Anyway I was tested for mrsa, 2 times negative, lymes by blood test 2 times negative, scraped for scabies nothing , then biopsied and they found on my arms squamous cell carcinome, my legs are horrible they called that post inflamatory hyperpigmentation but from what? Why did my legs get dark brown spots and scales, my back looks like acne scars and still red sores but nothing. Saw a psyphologist he said they are not stress sores. They come sometimes these spots 3 in a row to 15 in a rown all brown spots all over my body. I did have what I thought was ringworm til my face got bells palsy. My biggest concern is what this is and why I had clear lungs now I do not. Can it be fungal ? My concern is Cachexia.
I am 5'1 and weigh now 100 pounds. I look anorexic. I want to live and no doctors really want to help me. So I am here no other place, I am trying to alkalize my body for the squamous cell, I do not know what to use for an anti-fungal and or parasites like hulda says parasites causes cancer but also fungus causes cancer. So how can I treat this all at once and regain my health. I do not know where to get black walnut ground fresh cloves and there was one more for anti-parasitic. Garlic for fungal, and what else do I need. What vitamins will bring back muscle tone? There is someone on the net selling vitamins for cachexia but I know someone will know here.
Also phil from dearing posts a lot here. On the news here local news, many people getting sores in Augusta, and no doctors can diagnose it, it wa broadcast on WRDW News. Many here walking aroung with unknown sores. I have no fibers, sometimes black granules but they may be small scbs underneath the scab. I threw almost everything away and matresses, clothes all in plastic bags just in case. How do I get rid of the brown thick spots? My skin is ruined bad and no one ever had this in my family.. Where can I find the answer to my post on latest posts. Ted I send everyone I know here. I believe the Lord had this site for all who do not want radiation, chemo, or any illness from any diseases. My ph is still 6.5 so should I do 1/2 teaspoon full 2 times a day and get magnesium and potassium. Should I add the apple cidar vinegar. Please help me get better. I am sick of being sick. God Bless You all.
I love earthclinic and have used many remedies from this site. I started hydrogen peroxide inhalation method and it has been fantastic for my scleroderma pain. I have a question, though -- I have a problem which is that my "hair hurts" -- sometimes it can be tremendously painful. I guess there is a problem with the folllicles. If I shave my head -- ie no hair -- then I have no pain (this is not a big deal for me as I cover my head for religious reasons anyway)! However, I was wondering if there is a solution for this problem? Thank you in advance!!
From the attached article I am wondering if I was ingesting too much bicarb soda and I was becoming too alkaline. I was adding bicarb soda to my ACV and also taking Green powder. I was taking ACV morning and night and adding the bicarb both times.
I also read that baking soda neutralises the stomach acid and stops the acids from breaking down the food.
I also had a couple of baths with baking soda which may have disrupted my sodium/potassium balance & overloaded me with sodium depleting my potassium.
I am rethinking whether we should add Baking soda to ACV. What does everyone else think?
Sounds like either pus from an infection or candida. In either case, an enema of H2O2 (diluted to 3%) once a day for a few days should help, along with a protocol of no sugars, dairy, processed foods, plenty of probiotics taken on empty stomach, aloe vera juice added to the ACV tonic and consider taking H2O2, food grade, a few drops in 8 oz of water on empty stomach each day.
When I read your post I thought of Crohn's Disease but of course I'm not a doctor - Get it checked out Bill - Colorectal problems are NO fun.
It started as a white kind of thick, pastey like substance. Over time it seems to have gotten thinner, more of a waxy and yellowish color. Sometimes it's very little and sometimes there's a little more. Never to where it's running or anything. Just to where I can feel it and need to go to the bathroom and clean up or take a shower if I'm home. Some days it seems to go back to the thicker white phase. Almost like a really thin cream cheese. Most of the time it's more of a greasy/waxy yellow. (I haven't actually touched it with my bare hands, I can only assume from wiping with toilet paper)
I've been checking on line for months now and haven't found exactly the same thing. A lot of people describe orange oil from eating fish or cashews. It's not that. Some describe a clear oily or puss like substance. It's not that either. I've also found people who describe a really disgusting fishy smelling stuff. After 3 or 4 months I finally forced myself to (close my eyes) and smell it. It hardly has a smell at all. Very faint and not like anything I could describe. Certainly not like anything that came from there, and not disgusting or fishy. Very strange. Also people have had these symptoms go along with their condition: stomach pains, constipation, diarrhea, painful BMs, bleeding, gas, cramping. I have had NONE of these. I don't believe it's from something I'm eating because there's nothing that I eat that much of for it to be going on for so long. I've checked here many times and haven't found anything either.
A few people with some of the problems I've described tried a peroxide enema (with water) and said that worked for them. But since their problems weren't really the same as mine I haven't done it yet.
The few that said they went to their Doctor have not gotten rid of it. They either gave them antibiotics that didn't work or just keep trying something else. One even said they had surgery that didn't do anything.
I know Ted is very busy with many requests for help and that is why I've avoided asking for so long and tried finding the answer myself. Now I'm really starting to get worried once I realized how long it's actually been. I would really appreciate any advice. (44 year old, male) Bill
Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) is called Sampa-sampalukan in Filipino. It is a weed that is about 30 - 50 cms high and grows all over the lowlands of the Philippines. I use it as a fresh decoction(the best form) all the time. It is a unique plant where all the flowers and seeds are produced directly along the leaf stem or petiole -- that is why some also refer to this plant as "Seed-Under-Leaf". So this one might even be growing in your garden and it is free. Here is a picture of it:
Make a tea or a decoction of this plant and take it 3 times a day. It is very bitter tasting -- you can add orange juice to ths mixture if you like. You should also be able to buy Chanca piedra as capsules in Healthy Options.
The only nutrients you wont be able to buy at Healthy Options are Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate), lugols iodine (use kelp capsules instead -- from Healthy Options) and borax.
Baking soda (Arm & Hammer brand) can be found in most SMs or CSI malls in the baking section.
I've never found borax anywhere in the Philippines -- I purchase some from a welding shop once -- it is used as a flux -- but I was unsure of any additives or impurities. My own source of chemical grade borax was purchased from Thailand. But you should be able to purchase Boron(same as borax -- Sodium Tetraborate) in Healthy Options stores as a supplement.
More specifically, myasthenia gravis is defined as a paralysing nerve disease due to a lack of acetylcholine production in the associated nerve cells. There could be multiple causes for this -- a lack of choline for its manufacture or some inhibition of either the Acetlcholinesterase enzyme or Thiolase enzyme involved in formation of acetylcholine in the nerve cell. The cause, which may give rise to this problem, could be either because of free-radical damage to these nerve cells or due to pathogen or viral damage in these nerve cells. There is also current research that suggests that there could be signalling problems -- as an indication of immuno-deficiency -- within the immune system which could give rise to these auto-immune problems.
Therefore extra options are that you might also want to try are clove oil, methylene blue low dose naltrexone.
Clove oil(5% clove oil mixed with 95% vodka), another one of Ted from Bangkok's therapies, can be used as a spray or wipe and must be applied to all joints -- especially the backbone. Clove oil is an anti-viral and when used like this acts to chase out any viruses hiding in the bone fluids. Thus clove oil can penetrate the blood/bone barrier to remove these viruses -- which is why clove oil is useful against viruses like Epstein Barr, Herpes and even cancer which also hide in the bone fluids -- as is the case with cancer, which is able to suddenly metastase and re-attack the body years later after remission. But when these viruses are forced out into the blood system, they will be attacked and removed by any strong and healthy immune system.
Rub the clove oil on and around every major joint -- elbows, shoulder, knees and ankles. Most important, rub this oil all the way up the backbone and neck. Apply the clove oil twice a day like this. It feels hot. This will drive out any existing viruses hiding in the bone fluids and the anti-oxidant therapy for the liver will boost and help the immune system to fight and remove the virus in the blood.
Methylene blue(MB) -- widely used in Ted's therapies for cancer, coma problems and Alzheimer's -- is a super-mitochondrial anti-oxidant that improves the cells energy production by more efficiently removing/neutralizing the free radicals formed inside the cell from the Krebs Cycle. This greatly boosts energy production efficiency and energy levels of cells. As well, methylene blue is anti-bacterial and anti-spirochete -- it has been used for over 100 years as a malaria cure. These days MB has been relegated for use as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal for fish in fishtanks. So you can buy this at any aquatics shop (I found my MB in a hardware shop). This MB form has to be pure because fish are extremely sensitive to any additives and toxins. MB is normally sold as a 10% solution of MB. Dilute this down to 0. 1% and the dosage is 6 - 8 drops in a glass of water twice a day(take the last dose no later than 3 pm). This should significantly raise energy levels too. Always ensure you take methylene blue with daily Vitamin C(which is in the my protocol anyway)
I still take all the above remedies mentioned for different reasons. I'm over sixty now, with very little wrong with me. But it wasn't always like this.
Another method I have not tried, but one that seems to be having great success is taking low dose naltrexone(LDN) which seems to have remarkably beneficial effects for huge number of auto-immune diseases -- including MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson, neuropathies and possibly even myasthenia gravis. See these links:
The dose -- which must be exact -- is only a single daily dose of between 3 mgs to 4. 5 mgs LDN with a glass of water in the evenings before bed. LDN works best in the sleep period between 11 pm and 3 am and is involved in both aiding homeostasis as well as hugely boosting the immune system against, specifically, most auto-immune problems. LDNS works by simply boosting the body's endorphin levels, which can strengthen the immune system by doubling or even trebling the levels of NK immune cells in the blood. You can probably buy generic naltrexone in the Philippines -- but you will have to get a pharmacist to formulate the low dose pills very accurately. Too much or too little naltrexone dose and it will not work. And I have no idea whether naltrexone must be prescribed by doctors in the Philippines or whether it is widely available. This is just another option for you if you wish. Speak to your doctor about using LDN, maybe he can prescribe it for you -- it is very cheap. In the past, naltrexone was used in much higher 300 mg doses to help alcoholics and heroin users get over there withdrawal problems. It is an older well known drug. The patent has also run out on this drug, so it should be cheap.
I would also like to add my own concern and deepest good wishes for Ted's rapid recovery. I hope he heals very quickly. I have also sent him a donation and my best for a speedy recovery by email.
Thank you so much and may God will continue to shower his blessings for this wonderful site. My prayers for Ted that God will touch the hearts of people who are kind and generous. I will be praying for his fast recovery. May God preserve Ted's life so he could continue to magnify his mission.
Also you say your problems are relieved by beer or having a small red wine. These foods are fermented food and good for your digestion by putting good bacteria into your gut.
There is a lot of information available on the internet re the fact that we destroy the good bacteria in the gut (which helps us digest the food properly) by many things, antibiotics, chlorine in the water, pasteurised milk, quick rising bread and many others. This makes our system toxic because we can't get the toxins out of our body. This toxicity can cause food allergies, candida, excema, headaches,
I would say you need therapeutic doses of probiotics, also digestive enzymes, fermented foods (kifir in coconut milk, home made yoghurt, fermented vegetables etc. To get your gut back in shape. ACV is also a fermented food. One glass of lemon juice a day is also meant to be great for you and will help getting your body into an alkaline state. Also an apple a day is also good for your body.
There are some great youtube videos on food fermentation, also google the GAPS diet which helps your body back to a proper state.
The first thing to do would be to get a hair mineral analysis done. This will tell you and gve you a clearer idea of the minerals that are lacking in your diet. This should also tell you what excessive amounts heavy metals, if any, you have in your body as toxins. When you know what minerals you are lacking, then you should supplement them. If you're worried about infections in your intestines, you could also arrange a stool analysis with your doctor. Doing this should give you more peace of mind and will also help in cure recommendations on EC.
Almost certainly, from your gallbladder, blood and energy problems, you seem to have an insufficient or damaged liver. The best way to heal the liver is using the specific multi-anti-oxidant therapy below. This therapy will repair the liver, get it functioning properly again by providing many beneficial anti-oxidants to help remove toxins from your liver and body as well. Combined with this protocol is iodine and magnesium supplementation, which will help to improve the thyroid, which will, in turn, help your hormone balance and should improve your energy.
Healing the Liver and Thyroid
* Chanca Piedra tea or herb capsules --- 1000 mgs twice day a day at mealtimes. Or you can drink the tea form 3 times a day.
* Milk Thistle capsules -- 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes.
* Alpha Lipoic Acid -- 300 mgs twice a day at mealtimes.
* Selenium -- 200 micrograms twice a day at mealtimes. The following should be taken outside mealtimes
The following should be taken outside mealtimes:
* Ted's lemon and lime body alkalizing remedy -- This will help to cure your blood acidity as well as acid problems in your tissue cells and will also help the liver. It also creates a bad environment for pathogens in your body.
* Iodine --as kelp capsules or as 5% lugol's iodine solution. Lugol's Iodine dose is two drops once or twice a day. Iodine also helps to remove fluorine and bromine toxins from the body.
* Magnesium -- as magnesium chloride, mag citrate or mag gluconate -- 250 mgs twice a day, morning and evening. This will help further support your thyroid and should give you more energy. Magnesium, together with tyrosine, also helps to convert iodide to iodine for storage in the thyroid.
* Vitamin C -- As ascorbate(alkaline form) not as ascorbic acid. Ascorbate C is an antioxidant which also aids thyroid transport and cellular absorbtion. This alkaline form should not cause you problems (Ascorbic acid is actually a pro-oxidant and is the acid form of Vitamin C).
Detox heavy metals from the body.
Eat cilantro in salads 3 times a week
Drink green tea every day.
Supplement everyday with chlorella/spirulina.
We have addressed your liver and thyroid issues which both have such a major effect on the control of the other glands and metabolism of your body. You could also supplement sea salt, Holy Basil and Olive leaf for adrenal insufficiency(energy) as recommended on EC if you wish but generally, when you heal the liver and the thyroid both at once, the adrenals seems to heal as well.
The herbal part of you liver remedy as well as the iodine should also help to address your intestinal problems as well. I know the Chanca piedra herb particularly well, as it helped to cure my own systemic candida problems and is a well known liver/kidney protective.
I would also advise that you look at the Borax remedies on EC since your problem seems to bear a close relationship and likeness to Fibromyalgia. Borax will remove fluoride toxins from the body, it balances the hormones and also kills specific mycoplasma and fungi pathogens in the body including candida.
When you know more from the hair mineral analysis and stool analysis or if you are unsure about something, you can always just ask at EC.
I'll try and rate them from 1 to 10 with 10 being the sickest
here's what happens when I really get sick, at level 5 and up, I'm so lethargic I can barely walk, eat, shower or function mentally or physically and my muscles turn to jelly, it feels like a toxic poison running though my system, my breathing is labored and my heart rate is up for about 48 hours before I start feeling better, several time a day (only when I'm sick) for about 5 mins my breath smells like poop, at about level 8 I have a unbelievable chill like I'm freezing my insides jerk, I have some pain in the lower abdominal area.
the backs of my legs hurt something awful, my hamstrings from top to bottom hurt so bad I can barely sit, it's a burning stinging pain
level 5 to 8: lemon, BBQ sauce, steak sauce, chili and anything tomato base the more tomato the sicker I get
level 3 to 5: any kind of gravy, sausage, chocolate, onions
level 1 to 3: beef, pork, chicken, cinnamon, paprika, any kind of salad dressing, tuna fish, vinegar orange juice and anything with vitamin C
I can get rid of the toxic poison feeling, the chills and lower ab pain if I drink a few beers and/or a small glass of red wine then I'm left feeling tired for a few days.
After doing trial and error for about five months finding out what foods made me sick I was fine for about six months, the last couple months I feel a little sick all the time
In Dec. Of 09 I had my Gall Bladder removed the only change was it would take 7 to 8 hours to get sick instead of 3 to 4
Note: I don't eat any of the foods I listed above.
Thanks for listening hope you can help.
If your bronchial flap is infected with bacteria, then it will not work properly and may be swollen or displaced creating a blockage -- which is what may be causing the coughing and burping. You probably picked up this infection in the hospital when you had your baby by cs.
You must first go to a doctor to get this problem diagnosed and confirmed properly as soon as possible. Ask for a bronchioscopy. This will not be expensive.
To help kill the infection:
* 2 tablespoons ACV(Organic Apple Cider Vinegar) then add 1/4 -- 1/2 tspn of Baking Soda in a half glass of water 3 times a day. You can buy _____'s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda (Arm & Hammer brand) in the SM mall supermarkets. Add the Baking Soda until the fizzing stops. If you cannot afford the ACV then just use ordinary vinegar or rice vinegar -- called DATU PUTI -- instead of the ACV. This will also kill the bacteria. Sip this mixture slowly to bath your throat in order to kill the bacteria.
* One teaspoon of Milk of Magnesia in a glass of water twice a day. You can also add 5 drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide(10% by volume) to this mixture for greater effect. This will also help kill any bacteria or pathogens in your throat and can even kill MRSA. Sip this slowly too.
* Drink fresh coconut milk on its own or with added fruit juice(fresh). The coconut oil in the milk will both strengthen the immune system and will also help to kill the throat bacteria.
Some ideas for you -- but you MUST first go to a doctor first to get your problem diagnosed properly as soon as possible since your ailment interferes with your breathing and could be life-threatening.
please help me.. I cant take care of my baby bec. my conditions.
Did some research to see what this was and Im thinking maybe its either a: spider bite, boil, scabies, or a scalp infection. I dont know what it is. I just really want help.Can anybody help me?
He told me because he now is having trouble breathing. Everything causes shortness of breath. He can't do anything too strenuous. He hasn't lost any weight and he doesn't cough a lot but when he does, this stuff comes up. Anyone heard of this.
He hates Doctors and will not go.
My brother was diagnosed with hypogonadism and his symptoms were very much like yours. Might be worth having your thyroid checked for this. He must use a topical steroid every day (which I hope will end some day) but also he has changed his diet dramatically (Paleo) and has had amazing results.
Grain or gluten intolerances might be triggering some of your symptoms too (and these are also related to thyroid problems which happen to be hereditary in my family). Grain/gluten intol would also explain your leaky gut too.
Hopes this might help a little bit. And I pray that you are on the road back to wellness ASAP! .
All the best,
Merryanne in Central FL
Been feeling this serious abdominal pains and discomfort over years. Been feeling pains, bubbling noise (abdomen cramping), feeling of pelvic muscle tighting and feeling heaviness in abdominal region, and lastly feeling fever for it sprouts out burning sensation... These constantly and continously happen! Kindly respond asap for your positive advises are welcome. Thanks in advance!
I should list the symptoms although it pains me to do so. She has headaches, pain all over her body, aches in joints and muscles, stabbing in head. Dizzyness when standing for short periods of time, nausia, weekness. She has times of clammyness, sweating, constant sensations in her legs, itching all over (usually in the evening) She grinds her teeth at night when sleeping and sometimes when awake she has the sensation to do so. She has problems sleeping and falling asleep. She can't focus or concentrate on more than one thing (sometimes anything) She gets anxious and nervous. Shaky all over (she describes it as internal shaking) She says she sometimes she just can't turn her head off. There are a few days in between that she can somewhat function, but for the most part she is down. All traditional blood work is normal, slightly elevated white blood cell count, high Aldolase at 11.6. All hormone levels are good. She is still on one medication wich is effexor 75 mgs. (It is impossible to get off of). She has also recently had to take xanax for her episodes of anxiety. Been drug free otherwise for at least 5 years. And we intend to keep it that way! Sorry for the list, I thought it would be important to include. So, she does have fillings in her teeth. Her next thing is to be metal tested. I think it could be parasites, fungus, metal poisoning?? I read one of Ted's post's regarding these things and went and aquired the things he mentioned. Ted, could I get more specific info on implementing them. H202, Selenium, Echinacea, Sodium Ascorbate, Seasalt, Garlic, Magnesium, Apple Cidar Vinegar. Thank you for your heart to help people Ted and all!! " A man with many burdens needs many prayers"!!
To Kay from CA: I've also wondered if it was a hormonal imbalance for the exact some reasons. To be honest, I can't remember everything I've had tested. However, I've been meaning to get a copy of my files from my Dr. I'll have to let you know when I get the paperwork. Thanks for your empathy and encouragement!
To Deb from AU: For an extended period of time, I did take a very good B-complex. It kept me from having any lows after I ate, but it did not do anything for my overall symptoms. Thanks for your idea and the link though! P. S. : I spent three months in AU and really liked your country! I hope your enjoying the sunshine!
To Mother Earth from KS: I haven't looked into Adrenal Insufficiency, so I'll have to read up on it. Thanks for the tip!
To Laura from CA: My diet is overall a very healthy one. I also saw a nutritionalist a few years back. Unfortunately, she was as puzzled as everyone else. I have debated taking a green supplement, or something with kelp, so I will look into the one you suggested. I take some very good vitamins, but I know supplements are not as good as fresh healthy food. I'll also check out Maca powder; it sounds intriguing. Thank you, and I'll let you know what I find out!
To Lemarque from AU: Thank you for sharing some of your expertise. I did glance through some info. on anxiety attacks, but I'll have to take some time to look more thoroughly. When we were trying to determine if my symptoms were simply psychosomatic, I did see a counsellor for a short time. She said specifically that I did not need to be treated for trauma, and my mother had her symptoms long before I was born. I can have a very fun and relaxing day, and still suddenly crash. Yet, I appreciate your feedback, and I'll spend some time looking into anxiety attacks. I've recently looked into some of the Bach's Flower Remedies, and I'll go over to their page to check up on what you suggested. Thanks!
I found your post regarding your unexplained symptoms very interesting. It seems as though you have thoroughly examined the blood sugar aspect and as yet have found nothing to explain your symptoms. I read also that you have had neuro-testing which has shown high level stress but otherwise nothing predominantly physiological. I note that you feel that your symptoms are not psycho-somatic, and strictly speaking, I would have to agree.
However, I think you may have to consider that your symptoms in the absence of a physiological cause could be a rather severe form of "anxiety-attack". I have seen and treated several people with anxiety that presents with very acute physical symptoms. For one person it was almost as if she was having a grand mal epileptic seizure, for another it was like a severe asthma attack. Interestingly you say that your mother and sister have similar symptoms and I assume they too have not been able to find an underlying cause. "anxiety attacks" can have a strong familial trend especially in the female lineage. Since this has been an issue since a very young age with yourself, it is important that you sit with your family and try to figure out if there was any traumatic or upsetting event that occurred in your childhood or theirs that may have been a trigger to your current situation. It may be worth while seeking the help of a counsellor to do this, as often what seems like an insignificant event turns out to be the causative agent.
In the meantime you could try a 2 week course of Rescue Remedy (Bach) or Emergency Essence (ABFE) and follow that up with a more specific essence for anxiety such as a combination of Aspen, Cherry Plum, Olive and Star of Bethlehem (Bach) or Calm and Clear Essence from ABFE. I hope you find your answer Best Wishes
You could also add 1 teaspoon of Maca powder. It is known for regulating hormones and is great for overall vitality. You can order all these products at or get them at a good healthfood store. The symptoms you have are very mysterious and confusing. I wouldn't be suprised if this took care of it completely, but even if it doesn't, I think you will benefit from the extra added nutrition you will be getting. I wish you well!
I'm a twenty-nine year old female with an undiagnosed health condition. I've had this condition to varying degrees for as long as I can remember. It worsened around the time I was twelve, backed off a bit for about thirteen years, and got very bad after I had our beautiful daughter two years ago.
In terms of symptoms, mine can rapidly become extreme. They start as a "brain fog" and the loss of fine-motor skills. I become irritable (which is not my usual demeanor), and my ability to reason logically is greatly impaired. Next, I usually start to hyperventilate, and then my breath catches and I am not able to breathe in. That's the really scary bit, but I think it only lasts for a few seconds. Then I collapse, curl up into a ball, start crying (if I haven't already), lose all basic control of my muscles, and on occasion have mild hallucinations. The odd thing is that I have never passed out. However, I have short-term memory loss during that time. I will remember one thing very clearly though; it's usually the color of the ceiling, a couch, etc. to pull me out, we have to give me about a quarter of a diabetic sugar tab and a couple of large spoonfuls of peanut butter. It will take me a few of hours to recover fully, but on occasion I have not been back to normal for a couple of days.
Now, I start to have symptoms every two hours. That means I have to eat about every two hours. Nuts, meat, and eggs usually help to keep it under control. However, there are times when I will "crash" no matter what I eat. For a long time, I thought that protein was the key. Unfortunately, beans, soy, lentils, quinoa, buckwheat, and milk products (cheese, yogurt, etc. ) do not help at all. Sugar and glycine will pull me out of a "crash" quickly, but, as I said above, I have to counter them with nut butter.
I understand that my symptoms are very similar to a blood-sugar imbalance. Yet, I've been tested three different ways for that, and they all came back saying that my insulin levels were, not only okay but, very healthy. I have had a basic heavy metals test, and a food allergy test: They both came back with nothing very unusual. I had a brain chemistry test done through a company called Neurogistics (they're a great company who treat brain imbalances with over the counter supplements). My test came back that I'd been under high stress for a long time, but there wasn't anything terribly off. I went followed their recommendations on supplements, and it helped my brain to relax and cured my insomnia. However, I did not help my pre-existing condition.
My symptoms can also be triggered by stress. Yet, I do not think it is psycho-somatic, because my Mother and my Sister also have similar symptoms. I do have a slightly under-active thyroid, but, even when I was taking a prescription, it did not help.
I am currently taking two tsp. of ACV twice a day, and a glyconutritional supplement. I have not noticed any long-term differences with the vinegar, but the glyconutrients do help me to recover faster. I know glyconutrients are a bit iffy for some people, and I am not sure exactly what it is in it that helps. I have wondered if it is the aloe? I would love to know, so that I wouldn't have to spend so much on the supplement I am currently buying! Also, sports drinks tend to help clear up my head, and I can only assume it is the potassium. I exercise six days a week, and am in every other respect a very healthy person.
I've seen a slew of Dr.s and people who practice natural medicine. However, I keep just getting more puzzled looks.
I am sorry for the long post. If you have any ideas I would be very grateful. Plus, you would probably help my whole family! Thank you so much for reading this and for your help!
EC: Dear E.m.d.
Please read our Remedy Side Effects page. A few of the symptoms you are reporting can be found in the apple cider vinegar section.
He was weak and had no appetite, but tried to do what he could in the rehab hospital. Three months later, his legs and ankles are still swollen, red, and hot to the touch and he can't move about without a lot of pain. After a brief increase in appetite due to appetite stimulants, he's back to no appetite and is getting very depressed and weak. He still can't move and lays in bed all day.
Does anyone have any possible causes or treatment? The doctors are stumped, but continue to run what seems to be the exact same tests again and again. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you. -Lisa
Loren's Friend
Since the doctors are unable to diagnose the problem what I would do is get a sample of the girl's stool and have it analysed for things like candida, IBS, H. Pylori etc. The second thing I would do is get a hair sample from the girl in question and have it properly analysed for mineral/vitamin deficiencies (not expensive). This will give you a much better idea about her rea problems and condition.
The last thing I would do is to protect the young girl's liver -- since this could also contribute to her intestinal problems. Taking Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium and Milk Thistle(taken with Vitamins C, E and Vitamin B50 is also beneficial and synergistic) will help to protect and revive the young girl's liver. This also helps to generate Glutathione which works to remove poisons and toxins from the blood -- also highly protective for the liver. Giving the girl Virgin Coconut Oil capsules will help to revive her intestines, soften her stools and also will help to protect her liver. I used VCO when I had candida - and when I had candida I also had very infrequent bowel movement and stools like concrete -- which was completely and gently softened by the VCO in just over a week.
See these links here for more information:
If you have confirmation that the girl is suffering from systemic candida -- then follow the candida protocol here:
Anti-Candida Protocol(See Bill from San Fernando's post)
At the moment I can't really tell you for sure what the little girl is suffering from -- not enough diagnostic info.
Loren's Friend
Often dryness of the nasal is connected to metabolic acidosis, low vitamin A, low potassium, and low glutathione. This may be helped perhaps by taking potassium citrate or potassium carbonate roughly 1/4 teaspoon after meals 30 minutes twice a day. Vitamin A 25000 iu a day may also support so moisture a little. A good glutathione supplement is best taken as N acetyl cysteine form at 1000 mg a day. To allow reduce bleeding vitamin k I might use between 100 to 300 mcg a day. Smelling perfumes for some reason reduces or stop nose bleed. Taking supplements such as aloe vera oil 1 teaspoon or 1/8 teaspoon of beta sitosterol and helps healing. Ringing of ears maybe due to dryness of ear or taking too much pain killers or restricted circulation to the ears. Stopping pain killers, taking 400 mg vitamin B1, taking 1/ 2 teaspoon of baking soda 30 minutes after meal and taking magnesium chloride, magnesium glycinate might be helpful at 100 to 200 mg a day. Often if nerve transmission is weak you can get tinnitus bought on by dryness of nasal area. In most cases it is helpful to take vitamin c 500 mg 4 times a day for a 2 or 3 months to help healing. It is also helpful for healing if 1000 mg of lysine and 1000 to 2000 mg of glutamine. This supplement is used for me in healing of damage tissues.