a fan can have a soothing "white noise" effect that helps people sleep. The room should be comfortably cool. What about your bedding and mattress? These are some of the "sleep hygiene" tips that help many people. Do an Internet search for sleep hygiene - there are lots of studies on how it can help - along with a clean diet (which I'm sure you have if you suffer from ibs), limited caffeine, etc.

A good night's sleep is crucial to good health. I wish you the best of luck. Take care.

Replied by GertJr

I read today that there are 5 different types of insomnia, all variations of stress/no stress + major event (health or other)/no major event or only a major event. I think I have the stress + major event kind. Too bad, the article gave no solutions to fix it. I have been on Ted's Sodium Citrate 1/2 tsp + Potassium Citrate 1/4 tsp at bedtime for over a week now. My morning pH is 7 -7.5. I am still not sleeping. Today I will add the 1 dr iodine he says to try next. Do I continue the Sodium/potassium? I think so.

The only time I sleep is like every 4th day and then I'm taking Passion Flower & other sleep herbs and a benadryl. I'd like to stop the Benadryl, but how? Would taking 2 mg melatonin instead of the 1 mg I currently take make a difference? I really think this is the menopause thing (the major event part) that never got resolved. I took hormone replacement for several years and then stopped, which is when the insomnia took over. I already do the sleep hygiene, no devices, exercise, early morning sun, eat clean, no processed foods. But, I have pain and need help easing it if anyone has a suggestion. If I take a pain pill I tend to sleep well, stopped doing that after advil gave me an ulcer.

Thanks for letting me whine.

Mama to Many

Dear GertJr,

I know you have tried so many I hesitate to suggest anything - I am sure you have studied this way more than me! A couple of things in your post sort of popped to me, though.

First you mention that the sleep got worse when you stopped hormone replacement, implying that menopause is likely related. I know so many ladies whose sleep becomes more difficult during the change of life, including my own. For me, I will fall asleep and then "startle" awake. Sometimes a noise does thing but sometimes I think it is just me. Then I can't get back to sleep. My heart races and it won't settle. Who can sleep with a racing heart? I have found that Motherwort tincture helps me with this a lot. If I take a dropperful of Motherwort twice a day, I don't have hot flashes and sleep well. I don't need it so often now, but if I have trouble sleeping, I take a dropperful of Motherwort and a dropperful of Chamomile and am usually able to get back to sleep. Another thing to look in to is Dr. Shultze's Female Formula, which is used to naturally balance hormones. If you haven't had bloodwork done it might be something to check in to. One thing out of whack can cause a cascade of problems that often seem unrelated.

A friend of mine with severe sleep difficulties has eaten a near "perfect diet" for years. One night she did eat salty snack food and found she slept well. She wondered if it was because she had a salt insufficiency related to her insomnia. Have you tried bromelain for pain? I hope you can figure this out and get some desperately needed rest soon.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Sherry

If you have IBS you have a leaky gut. Autoimmune and leaky gut go together. I've had it for 12 yrs, not sleeping goes with it. I started keto diet improved greatly. What was a great help for sleep I started taking colostrum-ld if I wake up I go back to sleep, hubby also 7-8 hrs a night. It helped my IBS, leaky gut.

Replied by Sophie
(United Kingdom)

Dr. Carolyn Dean has a magnesium without the laxative effect. It's quite expensive, but the best apparently. Hope that helps.


No she doesn't. It has much less of a laxative effect, but people like me still get diarrhea from it. Believe me, I've tried them all.

Replied by JS
(Portland, OR)


I find that if I have any dairy, I cannot sleep. My body doesn't digest it well. Often inflammation is the cause of insomnia, and that was the case for me. So I get my probiotics in a pill (PB8 is my fave). JS from Portland

Replied by Michele

Please try what worked for me: Look at the sunrise every morning for as many days in a row as you can to reset your circadian rhythm. This is a very beautiful natural remedy.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by TeSa (Florida) on 03/28/2019

Editor's Choice

After reading nearly all comments going back to 2013 and having my own experience with CHRONIC insomnia (fragmented sleep) I want to write a summary.

I had a sleep study done and my sleep index was 35.6%. It must be 85% and higher for a human body to survive in the long run. There are sleep stages that are extremely important. Mine were all screwed up. I woke up 21 times during 3 hours that I actually “slept” in an 8 study. I had no RLS and had 10 central apneas. No obstructive apnea. My HR during “sleep” period got up to 147 and up to 152 while still under observation, but not actually sleeping.

First of all there are different types of insomnia.

1. Inability to fall asleep
2. Inability to stay asleep
3. Combination of the above
4. Fragmented sleep

I won't focus on an obstructive apnea, as it is treatable with special devices. All other types of CHRONIC insomnia are still a wild guess when it comes to the cause and treatments. Fragmented sleep probably has some underlying neurological issues.

The most important thing if you have chronic insomnia, especially 1-3 types is circadian rhythm.
You want to make sure you do all of these:

– Early morning sun exposure through retina and skin. Preferably the very first minutes the sun rises above horizon. No glasses, contacts, and if possible as much bare skin as you can. Even 5 minutes would be a tremendous benefit, but longer and grounded at the same time is better. Each day, unless it is raining. AM light has perfect blend of red and blue light and just the right touch of purple UV-A light to make melatonin that helps us sleep. The UV-A light is also what begins to lower cortisol as melatonin builds making for a perfect adrenal stress index.

– No screen time and artificial light exposure after sunset unless you wear blue light blocking glasses and use screen filters.

– Replace all your LED, fluorescent and cork screw bulbs with incandescent.

– If you use red light therapy at home, do it before sunset. SaunaSpace and Joovv are good places to get your questions answered.

– Make sure your bedroom is pitch black.

Moving on to the environment.

Many people are man-made EMF sensitive. Sweden has legally recognised electro hypersensitivity.

– Move your bed away from the walls.
– Check your bedroom for dirty electricity. Install dirty electricity filters. There are Stetzerizer and GreenWay. Get your question answered there.
– Alternatively, flip the bedroom breaker for the night, but make sure all your outlets show zero signal after that.
– Make sure your bedroom doesn't have an outside wall where smart meters are located. Move your bed away from that wall, request your electrical company to replace it with analog meter, or install Smart Meter shield (lots of videos on youtube)
– Turn WiFi off for the night and switch your phone in airplane mode.

– Make sure that on the other side of a wall your head board is facing there is no high voltage appliances and/or electrical box for the entire building.

– Go outside and inspect your neighborhood and your building for cellular antennas and if 5G is being rolled out in your city, for 5G antennas. If you see it, you have no choice but to move as fast as you can. Upgrade to 5G is likely going to lead to disasterous biologic effects.

– If you live within 10 miles radius from a major airport, its latest radar is able to get through concrete buildings and therefore your body, sending impulses 24×7. The same goes for TV and radio stations. TV news stations are installing new weather radar tracking devices in all big cities whose power density is even worse than 5G.

– -If you live in a high rise condo or apartment building having neighbors above and below, as well as on both sides, and still have chronic insomnia after you have implemented the above measures, I recommend you spend few days in a wilderness, camping, at your friends/family houses to see if you sleep better to make a conclusion if your neighbors Wi-Fi affects you. In Europe they have EMF free hotels (Geovital), but unfortunately none in the US.

Now, you have implemented all the above and still not sleeping.
Biochemical imbalances could be a problem.

-As someone had already recommended, check your meds for insomnia as a side effect.

– Check your vitamin D status. For that you have to have 4 blood tests taken: D25, D1.25, PTH and calcium. For interpretation read Chris Masterjohn blog How to Tell the Difference Between Vitamin D and Calcium Deficiencies. Online private MD labs don't require prescriptions and there are always coupons. Pay online and go to a nearest LabCorp, Anytest lab, etc.

– Run full Iron profile that includes serum ferritin (the ideal range of serum ferritin is 40 to 60 ng/ml.) and read about anemia of chronic disease if you have anemia before starting on iron supplements, including molasses, stinging nettle, etc.

– Try all remedies other people have recommend here to see what works for you.

– If you wake up after midnight, try protein drink to see if it helps. Dr. Datis Kharrazian in his book Why Isn't My Brain Working? has an explanation.

Valerian root, skullcap, essential oils, relaxation baths are usually ineffective for chronic insomnia.

Meditation, qigong, relaxation techniques, EFT etc. would take a long time before you start seeing the benefits. But you have to start somewhere.

Acupuncture with an experienced Chinese practitioner could do wonders, if you have money for at least 3 sessions a week for at least 6 months. They would also create a custom herbal formula for you. Less than that would be just waste of money.

Chinese herbs could also be very effective. I recommend these formulas: Bupleurum & Dragon Bone , Shen tonics (Quantum Shen Tonic for example), Restore the Heart . Many reputable sites that sell Chinese herbs have health assessing self-tests that would guide you. Eagle Herbs; JingHerbs, etc.

Women could try progesterone creme. Kokoro professional strength is what I use.

Brandy in moderation has a history of being used as a sedative to treat insomnia.

Be careful with manipulations on your spine. Chicken pox virus that never leaves a body and remains dormant in a spine could be reactivated causing shingles outbreak. You can google about it.

Be very careful with melatonin. Taking melatonin orally chronically without blocking blue light can lead to serious eye damage. All oral doses produce the same response: they thin your retina by ruining photoreceptor regeneration. There are studies confirming that. Just google.

I will end this summary that nothing has helped me yet with my fragmented sleep.

Replied by Steve L.
(United States)

You might be one of many folks who have high night time cortisol. You can have it tested. It is usually related to adrenal fatigue/stress. If this is the case there is only one product that I have found helpful to reduce night time cortisol which is called seriphos. It is a special formulation of magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus that blocks cortisol so you can sleep. Might be worth a try if nothing else has worked. You have to play with the dosage until you find what works for you.


Thank you Steve.

My cortisol was checked once in a hospital when I had Bigeminy tachycardia for several days and it was normal back then. I see that seriphos is sold over the counter. I'll certainly try it.

Replied by Teena
(Melbourne, Australia)
233 posts

I recall Ted stated an acidic body is the cause of problem in insomniacs. I would therefore try Ted's alkalising remedy, of the baking soda and lemon ( tastes better than the ACV, and actually quite nice ).

Replied by Riccardo

What does it mean taking melatonin without blocking blue light causes retina damage?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 01/09/2019

I found something that works for me for insomnia. I take 1 Seriphos capsule + 1/2 tsp Ashwagandha powder + 1/4 tsp each of glycine, l-theanine, taurine and gaba + spoonful of blackstrap molasses in warm milk about 1/2 hour before bed. Tastes terrible and doesn't dissolve well at all. As I get into bed, I take a 1 mg melatonin sublingual tablet. Most nights I get to sleep pretty quickly and, although I wake frequently, I go back to sleep fast. Wake up rested. Some nights it seems to not work as well and others it's like I'm passed out I sleep so hard. I got on this from trying adaptogens for my adrenals. In the morning I take rhodiola, ginseng, and schisandra. I seem to feel more awake during the day.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Waltz (Bangalore) on 01/19/2018

Hi All,

I am 38 years old, I have been suffering from restlessness for no particular reason for past 7-8 months. This is affecting my sleep to the extent that I am able to sleep only around 4-5 hrs a day on an average. I feel so sleepy some nights that I find it difficult to keep my eyes open but the restlessness does not allow me to actually fall to sleep.

I have consulted psychologists and psychiatrist who have told me its kind of post traumatic stress disorder due to the tremendously difficult time I had faced for 7 years until a year back. So even when the issues resolved, I am still struggling to free myself of this restlessness. Sometimes even when I feel like I am about to fall asleep, I automatically start thinking about this sleep issue of mine and wake up. It happens even in the middle of night. I struggle of keep myself in the same position in the bed for long and keep tossing and turning due to this restlessness.

Restlessness is mostly at night but sometimes face in daytime also but then I am able to distract myself with work. In night time, there is no respite because even though there is little in my life to worry me, this needless restlessness doesn't allow me to fall asleep.

Now I have started facing cognition, memory and low efficiency at work due to lack of sleep.

I have been suggested Ambien, Melatonin and Aplrazolam by Drs. Ambien and Alprazolam help more but they are addictive and full of side effects and cant take them regularly.

I have tried magnesium, all B-Vitamins, Vitamin C, DHEA, Boron, Zinc, Ted's carbicarb formula, ACV, Yoga, Pranayam, Ayurvedic treatments like full body and foot massages, basti etc. Hot water baths as well. I do not know what else to do.

Anyone having any ideas here? Please help.

Replied by Teena
(Melbourne Australia)
233 posts

Hi, I understand you have tried magnesium, however your symptoms scream magnesium deficiency to me. Perhaps the supplement you tried was not well absorbed due to gut and or intestinal issues, the tablet/capsule housing did not break down in time, etc. I would suggest absorbing some minerals transdermally, avoiding possible absorbency problems in the gut. In a bath every night before bed, one cup each borax, sea or Celtic or Himalayan salt, Magnesium in the form of Epsom salts, also supplying sulphur, as it is likely you are deficient in other minerals/vitamins because of absorbency issue. I would try this bath routine every night for a week at least. Thinking also some bentonite for ingestion. And after bathing apply some magnesium oil, perhaps on to of slkome coconut oil. Also consider a cheap and easy way of getting minerals to your cells would be 1/4 tsp sea salt to a litre of water a day.

Replied by Myway

The one area you did not mentioned in your post was EMF (electromagnetic frequencies). Your sleep could be disrupted by consistent frequencies going through your body. This has become a huge problem with all the electrical devices in our lives. Go onto YouTube and look up Dr. Nicholas Gonzales and sleep disorders. He discusses this problem in detail. Also, our pineal gland is not able to make enough melatonin when exposed to the “blue light” emitted from our tablets, phones, computers, floresent lights, etc a. So, many people are staring at these devices before they go to bed - then they can't sleep. Dr. Mercola suggests turning off the electrical breaker and router to your bedroom at night - and leave the devices in another room ( I put my iPhone on airplane mode). Also, when you go outside, ditch the sunglasses - your pineal gland needs the sunshine exposure. Do your research on all this - it surely has helped me in the past!

Note: try to find out if there is a cell phone tower near your residence. If so, there is an indoor paint used to prevent the frequencies from getting into your bedroom. Look this up.

Good Luck!

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Hi Waltz of Bangalore,

A friend of mine almost had to quit his job because he suffered from persistent, severe insomnia for weeks and weeks and ended up like a zombie! The quality of their work (and life) was suffering to an alarming extent. It was a long time before we hit on a solution / remedy but from desperation sometimes brings forth a solution / sharpens the mind prodigiously!

I managed to persuade him to undergo a course of approximately six treatments (however long it took! ) by a Chinese lady acupuncturist I had been visiting for a pain related matter I.e. I was impressed with her treatment, so felt comfortable referring him to her after she mentioned she thought she could help him.

He has never looked back - just looses the odd night now and again like many others I suppose. Sleep becomes more elusive as we age unfortunately, so one must begin to acquire strategies to cope with that such as the many other recommendations on this Site.

You should verify if a reputable, licenced acupuncturist has had past success with treating sleep disorders before parting with your cash.

My feeling is that whatever treatment regime you undertake, you should commit to it and have faith in it if at all possible, stay the full course and attend all appointments on time.

Power of positive thinking etc!!

This worked a treat and he went back to work as a refreshed human being.

Not all people respond to all or any treatment of course but I would love to learn of your success if it happens.

Cheers, Michael

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Trudyg (Waynesboro, Va, Usa) on 03/27/2013

I have tried everything I can think of for my insomnia: melatonin, 5-HTP, L-theanine, valerian, chamomile, aromatherapy, hypnosis, guided imagery, sleep sounds, Sleep Relax formula, Fatigued to Fantastic Sleep, acv, coconut oil, sleep hygiene techniques, tapping, coffee crudea, calms forte, progesterone, magnesium oil, relaxing bath, exercise---what's left to try? I am 55, post-menopausal (take evening primrose oil for hot flashes), not on any medications except now I'm taking ambien because I must get some sleep. Yes, I wake up in 6 hours, but I don't feel rested and I am then somewhat loopy/sleepy all day so it's not an answer. Please help me! I am desperate! Oh, one more thing, probably the big issue--my husband has emphysema and wheezes. It's not really possible to sleep farther away from him (small house). When I do go to sleep, I sleep maybe 45 minutes and then am awake again, cycling like this most of the night. Thanks.

Replied by Bradshad
(North Prov., Rhode Island)

You need to cleanse your liver. Just my guess.

Replied by Claromce
(Templeton, Ca, Usa)

Not sure what magnesium oil is, but magnesium tabs helped me a lot.

Replied by Wellspruce
(Juneau, Ak, Usa)

Trudyg, I like you tried them all for sleeping. Finally I stumbled onto Melatonin Ultra, 3 mg melatonin, theanine, GABA, chamomile, valerian, B6 and calcium. You're to take 1, 2 if jet lagged. I've been taking 1. 5 the past year and backed off to just one tab 2 weeks ago as I'm on my way to bed, not earlier than that. I fall asleep fast. My problem is I have "waking insomnia" where I sleep three or four hours then am wide awake. Have had it many years. This product has helped me sleep through most nights. Hope you try it and it works for you also.

Replied by Trudyg
(Waynesboro, Va)

How does a liver cleanse help insomnia? Also, the melatonin ultra is just one of the things I have already tried without success. Please, is there nothing else out there? How do you cleanse a liver?

Replied by Jade
(Dallas, Texas)

Yes, how do you cleanse your liver? I will do anything as I have severe insomnia and sleep only couple hours every night so please let me know any suggestions how to get into a sleep clinic would be great. Thanks Jade

Replied by Ejules
(Woodbridge, Va, Us)

Try "Insomnia" by Hyland. I"ve used it for years and it has worked for several people who I've recommended it to (I always offer to buy their bottle if it doesn't work for them). It's a tiny homeopathic tablet that dissolves under your tongue. One or two should solve your sleeplessness and a bottle of 50 costs less than $10 so it's definitely cost effective. Totally counterintuitive as to why it should work but it does. It's more effective than melatonin, ambien, and all the other things I tried. Now, I always have some at home by the bed and definitely when I travel. Especially good for those nights when the tape in your head won't turn off or if you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. I've taken one tab to get back to sleep when I had to be up in 2-3 hrs; two or three when first going to bed, if needed. You won't have a 'hangover' like some of those others give you. Hope this helps you get some rest.

Replied by Bradshad
(North Prov., Rhode Island)

Well, it has been a little while so you may want to google some info but you should eat fruits (which are the cleaners) and veggies (which are the builders), Avoid sugars, alcohol, white flour products. Lean meats and healthy grains I think are acceptable. Do some more research. Also get some liver cleanse pills. I was told by a naturopath that if you are having trouble sleeping or wake up thru the night it is because sleep is disturbed because the liver is busy processing so many toxins. So at the end of the day cleanup your diet. Diet is king.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

A simple Liver cleanse is to eat lots of Beets.

Replied by Trudyg
(Waynesboro, Va)

I would willingly do a liver cleanse IF I were sure it would not excacerbate my ibs-d. I'm doing too well controlling it to take a chance. The lemon juice/baking soda thing could start diarhhea and, w/ me, this can go on for a year or more once it starts. Eating beets I can do, I love them and do eat them frequently. Grow them in my garden, so I know they are organic. I eat lots of 'greens', whatever is growing at the moment, so I think my diet is pretty good overall. I eat chia seeds daily, drink homemade kefir, don't eat much meat but usually fish, maybe the grains is where I go wrong. The unprocessed grains usually get my bowels going, so I avoid them. I do appreciate the comments, will try the niacinamide. Thanks.

Replied by Connie
(Slc, Utah, Usa)

Hi Trudyg; Insomnia has been a problem for me too, and like you, I've tried many supplements and herbs. It is still difficult. What works for many, sometimes will have the opposite effect for me.

I try to keep a record of supplements, herbs, even foods that have a stimulating or relaxing effect.

I take B vitamin supplements, but most are stimulating, so I take them in the morning. ( I take extra B12 sublinguals. BTW, it helps my hot flashes. ) B12 suppresses melatonin in the day, allowing it to increase at night.

I do take Niacinamide, (B3), in the evening, it relaxes me. ( I take 250 mgs.)

I still take 1mg. of Melatonin in the evening. It helps, but it doesn't work alone for me.

This past year, I've had good results from taking 15mgs. of Zinc in the evening. ( It may help people with elevated evening cortisol, or possibly, elevated blood sugar.)

I take extra Potassium as a supplement, it also relaxes me.

There are many supplements that work miraculously for other folks, such as : Vitamin D, Magnesium, etc. , but I seem to have a paradoxical reaction to them - worsened insomnia. (I'm sure many folks could have this same reaction to the supplements that work for me.)

I believe my best success with insomnia is from finding the substances that interfere with sleep.

Good Wishes.

Replied by Tamara
(Bellevue (formerly Ft. Collins, Co), Wa)

Hi Connie, have you tried switching around when you take vitamin D? I noticed that you mentioned you take your B vitamins in the morning. There's mounting anecdotal evidence (since no one is doing a study on timing of intake) that vitamin D supplementation in the morning improves sleep in lots of different facets. For me, it made me drowsier at night so it's easier to fall asleep and my mood was better when waking (to me indicating that I was more rested). I believe that it acts like liquid, chemical sunshine and helps set our circadian rhythm. Seth Roberts has collected a sample of people's testimonies of morning vitamin D supplementation here:

Replied by Andrea C
(Cardiff, Wales)

The Liver cleanse, is good, but you can't do anything for days! It works BUT you're gonna feel real nasty! Never mind House work, and stuff like that. The "DETOX" Reaction will get you! I know! I did this loads of times. Do not go to the ER. They will put you on drugs. Then you end up were you started and worse than that. I know. Belive me, I am detoxing and I feel real ill! BUT... I know it's working. Best of luck xx Love andrea c

Replied by Trudyg
(Waynesboro, Va)

I am really afraid of doing a liver cleanse, after doing some research. It makes you really move things out. With ibs-d, I'm moving pretty fast as an everyday thing. Getting it to stop is the problem. If you haven't had diarrhea constantly for years, every single day, then you don't know what I mean. Seriously, I wear depends in order to go buy groceries. As I am now in a fairly good place, I'm not tinkering with it. The last flare I had lasted over a year and I needed a new mattress. I'll eat as well as I can, but I'm not asking for more diarrhea.


I'd put money on Microscopic Colitis.

Replied by Connie
(Slc, Utah, Usa)

Hi, Intractable diarrhea may be from a B12/Folate deficiency.

Replied by Connie
(Slc, Utah, Usa)

Hi Tamara; I agree that there can be various ways to have success with the use of a supplement; dosage amount, timing of dosage, etc.

Another possibility is that certain co-factor nutrients may be needed to allow the vitamin to be available to the cells.

For instance, from what I've learned from reading on the Vitamin D Council website: Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin K2, and Boron are needed for vitamin D absorption. Zinc helps to prime vitamin D receptors.

Replied by Megan
(St Louis, Missouri)

I would try ear plugs. My husband snores and I am a very light sleeper. They are a life saver!

Replied by Liz
(Torrance, California)

Sorry you are experiencing insomnia. I have it occasionally and have found a few things that help.

Adrenals: I would start by finding out from a naturopath if your adrenals are overtaxed. You might have adrenal exhaustion and could benefit from some adrenal support supplements.

Exercising: Do you exercise? What time of the day do you exercise? This too may play into night time insomnia. Exercising earlier in the day is always better. If you don't get enough exercise, that too might exacerbate insomnia.

Replied by Trudyg
(Waynesboro, Va)

Thanks for all the suggestions. I read Ted's comments and am going to try the B3 (niacinamide) and B12. Those are 2 I haven't supplemented because I thought I was getting enough from food. Yes, I do exercise--I run/walk between 1-2 miles/day on the treadmill first thing in the morning, then I do QiGong around 3 in the afternoon. I stand rather than sit, walk every chance I get while at work. Weekends I clear land (very hilly) at our farm, set fenceposts, garden, yardwork, etc. I think the activity level is good. I get migraines from melatonin, so when I take it I keep it to no more than 1 mg. Calms Forte + 1 mg melatonin will work 1 day out of 4, typically. If I didn't have to work I would just nap as needed and not worry about it.

Replied by Tina
(Houston, Usa)

Please google Min-tran. It is a natural, food based product that helps with sleep issues. I have in the past taken 4-6 an hour before bed, and it knocks me off. It works with the para-sympathic side of the nervous system and brings the body to balance.

Also 'natural calm' magnesium powder that dissolves in warm water, a few hours before bed is excellent in resolving incomnia issues.

Good luck!

Replied by Trudyg
(Xxx, Yyy)

It's me again, the chronic insomniac. I tried the molasses in sleep time tea--boy, did I get diarrhea! Only did 1 tsp, not a tbs. Mg loosens the bowels, with ibs-d I get it very fast and then it won't stop. If I take calcium in the correct ratio w/ mg it's bad, calcium alone helps slow it down. Big issue is the sleep. A post said taurine + l-glutamate + theanine. For me, did nothing. I added 5-htp to that mix, still nothing. Finally took 1 mg melatonin, would have slept but for the vomiting due to melatonin induced migraine. HELP! In spite of all this, I am healthy--exercise daily, garden, work, eat well. What am I doing wrong? My mind chatters all night long, if I fall asleep I awake with a jolt. Thanks for listening.

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

just out of curiosity... What about a baking soda bath or a baking soda with vinegar bath.... Maybe 1/4 cup of each.... then rinse it off, just in case. How do you drink your water? How much, when.. ? I use to drink a lot of water but until I followed the procedure in the watercure site it wasn't helping me. I'm so sorry you are suffering ... Love, Joy

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

I went back to the insomnia page and read all your post... I'm sorry you are sufferring.

I went to a few google sites and looked around also.

This is just a stab in the dark.... I care. The fact that your grow your own greens and eat lots of them, means you probably get a whole lotta magnesium from them so when you take the mag you get the IBS. The fact that you get a lot of mag from your plants means you might be out of balance somewhere in your minerals. I read that ZINC aids in 300 enzyme functions and helps IBS D sufferers because of the digestion enzyme functions it helps.

They talked about water use at the bottom of the page....

Your diarrhea which I had myself from C diff for 6 months, is scary and stealing your minerals and possible other nutrients.... the chia seeds are suppose to help the IBS D and one site says they are safe to use for 12 wks.

LAST IDEA ... Get a hair analysis and see if there is a mineral out of balance causing the diarrhea because you eat minerals but too much of one would cause the dumping syndrome. As if you ate a poison

May you find you sleep like a baby, .... You'll be in my prayes... Love, JOY

Replied by Trudyg

I put 2 tbs acv+squirt of honey + 'fingertip' of borax in a 16 oz bottle, top off with water and sip it till lunch, then do another for afternoon till suppertime. I pee all the time, so can't do more than that. Usually an herbal tea (peppermint) in the evening around 6:30. Haven't heard of the water cure, so please clue me in. Also, I didn't think baking soda or vinegar would penetrate skin so haven't tried them in a bath, at least not since the last uti or skin issue years ago. Thanks.

Replied by Trudyg

Take it at bedtime or earlier in the day?

Replied by Joy
(Battleground , Wash)

Try coconut meat for diarrhea. On one site, coconut macaroon cookies stopped a lot of people's diarrhea, calmed down their intestinal tract. My book says coconut heals teeth to rectum, you may sleep better if bowels were calm. Coconut milk can cause the runs in some people but coconut oil is very healthy and so is the meat but the meat makes me gain weight. Coconut is anti bacterial, anti microbial, anti fungal, anti viral, and kills parasites ...

Been thinking about you all day looking at sites that might help .... Love, Joy

Also just for info...1/4 tsp baking soda in water may make you neutral so you can rest not reacting to anything ... Your environment may be upsetting you, put baking soda on rug or in a bowl near the bed to clean the air.

I worked in an allergy clinic and was also a patient there and one lady went asthma and fell to the floor gasping while I put balm on my lip.... I freaked but she was actually reacting to the lady that just came in the door with hairspray on. Your immune system may need help.

Replied by Joy
(Battleground , Wash)

Niacinamide can cause flushing(red tinging on face) make sure it's in a low dose B- complex and take half pill --not a whole pill, OR get a liquid and start on a very small dose, you don't need to suffer anymore. If it feels overwhelming take 1/4 tsp. to 1/2 tsp. baking soda in water and put a stop to it. Smallest amount that helps.

Replied by Trudyg

I've been using coconut oil for years now, so I guess that's good. Had been supplementing vit D but levels went kind of high (don't remember what it was) & dr said to back off. That was the first thing I tried for the insomnia, never noticed it to help. Wouldn't hurt to start it again, maybe not so high a dose. Funny, but I get really bad migraines from the air freshener a coworker loves to spray, so I know allergies are in there somewhere. Thanks.

Replied by Trudyg
(Xxx, Yyy)

I forgot to mention earlier, I had been taking the baking soda daily, too, but quit because my bp went up. I can do it again, it was high for me and I'm always a bit low. Thanks. Isn't it amazing how our foods affect us? Wow.

Replied by Trudyg
(Xxx, Yyy)

I am taking a b-complex (only for about a week now), had been taking a b12 in the morning and B3 at night, but then I read that it can prevent sleep so I stopped all but the complex. Should I stop the complex and take only b3, when? in the evening? or some other combo. I did the 12 & 3 b/c of a Ted post. Will start the baking soda today. Thanks.

Replied by Kelly
(Cambridge, Ma)

Joy, niacinamide does not cause flushing, niacin does. In fact, niacinamide is what's recommended for those who want the benefits of niacin, without the flush.

Replied by Trudyg

Just grabbing at straws here, but I have a lot of the symptoms for hypoglycemia, too. Just wondering. My a1c level was great, so I've been tested. I pee all the time, often needing to go within an hour of my last trip to the br. I am always thirsty. I get shaky if I wait too long to eat, then I grab a sweet. Sometimes I slur my speech (thought it was due to stuttering as a child), I get uncoordinated (call me graceful). Thoughts? What should I do that I'm not already doing? ( I know, I should stop whining).

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

The squeeky wheel gets the oil. Try the water cure for two weeks, and if you do the supplemental --B's start very low dose mornings.

If you pee all the time (losing minerals and nutrients) ...... Your body is dropping either sugar or something is amiss with your diet, could be as simple as your mint, or anything you put in your water. I lived by a mint field and my friend lived there and her son got poisoned by the soil that affected their water well. He had to detox. There is one other thing that would cause constant peeing is food dye or bad fats or something your body is dumping like your bowel symptom. So 2 +2 here is you are dumping bladder and bowel.

One last thing might be imbalance in microbes in bowel and bladder maybe enzymes and probiotics and possible parasite.. Or ph is off... just wild guesses here.

Baking soda in bowl on desk at work to counteract coworkers sprayng chemicals.

Don't take D if you are high D and don't take baking soda if your BP is high.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Middle, Tennessee, Usa)

Trudy, I went through something very similar a few years ago. I was sure I was diabetic as I had had trouble with hypoglycemia since I was 15. (I am 46 now. ) My sleep was poor, I couldn't quench my thirst no matter how much water I drank, and of course, I was in the bathroom all the time from all that water. I was getting sores in my mouth, too. I went to the Dr. to get my blood sugar checked first thing in the morning when I finally put 2 + 2 together. But my sugar was okay! (Guess my math was wrong! ) He said, "Oh, it is probably your thyroid. " Sure enough, blood tests indicated hypothyroidism. I suppose this shouldn't have been too surprising as I have had low basal body temperature (as low as 96.3 upon rising for years. I figured I was subclinical hypothyroid and never did anything about. ) The doctor put me on a low dose of synthroid, 50mcg, which did help the symptoms I had been dealing with, but my hair started falling out and I felt terrible. I sat around feeling terrible most of the time. (Doctor said the synthroid was not causing this, but I didn't believe him. ) I didn't think I had any options but started to research and found that I did have options! I quit taking the synthroid after 3 months. I started to do everything I could find to help my thyroid naturally. I took extra virgin coconut oil 1-2 T. daily. I drank Apple Cider Vinegar daily (at least 2 T. per day in water; I spread mine throughout the day. ) I took 12.5 mcg iodine/iodide daily. Meanwhile, I got pregnant. I had the midwife check my thyroid. It was still not in the right range, but I didn't go back on prescription meds. I felt pretty good with what I was doing. I had a normal pregnancy and a healthy full-term baby. I was afraid to fool with the iodine much while pregnant. After I had the baby, I upped my dose to 25mcg daily. (In the am. ) At some point after the birth, the midwife checked my thyroid again and it was in the normal range! (And I had been promised by the doctors that prescription meds were my ONLY option! ) Iodine was what doctors used to use to treat hypothyroid.

So, you could have your thyroid checked or try taking your early morning temp (before getting out of bed, eating, drinking etc. ) If it is low, you can be pretty sure it is hypothyroidism. Research your alternatives.

Hope you get some relief and answers soon. ~Mama to Many~

Replied by Trudyg

Sorry, I should have looked it up, but what is the water cure? I eat only foods I prepare myself, no additives or dyes. The only place I would get those are my supplements, so I'll look at that. The only fats are from coconut, grapeseed oil, or avocado. I had my thyroid checked (runs in the family) and it was okay but I may add iodine at very small doses to see if I feel better. Thanks.

Replied by Trudyg

I've had my thyroid checked, it appears ok. I know from family experience that the numbers can be okay but you can not be okay. I have some potassium iodide drops, says 2/day. Should I start those and see how I feel? How long before I notice a difference do you think? My sleep has never been good, but since I quit hrt after my hysterectomy it's been terrible. I've got the hot flashes under control (not gone, but bearable). I thank God for the help you all are giving me. I'm really at my wits end.

Replied by Robyn
(Asheville, Nc)

Hi TrudyG, I was wondering the same thing. If you go to the watercure site, it's basically an advertisement to buy the book (Earth Clinic, doesn't this go against your policy about not posting links to commercial sites?). A little digging on the web and I learned that you should drink water a half hour before and after eating. You should also take 1/4 teaspoon of salt (sea salt) per quart of water. Or drink this every few glasses of water.

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

I seem to be the one percent that have the side effects that most don't... With supplements, medicines and with topicals.... Since childhood when I start a new supplement I take half a pill every other day or can't sleep. Makeup is suppose to make a person look better , well for me... It does strange things that are not good. They give me something to calm me down and revs me up, and gives me panics. I eat sugar and no crash, just moving right along.

Replied by Trudyg
(Xxx, Yyy)

I did some looking and saw that, too. You divide your weight by 2 and drink that many ounces of water/day, adding sea salt every couple of glasses-worth. I'd be peeing all day if I did that! I must say, though, when I drink water w/ acv, I need to go less often. I drink 1 cup of coffee first thing in the morning, then only water until evening, then a cup of herbal tea. I push the fluids and rarely feel thirsty. I do agree that we could all benefit by increasing our water intake, but by how much is really the question.

Replied by Trudyg

I get weird reactions, too. When they give me narcotics (you'll sleep! ) ha--not me, I'm bouncing off the wall. Half an aspirin is plenty for me, so I start out low dose, too. I'm post-menopausal, so get hot flashes and couldn't tell you if it's due to a supplement or not. I take evening primrose oil for that, and have added vit e (200/cap X 2/d, don't know if mg or iu). I think most drs either don't know and don't want to say so or think that women are weak complainers, so they don't take us seriously.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Middle, Tennessee, Usa)

Trudy, If the iodine drops say 2 per day, you could start with that. Does it say how much iodine you are getting? All drops do not have the same amount. I compared using iodine drops to what I take orally and I would have to take 20 drops a day to get what I am getting in pills. (And I don't like the taste of iodine in my water.) Anyway, start with 2 drops a day for a few days. Then do a skin test--drop a few drops onto your skin (I do inside my forearm. ) If it is gone in a short time, you are still iodine deficient. If you can still see it after 12 hours, you are getting enough. (Some say you should be able to see it after 24 hours. Broda Barnes has a book on Thyroid that explains it all but I haven't read it. ) If I can see the iodine spot on my arm after 6-8 hours, I think I am doing pretty well. (I really can't bear to take more iodine than I take. It just seems like too much to me.) I know my thyroid was low LONG before it showed up on a blood test. If you take your early morning, before rising temperature and it is low (Some would say anything under 98.0 is low... But I am not sure. Under 97.0 is definitely low.) My naturopathic doctor says you should not use a digital and you should keep it in your armpit for a full 10 minutes.

Anyway, you can increase the amount of iodine by a couple of drops if the iodine on your skin disappears quickly and continue to check on your skin and increase by a couple of drops etc. Until the iodine isn't absorbing quickly. Or, if you notice improvement, you could stop when that happens.

I can't recall how long it took for the iodine to provide me with noticeable difference. It was perhaps days or a week or two. But if I run out my symptoms come back pretty fast - mabye in a day or two.

You are dealing with lots of health challenges... So sorry! With the IBS are you possibly losing nutrients you need, causing health challenges? Comfrey is wonderful for this. In her book, Be your Own Doctor, Rachel Weaver says to use comfrey root powder and slippery elm powder to help and heal this. Both are soothing to the digestive tract and very nutritious. She has you mix them together with water to a dough like consistency and then make little pea size balls you can take throughout the day when symptoms flare up. Comfrey leaves can also be mixed with other soothing and nutritive herbs (like Red Raspberry) and made into a tea that will provide extra nutrients. I didn't use to think herbal tea would do much, but I have had some amazing help from them this year and have changed my mind. Activated charcoal is also a great thing for digestive difficulty and helps detox as well (but very gently. ) Just don't take it near time of other supplements as it adsorbs toxins and may also do the same with nutrients. (I take it leaving a 2 hour window. ) You can mix 1 t. In water or take tablets or capsules. Just a couple of more things to consider... Hope it isn't too overwhelming... Praying for relief for you.

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

Earth Clinic has a water cure section with Ted commenting on Dr. Batmanghelidj.. I'm not selling books. All these lovely people here on earth clinic are sharing what helps them and I am doing the same thing, hoping it helps alleviate someone of their sufferring. Love, Joy

Replied by Om
(Hope, B.c., Canada)

About Dr Batmanghelidj's Water Cure: This man was a humanitarian who was ignored by the present medical system. He has helped innumerable people back to health. If people drink water without supplementing with, for example, celtic salt, they will urinate, dehydrating themselves as well as loosing vitamins and minerals. It was the chemically manufactured salt that wreaked havoc with the world's population and caused an explosion of serious diseases that killed many. Because allopaths have no training in nutrition they misguide patients to their detriment.

I have just begun slowly and do not run to the bathroom because of the water drinking. The protocol is easy and must be followed meticulously. Get off to a slow start. Already I have noted the effect of water doing its work in the entire body. I hope this will, in addition of magnesium, cure my insomnia. It is nature, not drugs that will do it. I am thankfull toward the good doctor and think it would be of benefit to read his by now famous book, even though just doing the program would be alright So many people have been helped including pets. To be rightly informed is self empowerment. Be leery of the common table salt, but natural wet salts are delicious, provide much needed minerals and prevent the continuous problem of over urination. We are made mainly of water, so is the planet with vast resources of salt water. Sometimes I think that the intake of chemical and denatured salt over a life time could be a contributory factor of Alzheimers as our brain, too, is made up largely of water. We are all keen on learning how to get in touch and back to nature and with determination success will be ours. Love, Om

Replied by Lauren
(Queens, Ny)

Om can you tell me if everytime you drink water you have to add the salt? Thanks...

Replied by Om
(Hope, B.c., Canada)

Lauren, just type in "water cure 2" and you will find the protocol. It is quite easy to follow. I found that indeed one only needs to pee every 2 or 3 hours when the salt is taken on the tongue but not in the water. If not, there is more instructions which are simple for everyone. You will benefit greatly. Good luck, Om

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

Hi, You drink the water(1-2cups) half an hour before you eat a meal to prepare the stomach lining to drop the acid and enzymes to break down the food and have the water to mix with the bola in the intestines to prevent constipation. Also you add the salt to your food if you are not already eating plenty in the form of iodized sea salt. Too much water without salt and you pee too often... Too much salt and you get bloated.... You also have to start this slowly or you are not going to feel well. It can take up to two weeks to rehydrate a body properly.

Histamine is a dehydration signal. Whenever you get your water/salt/potassium/calcium/magnesium and other minerals out of balance your body shoots out some histamine and the histamine causes reactions to food, air, water, cloth, chemicals, cleaning products. and makes you feel ill.

Replied by KT
(The Usa)

What time do you eat your last meal of the day? I try to have dinner at five and don't eat anything after six.

Replied by Trudyg
(Xxx, Yyy)

Last night I took L-Glutamine, Taurine, 5-Htp, Theanine, and a vitamin e. Tossed and turned all night, when I slept I had very active dreams-to the point I thought I was awake, woke up with a splitting headache. I've been doing the acv+baking soda+borax thing during the day. I can't go on like this, something's gotta give. Getting some sleep should not be so hard.

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

I'm out on a limb here.... As reading your post I heard ROSE WATER.... Does it mean anything to you ? Love, Joy

Replied by Trudyg
(Xxx, Yyy)

Joy, I don't know what you mean about rose water. Can you elaborate? Thanks.

Replied by Adrian
(Haslemere, Uk)

Try drinking just before going to bed about 300ml of water then on your tongue put a pinch of 50/50 mixed natural unrefined (rock or sea) salt and Epsom salt (you will have to mix this yourself) let it stay there for 20 seconds before washing it back with a little more water. Have a good sound night's sleep.

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

I heard (rose water) and went to look: at livestrong there are many articles... Rose hip tea. vit C D E K and orgainic acids (citric, malic, pectin) aids digestive tract and urinary tract -heals diarrhea, constipation and rebuilds good flora. Detoxes and heals with antiseptic properties and helps with kidney stones and kidney problems. chronic fatigue -OCD- insomnia - mental issues -nervousness.

1-2 cups a day, there is more but this is enough to answer your question... I have used it on my face over the years like witch hazel it is an astringent, tightener.

Replied by Trudyg

I'm back. Chronic insomnia, have tried everything. Can anyone tell me if Benadryl has adverse side effects that I should be aware of? That's my next try. I've done everything Ted suggests and so many other things, I'm at a loss. Can low thyroid cause this? It runs in my family, but I tested ok. Thanks.

Replied by Dawn

I have suffered for years from insomnia, I don't know how I functioned. I have been taking Calcium and Magnesium for last one year , now I sleep much better. It doesn't work like sleeping pills, your body need to absorb the supplement slowly. It might take a month or two to notice the effect. It worked for me. Good Luck to all the fellow sleep deprived citizens of the World.

Replied by Joe

This is true! But it's not the calcium. It was the magnesium that improved your sleep. I personally rub magnesium oil on my skin at night, it's very relaxing! You can make it at home for pennies.

Replied by Trudy
(Waynesboro, Va)

Okay, over time--as in how long? I've been doing the mag oil thing for months now and I don't see any effect. I'm getting ready to try glycine/taurine/tryptophan mix to see if it does anything. I've tried just about everything, but maybe a different combination will do it.

Replied by Shino

Hi, this thread might have ended a while ago, but since noone has mentioned my suggestion in this detailed discussion I thought I'd add it! I wonder if you managed to cure your insomnia; I have had it for a long time due to depression, tried at least half of the things that you mentioned on your initial post plus some. I found that tart cherry juice (high in melatonin) and magnesium tablets, as well as an epsom salt bath from time to time would help me to relax before bed, however the suggestion that I wanted to add is different to those. It helped me to get to sleep very quickly and sustain a solid 8-hour sleep. It is simply to make the room pitch-black (not even a crack of light from under the door, or from digital displays, or greyness through curtains) or to wear an eye mask that achieves total blackness, as well as to wear ear plugs. The science behind this is that the eyelids are the thinnest skin area on the body and very sensitive to any minute amount of light which can signal the body to wake up. In modern times, we may not be sleeping in the pitch darkness that our bodies were designed for. Ears...I can't remember the science for it, but I found that the earplugs blocked out sounds which I had not been aware that I was hearing while trying to sleep, and created a sort of sound-free nest, and this seemed to also help calm my thoughts into sleep. Lately I just wear one ear plug. Anyway, there is no fear of this interfering with food sensitivities, so thought it might especially be worth mentioning here. It worked very well for me, breaking years of severe insomnia and broken sleep - so that I actually slept enough that I could wake up feeling refreshed rather than sluggish. Hope this helps!

Replied by Trudyg

I've tried everything on EC for my insomnia, nothing works. My question--dr wants me to do a sleep study. What will this tell me? I don't snore, am not overweight, DH tells me I don't have issues w/ stopping breathing at night. I've been taking 1/2 a 5 mg ambien for some time now and desparately want to quit. What if I go & do the study and they tell me, yep, you don't sleep. Nothing we can do for you? I've never slept well, but it's so much worse after menopause--no hot flashes or other symptoms, just no sleep.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Trudyg,

One of my daughters had a sleep study done when she was 9 months old. (She had sleep apnea.) They measured vitals all night. They measured brain activity. I think they can tell what stage of sleep you are in. She slept fine through it.

It is not uncomfortable, but you do have wires and stuff on your head, pulse-ox meter on your finger, something monitoring your heart...for someone who has a hard time sleeping, it may be hard to get to sleep in that setting.

That said, a sleep study might give you a clue as to what is going on. Knowing the cause might make a solution easier to find.

Let us know what you find out!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Bev

I have the same problem.. tried all of the above and the only thing work was nutmeg and milk. 1 tsp of powder nutmeg mix in warm milk. Drink just before bed. This work really good. Moreover, nutmeg is very good for your overall health. Hope this works.. please let me know.

Good luck.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Extended use of Nutmeg is not recommended as it is mildly toxic and hallucinogenic. Can induce wild dreams or nightmares, dry mouth, and constipation.

One could safely include Nutmeg with these herbs: Valerian, Hops, Avena Sativa, Passionflower, Kava, and Chamomile for a more pronounced effect.

Replied by Trudyg

Has anyone heard of ZMA? I think it's zinc magnesium aspartate. It was mentioned in the comments I was reading about lunesta. I've got to get some sleep--I've been on here for years and have tried everything anyone has suggested, but I still can't fall asleep or stay asleep for longer than 15-20 minutes. I'm kind of afraid to try anything with magnesium in it--I've tried every kind of magnesium there is and still get bad diarrhea, so I try to avoid it. (And, when I have taken it, I had no relaxation from it at all. I can use mag oil, but too much of that gets the belly rumbling too)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Paula (Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada) on 03/13/2013

Dear Ted, I have severe insomnia, I have nights that I don't sleep anything and I get severe depressed with anxiety. I took many antidepressants, sleeping pills and anxiety medication over the years and nothing works. I can't work because I don't have any energy, I am very forgetful, a lot of migraines and I just can't function. I go through this everyday since I was 8 years of age and I am almost 37 years old. I spent a lot of money going to different people hoping they would help me but instead I ended up with an empty wallet. On top of everything I don't have a supportive family, they don't understand my problems and I don't think they believe me when I tell them I don't sleep, even though I have the dark circles and puffy eyes to prove it. I am the only one in my family with this and they don't understand my situation. This is a nightmare that I have to deal everyday and a lot of the times I just rather die. I also have bad circulation, severe constipation, dry eyes and leg cramps. I have been taking baking soda with water after lunch and dinner and there are no changes. I haven't taken any medication for over a year and I just take vitamins. I have tried almost every remedy there is for insomnia and nothing worked. I'll try anything you recommend. Please help me, I am suffering a lot. Thank you so much.

Paula from Canada

Replied by Juliette
(Reston, Va)

I've suffered from insomnia on and off and its soo debilitating and I really feel for you!!!

First off, diet is important... Sugary starchy foods in my experience make it harder for me to sleep. Up your veggies!

You might wanna look into amino acids 5htp and GABA... If your still on any psych meds this may not be your best bet though. But research them and make sure you take them at the right times through out the day. for 5htp late afternoon and before bed is best and GABA you wanna just take before bed because it reallyyyy chills you out.

I see your constipated so you should look into getting some magnesium citrate in powder form... itll relax you AND help you poop.

There's this cream called adrena calm thats really amazing you just rub it on your feet at night and instantly you feel better I know were not supossed to hock products but this reallyyyyy works for me. they sell it on amazon.

Since you've been on meds for a while your liver might be over taxed... that's been the case with me in the past and when I take better care of my liver (milk thistle supplements) I notice a difference in my sleeping and my energy.

Also finding a connection to a higher power of some sort has been a great comfort to me. Be it universal energy, God, Allah, Buddha, Mary, you angels or spirit guides... Sometimes we need to reach out to a power greater than ourselves to restore our lives to balance and peace. Prayer and meditation are very important tools in my life. Sometimes just starting simple and just saying help me!! There is help and comfort there :)

Try to take it easy the more we stress out about the insomnia the worse it gets. just take a deep breathe and let yourself be guided to the solution.

Sending you good vibes!!

Replied by Dawn
(Alberta, Canada)

Paula, I am sorry to hear how you are suffering. I too suffered years from insomnia and constipation. Since I have started taking probiotic yogurt and Kefir, my constipation is completely cured. Now I have bowel movement everyday. You can buy Kefir at the store, after that make your own with couple of spoons of the store bought Kefir. That will save u money. If you are lactose intolerant, you can make resuvelac at home, just google resuvelac. I also take magnesium at bed time everyday. I sleep pretty good now. I hope this will help you. Good Luck!!!!

Replied by Kathy
(the USA)

Hi Paula, Sounds like you are having reactions to the binders and fillers in your vitamins/supplements. The binders and fillers are more than likely made from plants. It is reported that our food is being engineered to last longer so it has become harder to digest. These genetically engineered plants have to be considered starch. This is noted from MY EXPERIENCE with what has happened to our food. Even the critters we eat or get milk and eggs from are being fed grains and grasses that are difficult for them to digest. I get the 2% milk IN GLASS and sometimes dilute that with a little water. Warm milk before bed helps me sleep. Skimmed milk is bad because, by law, vitamins have to be added and they can cause more problems. I would try to lay off the supplements for awhile because it will take a long time to get out of your system.

Replied by Kathi
(New Brunswick, Nj)

Your symptoms seem similar to what I was experiencing a few years ago, please have a look at:

Additional helpful things: vitamin D supplementation, going gluten free. The cognitive behavioral therapist emphasized going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, getting light exposure during the day.

Replied by Precisely.
(Mineral Hill, New Mexico, Usa)

Hi Paula, Just wanted to add my favorite cramping remedy: Co-Q10. One capsule daily seems to stop all cramping, within an hour or less, from when taken. Hoping you are already experiencing relief!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 11/20/2011

Any suggestions for insomnia will be greatly appreciated.

I have tried magnesium, standard process min-tran, and terrible pills like ambien and lunesta, but nothing seems to help.

Ted can you please give some guidance.

Many thanks, T

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

Small glass of tart cherry juice at dinner. Or, eggnog with nutmeg (or any drink like warm apple cider with nutmeg). Don't look at bright lights 2 hours before bedtime. Melatonin supplements are good--take one around an hour before bedtime or read the bottle.

Replied by Ravi S
(Dallas, Tx, Usa)

Tofu with soy bean sprouts, one hour before bed time works wonders for me.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Hisjewel (America, New York) on 06/23/2016

I have to admit I am fascinated with Neem Tea. It does so many wonderful things for your health if you are faithful to it.

But one thing I have a problem with is it makes me sleepy. I learned there are different degrees of sleepiness of how deep certain herbs, minerals etc make or help you to sleep. Well I only take a few sips of Neem tea a day during its term of use, and it never fails to make me knock me out sleep. If you are a driver, the day you take the neem is a good day to take the train or bus. Someone needs to know why they are sleeping so hard. Take a look in the insomnia section where I would like EC to post this one. You will find out why you are so sleepy during the day. For example I did not know iodine gives you good sleep. But it does. I saw it on the list and tested it out.


Nettle Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/18/2016

Editor's Choice

Well, a friend and I have stumbled upon something for insomnia. Nettle tea! I gave my friend some dry nettle (with some peppermint for flavor) for a health issue. (I don't recall which health issue, but it wasn't insomnia.) She has had trouble sleeping for decades. Since childhood even. She started making and consuming a very strong nettle infusion. After several days she realized she was sleeping 7 hours a night and not waking up and having trouble getting back to sleep. The only thing she was doing differently was taking nettle.

I do not know why nettle is helping her. I have guesses. Nettle is a highly nutritive herb. Perhaps a simple undetected vitamin or mineral deficiency was causing the sleeping trouble. Nettle is a blood purifier. Perhaps the nettle is dealing with something in her system that was causing trouble sleeping. I can't explain it, but I can say that nettle is generally very safe. For someone who has tried "everything" for insomnia, strong nettle tea might just be the solution.

To make a strong nettle infusion:

Put 4 tablespoons of tea leaves (3 T. nettle, 1 T. peppermint) in a quart jar.

Pour very hot water over the leaves.

Cover with a lid.

Steep overnight.

Strain in the morning and drink throughout the day. Keep in the refrigerator. Discard 24 hours after you begin the brew.

This tea is also great for allergies and asthma and general poor health.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Namaw

M to M--if I use my nettle that's growing outside, I dry the leaves first, then crumble and use for the tea? I've never made it into tea before. Thanks.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Namaw,

Yes, you could dry the leaves and then use them to make tea. I think it is not recommended to use older leaves but to use young leaves.

I have not dried nettles myself before. I have mostly just dried plantain and burdock leaves. In fact, just today a friend showed me some nettle at her house; previously I couldn't even identify it. I can't wait to find some where I live.

I assume you know to use gloves when harvesting the nettles. Here is a great article about using nettles and drying them, with pictures!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Rsw

Hi Mama,

What a great post about the nettle tea helping with insomnia! I have enjoyed your posts on how it helps with allergies, but this is a very welcome observation for many of us.

My question is this - I looked it up on several sites and noticed that it may raise iron levels, which would be helpful for those with anemia. Have you ever read in any of your herbal books if it also increases serum iron in those with already high levels? If not, this may be very helpful to me, and if it does, it may be very helpful to those with low iron levels, in addition to all it's other benefits. Thanks for posting this.

Replied by Liz
(Boston, Ma)

I am going to give that one a whirl, Mama. I haven't had a decent night's sleep since early menopause 12 yrs. ago. I don't have insomnia, per se, but I sleep only 2-3 hours before waking, regardless of how exhausted I am. I then toss and turn the remainder of the night. Sometimes, I'll doze off for another hour, but generally speaking, if I get even 4 consecutive hours of sleep, I feel like I had a good night. :

As I said here a week or so ago, sometimes we don't know 'why' something works; it just does! It sounds like Nettle tea for insomnia is one of them. :) I'm looking forward to trying it. Thanks so much for your never ending wisdom!

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Rsw,

Well, I have checked several of my herbal books. Though some are technical in nature, none are technical enough to answer your excellent question about nettle's effect on serum iron levels of those with already high levels.

I will keep my eyes open for the answer to this in my reading and if I find out anything further I will let you know!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Rsw

Thank you, Mama, for taking your time to look into this. I can imagine how busy you must be with you family, farm animals and all the reading and remedies you prepare. You have generously helped so many of us here on Earth Clinic with you knowledge and advice, using herbs most of us are not familiar with, in ways we would never have discovered without you!

Neutral Bedding Colors

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sophia (Cork) on 02/02/2017

Staying at a guest house in Ireland, I had very bad insomnia every night. The sheets, pillow cases, duvet cover, and throws were red. When these were changed to neutral colors my sleep pattern returned to normal.


Posted by Gert (Hg, Al) on 05/25/2018

I've been taking niacin (flush type) for cholesterol for years, 1g/day. Cholesterol levels are great. Now I have read that it is part of the Healthy Sleep Formula (Steve Gibson), but he says take the non-flush inositol type. So I have bought that. My sleep is terrible.

Anyway, can I take both types? Should I take the flush in the morning and the non-flush in the evening? I don't want to screw up my liver.

There are 2 sleep protocols: 1) niacinamide + extended release melatonin or 2) seriphos + glycine+ taurine+ gaba + l-theanine + timed release melatonin. I am desperate for sleep. This #2 formula seemed to let me sleep but it was like being awake until I realized that I had dreamed something that couldn't be possilbe since I was at home in bed. I have all these things already, so just need guidance on the niacin.

Also, mama to many mentioned nettle tea so I tried it some time ago and didn't see that it helped. But recently I purchased a large bag of nettle loose tea and have been drinking a quart of it per day--it does seem to make me sleepy at this dose.

My problem is that I get so so very sleepy but don't drift off to sleep. Then I get weak and take an ambien--which is awful, but I've gotten so desperate for sleep. I just want to be unconcious for a time and feel rested.

Replied by Sl0J0n
(Waycross, GA, US)

Niacin is an 'approved treatment' for "elevated cholesterol".

Unfortunately, "elevated cholesterol" is absolutely *NOT* an actual health threat. It is a 'made-up' problem to sell (mostly) worthless drugs. In reality, "elevated cholesterol" is a symptom just as cardiovascular disease is a symptom.

Most don't know but many so-called "health" problems are really dietary & nutritional issues. The real cause of "elevated cholesterol" AND cardiovascular disease is over consumption of carbohydrates &/or carbohydrate sensitivity. The proof is diabetes (also too many carbs + sensitivty) is considered to 'cause' cardiovascular disease!
To 'solve' the "elevated cholesterol" issue just cut carbs. Personally, I lost over 100lb, lowered blood glucose, resolved high blood pressure, & helped other 'health issues' on a low carb/keto diet. I found out about this from Dr. William Davis' "Wheat Belly" books. He lost his mother to cardiovascular disease so he set out to discover why the "standard protocols" didn't work. Dr. Eric Berg said we need only FIVE grams of carbs per day & our livers can make the 5gm from fat or protein.

The 'medical establishment' is controlled by the drug/pharmaceutical industry to profit from illness & injury.

If 'doctors' want to 'help' people do they have to charge so much? I don't think so.
Have a GREAT day, Neighbor!


3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Lisa (Southern California, US) on 03/02/2015

Editor's Choice

Niacinamide, which is vitamin B3, will make you very sleepy. I have trouble getting to sleep due to menopause. I take 1000 mg of nicacinamide 1 hour before bed with about two small bites of food. Don't take regular niacin as it produces a flush to your skin and has other side effects. Niacinamide does NOT have these side effects or make you flush. It might be better to start at 1 pill which is 500 mg. One side effect is it may lower your cholesterol.

Replied by Myway
(Delaware, Usa)

When I rub castor oil on my chest at night, I go to sleep like a bear in hibernation! Be sure you have at least 8 hours to sleep because you may feel a bit groggy if you don't have enough time to sleep. Someone else posted this here on earth clinic awhile back.....happy sleeping!

Replied by Bama


Niacinamide lowers my blood pressure so much that I faint. I was taking 100 mg. Be careful.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

L: To gain the most benefits I almost always take 50mg Niacin w/ either 500mg Nicinamide or 500mg Inositolhexaniacinate. At 50mg Niacin, taken several times per day, the flush is almost never for me. This must be why they make a 500mg Niacin as a "time release" which some folks report w/ good results.

Using all three forms of Niacin must produce a more broadspectuim effect which may be necessary for some folks that don't get such a positive response w/ only Nicinamde as yourself.

Speaking of "broad spectrum", Chromium and Ribose synergize w/ Niacin to produce benefits like lowering blood lipids & sugars, as well as needed weight loss.

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Hi Timh,

I read your post on the niacin. Thanks, as always! Does taking a low dose several times a day help with your sleep without making you too tired during the day? I'm not too fond of the flush and this sounds like a good option. Good for the heart, too. I didn't realize it came in 25-50mg until you mentioned it. Thanks!

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Rsw: I have so much amiss in my physiology to provide any normal reference as to sleep or waking. If tiredness is an issue as a side effect of Niacin, try the Chromium and Ribose in combination. There are a few manufacturers who have these NAD precursor nutrients that ultimately raise the body NADH levels.

Additional B-6 may also prove beneficial w/ Niacin especially for heart health by reducing Homocystein.

I haven't found any Niacin below 100mg and split these w/ a pair of scissors to 50mg.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U Timh, , , , , , , , , your posts of niacin and niacinamide are right on, but I fear some folks don't realize that these are two different compounds. One, as you say, is to clean out your blood vessels by dilating your capillaries which allows more blood into the cells. In his book Ron L. Hubbard used the niacin flush and saunas to detox his lSD buddies from the 60's.

We starting using niacinamide when the U of Calif at Erving published their study how they cleared alzheimers in mice in a few months. They stated that humans were next, but that study will never happen.

For our sleep, we drink a cup of hot Jasmine Green Tea with a scoop of Magnesium L Threonate. It calms you down and does not mess up your bowels. I appreciate the tip about niacinamide for sleep and will try that.


Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Hi Timh,

After reading your post on niacin, I started to look around for a low dose option and found that Dr. Clark has a 25mg capsule at a good price. I am going to try it. Thanks!

For neuropathy caused by statins, there is new research on the use of dolichols that looks encouraging. For more info, look at the Stopped our Statins Yahoo site.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Thanks for all your support Rsw. Let me assure you that no matter how much my Dr. demanded the statins, it was so much in the category of not medicine and yes toxin that I discontinued. It was worth the try and I even took it in combination w/ Red Yeast Rice and Niacin plus CoQ10. Low dose statins plus these additional nutrients may be beneficial in some cases of advanced heart disease.

Dr. Sinatra has found that women are much more sensitive to the side effects of statins than men. speaking of Dr Sinatra, he has a new publication out on the big cholesterol myth and did a lengthy interview w/ Pat Robertson tonight. Here is a link

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Hi Timh,

Dr. Sinatra seems to be one of a few doctors who have an honest understanding of heart disease. I have read other articles he has written and often take his recommendation of CoQ10, d-Ribose and Carnitine. I found a carnitine product that has L-Carnitine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Arginate and Taurinate and GlycoCarn-GPLCto to cover all the bases. This combination helps relieve symptoms in congestive heart failure and with hearts in general. Ironically, one person got a snapshot of a warning on the British National Socialized medicine site saying there is an epidemic of CHF expected due to the use of statins because of the muscle damage they can cause, which of course includes our largest muscle, the heart. It has since been removed. Dr. Graveline, Space Doc, astronaut and MD, has had a difficult time after taking statins, but is doing very well after using dolichols for the muscle damage. There is hope!

Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/13/2013

Niacinamide stops the chatter of the mind but take it with other B's they work together... It also helps sleep. First time I took it my mind went blank, freaked me out.

No Cell Phone or Computer 2 Hours Before Bed

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Hannah (New York, U.S.A) on 02/21/2008

Don't Use Your Computer/Cell Phone Before Bed (No Texting!!). It's always been hard for me to sleep, and I mean always. But recently I read that a computer's bright lights suppress sleep hormones. I'm not sure if that's true, but not using it before bed sure helps. But then I got unlimited texting and my insomnia was back again. So here's the deal, don't use your computer or cell phone 2 hours before sleeping. It will help you sleep better and better each night.

Replied by Linda
(Malden, Ma)

I read in bed before attempting to sleep (terrible insomnia). I put a low-light wattage bulb in the bed light. My husband bought me a new Paperwight Kindle for Christmas. Now, I do not put a light on to read and adjust the "back light" on the Kindle to minimum. I fall asleep much faster, and am noticing less insomnia.
