I don't know what the relationship is but I have flare ups if I drink sweet soda whether artificially sweetened or not, organic or the usual. I haven't noticed any other strong correlations.
Eliminating Artificial Sweeteners
For Lichen Sclerosus, eliminate diet drinks, Soda and Crystal Light sweetened with aspartame from your diet. Aspartame is made out of wood alcohol, a toxin. When Aspartame 1st came out many years ago, I had the same symptoms, they now call Lichen Sclerosis. My doctor worked with me eliminating foods and drinks I was ingesting. We found my symptoms would elevate after aspartame drinks. After eliminating aspartame from my diet, I felt relief within a few weeks. Although it took a year to clear up all symptoms. I have been free of all symptoms for many years now. I read all labels, I do not eat or drink anything with aspartame.