Kidney Disease
Natural Remedies

Kidney Disease - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Kidney Disease. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

Posted by Oldphart (IN) on 11/19/2020

Editor's Choice

Improve your kidney function easily with acv and baking soda

My wife is a diabetic, with hypertension and COPD and deteriorating kidney function to go along with it, as it usually does as time goes on. Though I don't remember where I read it, we discovered how to IMPROVE her kidney function, not just stabilize it. I'm pretty sure it was a European study because the 'ingredients', simple as they are, were in metrics and had to be converted. Her kidney function was down to 20% at that point.

I started giving her 1/8 tsp of baking soda with 1 tbls of acv, in a glass of water... doesn't matter how much water. In 4 months of taking this most days, she was up to 31%. That's as high as we have been able to get it, but at least it stopped falling and the prospect of needing dialysis is no longer an urgent concern.

Why the acid and alkalizer combine to work so well, I can't say, but they work well together, and have for some years.

Distilled Water and Pink Salt

Posted by KayNC (North Carolina) on 12/13/2019

Editor's Choice

When closing in on age 60, my doctor ran a bunch of tests, including kidney function. He was astonished at the results which said I had the kidneys of a 22 year old while he explained that the kidneys were an organ that was supposed to age with the body and asked me how I had done it. I simply said it must be all that distilled water I drink. He then wanted to know where I got my trace minerals and I told him "from Celtic Sea Salt and/or Himalayan Pink Salt."

I put a small pinch in my water glass to remineralize it.


Posted by Violet (Co) on 11/01/2017

Editor's Choice

I have had kidney stones for 28 yrs. In June of 2016 my nephrologist told me that I only had 34% us of my kidneys. He had me on 6 tablets a day of potassium citrate for the last 6 yrs. It had gotten worse over the last 6 yrs. and I figured it was due to menopause. I produce calcium oxlate stones. The nephorlogist told me my kidneys were calcified. I had been passing stones every 2-3 mos. I was always told by doctors to increase my citrate level and limit foods that are high in oxlates. After the doctors appt in June, I started researching calcification on the body. WoW, I found out that in the american diet we are getting to much calcium.

Here's the important part of my little story. I found out that calcium is hard and it needs magnesium to soften it, so it can get to the right places in the body that it needs to be in. Calcium can stay in the soft tissues, like the joints, kidneys, arteries, etc. I started taking a liquid ionic form of magnesium. I was on it for 6 mos. and when I went to the nephrologist he said that the percent usage of my kidneys was 39. It went up 4%. I went to the nephrologist 6 mos after this and the percent use of my kidneys was now 44. It went up 5% this time. In that year and 3 mos, now. I have not passed any stones. I had not had to go to the hospital either.

Sorry so long, I just wanted to put it out for people with stones or kidney disease. I understand that when you get close to having 20% use of your kidneys, doctor want to get you on dialysis.

Stage III Kidney Failure

Posted by Janet (In) on 05/20/2017

Editor's Choice

Gail, Ted's remedies seem complicated. I was very ill when I started. My husband was sick, it drove me. For myself it did not. It was his blood clot and the results of the remedy in the first 24 hours. Using baking soda reacted with lime. Not taken separately.

Truthfully it takes some studying. I had to reread and reread. My mind was not working my health was poor.

May I suggest that you do the first things to give your body an optimal platform to build your health.

Ted's remedies are information dense. In 5 years we have seen a pattern of things that work. Yet if I had begun with the basics I would have had quicker and better results.

Because I like you had multiple problems and diagnoses. I found it overwhelming. You can write a response, so your in good shape. I would have been unable. I had to have no light no sound and everyone in bed to come upstairs to use the computer, I wore sunglasses as the screen hurt my eyes, the whir of the fan hurt my pain addled brain. I wrote every word I read as I had no short or long term memory.

Here is the culmination of my experience with utilizing Teds information.

First and foremost....remove fluoride from your body. This also removes excess estrogen, from our environment. Which inturn gives your body the opportunity to heal.

4 days a week. For women 1/8 tsp of borax in 1 liter of spring water. Use this water, to add to or make beverages throughout the day.

Detox and heal soaks. This is ideal in the tub, foot soaks help too. 1 cup of borax, 2 cups epsom, 1/2 cup baking soda, 1 cup hydrogen peroxide. 1 capful fish tank dechlorinator. Chlorine steam is deadly to the heart. Your largest organ is your skin. It absorbs nutrients readily and effectively.

That 20 minute or more soak. Removes fluoride, adds non acidic boron, magnesium sulfate, oxygenates your blood, bicarbonate helps alkalinity.

Your information sounds like you are desperately low on magnesium and trace minerals. Buy magnesium flakes. In a mason jar, 60% flakes, 50% spring water, cap an leave sit 1/2 hour, shake it you have magnesium oil. I fill a 4oz spray bottle and a 2oz dropper bottle. This applied to skin stings if you are low so if it does, you can do a few things to stop it. Apply castor or almond oil first or after. Add some water to site. Or add more mag oil and wait it will stop. It is uncomfortable but doable. Magnesium is involved in every system in your body, organs, bones, connective tissue, muscle, elimination and absorption.

Take mag oil 4 to 5 drops in water 2x a day. Provides approx. 250mg of magnesium chloride per dose. Or mag malate for runny stool types or mag citrate for constipated types. At least 250mg 2x a day.

The benefits are endless. In your case, needed. The sphincters that open and close in esophagus and organs need to be supple and strong. To keep acid in your stomach. To optimize your gallbladder, liver, pancreatic action, correct elimination in kidney, bladder. It further adds supple action to arteries and veins. It optimizes your heart muscle. Improves heart and therefore kidney function.

Chlorine in water and environment must be reduced. Sodium thiosulfate crystals, purchase online. From photographers supply. Some take a crystal, like a pill, before showers. Some take it before bed to sleep better. I used to add a crystal to every gallon of water for kitchen use. This was how we take borax too. 6 of us. I keep a gallon of water on sink I add 1/4 tsp borax to it in the am. 4 or 5 days a week. Just the first am one. The rest just get s.t.

I suggest you read Teds chapters for, Barretts and you other issues. You will find a repetition of of the same things that Ted recommends for 1 it will repeat in the next. The beauty of it is often the writer of question to him often has your issues or problems. Sometimes asking the question of Ted as if he were able to himself, answer.

Trace minerals, my favorite is 1/4 tsp of sea salt in a glass of water. If you do not like that, then you can purchase trace minerals as a liquid online. You will find your efforts improve with these in place.

Elimination is important. 1/4 tsp cilantro 2x a week in food or off a spoon removes metals. 2 tbsp lecithin at the same time removes bad vegetable oils and fats if taken at the same time. S.T. for chlorine. Borax for fluoride and excess estrogen. Apple cider vinegar reacted with baking soda to emulsify stones and debris in g.b. and other organs. The baking soda is needed to raise levels the g.b. cannot, due to our poor diets. Which then helps create the amount of bile needed to digest properly. Stopping bile duct obstruction. Then the baking soda lime or Apple Cider Vinegar drink goes further to clean out bladder and kidney. All this without herxing.

There is more. But these are foundational to health.

I also recommend Teds and Bills book on alkalizing to really understand human health.

Dr. Michael Holicks you tube video about vitamin D3 it is the first and foremost depleted nutrient in the world today. It changed our lives.

No aspartame, no msg, no vegetable oils, sugar, avoid all aluminum, plastics, coated pans.

This may help. Janet

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Maura (Uk) on 10/25/2015

Editor's Choice

Hi, I just noticed that a couple of people requested an update concerning my daughter's experience using apple cider vinegar for nephrotic syndrome MCD. Well I'm very happy to report that she has had no further relapses, she is still off all medication. We continued using the ACV gargle and swallow 3 times per day for 1 month. After that she did it once per day for 2 months then stopped.

While on vacation she came down with food poisoning and did not relapse, also after returning to school after the Summer holidays she came down with a sore throat, cough and cold but again without relapse, previously the most trivial infection would start a relapse.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

Posted by Dee (San Antonio , Texas) on 09/14/2015 2 posts

Editor's Choice

For the anemia I read about blackstrap molasses and spinach with vitamin c to help absorb . I tried these remedies and I showed normal level now for almost year. I am postmenopausal, for the ckd (Chronic Kidney Disease) I was level 3, with apple cider vinegar 1 capful , 1/2 tsp baking soda with water. Ckd is better level 2. I also lost 5 lbs without ant effort with the acv! Appreciate all the great help :)

Dietary Changes

Posted by Lennie M. (Cleveland, Ohio) on 04/20/2015

Editor's Choice

Have been on dialysis for 4 years now. Last year I bought and saw the movie by Joe Cross called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. I began juicing once a day and eating all natural foods. The renal diet will kill you. My doctor took me off insulin in 2 months and my A1C went down to 5.2. (was insulin diabetic for over 30 years) I went from 245 to 167 lbs. I can walk for miles now and even run when playing with my grandson. My blood work is always great. Never any swelling and I have more energy t hen when I was 30. I will be 63 yrs young Friday the 24th of April. I am not cured yet but I will do all I can. Doctors only treat the symptoms. Good luck to you all and do all you can for yourself.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Maura (Uk) on 02/02/2015

Editor's Choice

My daughter is 12, she has been suffering with Nephrotic Syndrome Mcd for 10 yrs. She had relapsed and we were waiting to go on the high dose steroids, her protein spill was +3. She had a very sore throat and I had the idea to get her to gargle with apple cider vinegar, 5mls (a capful) in a glass of water 3 times a day. I was very surprised to find the next day her protein was +2, the next day +1 and then neg. It's been 10 days now, I get her to drink a glass of Apple Cider Vinegar before bed, when she gargled she also swallowed it. I am still in shock this worked, no high dose steroids with all the horrible side effects.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

Posted by Rich (Indiana, US) on 11/12/2014

Editor's Choice

My wife had been diagnosed by our DO with kidney disease. She has been diabetic for many years and doesn't take very good care of the condition. Her GFR was 38 and Doc was concerned. I personally felt that she was already on too many meds and looked for a more natural method to raise the GFR. I found on more than one website in the UK, that there have been extensive studies on the use of ACV with baking soda, with impressive results. You won't find these studies in the US because the drug companies won't make a nickel from the results. This treats the problem, not the symptom.

We consulted with Doc, to make sure the sodium wouldn't be a problem with her hypertension. Doc looked at the UK studies and said, "Give it a try."

More recent blood work has seen her GFR go from 38 to 45, and now up to 53. We are no longer waiting to be told that dialysis will be on the agenda. The combination also seems to have help bring her BP down a little bit.

Another positive note to this is that my wife had not been one who wanted to try 'natural' remedies. Now that she has seen very good positive results, she reminds me if I forget to mix up her acv/soda combo in the morning. She is now more willing to try some of my "crazy" ideas.

I would highly recommend checking out the UK studies. The reports showed that in more than one case, people had been able to stop dialysis after using the combination.

My wife takes 1 oz. of ACV with 2 oz. of water and 1/8 tsp. baking soda. We use raw ACV.

Baking Soda

Posted by Ian (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 11/28/2012

Editor's Choice

A daily dose of bicarbonate soda could stop kidney disease and dialysis. I was told that I was at stage 3 in my kidney disease and eventually I would have to go on dialysis. The University Hospital in London had done some trial tests whereby taking a daily dose of bicarbonate soda could prevent the development of the disease. So, I had nothing to lose and took a teaspoon of bicarbonate soda with a glass of water twice a day. My tests came back and there has been no progression of the disease - hopefully it is in check, but the results look good.

On a second note, I have taken coca-cola with asparagus and on the last two occasions my kidney stones have disappeared. So, when it comes to my kidneys - the future is looking a little brignter. Cheers, Ian


Posted by Bill (Philippines, Luzon) on 04/06/2012

Editor's Choice

Hi Everyone... One fact that seems to scream out from the research regarding kidney problems is that a major cause for this condition is because the body is already far to acid, resulting in dangerous erosion and damage to the kidneys themselves caused by the acidity in the blood. Ted from Bangkok has said this time and time again on EC.

Kidney disease and high body acidity also means that the body will have great problems digesting acid foods like raw Apple Cider Vinegar(acetic acd, malic acid) and citrus fruits(citric acid) which are normally beneficial to people whose bodies are not so acidic and who have sufficient stores to neutralize the citric acid to citrates and acetic acid to acetates. Ingesting these raw acid foods -- when the body is already so acidic and body bicarbonate stores so lacking -- are not beneficial to the body because in people with already acidic bodies and in order for these ingested acids to be converted to useful alkaline salts, these acids must first be neutralized by our bicarbonate stores during digestion. Excess blood acidity caused by a bad acid diet and a resulting lack of bicarbonate stores is what damages and erodes the kidneys. So if you have kidney problems then this essentially means that your body's bicarbonate and citrate stores are heavily depleted and also means that you are eating way too many acid foods -- so you cannot efficiently neutralize these damaging acids in the blood or within the cells themselves.

Therefore the common sense approach would simply be just to take Ted's Alkalizing Remedies to increase bicarbonate stores(alkalize the blood) and citrates (to alkalize the intracellular environment) within the body. From the research, bicarbonates and citrates are particularly useful for the kidneys in this respect.

So for some people to advise, as I have already read on EC, taking acidic foods like raw ACV and citrus fruits when someone is suffering from kidney disease caused by a lack of bicarbonate alkali in an already acidic body would seem to be absolutely crazy and completely the wrong advice.


Metabolic Acidosis -- Research Review

Acid-Alkaline Balance: Role in Chronic Disease and Detox - Research Review

Urine citrate and renal stone disease.

Renal Tubular Acidosis

Dietary Changes

Posted by Hanimela (San Diego, Ca) on 09/07/2011

Editor's Choice

To the blissful dialysis nurse in Australia, being as you are faced with troubles of your own kidneys I would imagine that you could admit never witnessing a person on dyalisis getting off. Most people choose a field, hopefully passionately. I have been in the mix of these centers for only about 7 years and it seems to me that there are simply those who believe they must believe what they are told- and those who begin to question everything they have been taught. That's a hard thing to do.

I have successfully gotten my grandmother off of dialysis after 4 years- stage four, then stage 5. Every doctor said it could not be done. We did it. One day at a time. Absolutely beginning with nutrition. All of those renal diet musts" are contributing to the fact that these people continue to lose there ability to allow there bodies to strive. White breads only? and dont forget to start taking away the okay to eat fresh fruit, or many veggies, or nuts, or grains, musnt forget legumes... Instead lets make them believe that they need to overload on protien-and glue (white starch?) don't drink water! It will kill ya. I mean, do you honestly feel what you posted? just keep your body from real nutrition and when you come in to get your blood cleansed.. We'll reward you with fake sweetners atop of jello and send you home with more destructive recipes. Its the least to be done, considering, these peoples continued demise pays the bills.

Please -do your research, its "high school stuff". Please search your soul. And to any patients out there.. , . Please start by learning about alkalized water and maybe some stabilized oxygen- totally non toxic!! Make your low fluid allowance count! Enzymes! We were supposed to have them thank goodness for health food stores and natural advocates-protease is a good enzyme to start with, if you are a kidney patient with "high urine protien" (urine ph level under 6.0) and on the other hand , if you are a patient with a urine ph balance above 7.5 you are in need of bringing some acidity to your body to help neutralize things. Try sodium ascorbate( vitamin C -no calcium), purchase ph urine strips on the internet, healthfood stores and test daily to see if your ph level is getting closer to 7.0. That is the number both sides of the ph levels want to try and focus on.

Try these things for a while if you like and see how you feel about "the side effects" vs "dialysis effects" oh! Two more things, see if the stabilized oxygen doesnt help make a difference with blood sugar and maybe blood pressure because as much as they tried to give my Nani more diabetic meds and blood pressure meds when not really needed, I know that they were inhibiting her own body from performing its own tasks. Those things are important to try and defeat- we did. Remember, what we speak, shall be what is. the power of thought!!! I am on a mission!! Much love and Health. Melanie

Flaxseed Tea

Posted by Vanya (Frankfort, In) on 04/22/2010

Editor's Choice

In response to Patty from Palmdale, Ca. on 04/15/2010 who wrote:

Q: apple cider vinegar is said to be good for kidney disease, does that include all kidney related problems? My son is 6 years old and has nephrotic syndrome(scarring of the kidney's filters), will this remedy help him?

Simmer a tablespoonful with flax seeds in a 20 oz of water for about 5 minutes with a lid on, take of the stove (no microwaving) and leave the lid on for another 10 minutes, strain the seeds and give it to your son to drink that! Do not sweeten the tea, not even honey!

This tea could be given 5-6 times a day, it cleans your kidneys out of any infections and the legumes from the flax seeds help with healing kidney damage.

I personally cured my daughters right kidney when she was 7 years old with this simple remedy!


Posted by Cheryl (Bakersfield, California) on 02/01/2009

Editor's Choice

Kidney help

Years ago, in 1998 my son was sent home from the hospital, on a friday, after one week, with a very swollen abdomen and swelling in his ankles. He has had a disease called Nephrotic Syndrome since he was fifteen, and he was then twenty-four. At that time he had been hospitalized over forty times for this awful disease. This hospital that had had him for a patient for nearly ten years, lost his medical file! So my son told this new doctor that when he is in a swollen state that Lasix in pill form will not make him urinate. He told him that the only treatment that would get the fluid off of him at that point was lasix given intraveinously.

Well, the doctor refused and kept on trying to give him pills. When I told the patient advocate about the problem the doctor sent my son home the next day with about two gallons of excess water still inside him. He could not urinate more than an inch of urine containing blood and pus. Well, I made him a bed on my couch and tried to make him as comfortable as I could. I knew that it would be nearly impossible to find a kidney specialist on the weekend. So I went into my bedroom and closed the door and laid across my bed and cried and cried. And then I remembered something I had read in a little book titled: '10 Top Herbs to cure big diseases' It said that cayenne pepper unblocks any blockage!

So I thought to myself it is worth a try. I looked in my kitchen cabinet and I had it in my spices. I thought I would put some in soup, and then I told myself 'No' because that is just more liquid in him he doesn't need right now. So I dumped out some big capsules and filled up four or five of them. I gave them to my son and within a four hour period, he urinated three long times! After that his pills kicked in and began working! He remained in remission for about eight years but it always flares up when he gets a cold or flu, or under to much stress.

I hope this helps.
