Lyme Disease
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease - Herbal Treatments and More

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Oil Pulling

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Joan (Laurel, Maryland) on 10/11/2007

Hi, I am in the process of retiring on disability. Last year, my health dramatically declined. My doctor thinks it may be Lyme disease even though I've tested negative. I have been experiencing extreme fatigue and body aches for almost a year now. I started oil pulling about three weeks ago. I'm now only experiencing one or two days per week of extreme fatigue and body aches. For the first time in a year, I feel well enough to tackle the clutter that has built up in my house, I've been organizing and cleaning regularly. I still tire easily, but I am feeling well enough to tackle some pretty big jobs one at a time! Thanks so much for this info. It is really making a difference!

Replied by Glea
(Baton Rouge, La.)


Orange and Lemon Diet

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Don (Southwest, Michigan, USA) on 10/01/2008

I want to thank everyone on this site for contributing and sharing your experiences. After about 10 years and two seperate misdiagnosed episodes of Lymes Disease, I have now been symptom free for almost 5 months. After many different antibiotics and antifungacides I finally said to hell with them all and here is what I did:

I spent about seven days eating nothing but whole mandarin oranges and whole lemons. The whole thing, including the skin, seeds, pulp and juice. I would cut them into little pieces and wash them down with very hot plain water. I also took about 5 grams of Vitamin C.

Don't ask me why, but something just told me to do it. After about 8 days I woke up and I knew that the lyme disease was over. I then went on a modified no sugar - no flour diet. I did eat some whole fruit and lots of organic soy nuts for carbs. I lost 45 lbs and no more blood pressure medicine.

I now eat just about anything I want but not much, if any factory/processed foods.

We are all individuals and this worked for me. If I had not found this site and then listened to my bodies voice, I might still be suffering.

Thank you, best wishes and peaceful life to all,

Replied by Lisa
(Spokane, Wa)

the skins of lemons, lines & oranges have an essential oil that is toxic to heaps of micorganisms & parasites and largely non toxic to mammals. the citric acid stimulates the citric acid cycle to detox. sounds like a great combination. it is also alkalizing as the acids when metabolized have a net result in increased alkalininty.

raw & organic are the two considerations, chemicals from herbacides, pesticides, etc that might be on the skin could be a problem - so use organic only.

Replied by Maggie
(Suffield, Ct)

I am sticking to a Raw Foods diet for lyme disease. Most parasites cannot live in an alkaline body. Raw food creates this alkalinity. No processed foods. No white flour or sugar. I have read others who have done watermelon fasts similar to the oranges and lemons. I believe there is something to this.

Replied by Ruben
(, Argentina)

Hi! Thanks Don for sharing. Is there anyone else who tried this?

Replied by Rebecca
(Portland, Or)

Hi Don, Approx. How many lemons and oranges did you eat each day?

Replied by Costin
(Bucharest, Romania)

You've got to be kidding me! You say that you are cured eating 8 days oranges when thousands of people suffer out there, trying everything, eating everything. R U sure you had Lyme anyway?

Replied by Paul
(Guelph, Ontario, Canada)

I essentially did the same thing only with lemons. But first, over 3 days, I did the vitamin C, salt and water cure for Lyme. I was roughly 150 pounds so I injested throughout the day, 8 grams (that's right, grams. ) of vitamin C, 8 grams of salt, and 8-10 glasses of water. Over the course of 3 days I 'diarehead' it out. My symptoms fell away like butter. I essemtially stick to a gluten free, whole foods diet, with very limited grains and potatoes, always careful to keep my body as alkaline as possible, eating apples or slices of apples throughout the day. A year later, I did the lemon cure with apples and mastic gum for my decades old stomach condition. My stomach has never been better. I essentially stick to a blood type diet (O positive in my case) which is essentially paleo. Although I prefer to think of it as more neo-lithic. Fruits, veggies, meat and fish with limited grains. In fact, for my grains, I am still eating the odd Kamut bread but am hoping to go more raw food and sprouted grains. I try to limit my eggs to once or twice a week and goat's milk 2-3 times max per week, with goats yogurt for smoothies. But whole foods and keeping alkaline and eating an anti-inflamatory diet is the key for me. Since I am not completly raw foods I enjoy curry and the wonders of turmeric, etc. My 'indian dosha' is pitta-vatta. The links between different healing systems are like connecting the dots. Neverthless, it was the vitamin C, Salt and water cure over 3-4 days that saved me from my Lyme disease which had reached the point of encaphlitis. Now, I just have a very lingering tinnitus, which generally regular apple consumption and the occassional lemon peel help from time to time. Best of luck.

Replied by Carola

Paul; I want to thank you for your confirmation. Since I read the original post, nearly word-for-word, on another site, and under a different name, I was hesitant to credit it, but since your experience paralleled this, I am excited to try. Thank you!

Replied by Serach

Hi, if I do the salt and vit c can I eat while doing it or is it a fast. My body is weak and I dont think fasting is the best idea. Does it help to eat the skins of org lemons, oranges and limes if I am eating reg food, tho no junk sugar etc. Also, is collodial silver safe? NOW I have bad bronchitis and layrngitis any ideas? Thanks, Serach

Replied by Yekara

Hi, about the lemons or lemons and oranges. Does one have to fast? And if I do the vit c and salt, do I need to fast or can I eat and just take 8 grams of vit c and sea salt, unrefined. My neck hurt a lot, is jerking and feels gravelly and like there are shards of glass in there and it feels crusty.

Does anyone live in the Boston area and have a colloidal silver generator I could use, as I ca'nt afford one right now and does anyone know if there are any dentists that know how to remove amalgams that take mass health? Thanks, Yekara

Replied by Sue

That's so interesting that you found orange and lemon diet worked. About 10 years ago, I came across some information that the peel of calamansi oranges was a cure. I just tried to google search it and can't find it anywhere on the internet except for your post here. I believe it must work. Also, I did find that orange is used as a repellant for ticks, so the ticks must not like orange/lemon for a reason.

Oregano Oil

2 User Reviews
4 star (2) 

Posted by Utsava (Vancouver, Washington) on 02/07/2013

I discovered this small black tick the other day underneath my skin and that 'bullseye' rash started, that ring, all indicating the tick has lime disease. I immediately started to take Iboprophen, and when I treated the 'ring' with Oil of Oregano, over might is became half the size! I also treat it with an antibiotic cream, however, the results by using Oregona are much better. I'm also taking stuff for the immune system, such as Olive leaf extract and Royal Gelee. Also internally I'm taking alot of garlic gloves, Propolis, Oil of Oregano (5 drops in a glass) as well as Artemisia (Wormwood); all to kill the bacteria. So far I'm feeling much better and I will continue to take these remedies for the next 4 weeks, and if nessessary add antibiotics as well. I'm doing better already!

Replied by Mt
(Ottawa, Ontario/ Canada)

Healing Lyme by Stephen Harrod Buhner.

Replied by Shutter
(Toronto, Ontario)

Please find a Lyme literate doctor and go to see them right away to be put on antibiotics. When you have just contracted Lyme disease it is very easy to eradicate with antibiotics but if you leave it too long and mess around with natural treatments you could be dealing with a chronic debilitating disease - I know! I'm treating it naturally now because I have no choice, I did long-term antibiotics after 2 years of having Lyme but I have neuro-borrealisis and it is almost impossible to get rid of and now turned to natural treatments and I've had it for more than 5 years now. Please go to an LLMD and go on a short course of antibiotics and get well. Trust me - I'm normally against antibioitics but don't mess around with this.

Oregano Oil
Posted by S (Carbondale, Il, Usa) on 01/22/2012

Oregano oil for lyme disease: better but not cured - I am taking it orally once every few days and can feel in my knees when it has been too long. Dissolves knee pain within hours. Also use it topically on the bite site, which becomes re-infected about once a month. Burns like hell. Expensive, too.

Replied by Nano
(Los Angeles, California)

How much oregano oil do you take? And do you mix it with something?

Pantothenic Acid and Pantethine

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Llltdia (Florida, US) on 11/05/2014

I have had lyme since February 22,1978. I rescued a puppy from the pound and she had 25 ticks and one got into my leg and I didn't know it for about a month. I was crawling around the floor one day and happened to sit up and found it in my leg. Well, you know the rest of the nightmare, no point in going into it. Sometimes I would feel great and couldn't remember what new supplement I had taken and then it would go away and I would be flat on my back.

One of the best ones I used was Bloodroot which I got from Ted but I had to take it with a scoop of L Glutamine powder (black cherry) so I didn't herx. Last night I was googling as usual and I remembered Pantethine for the adrenals. I had taken Pantothenic Acid on and off for years and I also took Pantethine too. I searched out my bottles of Pantothenic Acid, and Pantethine and took 1000 mg. Pantothenic Acid and 600 Pantethine along with an organic b-complex and a vitamin C and felt quite good in about 20 minutes. I am sure I found the missing link because I started googling and found nothing substantial about lyme and Pantothenic Acid or Lyme and Pantethine and that tells me that the information is very, very hard to find.

I started to google the symptoms of Lyme and the symptoms of a Pantothenic Acid and a Pantethine deficiency. From what I learned Pantothenic Acid (b-5) is great for acne or skin rashes and Pantethine is good for all the symptoms of lyme disease.

I always felt like lyme felt like Addison's disease even back in 1978 and exhausted adrenals are a Pantothenic deficiency. So at times I was treating myself for adrenal insufficiency and feeling great but forgot what I was taking. I have enough supplements to have my own vitamin store and I don't use antibiotics for this scourge. I tried them in the beginning but it always came back so I gave up on conventional meds. a long time ago.

Pantethine is for infection, exhausted adrenals, brain fog, cognitive functioning, cysts, rashes, sleep problems, low testosterone, liver problems, weight gain, angry, angry, angry, depressed, anxious, exhaustion beyond anyone's wild imagination, crawling on the floor, crying, screaming, vomiting, nausea, candida or yeast infections etc. It sounded like lyme to me, at least my lyme that I have been fighting with and googling for remedies for thirty six years. Now I am using an expensive brand of Pantethine 300 mg, 3times a day along with Pantothenic Acid 500mg. once a day for the cysts.

I always take an Organic B-complex along with the Pantethine and the pantothenic Acid so as not to cause an imbalance of the b's and cause more problems after I am feeling so good and so normal. I also take a 500mg. C and all the others like E, A, DHEA Plus Cream, 2 manganese and one organic Cranberry capsule for viruses. Cranberry doesn't work for me if it isn't organic, it just won't work. I still use 10 drops if Organic Bloodroot and one scoop of L Glutamine and Evening of Primrose caps. 1300 mg. I take two of them per day, two K2's for infection and my teeth and sublingual b 12.

It is the Pantethine and the Pantothenic Acid that is making me feel the best and giving me energy. I put idiot notes all over the house so I won't forget it again and put it on an automatic delivery in case I do forget even with the idiot notes. I hope you will please, check this information out and you might like to give it a try as it really threw me over the top. I don't know how I am supposed to feel at 70 years old as I was just thirty four when I found that tick in my leg and changed my life forever, I thought. I feel like I am doing very, well for a seventy year old. I seem to be doing as well as other seventy year olds and better than some of them. I have now started to take notice of other older women to see how they walk and compare them to the way I walk and move. I don't know how else to figure this out.

So, now I wonder if the lyme bacteria simply depletes your body of all traces of Pantothenic Acid and if you have no Pantothenic Acid you cannot convert it into Pantethine. I managed to sleep eight hours last night and I am ready to go to bed and actually sleep again tonight. Now I know why I have always craved milk and ice cream. A glass of milk has 40 mg. of pantothenic acid. It used to state that on every milk carton but suddenly it disappeared about 25 years ago. Best wishes and please google and study this information and if you are just too sick to do that please try to get someone to do it for you. Ask them to make print outs for you and maybe a kind, soul will read them to you. Eat everything that has high Pantothenic Acid in it, too. If anyone told you that your illness was in your mind and this works for you as it did for me then you will then know what to tell them, in no uncertain terms because it is your turn. Take care.

Replied by Jazz

Do you have Collembola too? If so, what do you do?

Replied by kk

Are both Pantothenic Acid and Pantethine the same thing? Will pantethine work just as well without pantothenic acid? Im about to order some stuff to Canada from the US because it is cheaper. However, most of the b5 supplements are filled with binders and fillers I wish not to consume.


Posted by Ann (Brevard, N.C. U.S.A.) on 03/02/2013

Anyone here with lymes disease? I am wondering about use of the probiotic streptococcus thermophilus that is in most yogurts. I've heard that it shouldn't be taken if you have a immune suppressant illness. I don't eat yogurt (dairy sensitive) but the streptococcus thermophilus is in some probiotics. Help? Thanks so much for this fabulous site/everyone's help.

Replied by Anonymous
(Morocco, In)

Don't have lyme disease that I know of, but if you can't tolerate dairy, you could try water kefir maybe for the probiotic benefit.

Pure Gum Turpentine

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Kurt (France) on 01/19/2024

A cure of 7 days or more of pure gum turpentine will kill any parasite/virus/bacteria thus lyme disease, and stop taking vaccine and tap water that is the source of many parasite/virus/bacteria.

Salt and Citric Acid

5 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
3 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Frannie (Rocky Face, GA) on 02/28/2007

re: Lymes -- I heard that to heal this awful disease if you will, you take 3 double capsules of real salt and One double of citric acid pure. You increase this and from what I was told the shift in the cell is what destroys the lymes...I know I havent done a good job at explaining this but my friend who I think is a chiorpractor has lymes and this is what she is doing to correct it.

Replied by Jeanne
(Trenton, New Jersey)


Lyme Disease Remedies: Do not use Citric Acid. I have no proof at hand, but have read that it can cause osteoarthritis. Arthritis pain disappears in many people when they eliminate Citrus. I've used the salt and Citric Acid and am now dealing with arthritis since doing so.

Replied by Craig
(Felton, CA)

I did a modified version of this diet to help cure my lyme disease. 5 doctors misdiagnosed my condition and I suffered for 6 months. My medical student friend suggested I take a course of doxicycline. It took a month of daily treatment, but I was left with more energy and could now get out of bed in the morning. However It did not eliminate the flu-like symptoms I had everyday. I found the salt and Vitamin C cure for LD on the web, but didn't want to ingest all that salt. So I took 1000mg vitamin C with full VitB spectrum, 2 oz of dried wheatgrass powder, 350mg of milk thistle, and ate high salt foods instead of ingesting the salt and vitC together. It took almost two years to fully rid myself of LD, but if I knew of my approach before the illness I think I could have limited it to six months. Hope this helps. And people, keep your head up. Depression feeds lyme disease. You can get better!

(Santa Cruz Cali)

Just received my Salt/C book & got this from larva worm bites on a blanket & Derm doesn't help me. I'm on my own!!! I have 2 drink Braggs Organic Vinegar EVERYDAY 3oz. & the Dr. gave me Tacrolimus ointment (that gives HX reaction & Diflucan 1 pill for 4 weeks. Which transferred the fungus from under my breast to my face (bad). It's a never ending story. And I pray for death……

Marsha Gail
(Southern US)

OhNo - please say sure better now & no longer pray4death - I'm so v sorry this has been so hard on you.

Replied by Snoopy
(Tulsa, OK)

How many times a day did you take the Vit.C/B/wheatgrass/milk thistle? Is it a special brand of Vit.C that has the Vit.B spectrum or is it a separate capsule?

Vanessa W.
(North idaho)

I would also like to know. Thx

Replied by Bri


Good one. I used the salt c protocol but it was hard to stick with. I also took antibiotics, I did not erradicate it though but got somewhat improved. I had eaten pumpkin seeds and had an herxinheimer reaction very constipated from the die off, as I found out can cause of crohn's and GI problems.

I believe spirochets are to blame for this, I'm on a laxative to eliminate the toxic die off which causes major brain fog and can cause breathing difficulty as it did last night, I also coconut oil and echiacea and golden seal but I'm continuing to get more better though it is not shown much in my blood now.

Salt and Citric Acid
Posted by Frannie (USA) on 02/28/2007

I found the website and you can read it. I think this is the one explaining what it was she was trying to tell me.

Salt and Vitamin C

5 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Eastcoast (New York) on 11/12/2013

Salt/C is an alternative for lyme disease that works. It combines vitamin C with Himalayan salt in measured doses throughout the day. The longer you've been infected the longer it takes to heal, but this works! If interested check out the book The Salt C plus protocol for lyme infection by M. Fett.

Salt and Vitamin C
Posted by Don (Milwaukee, Wi) on 06/16/2013

Big Yea! The Salt/C Plus protocol cured me and my entire family of Lyme. I heard about it at the Lyme Strategies Yahoo discussion group. And I bought the salt/C Plus book by M Ftt at Amazon and just followed the directions and it worked. There's a chapter in there of a survey of over 150 people who also got better from Lyme.

Replied by Katherine Murray

Yesterday, I read a post from a gentleman in Canada, about curing his long term Lyme with Salt and Vitamin C. He mentioned the book that helped him too. I cannot find it again. Can you help? Thank you. This site is so valuable to me.

EC: We found his post and attached yours to it.


Hi Katherine,

The book on Lyme by M. Fett that you are after can be found here on Amazon:

The Salt/C Plus Protocol for Lyme Infection

Salt and Vitamin C
Posted by Klaus-Christian (Osaka, Japan) on 05/03/2007

1g Salt and 1g Vitamin C mixed in water and taken every hour helped to cure my lyme syndrome in short time. Got the idea from Didn't get any high blood pressure or any other negative effects from the salt.

Replied by Susan
(Rockville, MD)

Regarding the previous post about the 1 gram of salt to 1 gram of Vitamin c, DO NOT use regular salt. Only natural unprocessed salt such as Real Salt or Himalayan salt can be used. Also, make sure you go slow, starting with 1 gram at a time and working your way up. Check out the lymephotos website for more information or the yahoo group dedicated to this protocol: lymestrategies

Replied by Susan
(Rockville, MD)

Many people, including myself, have found relief from lyme by using MMS. I use it in conjunction with the salt/c protocol. You typically start with 1 drop of MMS mixed with vinegar, citric acid or lemon/lime juice. Let sit for 3 minutes and drink with water or any juice with no vit. c. You can go to for a detailed explanation and instructions.

Replied by Sandrap
(Belle River, Canada)

I started the sea salt and c 5 days ago. I have pain in all my bones(these are all new symptoms) not sure if this is a herx reaction or problems with me doing this cleanse...I also only had diarrhea 1x and it was really quick..My hair also feels really greasy...Should I give this more time?? or am i so depleted in salt that my body is utilizing it instead of expelling it. I eat very healthy and alot of organic...I don't exercise that much because of my fatigue levels...I also have had weird dreams since I started this protocol..Any info would be appreciated, Thanks

Replied by Serach

hi, Is the salt c safe to take? I just took 1 tsp vit c, and 1tsp pink salt and the pain in my neck and back got worse. I have lymes and am treating it with herbs. I don't want to stop the herbs as the virus is going down steadily, but am utterly exhausted and in great pain.

Under the skin of my neck shoulders it's all gravelly and stringy/ropey. It feels kind of lumpy, like its not smoothe under the skin. The skin looks ok, but it feels bad. I got some acupunture yesterday and guasha- and a reg massage the day before, however it feels worse not better, more irrititated lumpy etc.

I also have a bad malevolent kind of feeling. Any ideas?

Thanks serach

Replied by Serach


Can you eat and what food? How long do u do it for? Thanks

Sea Salt

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Matt (Millbrook, Ny) on 10/22/2009

Sea Salt CURED my Lyme Disease in DAYS!

I had suffered for six months with Lyme Disease before I was diagnosed. It was absolutely horrible. I was going completly insane. I was at the point where I just wanted to die. After the blood work showed I was Lyme positive, I went on doxycycline for one month. That did nothing but make me sick to my stomach, and led me to developing a bad case of candidiasis (which was cured by raw garlic and restriction of sugar, another story for another time). Through this site, I found out about the miracle of sea salt. I bought unrefined sea salt from a local health food store, and when I got home, took a teaspoon (about 5 grams) of it with a glass of water. Within a few hours of ingesting the sea salt, I felt better than I had felt in months - it was incredible! The next few days, I took a teaspoon three times a day every day, and I'd say that within three or four DAYS, my now seven month episode of crippling Lyme Disease was GONE. GONE!!! For a few weeks after, I continued to take a teaspoon once a day, just to make sure that it wouldn't come back.

EVERYONE should be made aware that pure, unrefined Sea Salt, CAN cure Lyme Disease very quickly. Many people are infected with Lyme and don't even know it.

There are a few things you should know about using high doses of sea salt....

-Make sure you drink PLENTY of water.
-It WILL cause diarrhea, so I highly suggest using probiotics to replace the flora that are lost.
-Make sure you get enough potassium to balance out the salt (potatoes, orange juice, bananas..)
-Make sure it is unrefined, raw sea salt (healthy for you, as opposed to refined sodium chloride)
-Stay away from MSG! Ted said that when he took sea salt with MSG, his blood pressure went skyrocketing. I had the same result when I took a spoonful of salt before eating a prepared dinner (lots of MSG).

I'm very positive that this is possibly the best treatment for Lyme.

To sum up everything, taking about 15 grams (about 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons) of sea salt throughout the day, for several days, cured my Lyme. It should also be noted that a SINGLE dose of salt (about 5 grams) did more for me than an entire month of doxycycline.

Replied by Daniel
(Osan Ab, Korea)


I hope that this message reaches you somehow...because I would really like to talk to you about this. I am considering trying the Salt/Vitamin C protocol so I wanted to talk to you about your experience. I have had Lyme for 2 years and I need to get better. Please get back with me.


Replied by Matt
(Millbrook, Ny)

Dear Daniel,

What is it you would like to know? From my experience, sea salt cleared up the symptoms very quickly. I felt very relieved in just a few hours, and I felt back to normal after a few days. Please, however, don't take any medical advice from me, I'm only a farmer. That's just how my experience went. I pray you get better soon. I know how debilitating Lyme's Disease can be.

-Best wishes, Matt

Replied by Hatelyme
(Newport News, Virginia)

I notice all my symptoms of lyme worsen when I increase my salt and c... Am I getting worse or herxing?

Replied by Susan
(Portsmouth, Nh)

Hello I also felt immediately worse after my first dose of salt/C. I had to stop after a few days because the Herx got so intense. Interestingly, after the Herx cleared I felt much better, better than before I tried the salt/C. Each time I did it, the same thing happened, and I felt better each time the Herx cleared. This was the therapy that finally got me out of the Lyme nightmare. I started doing this after two and a half years of misery and trying everthing under the sun, including lots of antibiotics. I think it is a given that when you are killing off the bacteria, you are releasing loads of neurotoxins from the die-off all at once. The trick is to chelate the toxins as you kill them off. I used cilantro with chlorella, which helped tremendously. Also activated charcoal and zeolite. Keep the faith. Do it in small doses in short bursts. Good luck.

Replied by Jeff
(Portsmouth, Nh)


Are you continuing to improve on this sea salt treatment? I'm 13.5 years sick with Lyme, 1.5 years post diagnosis. I've tried a couple rounds of antibiotics and only got much worse. This sea salt seems to good to be true. Can you provide me with more information?

PS Looks like we are neighbors.

Replied by Robyn
(Melbourne, Australia)

20 yrs undiagnosed, can you believe it? Women with extreme pain & unexplained symptoms need antidepressants.

Replied by Teresa
(Tahlequah, Oklahoma)

Hi, has anyone ever tried this sea salt remedy for lyme disease? It definitely sounds too good to be true, but of course, I'm always open to anything that will heal this horrible lyme illness. Wouldn't this remedy be hard on the kidneys? I have medullary sponge kidneys (I chronically form kidney stones & follow a low sodium/low oxalate diet), so I'm concerned about consuming so much salt.

What is the difference between "raw" unrefined sea salt, & regular or Kosher sea salt you buy at most grocery stores?

Please advise if anyone has any links or articles where I can read more about this remedy.




Replied by Susan
(Portsmouth, Nh)

Jeff... Sorry I did not immediately respond to you. I have been feeling so much better and am getting back to a very normal, busy and wonderfully pain free life.

Yes, Salt/C was THE thing that turned the tide, and I continued to improve each time I used it, which was probably for about a year and a half. I was religiously consistent with it for about a year, but felt the results immediately. In my research, I read that the bacteria NEVER develop a tolerance to it, and that the salt can break through the biofilm and cysts. I would say from experience with both salt and antibiotics that it is true. But the beauty of the Salt/C protocol is you have total control as to the doses and length of treatment pulses, which can vary depending on what the Lyme is doing and how much Herx you are willing to tolerate. Ramp it up slowly. My Lyme would get worse in the Spring and Fall. Sometimes I would push the protocol to the max at those times, sometimes not. With antibiotics, I generally had to suffer through the entire four to six week dose to get any results.

I also had great luck with Lugol's iodine, which I would use in between or with the Salt/C protocol near the end of that year and a half. Check out a website called the Iodine Project. My dentist told me about it. (I went to this guy who is in Skowhegan ME for safe mercury removal - also check out a website called Smoking Teeth. ) I got my hands on a reprinted book from the thirties or forties about Iodine written by a doctor. He had compelling thoughts, if you really understand Lyme and read between the lines, that iodine prevents mucopolysaccharide formation, which is the biofilm, basically. And of course, it kills everything - fungus, protozoan, bacteria etc. I only use the salt once in a while now, just to be sure, and I keep iodine as a regular pulsed supplement.

Please keep me posted if you try the salt/C and if you have luck with it. I used the Himalayan Salt but Portsmouth Health Food Store has 'Real Salt' in bulk for really short money. It is also unprocessed.

Good Luck in your quest for answers.



I was wondering how you are doing with the Lyme etc. I just found your post from several years ago. Trying to save my daughter from this hell.

Also trying to find the salt C protocol.. Off to look more.



I just removed two ticks after visiting a farm, so was looking through my info about Lyme's disease, just in case. I had made notes about the time I got Lyme's disease about 10 years ago (bulls-eye rash, got it on Martha's Vineyard). I ordered a book from Amazon and used the protocol. It worked. I did also have two IV vitamin c treatments. It's called the Salt/C protocol.

Replied by Lisa
(Maple Grove, Mn, Us)

To Susan in Portsmouth, NH, I was diagnosed a month ago with Lyme Disease and have been doing the Salt/Vitamin C for about 2 weeks. I have also been doing the iodine protocol for a year and a half using Iodoral. Do you think Iodoral would work as well as Lugol's? I find it easier and more convenient to take, but would switch to Lugol's if it would work better. Thanks for your uplifting post. Some days this Lyme can really get me down.

Replied by Susan
(Portsmouth, Nh)

To Lisa from Maple Grove MN Regarding your question about Iodoral vs Lugol's - I know that Lugol's has a mix of both elemental iodine (5%) and potassium iodide (10 %) that (I would assume) is a good mix for the human body. I checked the website for Iodoral and noticed that it has a similar mix. Evidently the thyroid prefers the iodide and other body sites, like the breasts and ovaries, prefer the iodine. Go to 'The Iodine Project' on your computer and there is a wealth of very good information based on the work of Dr. Abraham.

I feel for you being in the throes of Lyme. But you WILL conquer it with a few simple but proven therapies. The life cycle of the organism is so long that it can take a while to get back to normal if it's been in your body for a while. I read somewhere (I think it was Bryan Rosner's book 'The Top Ten Treatments for Lyme') that if you take an antibiotic for, say, strep throat for ten days, you have hit the life cycle of that bacteria almost 500 times and that with Lyme, it would take something like 5 years to hit the life cycle that many times.

I also rotated the salt with TAO free Cat's Claw called Samento). In the early years, I had tried the regular Cat's Claw at the health food store with little success. I decided to spring for the $30 dollars once with a company called Nutramedix. Wow. What a die off reaction!! I stuck with Salt because it is so inexpensive and Lyme almost bankrupt me. But I wish I had learned about what really worked early on. Anyway - Samento could be one more thing to keep in mind if you want to rotate your treatments.

You say you were diagnosed a month ago. How long do you think you have had it? I was hit pretty hard. And the intense pain and exhaustion just seemed to go on and on and on. I should be embarassed to admit this publicly, but there was a point where I was seriously suicidal. I thought I would never get rid of it and it would just torture me for the rest of my life. Some, if not most, websites I read were basically saying you will never get rid of it. I totally disagree. I intend to be vigilant for many years to come, if not the rest of my life. But I think you need to understand what you are dealing with and be tenacious and as optimistic as possible. Patience is key. Every Herx you endure means you are killing off the little b####s by the thousands if not hundreds of thousands. The fact that it is a biofilm is key, as well as the fact that it is intracellular and cyst.

You may also want to check out a product called Wobenzym. You can get it the least expensive at but it is an investment. It is a protein digesting enzyme that digests the biofilm and cyst, which will increase the effectiveness of any treatment plan you choose.

Don't ever lose sight of the fact you will will will conquer this disease.

Replied by Yvette

Hi Susan,

I have two sister's who were bitten by ticks just three days ago. While I'm praying that they don't develop this debilitating disease, I want to be prepared with as many natural treatments as possible.

Thus, I have several questions.

1) The 1 gram of unrefined sea salt every hour or 1 tbsp total seems like quite a lot to consume each day. How many total glasses of water did you drink each day?

2) Did you have to consume high potassium foods, probiotics, avoid wheat/sugar/MSG, etc. to offset the higher salt intake and symptoms?

3) How often did you take 1 gram of Vitamin C? Three times a day? Every hour?

4) What is Herx? Is it very painful?

Thank you for your story and feedback!


Replied by Andrea C
(Wales, UK)

Hi regarding your question 'what is herx?' It's another name for 'The Healing Crisis' which you can Google. Here is also inflammation on Herx in Lyme disease.

Love Andrea C xxx

Replied by Emma

My herbalist said to mix 1 gram of vit. C, Himalayan salt and oregano oil, 3 times a day.

Replied by Diana

Can I use pink hymalayan sea salt? Thank you for sharing your experience...praying it works for me....using 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide at 20 drops three times a day with stevia and its awful. God bless

Sea Salt, Oregano Oil

Posted by Viv (Calgary, Alberta) on 11/03/2012

I would like to offer my story with lyme and what worked for me. I was bitten by a tick when I went camping in BC Canada; rarely go camping, in fact possibly 5 x in my lifetime and I am 47. I noticed the rash upon my return home to Calgary; however at the time was not sick at all so didnt really think too much about it. Ticks in Canada? Rare, right? Well not so rare. I was uneducated in this department; like so many other Canadians. I began feeling sick 10 days after returning from my camping trip, again at this time the connection with the rash was not even considered. Began with bad sinus-like headaches, my left leg felt tingly and numb, as well as the left side of my face. Overall felt like flu or sinus infection, but that didnt really explain the leg and face tingly numb feeling. Over time, 4 months, symptoms escalted; severe sinus pain, painful ears and trickling sensation in ears, numbness in left side, severe left shoulder pain, neck pain (later stages), feeling that I was going to pass out, anxiety, panic attacks, having to think carefully about speech prior to actually speaking, weak all the time, cognition compromised, vertigo and the list goes on and on..... One of the most scary symptoms was the body tremors; other than visible shaking of hands these body tremors were invisible to my family. While my symptoms were restricted to the left side, for the most part, the right side was affected too, but on occasion only. When this happened all symptoms on left side disappeared. Visits to the emergency and multiple doctors diagnosed everything from sinusitis to MS and of course stress! Never lyme disease; however, at that time the rash was never brought up, until just last week. I took the test and am waiting for the results. I know I have lyme and decided to start alternatve treatments despite pending test results.

This is my daily regime;

Himalayian sea salt and Ester-C - 11 grams of each spread out over the day; am, lunch and pm. I weigh 110lbs. I drink lots of water throughout the day to keep the sea salt moving through body.

Joy of the Mountains Oil of Oregano - 15 drops am and pm in an 8 oz glass of water.

Grape Seed Extract - 1 tablet each day

Day 4 of the treatment; for me, truly amazing. The feeling in my left side; tingling and numbness easing considerably, headaches not so severe, in fact very mild and sometimes none at all. Cognition much much better, speaking more freely, strength returning. The die-off is intense today..... Lots of visits to the washroom, but all good. Slight headache, left side, but far from what I experienced each day, still some shoulder pain, but legs and arm are good.

The sea salt and oil of oregano I believe are my saviours. It is early days for me, but today I feel the best I have felt in 4 months. I share my story with my fellow sufferers who like me have been so traumatized by this disease.

Silver Nitrate and DMSO

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 05/22/2016

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN,,,,,,,,, getting a tick or two every time I work at our farm. Had ticks all my life, but that was before our Defense Department let the Lyme disease loose at Plum Island. Now a tick bite makes me nervous.

Here are my thoughts.......... spray the site with Silver Nitrate followed by a DMSO spray. I think both of these will also kill the tick and hopefully the disease. I would like the smart folks on EC to respond to this. I can start confusion, just most times I can't finish the subject. SJS.


Replied by Timh
2043 posts

... and taking a few capsules of Echinacea / Goldenseal by mouth a few times would help quickly rid any infections before they become strong & chronic. Echinacea (Purple Coneflower) was used extensively by Native Americans for poisonous snake & insect bites and Goldenseal was used for infections. Out west, the herb Chaparral (Creasote Bush) was used by Native Americans for all manner of illnesses, and is now regarded as a most beneficial herb for infections, parasites, snake & insect bites, is potent antioxidant, and one of my favorite herbs.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear ORH,

I think that the DMSO and silver sounds great for tick bites. I have found colloidal silver to be wonderful for tick borne diseases ( Colloidal Silver healed my dog of Ehrlichia when doxycycline did not.)

I had a deer tick on my leg for almost 24 hours. I thought it was a mosquito bite because it was itchy and I just wasn't paying attention. Then when I had on reading glasses, I could see that little tick. I put a drop of diluted oregano oil (25% that I keep in a bottle in my bathroom) on the tick. After a few minutes I removed the tick. The oregano oil also stopped the itching. I have no swelling at all today;I can hardly find the bite now. Usually I just use Apple Cider Vinegar on tick bites and take turmeric if the itch bothers me. I am going to experiment more with oregano oil for the tick bites. I just don't like the smell, but it will be worth it.

Timh mentions Echinacea, which I think Dave has also suggested for it in the past. I agree that this herb or a whole host of different immune supporting therapies (like high dose vitamin c) have much promise in dealing with and preventing Lyme.

Teasel root is also gaining a reputation for healing chronic lyme if it should come to that.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn)

HI U MAMA,,,,,,,,,, our boy, Mitch, worked at the farm with us today. When cutting cane along the creek he failed to see a black snake above his head. When he cut the cane it fell on his back and naturally scared his mule.

We watched as the snake climbed back to the top of the cane. Why it needed to be in the top of the cane is beyond me. Maybe to catch a bird.

In my youth, I had snakes fall into our boat while we were frog gigging. They would not hurt you, but would make you hurt yourself. We never killed them as they serve a purpose.

I have oregano, so I'll try that on my next tick bite.


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