Lyme Disease
Natural Remedies

Lyme Disease - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Lyme Disease. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Multiple Remedies

Posted by Cindy M. (United States) on 04/21/2019

Editor's Choice

I've used a combination of 2 detox protocols to cure candida AND Lymes. YES!! it is curable.

I want to say at the outset, I believe it requires at least a commitment of a year for this reason. Candida leaves spores in the body that bloom at change of season. So while you may be feeling great after 3 months, pesky little spores may bloom, and you are revisited by the symptoms that you had just seen leave. Anything fungal will include parasites. And parasites leave eggs and larvae. They burrow and hide. For those reasons, I wanted to do a year minimum. And I will do a refresher once or twice annually for the remainder of my time here. 🙂

The first detox was a change of food which can become a lifestyle change if you wish. Or once finished you can return to a menu with more variety. The most important thing is to avoid ALL processed foods, and all non-organic food, all GMO food, and all pasteurized foods.

(Pasteurized foods are those that can be rich in probiotics building a strong healthy microbiome, if only they weren't literally “cooked to death”. Pasteurization heats the food to 165 degrees or above to kill off any bad bacteria–AND all the good (probiotic) bacteria! Before pasteurization, wine and cheese were full of probiotics. That helps the pounds from packing on! Make your own (once you're all healed), and enjoy these foods guilt-free.

By the way, do not use probiotic supplements. There are thousands of strains of probiotics, and in the very best probiotic supplements, which by the way are PROCESSED, have at most only a dozen strains, and have been found to be of very little help. Dr. Mercola did a study on homemade sauerkraut (EASY) vs. the best of all probiotic supplements.

The results? One spoonful of homemade sauerkraut gives you more probiotics than an entire bottle of probiotic supplements.

Meat can be ok if it is pasture-fed, given no antibiotics or growth hormones. It's more expensive than standard meat, but not as expensive as hospital bills to treat illnesses that rob you of your health and life. Interestingly, if you haven't learned yet, antibiotics are a huge problem and given out far too often (to humans), creating these fungal/candida/Lymes problems. Even worse, 80% of all antibiotics produced in America are given to our animals that are raised for food. You may be avoiding antibiotics, but if you buy standard meat or milk, you're getting more there than if you took a dose yourself!

Two natural antibiotics are: 1) Colloidal silver, and 2) a combination of 3 essential oils: (Put into an empty capsule, 5 drops On-Guard, 5 drops Mellaleuca (Tea Tree Oil), and 3 drops of Oregano). Take up to 4 times daily.

The opposite of Pasteurized is RAW. Make sure you read labels before buying anything. Even health foods like RAW Kombucha are being developed differently than if you made it at home. And many supplements are the worst offenders. Look at “other ingredients”. If you don't recognize the long words you're reading, do you really want to put it in your body?! Companies get away with a lot using “natural flavors”, which may or may not be anything close to natural.

The food detox was created by a doctor in the 1940's and 1950's, primarily first for tubuerculosis (skin, lung, etc), and then shifted focus to cancer and any other chronic illness. When you heal, you heal everything.

Nice side note: Within the first several weeks or couple of months all of the bumps on the back of my arms went away. Sleep, which had not been good, became AMAZING. And any calloused/crusty spots on the bottom of my feet went away on their own. I had NO idea all of these things were due to toxins in my body.

This particular detox is not a brand, so I think I can mention the name. It's just a book or a documentary that teaches you EXACTLY how to eat for 2 years. You buy or grow your own food. It's the Gerson Therapy and involves juicing, coffee enemas, eating oatmeal, and fruits and vegetables (as much as you want–seriously I was never hungry and extra weight fell off easily).

It detoxes every organ of your body. You follow it for 18 months to 2 years–which is the length of time required to completely regenerate the liver, one of our most major detox organs– if you're reversing/curing cancer or a chronic illness. When you do the detox, it does become a lifestyle, although when you've completed it, you will likely add in other healthy, non-toxic foods (organic, non-GMO, non-processed and not pasteurized) and continue a couple of weeks of detox annually, the rest of your life. You really can't get sick eating this way, don't feel deprived, and really feel great.

*NOTE: Since I had severe systemic candida, as well as Lymes, I couldn't handle the homemade (delicious–not gross like what you buy at the store) carrot juice. I stuck with green juice only and couldn't even tolerate fruit. Within 6 months, I was able to eat fruit! And that's with a very severe case of these. I had been bedridden for 10 years.


Because we fight so many more toxins today, I added a fungal (candida, lymes, mold, morgellons, bacteria, virus, etc) component to my life that is so simple. Many companies are now producing supplements from the Mimosa Pudica plant. Anytime you have anything fungal in your body (if you've ever taken antibiotic, birth control pills or steroids–top 3 causes of disruption of our intestinal flora–or if you have chronic symptoms or illnesses–allergies, cancer, skin conditions, ALS, IC, IBS, MS, fibromyalgia, chronic infections or colds, etc), parasites accompany, which is a good thing.

They “carry” the highly toxic fungal material so that you're able to detox without off-the-chart die-off. I've had systemic candida for 20+ years, and had never found a cure. (MP is part of the cure. Heavy metals, including any in your teeth, must also be removed.) Also it's great to know that these fungal issues are one of the most common root causes of any chronic illness.

The seed of the MP plant is the first step of the cleanse. The cleanse cures all things fungal, and in my body, for 8 months, I unloaded parasites non-stop 2-4 cups (up to 1 litre) daily. I had no idea I had any parasites. But the parasites sop up all the fungal stuff out of your small intestines (and the rest of your body, and all your organs), and eliminate them via the colon.

The MP seed gets gelotinous when wet, and grabs and adheres to anything in the small and large intestines and drags them out. Since the parasites and its contents aren't killed, there is little to no die-off. (Candida alone has 90 different mycotoxins). It had felt like I could get die-off just thinking about a cleanse. Ha! Was amazed when I was able to use this MP supplement (which many companies are making) and never have one drop of die-off. I did use coffee enemas as I was accustomed to them, but don't know if I needed them.

I was fortunate to find a company that produced an MP supplement that is very high quality. Organic, non-GMO, no excipients or fillers. (The founder of the company was a naturopathic doctor who himself struggled with Lymes for more than a decade.) They have a great protocol outlined, with other supporting supplements for those who need to clear their detox pathways, etc, and offer a free online Q&A session every week. I have learned so much. Search on Amazon or google to find any Mimosa Pudica supplement.

Lastly, I'd feel remiss if I didn't mention that there is no need (and in fact it is a waste of time and money) to be tested for candida, lymes, parasites, mold or anything else. These things can be in all areas of the body, and even a cultured stool test may not find parasites that reside in areas of the body that tests have no access to.

Also, most tests only look for a few of the thousands of parasites and pathogens exists. I passed every magazine or online candida test I took–looked like I was in perfect health. I was finally tested for candida 5 years ago, and while the blood test I took the very same week as the stool test I did, the blood test returned a negative result, but the stool test confirmed what I had suspected for 20 years–a very severe, systemic infection. Most lab tests will return false negatives.

Btw, everyone has yeast candida. It's part of a healthy microbiome. It's when the candida morphs from its healthy yeast form into its fungal form, that it becomes problematic.

Lugol's Iodine

Posted by Manny (Montreal, Quebec) on 05/16/2018

Editor's Choice

I just want to say first of all that I have never had Lyme disease but I have been using Lugol's iodine for years and when I feel the onset of the flu I use a protocol put forward by Dr. Stephen Fisher who used iodine to cure malaria and influenza in Zambia and has years of experience using it for those reasons. I tried his protocol but was scared at first because the most iodine I have ever consumed in one sitting was about 8 vertical drops of Lugol's 5%. I read more about it and discovered that taking his protocol is perfectly safe as he was using it on individuals who never supplemented with iodine.

The protocol for flu is 20 drops four times a day for 1 day and the following 2 days 10 drops four times a day. When I was sick I was unable to get out of bed pretty much, sick as you can be without being hospitalized. I started the protocol and completed the first day, I went to sleep and the following day I was 99% better, had energy, was up and about, no more headaches, appetite returned. All that remained was my secondary infections (sinus mostly). I used a neti pot to get rid of my sinus infection and continued my day 2 of the iodine protocol just in case. It cured my flu! Since then I have used it several times to cure my flu and it works every single time.

Now regarding Lyme, this is caused by a bacterial infection, influenza is viral. Both bacteria and viruses cannot survive lugol's iodine, it's not even a close battle. If I was diagnosed with Lyme I would uses this influenza iodine protocol and feel very confident it can cure you. Why the medical community refuses to look at non pharma solutions is beyond me but I think this can really help people. If I had Lyme disease I would do the protocol and then wait 1-2 weeks and do it again until the bacteria was gone from my system and I felt much better. At proper dosage and duration I truly believe Lyme can be eradicated from your system. I hope this helps some people who have seemingly tried everything.
