Lyme Disease
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease - Herbal Treatments and More

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Ted's Remedies

Posted by Amy (Graham, NC) on 04/02/2023

Hello. I am hoping to find out how long to use Ted's Lyme disease remedy. Thank you for any help! The remedy he posted is below:

I constantly update my remedies whenever I receive some donor help to get the supplies to do the tests. Recently I was able to obtain bloodroot and hence the updated lyme disease is as follows:

1. Bloodroot tincture (40% bloodroot 60% ethanol alcohol) is taken at least at starting dose of 3 drops x 4 or x 6 dissolved n a glass of water. If bloodroot is taken, vitamin B complex (B50) is needed as is vitamin C sodium ascorbate 1000 mg. to help healing of tissues as bloodroot kills the invading organism.

2. Baking soda 1/2 teaspoon in 1/2 glass of water, on empty stomach taken twice a day.

3. Borax is used, not boric acid at 1/8 teaspoon in 1 liter of water is milder then boric acid which maybe too strong. For men's dose maybe 1/4 teaspoon dissolved n 1 liter of drinking water. Most rashes are reduced from baking soda with gradual improvement with the borax. A boric acid is a stronger boron, and I prefer borax as it is more alkaline then boric acid and has less boron content.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Mark (South London, UK) on 10/31/2014

Apologies if this sounds a dumb question. Where can I find Teds remedies for Lyme disease? I read comments about it but can't actually find it, or any of his remedies. I only read other people's suggestions. Love this site. Thank you so much

EC: You will find some of Ted's posts on Lyme Disease in the Q&A section.

Ted's Remedies

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Posted by Rita (Arizona) on 10/08/2013

Thank you Ted for helping everyone. I followed your advice about the bloodroot for Lyme. I had it since Feb. 22, 1978. I slowly upped the dosage to 30 drops a day throughout the day. Five or ten at a time. I know you suggested 3 drops but the bottle said thirty so I "went for it". I feel great. I also use two scoops of Black Cherry glutamine powder per day to remove the dead cells and prevent Herxing. I also want to thank you from the very bottom of my heart for telling everyone about the tomatoes and tomato products like salsa that cause knee pain. I also read the book on blood types and he said type O blood are allergic to night shade vegetables. I am now totally knee pain free. It took 10 weeks to feel better. I had been suffering with knee pain since I was 54 and now I am 69 with no knee pain. I read that Cilantro stops knee pain for type O's who eat night shade veggies so I'm trying that because I love Mexican food. I bought 4 bunches of organic cilantro and put it in a bowl of cold water with little plastic bags on top of each bunch to keep it fresh and now I make a shake with it. I found a ND on the net who suggests... One half cup of cilantro, one banana. About 15 organic (frozen) blueberries, 3 table spoons of cottage cheese, about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of your favorite milk, and I like to cheat sometimes and use 1 tablespoon of organic brown sugar. He said it takes three weeks to get the lead and other bad minerals out of your body and it also kills lyme. There is very little Lyme disease in South America and they sure use a lot of Cilantro in their food. Bill Mahr said that the State of Calif. Has passed a law that all food made in Calif. Must contain cilantro. Interesting. Cilantro also kills Salmonella and they have had a problem with that in the spinach fields. I also read that cilantro strips the mercury and lead and other metals that the lyme uses to make the film which protects them from antibiotics and herbs. I have had great success with bloodroot and glutamine powder and I hope the cilantro can help with the allergy to night shade veggies especially thoes tomatoes and tomato products. I use to eat breakfast burritos and they were killing my knees especially the ones from Mexican restaurants with white potatoes in them. If the cilantro was not helping with the knee pain in South America wouldn't the people of thoes countries be cripples with knee pain when they reached the age of 54 like most people with type O blood? I am trying to connect the dots here. They don't have lyme to any extent and no knee pain and they eat cilantro in their food. I think I'll do as the South Americans do and stick with my cilantro. I also use cilantro extract and now cook with it. I am trying to get up the nerve to fix some breakfast burritos but I am so afraid the knee pain will return. It is so horrid as you said that I was bed ridden because of pain from the night shade vegetables and weak from lyme disease. By the way I always tested neg. For lyme. So much for tests in the good old USofA. I will keep you posted if the cilantro allows me to eat night shade veggies. I feel wonderfull Ted and I have you to thank for it. God bless you, Rita

Replied by Serach

Hi, I am really struggling, really bad neck pain under skin gravelly and stringy and lumpy, so tired and depressed and uncontrollable sobbing poor sleep. Have Lymes being treated with herbs and homepathics. Still feel awful, eat no nighthshades, no sugar or junk, get acupuncture and some massage, feel terrible, any ideas. I cut back 50 mg on gabapentin for moods, and feel so much worse, also on trazodone.

thanks serach

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Serach from Jerusalem,

In re what you think is a Lyme infection;

Obviously a manifold problem with many pathogens...bacterial...viral and likely fungal. We seem to see the whole ball of wax with Lyme.

So I use Colloidal Silver orally to start ridding the system of pathogens. I'd take three times daily on empty stomach; two tablespoons minimum. I make my own; got a little "generator" (just three batteries and two wires of silver)...and my dose is about 200 ppm. To get rid of system wide problem I take the CS for six months. I take CS apart from mineral supplementation.

If the problem manifests close to surface of skin as you describe, I take the CS mixed fifty/fifty with DMSO (google 60 minutes DMSO Dr Jacobs for good three part video). The DMSO will act as a carrier of the CS.

If I knew I had Lyme, I'd get on the anti microbial program immediately, before anything got to the spinal column or brain. Treating that problem would mean applying the same fifty/fifty mix to a white cloth and applying topically to base of skull and spine, three times a week for a month or longer until symptoms stopped. (Intense headaches, motor function problems, balance issues.)

I always make sure to focus on the "if this were me, I would try..." because I do not diagnose, treat or advise for another...all I do is tell folks what I'd do ... and usually have done if afflicted by similar symptoms.

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem."

Replied by Serach

Dear Dave,

Could you tell me exactly where to buy what I need to make a generator to make cs, and what parts I need and exactly how to make it.

How much does it cost to buy generator. It is way too expensive to buy from store.

thanks Serach

The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum

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Posted by thamas (east coast nsw, australia) on 11/20/2007

re: cure for tick bite for dogs and humans -- My dog had a severe reaction to a nasty tick. Her eyes were rolling in the back of her head and her tongue was swollen and she couldn't breathe. She was going to die. Instead of a $700 vet bill I gave her about 7 drops of diluted ledum (a homeopathic) every 10 - 15 mins and within 1/2 hr she was completely normal. there was no side effects or after trouble. Hey presto problem solved. If anyone in my househould starts to feel sick from tick bite or even if I find a tick on anyone it is always cured completely with ledum.

EC: More interesting info on Ledum found at this website:

Replied by Dorie
(Chesterfield, Va)

I had lymes disease and took the doxycycline, but the tingling in my legs and feet came back even before finishing the prescription. I also developed a bladder infection which I usually cure with lots of pure cranberry juice. I noticed that my tingling stopped after drinking the cranberry juice so I drank it about 4 times a day and the tingling went away. I also noticed that the tingling came back after shaving my legs so I started to disinfect the razor. This helped. I also used anti-biotic cream on my legs and feet. You can feel the hairs on your legs stand up after drinking lots of cranberry juice. I figured the germs were trying to get away from the acid in my system so I would kill them with the anti-biotic cream when they migrated to my pores. I also tried to eat a low carbohydrat diet which also tends to change your ph to the acidic side and I heard that germs feed on sugar. Thank goodness this worked since my doctor would not give me any more doxycycline.

Replied by Jane
(Chesterfield, Va)

I am also from Chesterfield, Va. I was infected with Lyme in July 2010. I have had the same issue with the doctors, they won't even consider Lyme disease, "Lyme doesn't exist in VA" is just one of the lines the docs had for me, even though I had the EM rash, removed the tick myself & have had many symptoms. 31 days total of anti-biotics & the Lyme was still active. I also am treating myself with nutrition, exercise & herbs. Doing okay, but still having bad fatigue, numbess & tingling until a few days ago. I am taking Oil of Oregano now, it is a powerful anti-biotic, anti-parasiti, ant-microbial & much more. My energy has increased tremendously in 4 days! I am taking only 2 drops in juice twice a day & I feel like this could work, I would recomend making certain that nothing else your taking will create a bad reaction, but I think Oil of Oregano is a good option...... best of luck to all who are living with this disease.

Replied by Angelina
(Boston, Ma)

Hi! I have same problem go to lyme org. They will refer you with a list of Dr. Literacy in lyme finally I found a Dr. one hr. away from where I live and I know he knows what he is doing .

Replied by Calliegal235
(Owings Mills, Md, U.s.a.)

This info looks helpful. You may want to do your own search for Samento, and see what else you find online.

Replied by Brian
(Drasco, Ar)

If you even think that you have lyme disease, make sure you see a doctor. This disease is not treatable with any natural or herbal remedy. You need serious antibiotics and a lot of them. Even if you do go see a doctor, they are not always up to date with this disease. YOU have to do a lot of research for yourself and MAKE the doctor listen to you. If that doctor won't listen, find a new one. I developed lyme in 2009. The symptoms started showing up months after I had been bitten. When it got to the point when I knew something was seriously wrong I went to the Dr. The first appointment she ran blood work and showed that my white blood cell count was a little elevated and I had a fever. She said it was just a light grade infection and would go away on it's own. I went 2 weeks and of course no improvement. I went back to the Dr. I complained of no energy, aching body, mental fatigue. She had the audacity to refer me to a mental health specialist. I went home angry. There was no way in heck this was a mental health issue. I got on google and started looking for my symptoms and came across lyme disease. I also remember getting bitten by a tick earlier in the year. I did not have the bullseye rash. By this time I was in pretty rough shape. I stayed in bed most of the time and I could hardly come up with the proper words to even form a sentence. I made another appointment with the doctor. I insisted that she test me for lyme disease. Reluctantly, after informing me that lyme does not exist in the Memphis, TN area she drew the blood and sent the sample off to the lab. She also, wisely prescribed Doxycycline. 2 weeks later lab results confirmed lyme disease. By then I had done TONS of research. When I went back in for the follow up she still had no clue on the proper treatment. I had reems of paper with me with information on treatments and other peoples experiences. Luckily she took that into consideration and WE laid out a good course of treatment. I also made an appointment with an infectios disease specialist and honestly I had the same results with that Dr. "I've never really seen anyone with lyme" type of thing.

When taking antibiotics you're going to have a reaction to it. You're going to feel like you are 2 breaths from death. They call it herxing. It's a reaction of the dying bacteria giving off a toxic substance that you won't tolerate well. Truthfully, It just sucks!! You'll have to power through the 2-3 weeks of hell to get better. It's been 2 years since this has happened to me and honestly I'm still not 100%. The biggest complaint that I have is anxiety. I NEVER had anxiety problems before this. Now it's a constant problem. I believe this disease can do damage to areas of your brain or at least change the way some things work. I do feel a lot better though and am thankful for the antibiotics.

So, if you're just finding out that you have Lyme disease or you think you have lyme disease, Make sure you do your research and make sure you are firm with your doctors. This disease is not a joke. I wish you the best of luck and remember, this thing will change your life. Just try to stay in control and remember that things will get better.


Replied by Xavier
(Owensboro, Kentucky)

Hi brian, Did you not read any of the comments on this thread that you posted on I. E. the comments about how natural cures DO work??? I guess you didn't bother, else you wouldn't have wrote such unsubstantiated rubbish.

So who are you - a doctor or a pharmceutical producer/supplier? Please don't prey on vulnerable people in the future!

Replied by Renee
(Canton, Mi Usa)

Hi I just googled nystatin for Lyme since I think it was 25 years ago I contracted this and was trying to figure out how I got many of my symtoms to go away for years ( I did not know I had it unitl 6 mos ago) and I remembered taking powder nystatin in water. Very interesting. I am having problems with the antibiotics but also use many other remedies. I think I could also have interfence fields from scar tissue. Trying to find out more. I have bad tremors on left side. Lots of stuff on left side. Great site!

Replied by Kristin

What exactly do you mean "interfence from scar tissue?" I have some Lyme symptoms but also have had many abdominal surgeries over the years with the last being a colon resection last year. Surgeon said I had a lot of scar tissue. Symptoms started within two months after resection. Please help.

Tick Pathogen Nosode Drops

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Posted by Rhonda R (Roseburg, Oregon) on 05/26/2014

I have recently been using "Tick Pathogen Nosode Drops" for Lyme ~ and it seems to be working , there isn't a lot of info out there yet. Anyone else using or heard about this as a treatment to cure Lyme ?

Replied by Ln

I am currently taking a homeopathic nosode for Lymes, EBV and mycoplasma and am feeling a lot better.

(South Carolina)

Hi! I know it's been several years since you posted that your were taking nosodes for Lyme. Just wondering if it helped? Thank you.

Replied by Rebeccaws
(North Carolina)

Where do you buy the nosode for Lymes, EBV and mycoplasma?

Replied by Portia
(Santa Fe)

I was so happy to read about Professional Formulas Lyme Nosode Drops (they have Tick Drops too). Their Mold Nosode Drops drops helped me immensely a few years ago. And their products are very affordable.

Replied by Miss M
(New York)

You need antibiotics for lyme period. I have had it twice.


Not true. Antibiotics will not always "cure" it anyway. Good for you if big pharma did you a solid...

Treating Lyme Disease

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Posted by Sid (La Honda, Ca) on 06/30/2012

I have Lyme disease and am being treated by a Lyme doc. Please understand that you can waste precious time using unproven remedies to kill this spirochete, the Lyme bacteria. Science shows that this very slippery critter is VERY hard to get under control. It not only likes to hide out in joints, but also loves the heart, brain, and the nervous system. I was fearful of taking antibiotics, so started with a very capable naturopathic physician. Tests are important to not only verify what you have, but to check to see what other coinfections have piggybacked on to your weakened immune system. Each coinfection also has a particular way of being treated - and some of these are quite tough in their own right. You are likely to have more than just the Lyme Borrelia. I started with a ND, and later, after doing a bit of reading, chose a good Western Lyme doc, the most direct route to getting well. They are worth it - the longer you have this disease, the more challenging (and expensive) it is to come back from. I chose to go from herbal Lyme killers(cat's claw and Japanese knotweed), to antibiotics and am doing fine after 2 months. I have my brain and much of my energy back now! I think it is crucial to use probiotics alongside the antibiotics several times daily. I wish that best for everyone!

Replied by Anonymouscat
(La, Ca)

I have done a lot of research on Lyme. I was so sure I had it I had four different tests all negative. But I want to say it is crucial that you get the right doctor and right medication early before it is deeply embedded in the body, tissues etc. because it is harder to eradicate later on.. So I think natural stuff combined with western medicine is the only way to go, but act quickly. The problem with lymes is the waiting for the antibodies to build.

Replied by Psalm341
(Santa Ana, Ca)

Lyme Disease: I was tested 7 times by my general practitioner. It was not until I found a Lyme specialist that I was tested by Igenex and it came in positive but by then it was 2 years and I was in a chronic state. 2 years of antibiotics and naturopathic and I'm finally able to function.

Vitamin D, Zinc

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1 star (1) 

Posted by Megan (Cheney, Wa.) on 01/06/2012

It has been my unfortunate experience that Vitamin D and Zinc enable the lyme. It needs zinc in order to multiply and D to hide from the immune system.

Replied by Nona
(Denver, Co)

What do you mean no vit d and zinc for lyme?

Replied by Mimi
(Grand Forks, Nd)

My 32 year old daughter has chronic Lyme and is overwhelmed with where to start with treatment as she has not found a qualified Dr. As with most, there are other co-infections, including severe mono. She was put on 10,000 IU of vitamin D but Megan mention Lyme like this. At the moment the Vit. D is the ONLY thing that helps her to be able to get out of bed. Please help direct me to info of how Vit D and zinc are negative.

Vitamin D3

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Posted by Margaret M. (Ct) on 11/15/2019

5,000 IU, of D3 helps with Lyme - improved circulation and mood of my son who got it when he was just 10 years old. He's now 18.

D3 helps thin blood, so be careful if you are already on a blood thinner. I also take it daily as it lowers my blood pressure.

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